// visible for 2 seconds "00:00:02.280-->00:00:04.780" = "PEERTUBE bakom kulisserna"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:05.846-->00:00:06.860" = "FRAMASOFT DECENTRALISERAR"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:06.885-->00:00:08.067" = "FRAMASOFT PRESENTERAR"; // visible for 4 seconds "00:00:15.273-->00:00:19.340" = "Projektet ”Avgoogla internet”\nstår bakom PEERTUBE."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:22.173-->00:00:23.665" = "Bland dem som arbetar med PEERTUBE"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:23.760-->00:00:25.548" = "finns Chocobozzz."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:25.585-->00:00:27.618" = "PEERTUBE är skapat av Chocobozzz"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:27.685-->00:00:30.126" = "som först utvecklade den i två år."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:30.152-->00:00:33.026" = "PEERTUBE har många bidragsgivare,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:33.452-->00:00:35.135" = "som Marie-Cécile Godwin"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:35.202-->00:00:37.056" = "som arbetar mycket"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:37.115-->00:00:38.523" = "av användarupplevelsen"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:38.557-->00:00:40.515" = "framför allt för att förstå"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:40.607-->00:00:43.123" = "hur systemen fungerar"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:43.165-->00:00:44.815" = "och hur de påverkar människor."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:44.891-->00:00:46.724" = "Det vill hon ge PEERTUBE."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:46.778-->00:00:49.197" = "En av PEERTUBEs kodskrivare,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:49.520-->00:00:50.884" = "Rigelk,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:00:51.664-->00:00:54.071" = "blev snabbt intresserad av projektet"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:54.104-->00:00:56.090" = "och började"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:00:56.124-->00:00:59.211" = "visa upp det på konferenser"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:00:59.380-->00:01:01.117" = "och sedan bidra med kod."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:01.228-->00:01:02.883" = "Det är så vi möttes"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:02.908-->00:01:05.789" = "och en sak har lett till nästa,\nnu är han medlem i Framasoft."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:01:05.856-->00:01:09.723" = "David Revoy har gjort många"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:10.050-->00:01:11.250" = "illustrationer för PEERTUBE"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:11.477-->00:01:14.470" = "och även skapat PEERTUBEs maskot,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:14.496-->00:01:16.423" = "Sépia,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:16.496-->00:01:18.576" = "en liten bläckfisk som representerar PEERTUBE."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:01:19.823-->00:01:23.030" = "”Hur kan Youtube decentraliseras?”"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:01:24.102-->00:01:24.863" = "Det frågade vi oss"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:24.877-->00:01:26.770" = "när vi hängde efter FOSDEM"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:26.830-->00:01:28.043" = "och undrade vad vi skulle göra."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:28.057-->00:01:29.057" = "Vi ville inte använda"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:29.130-->00:01:30.370" = "Popcorn Time"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:01:30.416-->00:01:34.090" = "du vet, den här fria–libre-mjukvaran som\nanvänds för att ladda ner videor olagligt."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:34.410-->00:01:35.410" = "Vi hade ingen aning …"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:01:35.516-->00:01:38.682" = "En dag hörde vi talas om Chocobozzz,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:01:39.479-->00:01:42.789" = "en utvecklare av fri–libre-mjukvara,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:42.923-->00:01:45.349" = "och hans projekt ”PEERTUBE”,\nsom han skrev på sin fritid,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:45.712-->00:01:47.484" = "en decentraliserad"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:48.071-->00:01:49.551" = "och federerad"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:49.624-->00:01:52.098" = "videoplattform."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:53.617-->00:01:55.383" = "Hej! Välkommen hem till mig,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:56.230-->00:01:57.506" = "jag heter David Revoy"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:01:57.531-->00:01:58.783" = "och jobbar som illustratör."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:01:58.808-->00:02:01.696" = "Jag använder fri–libre-mjukvara sedan 2010"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:01.909-->00:02:03.450" = "och har illustrerat FRAMASOFTs"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:03.475-->00:02:05.125" = "kampanj ”Contributopia”."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:05.474-->00:02:06.997" = "Vi kommer även träffa Pouhiou"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:07.022-->00:02:08.992" = "eftersom det är så mycket att göra med PEERTUBE."; // visible for 0 seconds "00:02:10.090-->00:02:10.683" = "Hej Pouhiou,"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:02:10.708-->00:02:11.050" = "hur är läget?"