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association](@:(link.soft)/association): @:txt.soft
Created in 2004, the association is now dedicated to **popular education
on the challenges of the digital age and the cultural commons**.
Our small structure (@:metrics.members including @:metrics.employees) is
known the De-google-ify Internet project
(@:metrics.services ethical and alternative online tools)
and for the development of PeerTube, Mobilizon, etc.
Recognized as being of general interest **@:txt.soft is funded
at @:(metrics.ig-pdonation)% by your donations**, which are tax deductible
for French taxpayers.
hospedadproposto [por umaorganizassociação francesasem fins lucrativos
](@:(link.soft)/association): @:txt.softassociação
Criada em 2004, a associação agora se dedica à **educação popular
Nossa pequena estrutura (@:metrics.members incluindo @:metrics.employees) é
oa pelo projetode InternetDe-google-ify ("Des-google-ifyfique") a Internet(@:metrics.services ferramentas online éticas e alternativas)
e p
araelo desenvolvimento de plataformas como o PeerTube, Mobilizon, etc.Reconhecid
oa como sendo de interesse geral **@:txt.soft é financiadoema @:(metrics.ig-pdonation)% porsuasdoações**, que são dedutíveis de impostospara os contribuintes franceses.