"ACTIONS.ACTIONS" = "Actions"; "ACTIONS.CANCEL" = "Cancel"; "ACTIONS.HELP" = "Help"; "ACTIONS.SAVE" = "Save"; "ADMIN.AUTHENTICATION" = "Authentication settings"; "ADMIN.ERR.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT" = "A default language must be selected."; "ADMIN.ERR.PARSE_CAS" = "Unable to parse the CAS configuration."; "ADMIN.ERR.PARSE_LDAP" = "Unable to parse the LDAP configuration."; "ADMIN.ERR.PARSE_LOGIN_MSG" = "Unable to parse the message on login/subscribe configuration."; "ADMIN.ERR.PASSWORD_MAX" = "Maximum password size is mandatory."; "ADMIN.ERR.PASSWORD_MIN" = "Minimum password size is mandatory."; "ADMIN.ERR.PASSWORD_SIZE" = "Min size can't be higher than max size. Please check your numbers."; "ADMIN.ERR.ROOTURL" = "Must be a valid URL."; "ADMIN.ERR.SMTP_EMAILFROM" = "Must be a valid email."; "ADMIN.ERR.TITLE" = "Title is mandatory."; "ADMIN.ETHERPAD_ACCOUNT" = "Etherpad account"; "ADMIN.FIELD.ALLOW_ETHERPADS" = "Anonymous pads"; "ADMIN.FIELD.ALL_PADS_PUBLICS_AUTHENTIFIED_ONLY" = "Make all pads public, but always ask to be authentified"; "ADMIN.FIELD.APPLY" = "Apply"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTHENTICATION_METHOD" = "Authentication method"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTH_CAS_SETTINGS" = "CAS settings"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTH_LDAP_SETTINGS" = "LDAP settings"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTH_METHODS.cas" = "Central Authentication Service"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTH_METHODS.internal" = "internal"; "ADMIN.FIELD.AUTH_METHODS.ldap" = "LDAP"; "ADMIN.FIELD.CHECKMAILS" = "Check user mails"; "ADMIN.FIELD.CREATE_USER" = "Create user"; "ADMIN.FIELD.DELETE_JOB_QUEUE" = "Use a job queue for pad deletion"; "ADMIN.FIELD.HIDE_HELP_BLOCKS" = "Hide help blocks"; "ADMIN.FIELD.HTMLEXTRA_HEAD" = "Extra HTML for "; "ADMIN.FIELD.INSENSITIVE_MAIL_MATCH" = "Make the user search by mail non case-sensitive"; "ADMIN.FIELD.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT" = "Default language"; "ADMIN.FIELD.LOGIN_MSG" = "Message on login and subscribe pages"; "ADMIN.FIELD.OPEN_REGISTRATION" = "Open registration"; "ADMIN.FIELD.PASSWORD_MAX" = "Maximum size"; "ADMIN.FIELD.PASSWORD_MIN" = "Minimum size"; "ADMIN.FIELD.ROOTURL" = "Root Web URL"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SEARCH" = "Search"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SHOW_ALL_USERS" = "Show all users"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_EMAILFROM" = "Email to send from"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_HOST" = "SMTP Host"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_PASS" = "Password"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_PORT" = "SMTP Port"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_SSL" = "Encryption via SSL"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_TLS" = "Encryption via TLS"; "ADMIN.FIELD.SMTP_USER" = "User"; "ADMIN.FIELD.TITLE" = "Title"; "ADMIN.FIELD.TOKEN_DURATION" = "Token validity"; "ADMIN.FIELD.TRUST_PROXY" = "Trust the proxy"; "ADMIN.FIELD.USE_FIRST_AND_LAST_NAME_IN_PADS" = "Use first and last name of users as nickname in pads"; "ADMIN.FORM_LOGIN" = "Administration login"; "ADMIN.FORM_SETTINGS" = "MyPads configuration"; "ADMIN.FORM_USERS_SEARCH" = "Search user"; "ADMIN.FORM_USER_CREATE" = "User creation"; "ADMIN.FORM_USER_EDIT" = "Profile user edition"; "ADMIN.HELP_LOGIN" = "

MyPads administration is tied to Etherpad administration. Please enter an authorized login and password, as fixed into Etherpad settings.json to be able to update MyPads settings.



