Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/joinpeertube/main/zh_Hant/units/?format=api
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                "<strong>Every contribution,</strong> even the smallest, allows us to continue developing PeerTube. You think our project is going in the right direction? Please make a donation!"
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                "<strong>每一項貢獻——</strong>即使是微薄的貢獻——都能讓我們繼續開發 PeerTube。您覺得我們的專案有朝著正道發展嗎?請捐助我們!"
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                "<strong>I'm getting started</strong> on PeerTube"
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                "<strong>我正要開始使用</strong> PeerTube"
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                "<strong>Import your videos</strong> from another website like YouTube or Vimeo, or directly from a file"
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                "從 YouTube 或 Vimeo 等其他網站<strong>匯入您的影片</strong>,或直接匯入影片檔案"
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                "<strong>Invite different people to create their channel</strong> to post their videos, or to help you to moderate the platform"
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                "<strong>Join a community</strong> and communicate directly with the platform owners"
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                "<strong>Moreover, PeerTube does not depend on any advertising and does not track you!</strong>"
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                "<strong>而且,PeerTube 不依靠任何廣告,也不會追蹤您!</strong>"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.1</strong> added bulk actions in the admin users table and instance/account muting;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.1</strong> 在使用者管理表中新增了大量動作和實例/帳號靜音的功能;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.2</strong> added the ability to unfederate a video on blacklist; the notification system now shows reports, and new users;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.2</strong> 新增了能解除聯播影片的黑名單;通知系統現在可以顯示回報與新的使用者;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.3</strong> added the possibility for admins to automatically quarantine new videos for new/untrusted users until a moderator reviews it. The instance's followers management was also reworked: UI is improved, follows can be denied;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.3</strong> 新增了管理員為新的/不受信任的使用者自動隔離新影片的可能性,直到調解員審核為止。也重新設計了實例的追蹤者管理:改善了使用者介面、可以拒絕追蹤;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.4</strong> added a plugin system, and made sure plugins can for instance automatically blacklist videos or reject comments based on any rule (similar to Pleroma MRF);"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 1.4</strong> 新增了外掛程式系統,並確保外掛程式可以自動將影片加入黑名單,或是根據任何規則拒絕留言(類似於 Pleroma MRF);"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.0</strong> setup now asks the admin to answer questions regarding their moderation policy and dedication to it. Make a feature to automatically follow a public index of PeerTube instances part of core PeerTube, instead of leaving admins to script it themselves. This allows instance administrators to automatically follow instances of a \"follow list\" of their choice; a list which is self-hostable, so that communities can grow at their own pace;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.0</strong> 設定現在要求管理員回答關於他們的審核政策與奉獻精神的問題。製作一個功能來自動遵循核心 PeerTube 的一部分 PeerTube 站台的公開索引,而不是讓管理員自己編寫指令稿。這允許站台管理員自動追蹤他們選擇的「追蹤清單」中的站台;一個可自架的清單,讓社群可以按照自己的節奏發展;"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.1</strong> added an <em>internal</em> privacy mode to videos (such videos won't be shared outside of the instance), and added quick access to moderation tools below the comments and hooks to create registration plugins (geoblocking or captchas for example); some third-party plugins already demonstrate this ability. This release also put emphasis on describing moderation features within the interface: warnings for features that might increase moderation work like autofollow, and descriptions to the action dropdowns."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.1</strong> 為影片新增了<em>內部</em>隱私模式(此類影片無法在站台外分享),並在留言下方新增了快速存取審核工具與掛鉤建立註冊外掛程式(例如地理封鎖或驗證碼);一些第三方外掛程式已經展示了這種功能。此版本還著重於描述介面中的審核功能:對可能增加審核工作的功能(如自動追蹤)的警告,以及對操作下拉式選單的描述。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.2</strong> greatly improved video abuses management (search, abuses display, actions on the video or account etc), added moderation hooks and helpers in the plugins API and Framasoft developed an experimental <em>Auto mute</em> plugin based on public lists."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.2</strong> 大大改進了影片濫用管理(搜尋、濫用顯示、對影片或帳號的操作等),在外掛程式 API 中新增了審核掛鉤與小幫手程式,而 Framasoft 開發了一個實驗性的<em>自動靜音</em>以公開清單為基礎的外掛程式。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.3</strong> improved the report modal and added predefined reasons selection. This version made it possible to delete all the comments of an account and Framasoft developed an experimental <em>Auto block videos</em> plugin based on public lists."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.3</strong> 改進了回報模式並新增了預先定義的原因選擇。此版本可以刪除帳號的所有留言,而 Framasoft 開發了一個以公共清單為基礎的實驗性<em>自動封鎖影片</em>外掛程式。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.4</strong> added ability to report accounts and comments, a messaging system between the local reporter of an abuse and moderators, and an abuse management view for users."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 2.4</strong> 增加了回報帳號與留言的功能、本地濫用行為回報者與審核員之間的訊息傳遞系統,以及使用者的濫用行為管理檢視。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube 3.0</strong> added a dedicated view to manage comments of the instance (list, filter, remove in bulk etc)."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 3.0</strong> 新增了一個專門的檢視來管理站台的留言(列表、過濾、大量刪除等)。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube allows you to create your own video platform,</strong> in complete independence."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 能讓您建立自己的影片平臺,</strong>完全獨立自主。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube belongs to you. At any time, you can help us <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">to improve PeerTube</a></strong> with your ideas, suggestion or by modifying the source code yourself."
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                "<strong>PeerTube 屬於任何人。</strong>您隨時都可以用您的點子、建議或自己修改的原始碼來幫助我們<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" href=\"\">改善 PeerTube</a>。"
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                "<strong>PeerTube is not subject to the monopoly</strong> of any company"
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                "任何公司的<strong>壟斷都影響不了 Peertube</strong>"
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