Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding a <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>banner<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>, an <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>avatar<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/> and a <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>description<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>.
Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding aCha deach gach seanail agad a shuidheachadh gu slàn. Dèan fàilteachail iad is innis gu soilleir dè bhios tu a’ foillseachadh is tu a’ cur ris <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>bannerratach<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>,an<x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>avatar<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/> and agus <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>descriptiontuairisgeul<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>.
Some of your channels are not fully set up. Make them welcoming and explicit about what you publish by adding aCha deach gach seanail agad a shuidheachadh gu slàn. Dèan fàilteachail iad is innis gu soilleir dè bhios tu a’ foillseachadh is tu a’ cur ris <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>bannerratach<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>,an<x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>avatar<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/> and agus <x id="START_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="<strong>"/>descriptiontuairisgeul<x id="CLOSE_TAG_STRONG" ctype="x-strong" equiv-text="</strong>"/>.