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I have changed the generic quotation marks " to a slightly different ” because they were causing technical problems. Keep this in mind for future changes.
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Source string description
Combine website completion statement with comic percentage string to assemble tooltip Placeholders: %1$s = language name, %2$s = locale code, %3$d = percentage (plural controller), %4$s = Sentence explaining website completion status. % is the % symbolFlags
percent-placeholders, php-format, placeholders:r"(%[a-z])|(%[0-9][$][a-z])|(<a href=\"\S+\">)|(<\/a>)|(<strong>)|(<\/strong>)|(#pepper&carrot)|([Ll]ibera\.[Cc]hat)|([Mm]"
I have changed the generic quotation marks " to a slightly different ” because they were causing technical problems. Keep this in mind for future changes.
a year ago