Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/peertube/angular/eu/changes/?format=api&page=55
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 3262,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:34:49.159168Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Kuota gainditua",
            "old": "Quota exceeded",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Quota exceeded",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455277,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:34:25.151641Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zerbitzariaren errorea",
            "old": "Server error",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Server error",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455276,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:34:13.753000Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Iraupen maximoa gaindituta",
            "old": "Max duration exceeded",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Max duration exceeded",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455275,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:33:45.219985Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zuzenekoa zerrenda beltzean sartuta",
            "old": "Live blacklisted",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Live blacklisted",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455274,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:33:14.721695Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zerbitzaria motelegi dabil",
            "old": "Server too slow",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Server too slow",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455273,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:33:01.143241Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Interfaze",
            "old": "Interface",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Interface",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455272,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:32:54.238577Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Nola pentsatzen duzu instantzia hau funtzionamenduan jarraitzeko ordainketak egitea",
            "old": "How you plan to pay for keeping your instance running",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "How you plan to pay for keeping your instance running",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455271,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:28:46.961742Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Pasahitza berretsi",
            "old": "Confirm your password",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Confirm your password",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455270,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:27:02.059343Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Konfiguratu",
            "old": "Set up",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Set up",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455269,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:26:35.676791Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zure <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>instantzia izena<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> aukeratzea, <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>deskribapen bat zehaztea<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>nor zaren<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> adieraztea, <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>zure instanzia sortzeko<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> arrazoia eta <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>noiz arte<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> espero duzun <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>mantentzea<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> oso garrantzitsua da bisitariak zer nolako instantzian dauden uler dezaten. ",
            "old": "Choosing your <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>instance name<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>setting up a description<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, specifying <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>who you are<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, why <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>you created your instance<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> and <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>how long<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> you plan to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>maintain it<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Choosing your <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>instance name<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>setting up a description<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, specifying <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>who you are<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>, why <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>you created your instance<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> and <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>how long<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> you plan to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>maintain it<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> is very important for visitors to understand on what type of instance they are. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455268,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:18:52.168713Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-eko administratzaileek <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION_1\" equiv-text=\"{{ videoQuota | bytes: 0 }}\"/> arteko bideoak argitaratzeko aukera ematen dizute<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> beraien webgunean. ",
            "old": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> administrators allow you to publish up to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION_1\" equiv-text=\"{{ videoQuota | bytes: 0 }}\"/> of videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> on their website. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> administrators allow you to publish up to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION_1\" equiv-text=\"{{ videoQuota | bytes: 0 }}\"/> of videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> on their website. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455267,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:16:58.640829Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Nahi baduzu <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>gaika sortu ditzakezu kanalak:<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> adibidez, zure esku-pilotako partidak argitaratzeko \"PilotaPartidak\" kanala sortu dezakezu eta \"Ekologia\" izeneko beste bat ekologismoari buruz hitz egiten duzun bideoak partekatzeko. ",
            "old": "You might want to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>create a channel by theme:<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> for example, you can create a channel named \"SweetMelodies\" to publish your piano concerts and another one \"Ecology\" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "You might want to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>create a channel by theme:<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> for example, you can create a channel named \"SweetMelodies\" to publish your piano concerts and another one \"Ecology\" in which you publish your videos talking about ecology. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455266,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:11:11.549007Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-en <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>bideoak argitaratu<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> nahi dituzu? Orduan, zure lehen <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>kanala<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> sortu beharko duzu. ",
            "old": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-en <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>bideoak argitaratu<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> nahi dituzu? Orduan, lehenik <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>kanal<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> bat sortu beharko duzu. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "You want to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>publish videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>? Then you need to create your first <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>channel<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>. ",
                "old_state": 20
            "id": 455265,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:10:34.905521Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-en <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>bideoak argitaratu<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> nahi dituzu? Orduan, lehenik <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>kanal<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> bat sortu beharko duzu. ",
            "old": "You want to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>publish videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>? Then you need to create your first <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>channel<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "You want to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>publish videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>? Then you need to create your first <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>channel<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455264,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:08:36.411742Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>PeerTube<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> erabilita sortu da, Framasoft-en eskuko bideoen sorpenerako plataforma. <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>Framasoft<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> enpresa handien (Big Tech) tresna digitalen soluzio alternatiboak eskaintzen dituen irabazi-asmorik gabeko frantziar erakunde bat da ",
