"Tiny Tiny RSS pillar generator" = "Tiny Tiny RSS pillar generator"; "Created by {{- opentag}}Luc Didry{{- endtag}}" = "أنشأه {{- opentag}}Luc Didry{{- endtag}}"; "Source" = "المصدر"; "Language" = "اللغة"; "Your instance" = "مثيل خادومك"; "Web address of your Tiny Tiny RSS instance (without {{- opentag}}http(s)://{{- endtag}})" = "Web address of your Tiny Tiny RSS instance (without {{- opentag}}http(s)://{{- endtag}})"; "How many CPU threads should be allocated to the update daemon?" = "How many CPU threads should be allocated to the update daemon?"; "Setting up email sending" = "إعدادات إرسال البريد الإلكتروني"; "Display name of the email’s sender" = "Display name of the email’s sender"; "Email sender address" = "عنوان مُرسِل البريد الإلكتروني"; "Subject of digest emails" = "عنوان ملخص الرسائل الإلكترونية"; "Registrations" = "التسجيلات"; "Open registrations?" = "هل تريد فتح التسجيلات؟"; "Maximum number of accounts (when this number is reached, registrations are disabled. For an unlimited number of accounts, put {{- opentag}}0{{- endtag}})" = "Maximum number of accounts (when this number is reached, registrations are disabled. For an unlimited number of accounts, put {{- opentag}}0{{- endtag}})"; "Admin account" = "حساب المدير"; "The login of the admin account is, without surprise, {{- opentag}}admin{{- endtag}}." = "The login of the admin account is, without surprise, {{- opentag}}admin{{- endtag}}."; "Email attached to admin account" = "عنوان البريد المرتبِط بحساب المدير"; "Password of admin account" = "الكلمة السرية لحساب المدير"; "Apticron is a program that runs daily on your server and notifies you by email if package updates are available." = "Apticron is a program that runs daily on your server and notifies you by email if package updates are available."; "Install apticron? {{- opentag}}recommended{{- endtag}}" = "Install apticron? {{- opentag}}recommended{{- endtag}}"; "Recipient for apticron’s emails ({{- opentag}}root{{- endtag}} is ok if you configured a real address in {{- opentag}}/etc/aliases{{- endtag}}" = "Recipient for apticron’s emails ({{- opentag}}root{{- endtag}} is ok if you configured a real address in {{- opentag}}/etc/aliases{{- endtag}}"; "Download configuration" = "تنزيل الإعداد"; "Reset" = "صفّر";