This will delete all your data, including channels, videos, comments and you won't be able to create another user on this instance with "<x id="PH" equiv-text="this.user.username"/>" username.
This will delete all your data, including channels, videos, comments and you won't be able to create another user on this instance withým sa odstránia všetky údaje vrátane kanálov, videí, komentárov a nebudete môcť znova vytvoriť účet na tomto serveri s rovnakým menom "<x id="PH" equiv-text="this.user.username"/>"username.
his will delete all your data, including channels, videos, comments and you won't be able to create another user on this instance withým sa odstránia všetky údaje vrátane kanálov, videí, komentárov a nebudete môcť znova vytvoriť účet na tomto serveri s rovnakým menom "<x id="PH" equiv-text="this.user.username"/>"username.