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:11.085-->00:02:12.169" = "Ska bara ta av mig …"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:02:12.208-->00:02:12.676" = "Välkommen hem till dig!"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:02:14.836-->00:02:15.450" = "Jag tänker mig …"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:15.483-->00:02:18.390" = "på trean, typ som ”V for victory”\nfast en trea."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:02:19.883-->00:02:22.956" = "Tänk på att ett V\nkräver tre tentakler."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:22.983-->00:02:24.550" = "Om vi …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:24.610-->00:02:26.543" = "vi ändrar lite på"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:02:26.776-->00:02:27.516" = "PEERTUBEs logga"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:27.541-->00:02:29.694" = "och skriver ”Peer” kursivt"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:30.000-->00:02:32.683" = "med ”V3” i exponentläge\nbredvid ”PEERTUBE”."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:33.150-->00:02:34.483" = "Här är tre trianglar,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:02:34.553-->00:02:38.320" = "kan du förklara vad trean betyder?"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:38.679-->00:02:40.733" = "Både tilläggsprogrammen"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:02:40.800-->00:02:44.146" = "som har gjorts om från grunden"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:02:44.553-->00:02:48.046" = "och verkligen gör det enklare att bidra"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:48.080-->00:02:50.230" = "då man inte behöver känna till\nall kärnkod längre."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:50.330-->00:02:52.263" = "Eller med varmluftsballonger"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:52.277-->00:02:54.896" = "och en steampunk-inspirerad stil,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:02:54.983-->00:02:56.456" = "eller tre ballonger …"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:02:56.656-->00:02:59.239" = "Nu svamlar jag bara …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:01.553-->00:03:03.201" = "Men jag gillar hela idén "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:03.226-->00:03:05.064" = "med varmluftsballonger,\njag älskar dem!"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:05.100-->00:03:07.556" = "Jag har förmånen"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:07.870-->00:03:09.303" = "att min mamma är ballongflygare."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:09.350-->00:03:10.350" = "Verkligen?"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:11.117-->00:03:12.996" = "Fantastiskt!"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:13.383-->00:03:15.516" = "Jag uppskattar hur tysta och zen-lika"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:16.110-->00:03:17.113" = "varmluftsballonger är."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:17.160-->00:03:18.160" = "Du nämnde berg"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:18.267-->00:03:19.963" = "och vi kan"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:19.988-->00:03:21.646" = "ha dem symboliskt bakom,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:22.373-->00:03:24.432" = "det ger en dynamik …"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:24.580-->00:03:27.023" = "Vad häftigt!"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:33.603-->00:03:35.137" = "Jag heter Marie-Cécile."; // visible for 0 seconds "00:03:35.200-->00:03:36.073" = "Jag försöker arbeta"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:36.098-->00:03:37.511" = "så lite som möjligt,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:37.538-->00:03:39.315" = "men jag har räkningar att betala."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:39.346-->00:03:41.163" = "Egentligen är jag formgivare."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:41.247-->00:03:42.764" = "Jag försöker skola om mig"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:42.789-->00:03:44.030" = "och börja färga ull"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:44.217-->00:03:46.303" = "för om jag ska vara ärlig"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:46.617-->00:03:47.617" = "så är datorer tråkiga."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:03:47.689-->00:03:49.501" = "Vad betyder det att möta"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:49.526-->00:03:51.632" = "dem som använder det här?"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:03:52.697-->00:03:55.043" = "I mina intervjuer"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:03:55.456-->00:03:58.983" = "talade jag med människor som\ninte var aktiva i fri–libre-rörelsen,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:03:59.490-->00:04:02.960" = "som de lärare och klassföreståndare"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:03.040-->00:04:05.780" = "som använder till exempel Lyon-akademins PEERTUBE-instans."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:06.913-->00:04:09.630" = "Det stöter på vanliga problem"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:09.703-->00:04:11.176" = "i sin vardag:"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:11.317-->00:04:13.070" = "”Jag vill ladda upp en video,"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:04:13.117-->00:04:14.030" = "hur gör jag det?”"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:14.112-->00:04:16.152" = "”Jag känner till YouTube men inte PEERTUBE,\nhur gör jag?”"