The external components to declare: <ul> <li>One per line.</li> <li>Use the format «component_name:component_secret» (spaces will be trimmed).</li> <li>You can add comments: everything after the # character will be stripped off, and empty lines ignored.</li> <li>The name can only contain latin alphanumeric characters and dots.</li> <li> If the name contains only alphanumeric characters, it will be suffixed with the XMPP domain. For example, «bridge» will become «bridge.your_domain.tld». You can also specify a full domain name, but you have to make sure to configure your DNS correctly. </li> <li>Only use alphanumeric characters in the secret passphrase (use at least 15 characters).</li> </ul>
You can use emojis in the chat using ":shortname:". The short name can start and/or end by a colon (:), and only contain alphanumerical characters, underscores and hyphens. It is strongly recommended to start them by a colon, so that users can use autocompletion (by typing ":" then press TAB).