Only Etherpad admins have access this page. You can edit the global settings here and apply them. Changes will be effective directly.


Be careful about password sizes: if you have existing accounts and raise minimum size or decrease maximum size, some user passwords may become unseizable.

Mail configuration

MyPads can verify the mails of subscribed users by sending them an email which will be used by them to confirm their address. Moreover, MyPads need email sending for password recovery.

Be cautious with SMTP configuration: bad parameters can lead to an Etherpad crash.

Please note that, unlike other parameters, SMTP settings are only applied after Etherpad reboot.


This admin reserved page helps you to find users by entering their login. Once found, you will be able to edit or remove user.

For simplicity and performance reasons, we don't offer here a full listing of subscribed users.


Here you can create an account, even if registration is disabled.

Please note that no email is sent to the user, even if email checking is enabled.


Here you can update all data associated to an existing user.

Please note that by default, leaving password empty means keeping the current password. If you want to change it, you have to fill password field and its confirmation.

"; "ADMIN.INFO.ALLOW_ETHERPADS" = "Allow classic anonymous pads from on the Etherpad instance, created from the root URL of the server"; "ADMIN.INFO.ALL_PADS_PUBLICS_AUTHENTIFIED_ONLY" = "This option removes the notion of restreint or private pads, making all of them public but they will be accessible to authentified users only."; "ADMIN.INFO.AUTHENTICATION_METHOD" = "You can choose between multiple authentication methods. The default is \"internal\". You can't mix authentication methods."; "ADMIN.INFO.AUTH_CAS_SETTINGS" = "See details on the dedicated wiki page.
Beside properties and defaultLang, all the settings are simple-cas-interface (the module used for the CAS authentication) settings. The `serverUrl` should not end with a trailing slash."; "ADMIN.INFO.AUTH_LDAP_SETTINGS" = "See details on the dedicated wiki page.
Beside properties and defaultLang, all the settings are ldapauth-fork (the module used for the LDAP authentication) settings. You can add other settings to it, just go on the module page to see which."; "ADMIN.INFO.CHECKMAILS" = "Check user mail given at subscription"; "ADMIN.INFO.DELETE_JOB_QUEUE" = "Etherpad has issues when deleting pads with a lot of revisions (total freeze, confirmed with 72,000 revisions). To avoid freeze of your Etherpad instance, you can use a job queue, provided by MyPads, to safely handle the deletion of pads. See details on https://framagit.org/framasoft/Etherpad/ep_mypads/wikis/Use-the-job-queue."; "ADMIN.INFO.HIDE_HELP_BLOCKS" = "Help blocks shows in multiple MyPads pages, you can hide them with this setting"; "ADMIN.INFO.HTMLEXTRA_HEAD" = "Custom HTML Code appended to tag "; "ADMIN.INFO.INSENSITIVE_MAIL_MATCH" = "When you share a folder to someone, using his/her email address, you have to know exactly the case (ie JaneDoe@example.org) or MyPads won't find the user. This option makes MyPads search for email address case insensitive."; "ADMIN.INFO.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT" = "Default language for guest MyPads users"; "ADMIN.INFO.LOGIN" = "The etherpad settings.json fixed admin login"; "ADMIN.INFO.LOGIN_MSG" = "You can display a message on login and subscribe pages. English language will be used as fallback if user’s language is not defined or empty. HTML is authorized, be careful!"; "ADMIN.INFO.NOCHANGE" = "Configuration have not changed, so no update has been sent"; "ADMIN.INFO.OPEN_REGISTRATION" = "Allow anyone to create an account (no effect if the LDAP authentication is set)"; "ADMIN.INFO.PASSWORD_MAX" = "Password maximum number of characters"; "ADMIN.INFO.PASSWORD_MIN" = "Password minimum number of characters"; "ADMIN.INFO.ROOTURL" = "The root Web address used to access to Etherpad"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_EMAILFROM" = "Email address to use to send emails from MyPads"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_HOST" = "Domain name where the SMTP Server belongs to"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_PASS" = "Optional: if authentication