We like to use [the notion of archipelago in reference to our relationships with others](https://framablog.org/2019/12/10/archipelisation-comment-framasoft-concoit-les-relations-quelle-tisse/) Each one is an island with its own identity and bathes in the same waters as its neighbours, and that speaks to us a lot: “Each⋅e its identity, its culture, its reason for being, its objectives, its means. But we all share the same values and strategies. We make the choice to cooperate, even occasionally.”
## Preamble By using this service, you agree to the following terms.<br /> @:color.soft reserves the right to update and modify these terms from time to time. ## Short version ([TL;DR](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tl;dr) as we say :wink:)<br /> To make it easier to read, without the legal blah-blah, we offer you below a version understandable by a normal human being.
Framasoft is a not-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!
This collective gathers Alternative Hosting which, everywhere in France (and even beyond), offer online services that can be trusted. Framasoft leads this collective and accompanies its growth in order to make it autonomous. - [Discover the collective](https://www.chatons.org)
L.A. Coalition is a collective of activist associations for progress and social justice. It aims to promote and defend Associative Freedom. Framasoft helps and advises the collective on its digital tools and uses. - [Read more](https://www.lacoalition.fr/)