### Promoting popular education Using {service} is the first step on the road to your digital autonomy. Entrusting your data to a host implies having reasons to to trust it. @:txt.soft commits to clear conditions¹ to host services with respect to your integrity. <small>¹ see [our Terms of Use](@:link.cgu) and [our charter](@:link.charte)</small>
### Favorizar l’educacion populara Utilizar {service}, es far **un primièr pas sul camin de vòstra autonomia numerica**. Fisar sas donadas a un albergador implica d’aver rasons de se fisar a el. @:txt.soft s’engaja sus de condicions claras¹ per albergar de servicis dins lo respècte de vòstra integritat. <small>¹ veire [nòstras Condicions Generalas d’Utilizacion](@:link.cgu) e [nòstra carta](@:link.charte)</small>
Using {service} is the first step on the road to your digital autonomy.
Entrusting your data to a host implies having reasons to to trust it.
@:txt.soft commits to clear conditions¹ to host services with respect
to your integrity.
<small>¹ see [our Terms of Use](@:link.cgu) and [our charter](@:link.charte)</small>
Utilizar {service}, es far **un primièr pas sul camin de
vòstra autonomia numerica**.
Fisar sas donadas a un albergador implica d’aver rasons de se fisar a el.
@:txt.soft s’engaja sus de condicions claras¹ per albergar de servicis
dins lo respècte de vòstra integritat.
<small>¹ veire [nòstras Condicions Generalas d’Utilizacion](@:link.cgu) e
[nòstra carta](@:link.charte)</small>