to the SMTP server is required, password"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_PORT" = "SMTP Port to use"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_SSL" = "Check it if you want to use an encrypted SSL connexion between MyPads and your SMTP Server"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_TLS" = "Check it if you want to use an encrypted TLS connexion between MyPads and your SMTP Server"; "ADMIN.INFO.SMTP_USER" = "Optional: if authentication to the SMTP server is required, username"; "ADMIN.INFO.SUCCESS" = "Configuration has been updated successfully"; "ADMIN.INFO.TITLE" = "Global title displayed on your MyPads instance"; "ADMIN.INFO.TOKEN_DURATION" = "The time, in minutes, generated tokens are valid until users confirm their subscription"; "ADMIN.INFO.TRUST_PROXY" = "Configuration with a reverse proxy for the use of the same instance on several domains, this automatically calculates the service url according to requests without taking the parameter \"rootUrl\" into account."; "ADMIN.INFO.USERS_SEARCH_LOGIN" = "Please enter a login to search around database users"; "ADMIN.INFO.USER_FOUND" = "User found, please see options inside the form"; "ADMIN.INFO.USER_NONE" = "No user for this login"; "ADMIN.INFO.USER_REMOVE_SURE" = "You are on the verge of removing definitively this account and all the folders and pads on which the user is the unique administrator. If you are really sure about what you are doing, please click on the OK button."; "ADMIN.INFO.USE_FIRST_AND_LAST_NAME_IN_PADS" = "Force the use of first and last name as nickname in pads"; "ADMIN.SETTINGS_GENERAL" = "General settings"; "ADMIN.SETTINGS_MAIL" = "Mail settings"; "ADMIN.SETTINGS_PASSWORD" = "Password settings"; "ADMIN.SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS" = "Successful user creation!"; "ADMIN.USERS_COUNT" = "Number of users:"; "ADMIN.USERS_SEARCH_LOGIN" = "Search by login"; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.ACTIVATION_NEEDED" = "Your account has not been confirmed."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.ADMIN" = "Access denied: you must be an authenticated Etherpad instance admin."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.CAS_NO_TICKET" = "Access denied: no CAS ticket provided."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.DENIED" = "Access denied"; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.DENIED_RECORD" = "You're not allowed to get this record."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.DENIED_RECORD_EDIT" = "You're not allowed to edit this record."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.LDAP_NO_VALID_MAIL" = "The email address returned by the LDAP server is not valid."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.MUST_BE" = "You must be authenticated."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.NOT_AUTH" = "Not authenticated."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.NO_RECOVER" = "Sorry, you can't recover you password from here."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.NO_REGISTRATION" = "Sorry, registration is disabled."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.PASSWORD_INCORRECT" = "Password is not correct."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.PLEASE_CHANGE_YOUR_PASSWORD" = "Your password is the one registered when using external authentification. This server use internal authentication and as a safety mesure, this password is not allowed. Please click on the \"Lost your password?\" link to change it and be able to login."; "BACKEND.ERROR.AUTHENTICATION.TOKEN_INCORRECT" = "Your security token is invalid."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.CANTGET" = "Configuration loading has failed. Please contact your administrator."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.KEY_NOT_FOUND" = "The record has not been found."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.LANG_PROBLEM" = "Language update cannot be done. The default language will be used."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.MAIL_NOT_CONFIGURED" = "Mail settings have not been done on this server. Please contact its administrator."