<strong>PeerTube 2.0</strong> setup now asks the admin to answer questions regarding their moderation policy and dedication to it. Make a feature to automatically follow a public index of PeerTube instances part of core PeerTube, instead of leaving admins to script it themselves. This allows instance administrators to automatically follow instances of a "follow list" of their choice; a list which is self-hostable, so that communities can grow at their own pace;
Faighnichidh stàladh <strong>PeerTube 2.0</strong> ceistean dhen rianaire a-nis mu phoileasaidh na maorsainneachd aca ’s an dealas aca rithe. Chuir sinn gleus ri PeerTube fhèin airson leantainn air inneacs poblach de dh’ionstansan PeerTube gu fèin-obrachail ach nach fheum na rianairean seo a sgriobtadh leotha fhèin tuilleadh. Leigidh seo le rianairean ionstans gun lean iad gu fèin-obrachail air ionstansan a tha air an “liosta leantainn” a thogras iad; seo liosta as urrainn dhaibh fhèin òstadh ach an urrainn do choimhearsnachdan fàs aig an astar aca fhèin;