Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, the protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing your IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward the information to. See <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="<a href="https://github.com/yciabaud/webtorrent/blob/beps/bep_webrtc.rst">"/>this document<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a> "/> for more information
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, theSareko parekoak ez dira publikoki atzigarriak: websocket-garraioa erabiltzen dugunez, protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing yokoloa BitTorrent aztarnari klasikoaren ezberdina da. Web-arakatzaile batean zaudenean, zure IP address to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward thehelbidea duen seinale bat bidaltzen duzu aztarnarira, honek ausaz aukeratuko ditu parekoak, haiei information to. Seezioa birbideratu ahal izateko. Ikusi <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="<a href="https://github.com/yciabaud/webtorrent/blob/beps/bep_webrtc.rst">"/>thisdockumentu hau<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a> "/> informore informationmazio gehiagorako
Web peers are not publicly accessible: because we use the websocket transport, theSareko parekoak ez dira publikoki atzigarriak: websocket-garraioa erabiltzen dugunez, protocol is different from classic BitTorrent tracker. When you are in a web browser, you send a signal containing yokoloa BitTorrent aztarnari klasikoaren ezberdina da. Web-arakatzaile batean zaudenean, zure IPaddress to the tracker that will randomly choose other peers to forward thehelbidea duen seinale bat bidaltzen duzu aztarnarira, honek ausaz aukeratuko ditu parekoak, haiei information to. Seezioa birbideratu ahal izateko. Ikusi <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="<a href="https://github.com/yciabaud/webtorrent/blob/beps/bep_webrtc.rst">"/>thisdockumentu hau<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a> "/> informore informationmazio gehiagorako