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:16.177-->00:04:17.340" = "Det är mycket intressant,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:17.533-->00:04:19.840" = "särskilt när människor använder vardagligt språk"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:21.026-->00:04:23.712" = "för att uttrycka sina behov på ett pragmatiskt vis."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:24.347-->00:04:26.526" = "Utöver dem finns det mer tekniska personer"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:27.069-->00:04:29.088" = "eller videoskapare med"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:29.113-->00:04:31.240" = "tydliga behov,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:31.836-->00:04:33.501" = "som ”Hur behåller jag min gemenskap"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:33.533-->00:04:35.043" = "om jag flyttar till PEERTUBE?”."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:04:36.080-->00:04:39.533" = "Det är roligt att se alla olika användningsområden."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:39.560-->00:04:42.306" = "Ytterst handlar det inte om mjukvaran."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:42.459-->00:04:44.166" = "Jag brukar säga att design handlar om att ge form:"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:44.191-->00:04:45.964" = "alltså att jag kommer och"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:46.026-->00:04:47.886" = "samlar ihop"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:47.986-->00:04:49.120" = "den komplicerade infomation jag ser"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:49.146-->00:04:51.259" = "och ger den en överskådlig"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:51.290-->00:04:53.758" = "och betydelsefull form."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:04:53.993-->00:04:57.139" = "Ibland handlar det om att se begränsningen"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:04:57.199-->00:04:59.272" = "för att skapa en möbel eller ett gränssnitt"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:04:59.326-->00:05:00.759" = "och ibland krävs mer:"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:00.806-->00:05:03.106" = "”Skit, vi vet inte vad PEERTUBEs användare gör"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:03.179-->00:05:05.052" = "och vad de behöver.”"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:05.632-->00:05:07.759" = "Hur formar du det till\nnågonting greppbart"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:07.784-->00:05:09.456" = "och hur översätter du det till ett användargränssnitt?"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:11.665-->00:05:13.192" = "När vi startade PEERTUBE"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:05:13.365-->00:05:14.298" = "berättade alla för oss att"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:14.351-->00:05:17.052" = "ni måste ha monetisering,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:17.077-->00:05:19.908" = "statistik och chattverktyg för youtubare."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:20.712-->00:05:21.898" = "Vi tänkte då …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:22.039-->00:05:23.313" = "det är inte så att vi ogillar youtuberare,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:23.338-->00:05:24.356" = "jag har själv varit en,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:25.018-->00:05:27.351" = "men de är bara toppen av isberget"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:27.376-->00:05:29.840" = "när det handlar om videor på internet."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:30.403-->00:05:31.403" = "Vilka gör flest videor"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:31.483-->00:05:32.685" = "på internet,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:32.710-->00:05:34.420" = "när du tänker på hela isberget?"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:34.530-->00:05:37.350" = "En lärare delar sina föreläsningar och"; // visible for 4 seconds "00:05:37.430-->00:05:41.616" = "den lilla klädbutiken\nvisar hur man lappar och lagar"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:05:41.641-->00:05:45.560" = "för att sölja mer tråd och nålar."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:45.764-->00:05:47.670" = "Vissa vill dela videon"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:05:47.695-->00:05:49.714" = "med sina katter när de ramlar på gatan."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:51.317-->00:05:52.841" = "Vi bestämde oss för"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:52.866-->00:05:54.634" = "att göra ett verktyg för dem,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:55.029-->00:05:56.325" = "de som inte har lika höga krav …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:57.472-->00:05:58.472" = "Dessutom …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:05:58.800-->00:06:00.592" = "låter det oss göra ett PEERTUBE"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:01.059-->00:06:03.206" = "som inte är en kopia av Youtube."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:04.227-->00:06:05.586" = "Det låter oss skapa ett annat verktyg"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:05.611-->00:06:07.070" = "med andra funktioner."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:15.590-->00:06:17.390" = "Hej, jag är Rigelk."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:17.802-->00:06:19.670" = "Jag bidrar till PEERTUBE"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:19.863-->00:06:21.592" = "sedan två och ett halvt år."