Through the services we provide, we promote a model based on cost participation, resource sharing, and accessibility for the largest number of people. Any abuse will thus be avoided, for we all remain fully aware of our common interests. This model also has an educational purpose since, as we document the roll-out of services, many users will in their turn be able to share those resources.
Leis na seirbheisean a sholaireas sinn, brosnaichidh sinn modail a tha stèidhichte air co-roinneadh nan cosgaisean ’s nan goireasan agus a ghabhas cleachdadh le na ghabhas de dhaoine. Seachnaichidh sinn an droch-chleachdadh le sin on a mhaireas sinn mothachail do ar leas cumanta. Tha adhbhar foghlaim air cnag a’ mhodail seo cuideachd oir fhad ’s a mhìnicheas sinn mar a tha cruthachadh nan seirbheisean ag obair, bidh an comas aig iomadh cleachdaiche na goireasan sin a cho-roinneadh iad fhèin.