For example, in France, discriminatory content <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">is prohibited</a> and may be reported to authorities. PeerTube allows users to report problematic videos, and administrator must then apply its moderation in accordance with its terms and conditions and the law.
Mar eisimpleir, san Fhraing, tha susbaint leth-bhreitheach <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">toirmisgte</a> agus faodar a h-aithris dha na h-ùghdarrasan. Leigidh PeerTube leis an luchd-chleachdaidh gearan a dhèanamh mu videothan ceisteach agus feumaidh rianaire maorsainneachd a dhèanamh orra a-rèir nan teirmichean is cumhaichean agus an lagha.