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:21.600-->00:06:22.944" = "Jag började"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:22.969-->00:06:24.797" = "som alla andra,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:25.200-->00:06:27.143" = "med frågor om mjukvaran:"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:27.238-->00:06:28.502" = "”Hur fungerar den?”"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:06:29.264-->00:06:32.720" = "”Vad är visionen för videoströmning?”"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:33.102-->00:06:35.616" = "och ”Hur kan jag hjälpa till lite?”."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:06:35.797-->00:06:39.101" = "För mig var det ett viktigt och förnuftigt projekt."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:39.369-->00:06:41.911" = "PEERTUBE är en mjukvara"; // visible for 4 seconds "00:06:41.978-->00:06:46.158" = "där utvecklarna oftast föredrar"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:46.245-->00:06:47.711" = "(då de bidrar online)"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:47.883-->00:06:49.206" = "att bidra via en projektwebbplats"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:49.254-->00:06:51.158" = "som samlar alla"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:51.273-->00:06:54.092" = "funktioner, viktiga bidrag"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:06:54.178-->00:06:55.911" = "som projekthistoriken"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:56.262-->00:06:58.278" = "med alla användare"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:06:58.335-->00:07:00.868" = "och önskemål om funktioner"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:00.976-->00:07:03.928" = "och buggrapporter …"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:04.138-->00:07:06.494" = "När man laddar upp en video till PEERTUBE"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:06.519-->00:07:09.010" = "startar många olika processer."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:09.214-->00:07:11.075" = "Då sparas"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:11.100-->00:07:12.780" = "videons metadata,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:12.833-->00:07:14.769" = "servern omvandlar videon"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:14.794-->00:07:16.904" = "och omkodar den till olika upplösningar"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:18.024-->00:07:20.579" = "så den kan visas"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:20.604-->00:07:23.498" = "med alla webbläsare och apparater."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:23.520-->00:07:25.374" = "Federation"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:25.422-->00:07:26.929" = "låter servrar"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:26.954-->00:07:28.236" = "och användare"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:28.318-->00:07:30.258" = "kommunicera med varandra."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:30.496-->00:07:31.496" = "PEERTUBEs största fördel"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:31.639-->00:07:33.677" = "är faktiskt"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:33.744-->00:07:36.667" = "den här federationen"; // visible for 4 seconds "00:07:36.877-->00:07:41.048" = "där ett stort nät av servrar inte behövs"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:41.201-->00:07:43.692" = "men vi kan skapa många mindre servrar"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:43.873-->00:07:45.202" = "som federeras"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:45.227-->00:07:46.754" = "och då blir hopkopplade."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:07:47.207-->00:07:48.711" = "Servrarna"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:48.826-->00:07:51.588" = "tillhandahåller en gigantisk videokatalog\näven om videorna"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:51.613-->00:07:54.374" = "är uppdelade över många olika personer."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:07:54.644-->00:07:57.330" = "Chocobozzz snilledrag"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:07:57.559-->00:08:00.816" = "var att lägga till något utöver federationen:"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:00.987-->00:08:03.635" = "videoströmning mellan tittare."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:05.034-->00:08:07.537" = "Delningen mellan tittare"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:07.562-->00:08:09.859" = "innebär att den väldigt populär video"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:09.921-->00:08:11.375" = "som ses av många personer"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:11.400-->00:08:13.182" = "som alla ansluter samtidigt\nför att se videon,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:13.292-->00:08:14.998" = "inte överbelastar servern."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:15.023-->00:08:16.525" = "Alla dessa människor"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:08:16.597-->00:08:17.206" = "som säger ”Woaa,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:17.231-->00:08:18.392" = "jag vill ha din video, jag vill ha din video”."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:18.662-->00:08:21.000" = "Videon delas mellan"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:21.025-->00:08:23.686" = "dem som ser på videon."