The commitments of @:color.soft come from an activist approach inspired by the popular education movement, you can find them in our [Charter of Free, Ethical, Decentralized and Solidarity Services](../charte).
Clause *“The law is the law, and we don’t want to end up in jail”*: you must respect the law (whether it is well made or silly), otherwise your account will be deleted;
Clause *“Thank you for being polite and respectful with your platform neighbors”*: you must respect other users by being civic-minded and politeness. If not, your content, even your account, can be deleted, without negotiation;
Clause *“If it breaks, we are not obliged to repair”*: @:color.soft offers this service for free. If you lose data, through your fault or ours, sorry, but it happens. We’ll do what we can to get it back, but we assign no obligation of result. In other words, avoid trusting sensitive or important data on @:color.soft services, because if they are lost, we do not guarantee their recovery;
Clause *“If you are not happy, you are invited to go elsewhere”*: if the service does not suit you, you are free to find some an equivalent (or better) elsewhere, or to install your own;
Clause *“Any abuse will be punished”*: if a user abuses the service, for example by monopolizing shared machine resources, or by publishing content considered to be irrelevant, their content or their account can be deleted without warning or negotiation. @:color.soft remains the sole judge of this notion of “abuse” in order to provide the best possible service to all its users. If it seems anti-democratic, anti-libristic, anti-free speech to you, please refer to the previous clause;
Clause *“Nothing is eternal”*: services can close (for example, because of a lack of funds to maintain them), they can be victims of intrusion (the “100% secure” does not exist). We encourage you to keep a copy of the data that is important to you, because @:color.soft can not be held responsible for hosting it forever.