This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Anicetus 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Contribateliers 60% 1,283 12,714 76,234 1,018 58 26 0
Dégooglisons Internet 40% 6,313 81,055 583,495 6,276 592 5 0
Dolomon 85% 409 3,450 20,294 409 72 0 0
Framacalc 93% 18 314 2,067 18 6 0 0
Framadate 77% 4,795 25,020 141,340 4,787 1,135 204 4
Framaforms 81% 115 2,904 19,944 108 13 4 0
Framasoft 68% 1,856 45,191 305,152 1,785 271 32 9
Framaspace 70% 456 5,142 33,924 456 18 0 0
Framaspace Intro 80% 90 807 4,695 90 1 0 0
Framatalk 80% 92 1,333 8,716 82 15 1 0
Inventaire 48% 17,221 86,587 544,835 17,088 0 21 2
JoinMobilizon 69% 641 33,454 232,907 627 117 2 11
joinpeertube 41% 18,863 220,512 1,687,536 16,005 1,407 223 27
Mobilizon 50% 47,102 309,289 1,960,915 46,607 788 2,452 133
Nextcloud Apps 86% 251 2,249 12,707 215 37 121 17
PeerTube 60% 70,628 453,639 3,715,540 36,857 33,182 500 60
PeerTube Companion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PeerTube LiveChat 14% 37,723 589,001 4,247,974 37,400 173 17 0
PeerTube Search Index 82% 662 2,100 15,733 568 159 2 0

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