            "old": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> has been created using <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>PeerTube<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>Framasoft<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> has been created using <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>PeerTube<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>, a video creation platform developed by Framasoft. <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot; href=&quot;;&gt;\"/>Framasoft<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> is a french non-profit organization that offers alternatives to Big Tech's digital tools ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455263,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T17:03:02.093629Z",
            "action": 37,
            "target": "Erabiltzen dituzu Mastodon, ActivityPub edo RSS biltzailerik?",
            "old": "Do you use Mastodon, ActivityPub or a RSS feed aggregator?",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "Do you use Mastodon, ActivityPub or a RSS feed aggregator?",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455261,
            "action_name": "Marqué comme À vérifier",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:58:52.278554Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zure kanala <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>bideoak argitaratzeko<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> sortu",
            "old": "Create your channel to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>publish videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Create your channel to <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>publish videos<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455260,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:58:23.510709Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zure <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>ikuskatze historiara<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> sartu",
            "old": "Have access to your <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>watch history<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Have access to your <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>watch history<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455259,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:55:17.401262Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Kanaletara <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Harpidetu<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> bideo berriekin jakinarazpenak jasotzeko",
            "old": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Subscribe<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> to channels to be notified of new videos",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Subscribe<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> to channels to be notified of new videos",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455258,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:54:26.738672Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Bideoak <x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>iruzkindu<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/>",
            "old": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Bideoak<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> iruzkindu",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Comment<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> videos",
                "old_state": 20
            "id": 455257,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:53:32.767369Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Bideoak<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> iruzkindu",
            "old": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Comment<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> videos",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "<x id=\"START_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;strong&gt;\"/>Comment<x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_STRONG\" ctype=\"x-strong\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/strong&gt;\"/> videos",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455256,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:51:35.006377Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Konturatuko zinenez: kontu bat sortzea ez da derrigorra <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-en bideo bat ikusteko. <x id=\"LINE_BREAK\" ctype=\"lb\" equiv-text=\"&lt;br /&gt;\"/> Hala ere, <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>-en kontu bat sortzeak honetara ahalbidetuko zaitu: ",
            "old": "As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>. <x id=\"LINE_BREAK\" ctype=\"lb\" equiv-text=\"&lt;br /&gt;\"/> However, creating an account on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> will allow you to: ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "As you probably noticed: creating an account is not necessary to watch video on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/>. <x id=\"LINE_BREAK\" ctype=\"lb\" equiv-text=\"&lt;br /&gt;\"/> However, creating an account on <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ instanceName }}\"/> will allow you to: ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455255,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:48:56.675713Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "<x id=\"START_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;span class=&quot;search-value&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ currentSearch }}\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/span&gt;\"/>-rako",
            "old": "for <x id=\"START_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;span class=&quot;search-value&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ currentSearch }}\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/span&gt;\"/>",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "for <x id=\"START_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;span class=&quot;search-value&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ currentSearch }}\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_TAG_SPAN\" ctype=\"x-span\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/span&gt;\"/>",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455254,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:48:11.112966Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zergatik sortu kontu bat?",
            "old": "Why creating an account?",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Why creating an account?",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455253,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:46:02.578350Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Une honetan instantzia honek ez ditu erregistroak onartzen, <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Erabilpen-baldintzak<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> irakur ditzakezu xehetasun gehiagorako edo kontu bat sortzeko eta bideoak igotzeko aukera ematen duen beste instantzia bat bilatu dezakezu. Bilatu bat hemen: <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
            "old": "Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: <x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455252,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:42:45.020140Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Instantzia honek erregistroak onartzen ditu. Hala ere, ondo irakurri itzazu <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange terms-anchor&quot; (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Erabilpen-baldintzak<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/><x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;terms-link&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; routerLink=&quot;/about/instance&quot; fragment=&quot;terms&quot;&gt;\"/>Erabilpen-baldintzak<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> kontu bat sortu baino lehen. Zure beharrak aseko dituen beste instantzia bat aurkitzeko aukera duzu ere hemen: <x id=\"START_LINK_2\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
            "old": "This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange terms-anchor&quot; (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/><x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;terms-link&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; routerLink=&quot;/about/instance&quot; fragment=&quot;terms&quot;&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: <x id=\"START_LINK_2\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "This instance allows registration. However, be careful to check the <x id=\"START_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange terms-anchor&quot; (click)=&quot;onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)&quot; href='#'&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/><x id=\"START_LINK_1\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;terms-link&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; routerLink=&quot;/about/instance&quot; fragment=&quot;terms&quot;&gt;\"/>Terms<x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/> before creating an account. You may also search for another instance to match your exact needs at: <x id=\"START_LINK_2\" equiv-text=\"&lt;a class=&quot;link-orange&quot; href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener noreferrer&quot;&gt;\"/><x id=\"CLOSE_LINK\" ctype=\"x-a\" equiv-text=\"&lt;/a&gt;\"/>. ",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455248,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:33:45.318634Z",
