A free software to take back control of your videos! With more than %{ videos } hosted videos, viewed more than %{ views } millions times and %{ users } users, PeerTube is the decentralized free software alternative to videos platforms developed by Framasoft
Bathar-bog saor a bheir smachd dhut air na videothan agad fhèin! Le còrr is 100 000 video ’gan òstadh a chaidh shealltainn orra còrr is 6 millean turas agus 20 000 luchd-cleachdaidh, ’s e roghainn eile airson ùrlar videothan a th’ ann am PeerTube a tha ’na bhathar-bhog saor ’s sgaoilte a tha ’ga leasachadh le Framasoft