"add_item" = "Add item"; "add_item_btn" = "Add item (Shorcut: Ctrl+Enter)"; "add_new_list" = "Add a new list"; "cancel" = "Cancel"; "cant_remove_only_list" = "You can’t remove the only list you have."; "change_sort_method" = "Change sorting method"; "close" = "Close"; "confirm_before_delete_item" = "Confirm before delete item?"; "confirm_item_removal" = "Are you sure you want to remove the item \"XXX\"?"; "confirm_list_removal" = "Are you sure you want to remove the current list and all its items?"; "current" = "Current"; "current_state" = "State: current?"; "decrement_number" = "Decrement number"; "default_list" = "Default list"; "download_list" = "Download the list"; "edit_item" = "Modify the item"; "edit_list" = "Change the name of the list"; "export" = "Export your data"; "export_import" = "Export/import"; "import" = "Import data"; "import_file" = "Your file containing data"; "import_ok" = "Your file has been successfully imported"; "increment_number" = "Increment number"; "info" = "What is Nexi?"; "list" = "List:"; "logo" = "Nexi’s logo"; "name" = "Name"; "name_taken" = "Name already taken, please choose another one"; "need_reload" = "New version available, the page will now reload."; "new_list_name" = "Name of the new list"; "new_name" = "New name"; "nexi_is" = "Nexi is a web-based list management software whose data does not leave your browser."; "next" = "Next"; "no_empty_name" = "The name can’t be empty"; "no_import_file" = "Please, select a file to import"; "open_menu" = "Open menu"; "number" = "Number"; "remove_item" = "Remove item"; "remove_list" = "Remove the current list and all its items"; "toggle_item_status" = "Toggle item’s status (current/next)"; "show_menu" = "Show menu"; "source_url" = "It’s a free software, licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3. The source code is on https://framagit.org/fiat-tux/hat-softwares/nexi."; "use_dark_theme" = "Use dark theme";