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:23.948-->00:08:25.433" = "Detta är mycket viktigt för PEERTUBE"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:25.458-->00:08:27.643" = "på grund av problemet med …"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:27.729-->00:08:28.776" = "bandbreddskostnaden"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:28.801-->00:08:30.948" = "som plattformar"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:31.215-->00:08:33.167" = "ofta glömmer bort"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:33.224-->00:08:34.416" = "när de servar videor,"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:08:34.441-->00:08:35.419" = "som på YouTube"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:35.444-->00:08:36.812" = "där du inte känner till vad det kostar."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:36.940-->00:08:38.778" = "But the storage and transcoding costs"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:38.803-->00:08:40.940" = "are really important,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:41.017-->00:08:42.978" = "and being able to"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:43.096-->00:08:44.802" = "och egna kostnadsbegränsningar för utökning"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:44.827-->00:08:46.863" = "and own costs to scale that we wish"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:47.016-->00:08:48.256" = "while having access"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:48.281-->00:08:50.802" = "to an external video catalogue"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:50.969-->00:08:53.559" = "make the strength of PEERTUBE's network."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:08:53.644-->00:08:55.367" = "PEERTUBE's installation is not"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:55.392-->00:08:57.535" = "totally simple for everyone"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:08:57.667-->00:09:00.079" = "because complicated technical issues"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:00.142-->00:09:02.452" = "need to be fixed to optimise the video service."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:02.601-->00:09:05.551" = "After all, to serve videos"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:05.576-->00:09:08.149" = "these are large files and you need an important bandwdith."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:09:08.315-->00:09:12.013" = "Not everyone will be able"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:12.090-->00:09:14.651" = "to install a PEERTUBE service"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:14.709-->00:09:16.318" = "and serve videos on himself."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:16.480-->00:09:18.432" = "That's why we differ several uses."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:18.509-->00:09:20.547" = "vissa kommer"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:20.626-->00:09:23.396" = "installera PEERTUBE på sina servrar"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:23.417-->00:09:26.340" = "eftersom de har en djupare teknisk kunskap "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:26.455-->00:09:27.607" = "and there are "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:27.636-->00:09:28.988" = "video creators,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:30.236-->00:09:32.254" = "visitors who watch"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:32.279-->00:09:34.688" = "videos and follow accounts"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:09:34.740-->00:09:35.721" = "of creators,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:35.882-->00:09:37.684" = "med det är två olika grupper\noch vi kräver inte att alla"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:37.709-->00:09:39.440" = "to install a PEERTUBE instance."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:42.312-->00:09:43.483" = "At the beginning"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:43.517-->00:09:45.330" = "I posted"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:45.397-->00:09:46.597" = "I think it was…"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:46.855-->00:09:48.511" = "the very first thing I posted"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:49.226-->00:09:51.135" = "and the goal really was"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:51.169-->00:09:53.048" = "to work with it."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:09:53.082-->00:09:56.187" = "It was PEERTUBE's only graphic universe."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:09:56.236-->00:09:57.236" = "It was…"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:57.455-->00:09:59.645" = "this triangle that really speaks to me,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:09:59.670-->00:10:02.245" = "because it's like Zelda's triforce triangle"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:02.264-->00:10:03.864" = "but inclined"; // visible for 4 seconds "00:10:04.292-->00:10:08.454" = "and from here, I tried with a tv, an old CRT tv"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:09.016-->00:10:10.045" = "the good tv"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:10.474-->00:10:12.035" = "and immediately young people"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:10:12.064-->00:10:15.330" = "on the Pepper & Carrot project said to me\n\"woaa, how comes his head is in a microwave?\" "; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:15.455-->00:10:17.521" = "I felt very old."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:17.663-->00:10:20.254" = "I started to draw the logo"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:20.597-->00:10:21.597" = "and just plugged"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:10:21.673-->00:10:24.816" = "the small octopus below."