Use <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="<a routerLink="/admin/system/runners/runners-list">"/>remote runners<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a>"/> to process transcription tasks. Remote runners has to register on your instance first.
Currently this instance doesn't allow for user registration, you may check the <x id="START_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="<a class="link-orange terms-anchor d-inline" (click)="onTermsClick($event, instanceInformation)" href="/about/instance#terms">"/>Terms<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a>"/><x id="START_LINK_1" equiv-text="<a class="terms-link" target="_blank" routerLink="/about/instance" fragment="terms">"/>Terms<x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a>"/> for more details or find an instance that gives you the possibility to sign up for an account and upload your videos there. Find yours among multiple instances at: <x id="START_LINK_2" equiv-text="<a class="link-orange" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">"/><x id="CLOSE_LINK" ctype="x-a" equiv-text="</a>"/>.