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.ROOTURL_NOT_CONFIGURED" = "Root Url setting has not been entered on this server. Please contact its administrator."; "BACKEND.ERROR.CONFIGURATION.UNABLE_TO_BIND_TO_LDAP" = "Unable to bind to LDAP server with this settings. Please check your LDAP settings."; "BACKEND.ERROR.GROUP.CASCADE_REMOVAL_PROBLEM" = "Something goes wrong with cascade pads removal."; "BACKEND.ERROR.GROUP.INEXISTENT" = "Folder does not exist."; "BACKEND.ERROR.GROUP.ITEMS_NOT_FOUND" = "Some users, admins or pads have not been found."; "BACKEND.ERROR.GROUP.NOT_USER" = "You are not an user of this folder."; "BACKEND.ERROR.GROUP.RESIGN_UNIQUE_ADMIN" = "You can't resign the unique administrator."; "BACKEND.ERROR.PAD.INEXISTENT" = "Pad does not exist."; "BACKEND.ERROR.PAD.ITEMS_NOT_FOUND" = "Pad folder or at least one of the users are not found."; "BACKEND.ERROR.PERMISSION.UNAUTHORIZED" = "You are not allowed to access to this record."; "BACKEND.ERROR.PERMISSION.UNEXPECTED" = "Sorry, an unexpected has error has occurred."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TOKEN.EXPIRED" = "Token has expired. Please make a new request."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TOKEN.INCORRECT" = "Used token contains incorrect data for this request."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.CALLBACK_FN" = "Callback must be a function."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.GID_STR" = "gid must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.ID_STR" = "_id, when defined, must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.INVITE_BOOL" = "Invite must be a boolean."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.KEY_STR" = "Key must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.LOGINS_ARR" = "logins must be an array."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.LOGIN_REQUIRED" = "Login is required."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.LOGIN_STR" = "Login must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.MAIL" = "Email is invalid."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.MSG_STR" = "message must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.PARAMS_REQUIRED" = "Parameters are mandatory."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.PARAM_STR" = "Some parameter must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.PASSWORD_MISSING" = "Missing password."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.PASSWORD_SIZE" = "Password size is too short or too long."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.PASSWORD_STR" = "Password must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.SMTP_CONFIG" = "Your SMTP server configuration is invalid."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.STR_100" = "String can't be more than 100 characters."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.SUBJECT_STR" = "subject must be a string."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.TO_MAIL" = "to must be an email address."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.TYPE_PADSORGROUPS" = "Type must be either pads or folders."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.UNABLE_TO_USE_EP_SETTINGS" = "Unable to use Etherpad settings.json."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.USERLIST_CRUD" = "crud must be add, set or del."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.USERLIST_ID" = "In set and del modes, ulistid is mandatory."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.USERLIST_NAME" = "In add mode, name of the userlist is mandatory."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.USERLIST_SET_PARAMS" = "In set mode, name or uids is mandatory."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.USER_INVALID" = "User is invalid."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.VALUE_REQUIRED" = "Value is mandatory."; "BACKEND.ERROR.TYPE.WITHEXTRA_BOOL" = "withExtra must be a boolean."; "BACKEND.ERROR.USER.ALREADY_EXISTS" = "User already exists, please choose another login."; "BACKEND.ERROR.USER.BOOKMARK_NOT_FOUND" = "Bookmark not found."; "BACKEND.ERROR.USER.EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS" = "This user email has already been used, please choose another one."; "BACKEND.ERROR.USER.NOT_FOUND" = "User not found."; "BACKEND.ERROR.USER.USERLIST_NOT_FOUND" = "Userlist not found."; "BOOKMARK.HELP" = "

