This is a gradient color. If selected, the background color will be a gradient color. If not, the background color will be a monochrome background color.
Only when EMAIL subscription method is used. Inscrire ici la syntaxe de sujet du mail qui permet d'inscrire quelqu'un à la newsletter. Indiquez {} à la place où le mail du signataire doit être inséré. Ex: 'ADD NOM_LISTE {} NOM_SIGNATAIRE'
Only when EMAIL subscription method is used. L'expéditeur du mail qui permet d'enregistrer quelqu'un à la newsletter. Il s'agit généralement d'une adresse qui est administratrice de la liste SYMPA ou MAILMAN
If checked, the petition is published and accessible on the website by everybody. If not checked, the petition is only accessible by logged in users, others will get a 404 error.
E.g.: Your data will stay strictly confidential and will not be sold, given away or exchanged with third parties. Informations about this campaign as well as other news about this organization will be sent to you if you checked the checkbox. You can unsubscribe at any moment.
The twitter account handle of the organization, starting with the '@' symbol. E.g.: @RAP_Asso. This is necessary in order to attribute the 'Twitter Card' to the correct account. See