You enabled signup: we automatically enabled the "Block new videos automatically" checkbox of the "Videos" section just below.
You enabled signup: we automatically enabled the "Block new videos automatically" checkbox of the "Videos" section just belowChuir thu an clàradh an comas: chuir sinne cromag ris a’ bhogsa “Cuir bacadh air videothan ùra gu fèin-obrachail” san earrann “Videothan” gu h-ìosal.
You enabled signup: we automatically enabled the "Block new videos automatically" checkbox of the "Videos" section just belowChuir thu an clàradh an comas: chuir sinne cromag ris a’ bhogsa “Cuir bacadh air videothan ùra gu fèin-obrachail” san earrann “Videothan” gu h-ìosal.