Bookmark page offers you the ability to see all your bookmarked elements from MyPads. You can remove them from bookmarks if you want to.

"; "BOOKMARK.TITLE" = "My Bookmarks"; "GLOBAL.AND" = "and"; "GLOBAL.DESCRIPTION" = "MyPads is an Etherpad plugin which have been founded in 2014 on Ulule by 413 backers and organized by the non-profit organization Framasoft. It handles:"; "GLOBAL.FOOTER" = "Powered by MyPads
Published under Apache License 2.0"; "GLOBAL.LANG" = "English"; "GLOBAL.NO" = "no"; "GLOBAL.OR" = "or"; "GLOBAL.YES" = "yes"; "GROUP.ADD" = "Add a new folder"; "GROUP.ADD_HELP" = "


You have the choice between three levels of visibility. It will impact all linked pads:


If you check readonly, all attached pads will stay in their state, and can not be edited. Note that visibility still works in readonly mode.



You can attach tags to this element by clicking on the corresponding input field and selecting them one by one.

To create a new tag, fill it and type ENTER key or click on the 'Ok' button. Once the tag has been added, it will automatically been selected on this form.

You can remove a tag by clicking on the cross located on the right of it.



All pads are public, authenticated users just need to have the URL address.

"; "GROUP.ADMIN_SHARE.AS" = "Administration sharing"; "GROUP.ADMIN_SHARE.FAILURE" = "You can't share administration with users who have no account in this instance: "; "GROUP.ADMIN_SHARE.SUCCESS" = "Administration sharing has been successfully achieved for "; "GROUP.ARCHIVED" = "Archived folders"; "GROUP.BOOKMARK" = "Bookmark"; "GROUP.BOOKMARKED" = "Bookmarked folders"; "GROUP.EDIT" = "Edit"; "GROUP.EDIT_GROUP" = "Edit a folder"; "GROUP.ERR.NAME" = "The name of the folder is required."; "GROUP.FIELD.ALLOW_USERS_TO_CREATE_PADS" = "Allow simple users of the folder to create pads?"; "GROUP.FIELD.ARCHIVED" = "Archived"; "GROUP.FIELD.DESCRIPTION" = "Description"; "GROUP.FIELD.GROUP_PARAMS" = "Folder parameters?"; "GROUP.FIELD.NAME" = "Name"; "GROUP.FIELD.PRIVATE" = "Private"; "GROUP.FIELD.PUBLIC" = "Public"; "GROUP.FIELD.READONLY" = "Readonly"; "GROUP.FIELD.RESTRICTED" = "Restricted"; "GROUP.FIELD.VISIBILITY" = "Visibility"; "GROUP.FILTERS.ADMIN" = "Folders I am admin"; "GROUP.FILTERS.HELP" = "You can select one or several filters, click again on it to deactivate."; "GROUP.FILTERS.TITLE" = "Filters"; "GROUP.FILTERS.USER" = "Folders I have been invited"; "GROUP.GROUP" = "Folder"; "GROUP.GROUPS" = "Folders"; "GROUP.HELP" = "Folders can contain pads. Here are your folders: those you have created, those you have been explicitly invited."; "GROUP.INFO.ADD_SUCCESS" = "Folder has been successfully created."; "GROUP.INFO.ALLOW_USERS_TO_CREATE_PADS" = "This allows users of the folder that don't have administrator rights to create pads in the folder."; "GROUP.INFO.ARCHIVED" = "If checked, folder will appear in the archived folders list even if it's bookmarked."; "GROUP.INFO.CHAT_HISTORY_REMOVE_SUCCESS" = "The chat history of the pad has been successfully removed."; "GROUP.INFO.CHAT_HISTORY_REMOVE_SURE" = "Are you sure you want to remove the chat history of this pad?"; "GROUP.INFO.DESCRIPTION" = "An optional long text to describe your folder"; "GROUP.INFO.EDIT_SUCCESS" = "Folder has been successfully updated."; "GROUP.INFO.GROUP_PARAMS" = "By default, pad inherits from parameters of the folder they belong to. You can overwrite them if you want."; "GROUP.INFO.NAME" = "Name"; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_ADD_SUCCESS" = "Pad has been successfully created."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_EDIT_SUCCESS" = "Pad has been successfully updated."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_MOVE" = "Select the wanted folder for your migration."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_MOVE_NOGROUP" = "Sorry but no other folder is available. You should create one before."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_MOVE_SUCCESS" = "All pads have been successfully moved."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_REMOVE_SUCCESS" = "Pad has been successfully removed."; "GROUP.INFO.PAD_REMOVE_SURE" = "Are you sure you want to remove this pad ? WARNING: this action is irreversible, the pad will be deleted for EVERYONE that has access to it."; "GROUP.INFO.PASSWORD" = "Required in private mode"; "GROUP.INFO.READONLY" = "If checked, linked pads will be in readonly mode and the folder will be in the archived folders list unless it's bookmarked."; "GROUP.INFO.REMOVE_SUCCESS" = "Folder has been successfully removed."; "GROUP.INFO.REMOVE_SURE" = "Are you sure you want to remove this folder ? WARNING: this action is irreversible, the folder and its pads will be deleted for EVERYONE that has access to it."; "GROUP.INFO.RESIGN" = "Are you sure you want to resign from this folder ?"; "GROUP.INFO.RESIGN_SUCCESS" = "You have left the folder successfully."; "GROUP.INFO.VISIBILITY" = "Required, restricted by default to invited users or admins."; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.FAILURE" = "You can't invite users who have no account in this instance: "; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.HELP" = "


