**Share in person**<br /> Your donations allow us to participate in nearly [one hundred events each year](https://wiki.framasoft.org/evenements). We bring physical tools (Metacards, guides [Résolu], books, Flyers) to better approach the digital world.
**Promoting popular education**<br /> Framasoft is committed to popularizing digital emancipation towards the by contributing to concrete tools made by and for a greater number of people, by contributing to concrete tools made by and for people involved in popular education. [[1](https://echo-network.eu/)], [[2](https://framablog.org/2020/06/27/resolu-un-pas-de-plus-dans-contributopia/)], [[3](https://www.emancipasso.org/)]
**Consolidate what serves you**<br /> The directory [@:txt.libre](@:link.libre), the publishing house [Des Livres en Communs](https://deslivresencommuns.org), the [@:txt.blog](@:link.blog), the [@:txt.dio](@:link.dio) services, the actions to [De-googl-ify Associations](https://framasoft.org/en/roadmap/)... exist only thanks to your support. Bring them to life!
**Maintain the technical tools**<br /> Framasoft is about sixty open source sites and services, deployed on more than 100 servers. Our members ensure the maintenance, the support, the animation and the update. Your donations ensure that it is free of charge for everyone.
**Drawing a new digital horizon**<br /> The [Émancip’Asso](https://www.emancipasso.org/), [PeerTube](@:link.joinpeertube), [Framaspace](https://framaspace.org)… Thanks to your donations, we design and produce user-friendly digital tools, that emancipate themselves from the laws of the economy of attention to better respect what connects us.