Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefully.
Process uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefullyzesatu igotako bideoak, edozein gailuk erreproduzitzeko modu igorgarrian egon daitezen. Baliabideetan garestia den arren, PeerTube-ren zati kritikoa da, beraz, jarraitu kontu handiz.
cess uploaded videos so that they are in a streamable form that any device can play. Though costly in resources, this is a critical part of PeerTube, so tread carefullyzesatu igotako bideoak, edozein gailuk erreproduzitzeko modu igorgarrian egon daitezen. Baliabideetan garestia den arren, PeerTube-ren zati kritikoa da, beraz, jarraitu kontu handiz.