### Who? A non-profit association founded in 2004, financed by your donations, which is limited to a dozen employees and about thirty volunteers (a group of friends!)
### Popular education **Popular education is the freedom of everyone to share and access knowledge: the basis for a better world!** Sharing thoughts and initiatives, achievements on digital, commons and social justice.<br /> → [Read the Framablog](@:link.blog) Sharing knowledge on digital empowerment in conferences and workshops.<br /> → [See in videos](@:link.tube)
### Archipelago **In an archipelago where each⋅e is an island (with its own identity) swimming in common waters (the same values), cooperating is a matter of course!** Animation of the CHATONS collective to facilitate access to other trusted hosts.<br /> → [Find a CHATONS](@:link.chatons) Contributions to projects that drive us (experience sharing, technical support / communication, etc)<br /> → [Know our partnerships](@:(link.soft)/archipelago)