<strong>PeerTube 2.3</strong> improved the report modal and added predefined reasons selection. This version made it possible to delete all the comments of an account and Framasoft developed an experimental <em>Auto block videos</em> plugin based on public lists.
Thug <strong>PeerTube 2.3</strong> piseach air còmhradh mòdail nan gearanan agus chuir sinn liosta de dh’adhbharan ro-shocraichte ris. Chuir an tionndadh seo comas ris airson a h-uile beachd aig cunntas a sguabadh às agus leasaich Framasoft plugan <em>bacadh videothan fèin-obrachail</em> deuchainneach a tha stèidhichte air liostaichean poblach.