            "action": 37,
            "target": "Faktore bikoitzeko kautotze tokena",
            "old": "Two factor authentication token",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "Two factor authentication token",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455247,
            "action_name": "Marqué comme À vérifier",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:32:40.074190Z",
            "action": 37,
            "target": "Sartu zure mugikorreko aplikazioak sortutako faktore bikoitzeko kodea:",
            "old": "Enter the two-factor code generated by your phone app:",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "Enter the two-factor code generated by your phone app:",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455246,
            "action_name": "Marqué comme À vérifier",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:30:01.892448Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "⚠️ Eposta helbide gehienek ez dute letra larririk izaten.",
            "old": "⚠️ Most email addresses do not include capital letters.",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "⚠️ Most email addresses do not include capital letters.",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455245,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:29:21.134882Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Adibidez:",
            "old": "Example:",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Example:",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455244,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:28:54.906515Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Egiaztapen eposta berria eskatu",
            "old": "Request new verification email",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Request new verification email",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455243,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:27:29.750993Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "{count, plural, =1 {<x id=\"videoName\"/> blokeatua.} other {<x id=\"count\"/> bideo blokeatuta.}}",
            "old": "{count, plural, =1 {Blocked <x id=\"videoName\"/>.} other {Blocked <x id=\"count\"/> videos.}}",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "{count, plural, =1 {Blocked <x id=\"videoName\"/>.} other {Blocked <x id=\"count\"/> videos.}}",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455241,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:26:51.324581Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zuzeneko bat blokeatzeak zuzeneko hori automatikoki bukatzea eragingo du.",
            "old": "Blocking a live will automatically terminate the live stream.",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Blocking a live will automatically terminate the live stream.",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455240,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:25:15.722363Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Honek urruneko instantziei bideo hau ezabatzeko eskatuko die",
            "old": "This will ask remote instances to delete this video",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "This will ask remote instances to delete this video",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455239,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:24:49.050977Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Honek urruneko instantziei bideo lokalak ezabatzeko eskatuko die",
            "old": "This will ask remote instances to delete local videos",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "This will ask remote instances to delete local videos",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455238,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-20T16:22:30.158769Z",
            "action": 37,
            "target": "{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {bistaratze 1} other {<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}\"/> bistaratze}}",
            "old": "{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {bistaratze 1} other { <x id=\"INTERPOLATION\" equiv-text=\"{{ video.views | myNumberFormatter }}\"/> bistaratze} }",
            "details": {
                "state": 10,
                "source": "{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =1 {1 view} other {<x id=\"INTERPOLATION\"/> views}}",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 455237,
            "action_name": "Marqué comme À vérifier",
            "url": ""
            "unit": null,
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": null,
            "author": null,
            "timestamp": "2022-11-15T13:03:02.493902Z",
            "action": 0,
            "target": "",
            "old": "",
            "details": {
                "reason": "content changed",
                "filename": "client/src/locale/"
            "id": 452848,
            "action_name": "Ressources mises à jour",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:51:24.926539Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Ez federatua",
            "old": "Unfederate",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Unfederate",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451643,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:50:53.439601Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zure <x id=\"PH\" equiv-text=\"name\"/> fitxategia ezin izan da proxy zerbitzariaren itxarote denbora baino lehen transferitu",
            "old": "Your <x id=\"PH\" equiv-text=\"name\"/> file couldn't be transferred before the server proxy timeout",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Your <x id=\"PH\" equiv-text=\"name\"/> file couldn't be transferred before the server proxy timeout",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451641,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:21:57.776316Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Zerbitzariak errore bat izan du",
            "old": "The server encountered an error",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "The server encountered an error",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451639,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:21:41.414315Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Jarraitzaileak",
            "old": "Jarraitzaile",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Followers",
                "old_state": 20
            "id": 451638,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:21:26.756804Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Jarraitzaile",
            "old": "Followers",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Followers",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451637,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:21:20.144527Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Jarraitzen",
            "old": "Following",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Following",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451636,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:21:14.797710Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Instantzia honetan federazioa",
            "old": "In this instance federation",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "In this instance federation",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451635,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:20:45.411734Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "ostatatutako bideoa",
            "old": "hosted video",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "hosted video",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451634,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:20:17.836795Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "iruzkinak",
            "old": "comments",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "comments",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451633,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:20:13.056725Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "bistaratzeak",
            "old": "views",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "views",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451632,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:18:18.025476Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Instantzia honetako erabiltzaileekiko",
            "old": "By users on this instance",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "By users on this instance",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451631,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:17:53.998538Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "Beste plataforma batzuekin kanalen sinkronizazioa (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)",
            "old": "Channel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "Channel synchronization with other platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, ...)",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451630,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""
            "unit": "",
            "component": "",
            "translation": "",
            "user": "",
            "author": "",
            "timestamp": "2022-11-13T20:15:46.660633Z",
            "action": 2,
            "target": "ActivityPub motako fedibertsoko edozein instantziarekin izan dezakezu honekin elkarrekintza (PeerTube, Mastodon edo Pleroma, adibidez).",
            "old": "You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance (PeerTube, Mastodon or Pleroma for example).",
            "details": {
                "state": 20,
                "source": "You can interact with this via any ActivityPub-capable fediverse instance (PeerTube, Mastodon or Pleroma for example).",
                "old_state": 10
            "id": 451629,
            "action_name": "Traduction modifiée",
            "url": ""