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Your structure does not correspond (for the moment!) to the balance we are trying to build in the structures hosted on Frama.space.
The Frama.space service has just opened. The paint is still fresh, and not all the furniture is in place. In the first months, we are trying to build a balanced sample of associations and collectives that can help us improve the Frama.space service for the next structures we welcome (including yours, probably). For example, we try to welcome structures with some experience with Nextcloud in order to limit the technical support, while also retaining some structures without much digital experience to better identify the main priorities of support. It is a difficult exercise, and it is thus less the social object of the association that interests us than its capacity to confront (or not) the collaborative digital practices. We may have refused your association's application because it was not consistent, for the moment, with the construction of this sample.
We also refuse certain "out of criteria" structures.
Reminder of the criteria to date: <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/faq/#q-selection" target="_blank">What are the selection criteria?</a>
To take an extreme example, an association with 100 employees has, in our opinion, the means to release the necessary budget to pay for a professional cloud space. Frama.space is not intended for this type of structure, even though their social purpose and reputation is no longer in question (for example Greenpeace, or the Red Cross). Framasoft does not want to be in a service provider situation. We do not sell anything, and we do not want customers, but partners.
Whatever the reason for our refusal, we are truly sorry.
If this answer frustrates you, and we can understand it, we encourage you to <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/faq/#q-partners" target="_blank">check out the providers and associations offering Nextcloud space rental</a>.
We would obviously like to have the means to be able to welcome all the French-speaking associations and collectives. But the cost would amount to several million euros, and we don't have them (we even made a negative result of 65,000€ in 2021!). We are therefore obliged to select (by hand) the organizations hosted on Frama.space and to grow this service very gradually according to our human and financial means.
This is the opportunity for us to remind you that our association lives only from donations and is currently in a campaign to finance its 2023 budget. If you can and want to, you can support us on the page <a href="https://soutenir.framasoft.org" target="_blank">soutenir.framasoft.org</a> (Framasoft is a recognized association of general interest in France and thus allows the defiscalisation of the donations).
Please note, but it is better to put it in black and white, that a donation to our association will in no way give you priority to obtain the opening of a Frama.space, which we wish to be free of charge, without any compensation, and without any commercialization.
Points to remember
The pre-registration of your collective/association to Frama.space has been refused;
All your application data will be deleted within {daysBeforeDeletion} days;
The reasons for our refusal may be:
We prioritize structures that can adapt to a still very "young" service;
However, you can:
Learn more about <a href="https://www.frama.space/abc/faq/#q-partners">our partners who offer NextCloud spaces</a>
Wait {daysBeforeDeletion} days and complete a new pre-registration application.
The team <a href="https://framasoft.org" target="_blank">Framasoft</a>
We have too many requests at the moment;