<strong>PeerTube 2.2</strong> greatly improved video abuses management (search, abuses display, actions on the video or account etc), added moderation hooks and helpers in the plugins API and Framasoft developed an experimental <em>Auto mute</em> plugin based on public lists.
Thug <strong>PeerTube 2.2</strong> piseach mòr air stiùireadh na videothan a nì mì-ghnàthachadh (lorg, sealladh a’ mhì-ghnàthachaidh, gnìomhan air a’ video no air a’ chunntas is msaa.), chuir sinn hucaichean is innealan-taice maorsainneachd ri API nam plugan agus leasaich Framasoft plugan <em>mùchaidh fhèin-obrachail</em> deuchainneach a tha stèidhichte air liostaichean poblach.