Uploaded videos are reviewed before publishing for your account. If you want to add videos without moderation review, an admin must turn off your videos auto-block.
Uploaded videos are reviewed before publishing for your account. If you want to add videos without moderation review, an admin must turn off your videos auto-block.上傳的影片在為您的帳號發佈前會被審閱。如果您想要在沒有審核的情況下新增影片,管理員必須關閉您的影片自動封鎖。
Uploaded videos are reviewed before publishing for your account. If you want to add videos without moderation review, an admin must turn off your videos auto-block.上傳的影片在為您的帳號發佈前會被審閱。如果您想要在沒有審核的情況下新增影片,管理員必須關閉您的影片自動封鎖。