The year is 2016 AD. The whole web is occupied by centralized services… Well… not entirely. One small village of indomitable Free Software lovers still holds out against the invaders. And life is not easy for the legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Closedum, Centralizum, Trackum, and Proprietarum.
’S e a’ bhliadhna 2016 AD. The an lìon gu lèir fo smachd nan seirbheisean meadhanaichte… Uill, chan eil buileach… Tha aon bhaile beag ann fhathast far a bheil gràdhaichean a’ bhathair-bhog shaoir smiorail gun ghèilleadh dhan luchd-ionnsaigh. Agus chan eil beatha fhurasta aig na saighdearan a tha a’ cumail geàrd air na campaichean daingnichte – Dùintum, Meadhanaichum, Tracum agus Foshealbhum.