We want to raise awareness about the impact of digital technology on our lives, and show that alternatives to the web giants exist. It is possible to have a healthy and serene use of the Internet, while respecting our data and our personal lives!
We like to use [the notion of archipelago in reference to our relationships with others](https://framablog.org/2019/12/10/archipelisation-comment-framasoft-concoit-les-relations-quelle-tisse/) Each one is an island with its own identity and bathes in the same waters as its neighbours, and that speaks to us a lot: “Each⋅e its identity, its culture, its reason for being, its objectives, its means. But we all share the same values and strategies. We make the choice to cooperate, even occasionally.”
## Computers and liberties ### Personal information collected In France, personal data is protected by [Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978](https://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000000886460), Act No. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995. In any event @:color.soft does collect personal information about the user (name, e-mail address, telephone number) that is needed by the services offered by the sites of the network @:color.soft, in particular for the inscription with discussion spaces through online forms or for discussion forums statistical processing. The user provides this information in full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he/she inputs them him/herself. It is specified at this time to the user of the network @:color.soft if the information to provide is obligatory or not. ### Statistical analysis and confidentiality In order to adapt the site to our visitors’ requests, we analyze the traffic of our sites with Matomo. Matomo generates a cookie with a unique identifier, whose storage period is limited to 13 months. The data collected (IP address, User-Agent…) are anonymized and kept for a period of 6 months. They are not transferred to third parties or used for any other purpose.
Charter of Free, Ethical, Decentralized and Solidarity Services,<br />approved by@:color.soft on October 6th 2014. Translation by Framalang contributors Théo, #!, goofy, Diane
## The @:txt.soft association The @:html.soft association is a 1901 not-for-profit association whose character of general interest authorizes a tax deduction. Which shows its willingness to stay an association on a human scale (less than forty members, less than ten permanent staff).
Framasoft is a not-for-profit which can **only** keep running thanks to your donations. Do you like what we do? Do you think we’re going in the right direction? If so, and you’re able to make a donation, we’d very much appreciate it!
Framasoft is a not-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!
## Code of conduct At Framasoft, we don’t like (and don’t believe in) intellectual property. But we live in a world that does, and need to protect ourselves and our work. So we have registered some trademarks (PeerTube, Mobilizon, Framasoft…), and here is what we pledge. ### 1. We don’t plan to attack Registering trademarks is a defensive move. It’s to protect our work both from people who might otherwise register the names we work hard to make known, and from those who would sully the names of the projects we are building with our values, political stances and passion. ### 2. Don’t Panic We will only use trademark law in last resort. We are not trademark trolls looking forward to extorting money though legal violence. We just want to protect the reputation of names we are working hard to make known. We really intend to settle any problem we might have with you by talking it out together. If you act in good faith, there’s no need to panic. We’re sure we will understand eachother and find an elegant solution. ### 3. Don’t fool people If you say, or imply that you are us or that you are the “official one”, we will use trademark law against you. If we start getting messages of people who think your actions come from us, we will contact you to talk and find a way to make it clear that you are you, and we are us. In our experience anyway, people are not fools, and honesty is a very powerful way to bond with them. We will use trademark law, in last resort and if needed, to protect this relationship of trust and honesty we have built with people. ### 4. Don’t be an asshole Really, it’s that simple. Being assholy includes things that are forbidden by French law (promoting Nazism and fascism, pedocriminality, endangering others, fake news…), especially discrimination (against sex, gender, race, religion, orientation, minorities… well, you know the drill…). If you are using names of things we’ve worked hard for to be an asshole, we will use trademark law against you. If you try to push the limits, want to test, provoke and question society, well good for you, but we don’t have time for this: don’t use our trademarks. If you think there are too many rules, or that it’s too complicated not to be an asshole: don’t use our trademarks. If you fear you might be an asshole without knowing it, by ignorance even though you try to keep yourself educated: you’ll be fine. ### 5. Let’s respect each other If you’re not sure, come and talk with us. If we have a problem we’ll try to come and talk to you first. If by using the names of our projects, your actions start to soak up our time and energy, if you’re giving us a bad name, we’ll definitely have a problem. To avoid that, just remember that there are people who worked hard to give the names you are using their honest reputation, and just respect that work. If we find ourselves having to answer for your actions, we’ll need to talk. When we talk together, if you’re trying to be a smart ass and negotiate every word, if you don’t want to hear and consider our position (be assured we always try to do the same with others), then we’ll probably settle our disagreement using trademark law. But we don’t want to, so let’s find a way to understand each other.
### Rectification of personal information collected In accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of Act No 48-87 of January 6, 1978, the user has a right of modification of the personal data collected concerning him. To do this, user sends to @:color.soft: - you can send us an e-mail using the contact form - a letter should be sent to the address of the association’s headquarters (indicated above) indicating your name or business name, your physical and/or electronic address and, where appropriate, the reference that you have as a user of the @:color.soft site. The amendment will be made within a reasonable period of time from the date of receiving the user’s request.