
Terme du glossaire

Anglais `hello_user`, `good_morning_user`, `good_evening_user` are used differently in two different contexts. When no user is logged in, the `%s` part is replaced by an empty string so that welcoming message is just *Hello* or *Good morning*. When a user is logged in, the `%s` is replaced by a complement that is `greeting_user_complement` resource. That part that may differ depending on the languages. The `%s` part is then replace by the user's login. So, in english, that would be *Good morning, Asha*.

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Il y a 2 ans
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Anglais Arabe
Hello%s مرحبًا%s Main
`hello_user`, `good_morning_user`, `good_evening_user` are used differently in two different contexts. When no user is logged in, the `%s` part is replaced by an empty string so that welcoming message is just *Hello* or *Good morning*. When a user is logged in, the `%s` is replaced by a complement that is `greeting_user_complement` resource. That part that may differ depending on the languages. The `%s` part is then replace by the user's login. So, in english, that would be *Good morning, Asha*.

Informations sur la chaîne

Description de la chaîne source
`hello_user`, `good_morning_user`, `good_evening_user` are used differently in two different contexts. When no user is logged in, the `%s` part is replaced by an empty string so that welcoming message is just *Hello* or *Good morning*. When a user is logged in, the `%s` is replaced by a complement that is `greeting_user_complement` resource. That part that may differ depending on the languages. The `%s` part is then replace by the user's login. So, in english, that would be *Good morning, Asha*.
Âge de la chaîne
Il y a 2 ans
Date de dernière mise à jour
Il y a un an
Âge de la chaîne source
Il y a 2 ans
Fichier de traduction
app/src/main/res/values-ar/strings.xml, chaîne 90