Changes API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/changes/714377/?format=api
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "unit": "",
    "component": "",
    "translation": "",
    "user": "",
    "author": "",
    "timestamp": "2023-11-09T14:40:12.313151Z",
    "action": 2,
    "target": "## Полная версия\n### Условия оказания услуг\n\n1. Использование сервиса осуществляется на собственный риск. Сервис предоставляются как есть.\n2. Не допускается публикация сайтов с ложными указаниями на связь с этим сервисом @:(color.soft).\n3. Учётные записи могут создаваться и использоваться только людьми. Учётные записи, созданные ботами или другими методами автоматизации могут быть удалены без предупреждения.\n4. Ответственность за безопасность учётной записи и пароля лежит только на самом пользователе. @:(color.soft) не несёт ответственности за любой ущерб или потри, связанные с некомпетентностью пользователя по обеспечению безопасности своей учётной записи.\n5. Пользователь несёт ответственность за всё опубликованное содержимое и произведённые действия с его учётной записи.\n6. Не допускается использовать сервис для любых незаконных или недозволенных действий. Пользователь не должен нарушать законы своей страны.\n7. Не допускается продавать, обменивать, перепродавать учётную запись в используемом сервисе, а также использовать в недозволенных коммерческих целях.\n\nНарушение любого из этих условий приведёт к удалению вашей учётной записи.\nВы осознаёте и принимаете, что объединение @:color.soft не несёт\nответственность за содержимое, публикуемое в этом сервисе.\n\n1. You understand that putting the service and your content online involves transmission\n  (in plain text or encrypted, depending on the service) over various networks.\n2. You must not transmit worms, viruses or any other malicious code.\n3. @:color.soft does not guarantee that\n  - the service will meet your specific needs,\n  - the service will be uninterrupted or bug-free,\n  - that errors in the service will be corrected.\n4. You understand and agree that @:color.soft cannot be held responsible\n  for any direct, indirect or incidental damages, including damages for loss of\n  profits, customers, access, data or other intangible losses (even if @:color.soft\n  is informed of the possibility of such damages) and that would result from:\n  1. use or inability to use the service;\n  2. unauthorized or altered access to data transmission;\n  3. statements or actions of a third party about the service;\n  4. cancelling your account;\n  5. any other service related question.\n5. The failure of @:color.soft to exercise or enforce any right or provision\n  of the General Conditions of Use does not constitute a waiver to that right\n  or provision. The Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and\n  @:color.soft and govern your use of the service, replacing all previous\n  agreements between you and @:color.soft (including previous versions of\n  the Terms of Use).\n6. Questions about the conditions of service should be sent via [this contact\n  form](\n\n## Изменения сервиса\n\n1. @:color.soft reserves the right, at any time, to modify or interrupt,\n  temporarily or permanently, with or without notice.\n2. @:color.soft will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification,\n  suspension or interruption of service.\n\n###  Авторское право содержимого\n\n1. You cannot send, upload, blog, distribute, disseminate any illegal, defamatory,\n  harassing, abusive, fraudulent content, counterfeit, obscene or otherwise objectionable.\n2. We do not claim any rights on your data: text, images, sound, video, or any\n  other element, that you download or transmit from your account.\n3. We will not use your content for any purpose other than to provide the service\n  to you.\n4. You must not download or make available any content that infringes someone else’s\n  rights.\n5. We reserve the right to remove any content we deem necessary. not relevant to\n  the use of the service, in our sole judgment.\n6. We may, if necessary, delete or prevent the distribution of any content on the\n  service that does not comply with these conditions.\n\n### Редактирование и обмен данными\n\n- The files you create with the service can be - if you wish - read, copied, used\n  and redistributed by people you know or not.\n- By making your data public, you acknowledge and agree that any person using\n  this website may consult them without restrictions.\n- But the service can also offer you the possibility to authorize restricted access\n  and collaborative work on its documents to one or more other users.\n- @:color.soft cannot be held responsible for any problem resulting from\n  the sharing or publishing data between users.\n\n### Closure\n\n@:color.soft, in its sole discretion, has the right to suspend or terminate\nyour account and refuse any current or future use of the service. Termination\nof the service will result in deactivation of access to your account, and the\nrestitution of all the contents.<br />@:color.soft reserves the right to\nrefuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.\n\n@:color.soft also reserves the right to terminate your account if you\ndo not log into your account for a period longer than 6 months.\n\n### Персональная информация\n\nIn accordance with article 34 of the law “Informatique et Libertés”, @:color.soft\nguarantees the user a right to opposition, access and of correction on the personal\ndata concerning him. The user has the possibility to exercise this right by\nusing the [contact form]( available.\n\n- To use certain services @:color.soft, you must create an account. @:color.soft\n  requests some personal information : a valid email address and a password that\n  is used to protect your account against unauthorized access. The “Last Name”\n  and “First Name” fields may be required for the correct operation of the software,\n  but it is not necessary that they reveal your true identity.\n- Just like other online services, @:color.soft automatically saves certain\n  information about your use of the service such as account activity (example:\n  storage space occupied, number of entries, measures taken), the data displayed\n  or clicked (example: links, user interface elements), and other information\n  to identify you (example: browser type, IP address, date and time of access,\n  reference URL).\n- We use this information internally to improve for you the user interface of\n  the @:color.soft services and maintain a consistent and reliable user experience.\n- This data is neither sold nor passed on to third parties.",
    "id": 714377,
    "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
    "url": ""