## Preamble We –the members of the Framasoft association– will do our best to follow this manifesto; we know we are too fallible to promise to follow it word for word! Please see this manifesto as a simple declaration of intent of what we want to be (and especially do!) in the world.
Our way of expression is to do. We feel useful in action and believe that our ways of acting reveal our values. We see Framasoft as a prefiguration association: we present our achievements as prototypes that anyone can appropriate to reproduce them on another scale, or adapt them to other constraints.
Having more doubts than certainties, we see what we do as experiments. So we accept failure: to err is human, and so are we! We even find joy in failures, because they can teach us more than a success. But for us, knowledge is more important than efficiency.
We make sure to share recipes, products and lessons learned freely. We elevate our achievements in the Commons. We want everyone to be able to take it and adapt it to their own situation, but also to avoid being in a position of power because of a monopoly on one resource or another.
This statement has its own limitations. We have realised that we cannot take care of a Common, or of others, if we do not take care of ourselves, any more than we can share a flame if we let our own campfire go out.
We don’t want to look any higher than our foundations. We don’t hesitate to use jokes to relieve the pressure, even if it means offending the serious. If humour is at the heart of our practices, it does not detract from the substance of our actions.