Anything not included in the above that breaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the server.
Anything not included in the above that brRud sam bith nach eil ’ga ghabhail a-staigh gu h-àrd ’s a bhriseaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the servereirmichean na seirbheise, an còd-giùlain no na riaghailtean coitcheann a tha an sàs air an fhrithealaiche.
Anything not included in the above that brRud sam bith nach eil ’ga ghabhail a-staigh gu h-àrd ’s a bhriseaks the terms of service, code of conduct, or general rules in place on the servereirmichean na seirbheise, an còd-giùlain no na riaghailtean coitcheann a tha an sàs air an fhrithealaiche.