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:bulb: Pro Tip !<br />
Before registering on an instance, remember to read its "About" page where the instance presents its terms of use, its moderation charter, its federation policy, etc. Only entrust your data to sites run by people you trust.
Here is a list of instances that we recommend and that share our values (make sure they are in synch with yours!).
:bulb: Bi glic!<br />
Mus clàraich thu le ionstans, thoir an aire gun leugh thu an duilleag “Mu dhèidhinn” aige far am mìnich an t-ionstans teirmichean a’ chleachdaidh, cairt na maorsainneachd agus poileasaidh a’ cho-nasgaidh aige is msaa. Na doir an dàta agad ach gu làraichean a tha fo stiùireadh daoine sa bheil earbsa agad.
Seo liosta dhut de dh’ionstansan a mholamaid agus aig a bheil na h-aon luachan a th’ againn fhìn (dèan cinnteach gum freagair iad ris na luachan agad-sa!).