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According to you, how many people does your structure "reaches" each year? NB: this criterion is not discriminatory. We can perfectly well select for the test phase of Frama.space structures in training that do not yet reach the public.
Indicate the number of employees in Full Time Equivalent (the figure may be approximate. There is no need to make complex calculations)
Our Specific Terms of Use can be found at <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/csu" target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>https://www.frama.space/abc/csu</a> If you fail to comply with these terms, we obviously reserve the right to suspend or delete your account.
<a href="https://nextcloud.com/" target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Nextcloud</a> is the free/libre software behind Frama.space.
Registration request to Frama.space sent
Your Frama.space registration request for {organisationName} is pending
We will now manually review your application to check that it matches our criteria. This can take up to 30 days. We will email you when this is done and if your application is approved, you will have access to a Frama.space server shortly.
We have received your request for pre-registration for the association/collective <strong>{organisation}</strong> on our service <a href="https://frama.space" target="_blank">https://frama.space</a>
Your application is going to be studied, not by algorithms, but by humans from the Framasoft association. However, we have a very (very) large number of applications to review. As a result, manual processing may take up to 30 days.
"What will happen at the end of this period?"
Two possibilities:
Your pre-registration is validated (yay!): you will receive a second email at this address to give you access to the Frama.space of your collective/association.
Your pre-registration is not validated. You will receive an email at this address to inform you. All your data will be deleted within {daysBeforeDeletion} days after this email is sent. If you think that {organisation} matches <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/faq/#q-selection" target="_blank">Frama.space's criteria</a>, you will be able to submit another pre-registration.
That's it.
Framasoft is a small association of around 35 members, this manual validation is a hard work, but it is the only way to offer a quality service, which corresponds to our values.
Thank you for your confidence in our services and our actions.
The team <a href="https://framasoft.org" target="_blank">https://framasoft.org</a>
We remind you that Framasoft lives only thanks to donations. If you can and want to, please support us on the page <a href="https://soutenir.framasoft.org" target="_blank">https://soutenir.framasoft.org</a> (tax-free donation for French taxpayers). Of course, making a donation (or not) will have no influence on our decision on your Frama.space pre-registration.
Sorry: your registration to the Frama.space service has been - at least temporarily - refused