No! A donation to Framasoft supports all our actions. Donations to our association fund all our projects. The care work that we are planning with De-google-ify Tech Care is a long-term operation that it is impossible for us to quantify exactly. This care is human, so our calculations can only be estimates for a day's work when ‘everything is going well’! We know that additional maintenance will cost us time, and therefore money. We therefore estimate that in 2024 De-google-ify Tech Care will cost us €60,000 more than in a year when this care would not be a priority (‘estimate’, because it's very hard to put a precise figure on a care project), and we're challenging you to raise the money in 3 weeks, between now and 2 July.
Yes and no. Yes, because a donation at any time of year will fund Framasoft's actions. We can't thank you enough for this! And no, because we want to carry out 2 experiments using this collection: - This is the first test of our association's budget funding (96% of which is based on donations). Currently, around 50% of the year's donations are made in the last 3 weeks of December. ([figures for 2023]( So it's ‘a bit stressful’ for us at the end of the year, when we can't be sure⋅es to reach our provisional budget before the last days of December. Highlighting our actions during the year (as with this fundraiser) potentially makes you want to support us at a time other than the end of the year. We're experimenting with this aspect, and we'll let you know if the test is conclusive or not! - C’est aussi une manière pour nous de voir si ce dorlotage régulier de It's also a way for us to see if you're enthusiastic about this regular pampering of our services. Let's pamper ourselves, it's a labour of love, a little less attractive than a brand new project, but we think it's particularly important. Taking part in this fundraising campaign will also help us to know whether we're heading in the right direction (or not!).
Before we can offer you software in the form of a ‘Frama’ service, such as Framapad or Framadate, we need to test this software technically (is it stable? Is it easy to maintain? Can it handle thousands of people every day? etc.). That's what Framalab is all about - trying things out, tinkering, breaking things and starting again. You can use these softwares online, **THOUGH**, please note that no direct support will be provided by Framasoft for these test services (you can however ask for help on [Framacolibri]( and that we are not committed to maintaining the services over time. In other words, your data could disappear overnight. We told you, it's for testing :)
[Framaspace]( is our alternative to the ‘Big Tech’ clouds (Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, Dropbox, etc). Free, but reserved for small associations and Framaspace is based on open source software [Nextcloud]( Our aim is to make these cloud spaces more welcoming for people discovering Nextcloud for the first time, by helping them to get to grips with the tool or by facilitating the migration of their existing data to Framaspace. At the same time, your donations will allow us to explore the possibility of increasing the functionalities of Framaspace by adding, for example, accounting or membership management tools via the integration of the [Paheko]( software.
We are not climatoseptics. We believe that global warming is the mother of all battles. We believe that the response to climate change is first and foremost a political one, and we are irritated to see the extent to which public policies are primarily geared towards individual action, sometimes in very guilt-inducing ways, on individual actions. However, in order to deal with a problem properly and respond appropriately, it can be useful to have a clear understanding of the issues at stake, as well as the levers on which to act. With this in mind, Framasoft, in partnership with the [Labos 1point5 research group](, hopes to offer, in the medium term, an online application to assess the carbon footprint of one's association (as well as a simulator to see the impact of each lever that can be activated).
‘Good accounts make good friends’, as the saying goes. It's easy to deduce from this that the reverse can quickly lead you to fall out with your mates, your family, and so on. Fortunately, there are small software programs (free/libre, and which don't give a damn about the content of your data) to manage shared expenses. They're terribly simple and effective: all you have to do is enter all you have to do is enter everyone's expenses, say who is affected by the expense in question, and BAM! with one click, they'll tell you ‘Who owes how much to whom?’