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:25.178-->00:10:26.559" = "And I obtained a figure very quickly"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:26.584-->00:10:28.840" = "that wasn't known, "; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:28.911-->00:10:31.730" = "and made for PEERTUBE."; // visible for 4 seconds "00:10:32.188-->00:10:36.244" = "When I showed this sketch on the IRC channel, they immediately…"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:36.826-->00:10:38.730" = "agreed with a great degree of sympathy"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:38.959-->00:10:41.463" = "and then to present it a bit to the community,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:41.488-->00:10:42.825" = "I had to"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:42.959-->00:10:44.806" = "make a version that was more…"; // visible for 0 seconds "00:10:44.930-->00:10:45.368" = "clean"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:45.454-->00:10:46.987" = "a bit more vector puppet"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:47.596-->00:10:50.225" = "that's to say, the tentacles are separed "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:50.250-->00:10:51.367" = "we can move the eyes"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:52.663-->00:10:54.948" = "articulate it and "; // visible for 2 seconds "00:10:55.101-->00:10:57.358" = "that's what I published in the end."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:10:59.949-->00:11:01.462" = "GAFAM aren't free,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:01.487-->00:11:02.958" = "and that's what it's all about"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:02.983-->00:11:05.139" = "I give many course in schools of"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:05.164-->00:11:07.148" = "Innovation… Digital… Something,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:07.730-->00:11:10.257" = "it's interesting to be confronted"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:10.282-->00:11:12.344" = "to student's point of views"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:12.369-->00:11:13.977" = "to new generations"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:14.002-->00:11:16.134" = "that don't see free things"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:16.159-->00:11:18.145" = "as an exploitation of their data at all."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:18.255-->00:11:20.502" = "They just think \"Woa we're going to be watched\""; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:20.702-->00:11:22.702" = "whereas it's a lot more perverse,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:22.727-->00:11:24.569" = "and on a very long period."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:24.594-->00:11:25.959" = "That's surveillance,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:25.984-->00:11:27.451" = "data accumulation,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:27.476-->00:11:28.517" = "profil creation,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:28.542-->00:11:31.194" = "that are very invasive and perverse,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:11:31.413-->00:11:34.564" = "and one of free-libre problems,\nit's that to contribute and share"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:11:34.589-->00:11:37.598" = "your voice, opinions, view or uses"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:37.623-->00:11:38.843" = "you have to use filters,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:38.868-->00:11:40.218" = "you have to know how to publish on GitHub,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:40.327-->00:11:43.088" = "you have to be bold for creating a forum profil…"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:43.193-->00:11:44.894" = "When I first wanted to"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:44.919-->00:11:47.064" = "contribute to free-libre,\njust to write a simple feedback"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:47.137-->00:11:48.422" = "there's a huge obstacle"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:48.447-->00:11:50.199" = "to overcome so it's complicated."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:50.224-->00:11:52.089" = "A lot of voices aren't heard."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:52.162-->00:11:54.228" = "My work is also to find"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:11:54.300-->00:11:55.533" = "where usually"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:55.558-->00:11:57.886" = "voices don't stand out and to bring out"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:11:57.911-->00:12:00.490" = "the uses that are never never noticed."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:04.839-->00:12:07.441" = "The difference with more centralized platforms"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:07.466-->00:12:09.663" = "is the fact that they are based on an attention economy"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:09.688-->00:12:12.096" = "where they monetise views,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:12.306-->00:12:15.106" = "especially"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:15.140-->00:12:17.239" = "with advertising,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:17.330-->00:12:19.667" = "the most standard mean,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:12:19.692-->00:12:23.359" = "and with online diffusion interactions,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:23.384-->00:12:26.178" = "called \"super chat\" on some platforms,"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:12:26.226-->00:12:29.292" = "and