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We're not opening Frama.space accounts for this type of organisation at the moment. <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/faq/#q-selection" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">See our FAQ for more information.</a>
Our Terms of Use can be found at the following address: <a href="https://framasoft.org/cgu/" target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>https://framasoft.org/cgu/</a>. If you do not comply with the law, we obviously reserve the right to suspend your account.
In the beta testing phase, we want to divide organizations into those whose members already have experience with Nextcloud, and others who do not.
Frama.space is not suitable for large organizations. We prefer to know your estimated usage beforehand, rather than disappoint you afterwards.
Indicate the number of Frama.space accounts you estimate you will need after one year. This number can be much lower than the number of members (for example, an association with 100 members might only need about 15 accounts for its employees and its Board of Directors)
This will automatically pre-fill some of the fields below. If you don't know them, <a href="https://annuaire-entreprises.data.gouv.fr/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">you can find them here</a>. If you don't have them, it decreases your chances of having your pre-registration validated.
The name of your organization allows us to identify you quickly, but will also be used as a basis for quickly identify you, but will also be used as a basis for determining the "Frama.space identifier" of your account (e.g. "https://squat_lepic.frama.space")
It will be used to determine the address of your Frama.space. For example, the identifier "robinsdesvilles" will also be the address of your Frama.space (https://robinsdesvilles.frama.space)
We need this information both for statistical purposes and because, in its beta phase, Frama.space the beta phase, Frama.space is reserved for certain types of organizations.
To know if you are in activity for a long time, or on the contrary a very recent structure or in creation.
It will be used by Framasoft to determine if you fit into our "beta test" phase.
The social object can sometimes be very vague ("Theater association"). In order to know you better, we might want to know more about your actions. Who do they reach? With what goals? With what values?
E.g.: "Framasoft is an association for popular education on digital issues".
We ask for this information primarily for statistical purposes and to allow us to better understand your needs and whether they match what we are able to offer.
We highly recommend that you fill them out.
This field will allow us to better understand your needs, and to see if they correspond to what we are able to offer.
Again, this allows us to learn more about you.