As far as standards and protocols are concerned, the story of the Internet is one of free software. But its popularity and potential make big firms jealous. They would like to claim control of it by establishing closed code in locked systems that are not interoperable. To keep the Internet faithful to the founding principles which led to its success, it is important that there should be free apps on the Internet, that is to say, apps with opensource codes, accessible under free license.
A thaobh nan stannardan ’s nam pròtacalan, ’s e bathar-bog saor a bh’ anns an eadar-lìon a-riamh. Gidheadh, tha na companaidhean mòra togarrach air air sàilleabh a chomasan agus mòran daoine deidheil air. Bu toigh leotha smachd a ghabhail air le còd dùinte ann an siostaman glaiste nach obraich còmhla ri chèile. Airson an eadar-lìon a chumail dìleas do phrionnsabalan a stèidheachaidh a thug soirbheas cho mòr dha, tha e cudromach gum bi aplacaidean saora ri ’m faighinn air an eadar-lìon, ’s e seo aplacaidean le bun-tùs fosgailte a ghabhas inntrigeadh fo cheadachas saor.