this economy"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:29.892-->00:12:31.111" = "specific to platforms"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:31.254-->00:12:34.170" = "is totally disconnected from PEERTUBE"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:34.195-->00:12:37.163" = "because we wanted PEERTUBE to remain a streaming platform"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:37.597-->00:12:39.553" = "that wasn't related to a payment system,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:39.578-->00:12:41.021" = "that wasn't related to…"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:41.898-->00:12:43.307" = "a recommendation system"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:12:44.354-->00:12:47.535" = "that reinforces this monetisation"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:12:47.793-->00:12:51.354" = "which is probably the main"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:51.573-->00:12:52.573" = "reason "; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:52.598-->00:12:54.945" = "of bubble creation on other platforms,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:12:54.970-->00:12:55.970" = "attention bubbles,"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:12:57.088-->00:12:59.789" = "because we want to offer content so that "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:01.922-->00:13:03.598" = "the user platforms stays."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:03.690-->00:13:04.693" = "Which isn't PEERTUBE's case."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:13:04.718-->00:13:08.350" = "We don't have a financial interest "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:08.474-->00:13:09.946" = "if the person stays"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:09.971-->00:13:11.873" = "and we don't have an interest to suggest "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:11.898-->00:13:13.799" = "more extreme videos,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:13.908-->00:13:15.845" = "we don't have an attention economy"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:15.870-->00:13:17.446" = "and all its sides."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:17.947-->00:13:20.403" = "With the arrival of \"the live\" in v3"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:20.565-->00:13:22.250" = "we're going to…"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:22.294-->00:13:23.917" = "enjoy even more"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:24.054-->00:13:26.435" = "the leverage of peer-to-peer"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:26.460-->00:13:28.789" = "that we already use for video streaming"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:29.526-->00:13:31.659" = "because many people will be watching"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:31.717-->00:13:32.802" = "the same segment,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:32.836-->00:13:34.536" = "the same part of the video at the same time"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:13:34.649-->00:13:37.688" = "and peer-to-peer will be fully realized"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:37.821-->00:13:39.764" = "to help the servor to stream videos."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:41.889-->00:13:44.108" = "PEERTUBE is financed and maintained"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:44.133-->00:13:45.488" = "by Framasoft association."; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:46.127-->00:13:47.707" = "Framasoft "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:47.732-->00:13:48.903" = "was created in 2004"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:13:49.972-->00:13:52.736" = "and is a sort of an intermediary"; // visible for 3 seconds "00:13:52.761-->00:13:56.024" = "between software world and free-libre culture"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:13:56.107-->00:13:57.878" = "and people."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:13:58.006-->00:14:01.135" = "That's it…\nAnd we try to bring more free-libre in people's lives."; // visible for 0 seconds "00:14:01.279-->00:14:02.164" = "Today,"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:14:02.189-->00:14:03.497" = "Framasoft"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:14:03.541-->00:14:06.435" = "is a popular education association "; // visible for 1 seconds "00:14:06.460-->00:14:08.383" = "to digital world issues."; // visible for 3 seconds "00:14:13.940-->00:14:17.325" = "PEERTUBE's V3 was published in early January 2021."; // visible for 5 seconds "00:14:17.706-->00:14:23.000" = "Six months of development (by one single employee and volunteers)\nand a fundraising of €68000 were necessary for V2 to become V3."; // visible for 6 seconds "00:14:23.286-->00:14:29.920" = "It includes a global search engine,better moderation tools, playlists and plugins \nand live peer-to-peer video streaming"; // visible for 6 seconds "00:14:30.133-->00:14:36.480" = "FRAMASOFT thanks all the 1299 fund donors and all the people\nwho contributed to this project in their own way."; // visible for 0 seconds "00:14:40.337-->00:14:41.193" = "Captations\nTomTooM"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:14:43.393-->00:14:44.393" = "Songs\nErwan Lerale"; // visible for 1 seconds "00:14:49.100-->00:14:50.666" = "This report realisation was offered to FRAMASOFT by Kintesens prod."; // visible for 2 seconds "00:14:50.765-->00:14:53.086" = "French Subtitles \nTomToom"; // visible for 2 seconds "00:14:53.111-->00:14:55.133" = "English subtitle version by\nCoraline";