Traduction téléversée |
Traduction téléversée |
Shortcut | Action |
? | Open available keyboard shortcuts. |
Alt + Home | Navigate to the first translation in the current search. |
Alt + End | Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt + PageUp or Ctrl + ↑ or Alt + ↑ or Cmd + ↑ or |
Navigate to the last translation in the current search. |
Alt + PageDown or Ctrl + ↓ or Alt + ↓ or Cmd + ↓ or |
Navigate to the next translation in the current search. |
Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter |
Submit current form; this works the same as pressing Save and continue while editing translation. |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter or Cmd + Shift +Enter |
Unmark translation as Needing edit and submit it. |
Alt + Enter or Option + Enter |
Submit the string as a suggestion; this works the same as pressing Suggest while editing translation. |
Ctrl + E or Cmd + E |
Focus on translation editor. |
Ctrl + U or Cmd + U |
Focus on comment editor. |
Ctrl + M or Cmd + M |
Shows Automatic suggestions tab. |
Ctrl + 1 to
Ctrl + 9 or Cmd + 1 to Cmd + 9 |
Copies placeable of a given number from source string. |
Ctrl + M followed by
1 to 9 or Cmd + M followed by 1 to 9 |
Copy the machine translation of a given number to current translation. |
Ctrl + I followed by
1 to
9 or Cmd + I followed by 1 to 9 |
Ignorer un élément de la liste des contrôles de qualité défaillants. |
Ctrl + J or
Cmd + J |
Shows the Nearby strings tab. |
Ctrl + S or
Cmd + S |
Focus on search field. |
Ctrl + O or Cmd + O |
Copy the source string. |
Ctrl + Y or
Cmd + Y |
Toggle the Needs editing checkbox. |
→ | Browse the next translation string. |
← | Browse the previous translation string. |
Mobilizon is an online tool to help manage your events, your profiles and your groups.
- Your events
On Mobilizon you can create a detailed page for your event, publish and share it.
You can also search for events by keyword, place or date, participate in events (even without an account) and add them to your agenda.
- Your profiles
Setting up an account on a Mobilizon instance will allow you to create several profiles (i.e.: personal, professional, hobbies, activism, etc.), organise events and manage groups.
Before you create an account on an instance, don't forget to discover how this instance works by reading its “about” page, to better understand its rules and policies.
- Your groups
In Mobilizon, each group has a public page where you can consult the group’s latest posts and public events.
When invited to join a group, members can participate in discussions, and manage a common resource folder (i.e. links to a collaborative writing tool, a wiki, etc.)
’S e acainn air loidhne a th’ ann am Mobilizon a chuidicheas thu le stiùireadh nan tachartasan, nam pròifilean is nam buidhnean agad.
- Na tachartasan agad
’S urrainn dhut duilleag mhionaideach air an tachartas agad a chruthachadh air Mobilizon, fhoillseachadh ’s a cho-roinneadh.
’S urrainn dhut cuideachd tachartasan a lorg a-rèir abairt, àite no ceann-latha, pàirt a ghabhail ann an tachartasan (fiù ’s gun fheum air cunntas) agus an cur ris a’ chlàr-ghnothaich agad.
- Na pròifilean agad
Ma shuidhicheas tu cunntas air ionstans de Mhobilizon, ’s urrainn dhut iomadh pròifil a chruthachadh (can: pearsanta, proifeiseanta, cur-seachadan, iomairtean is msaa.), tachartasan a chur air dòigh is buidhnean a stiùrieadh.
Mus cruthaich thu cunntas air ionstans, faigh a-mach mar a tha an t-ionstans ud ag obair is leugh an duilleag “mu dhèidhinn” aige ach an tuig thu na riaghailtean is poileasaidhean aige-san.
- Na buidhnean agad
Air Mobilizon, bidh duilleag phoblach aig gach buidheann far an urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt air na postaichean is tachartasan poblach as ùire aig a’ bhuidheann.
Nuair a gheibh iad cuireadh do bhuidheann, ’s urrainn dha na buill pàirt a ghabhail sna deasbadan gus pasgan co-roinnte de ghoireasan a stiùireadh (can ceanglaichean gu inneal sgrìobhaidh co-roinnte, uicidh is msaa.)