## Preamble We –the members of the Framasoft association– will do our best to follow this manifesto; we know we are too fallible to promise to follow it word for word! Please see this manifesto as a simple declaration of intent of what we want to be (and especially do!) in the world.
We like to use [the notion of archipelago in reference to our relationships with others](https://framablog.org/2019/12/10/archipelisation-comment-framasoft-concoit-les-relations-quelle-tisse/) Each one is an island with its own identity and bathes in the same waters as its neighbours, and that speaks to us a lot: “Each⋅e its identity, its culture, its reason for being, its objectives, its means. But we all share the same values and strategies. We make the choice to cooperate, even occasionally.”
Charter of Free, Ethical, Decentralized and Solidarity Services,<br />approved by@:color.soft on October 6th 2014. Translation by Framalang contributors Théo, #!, goofy, Diane