You can select one or more userlists. Each click will add all members of the selected userlist to invited users.

Invite users

This field accepts one email or login at a time. When ENTER is typed, or OK is clicked, the filled data is added to the list of invited users. A list of known users helps you to fill the input.


This list contains all selected users. You can remove one by clicking the sign after each item.


Please note that, for instance, registered users will be automatically added to your folder. In short term, external users will receive a mail for creating an account.

"; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.INPUT_HELP" = "You can invite as many users as you want."; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.IU" = "Invite and manage users"; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.PLACEHOLDER" = "Email or login"; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.SUCCESS" = "User invitation has been successfully achieved for "; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.USERS_SELECTED" = "Selected users"; "GROUP.INVITE_USER.USERS_SELECTION" = "Users selection"; "GROUP.INVITE_USERLIST" = "Invite a list of users"; "GROUP.MARK_SUCCESS" = "Marking successfully"; "GROUP.MYGROUPS" = "My Folders"; "GROUP.NONE" = "No folder"; "GROUP.PAD.ADD" = "Create a new pad"; "GROUP.PAD.ADD_PROMPT" = "Enter the name of the new pad"; "GROUP.PAD.ADMINS" = "Admins"; "GROUP.PAD.DESELECT_ALL" = "Deselect all pads"; "GROUP.PAD.EDIT" = "Edit a pad"; "GROUP.PAD.EDIT_PROMPT" = "Enter the new name of the pad"; "GROUP.PAD.EXPAND" = "Expand"; "GROUP.PAD.FROM_GROUP" = "folder:"; "GROUP.PAD.MOVE" = "Move pads to another folder"; "GROUP.PAD.MOVE_HELP" = "

Please select the wanted folder for your migration. Only folders on which you are admin are listed.

Once chosen, click on the submit button and wait for a moment.

"; "GROUP.PAD.MOVE_TITLE" = "Pads migration of the folder "; "GROUP.PAD.NONE" = "No pad linked"; "GROUP.PAD.OPEN_TAB" = "Open in a new tab"; "GROUP.PAD.PAD" = "Pad"; "GROUP.PAD.PADS" = "Pads"; "GROUP.PAD.PUBLIC_DENIED" = "Public access: you are not allowed to see this data."; "GROUP.PAD.REDUCE" = "Reduce"; "GROUP.PAD.SELECT_ALL" = "Select all pads"; "GROUP.PAD.SELECT_AT_LEAST_ONE_PAD" = "Please, select at least one pad."; "GROUP.PAD.SORT_BY" = "Sort pads by"; "GROUP.PAD.SORT_BY_CREATION" = "creation date"; "GROUP.PAD.SORT_BY_NAME" = "name"; "GROUP.PAD.SORT_BY_UPDATE" = "last update"; "GROUP.PAD.TITLE" = "Title"; "GROUP.PAD.USERS" = "Users"; "GROUP.PAD.USERS_NONE" = "No user"; "GROUP.PAD.VIEW_HELP" = "

Here is the main interface of the current pad.

If the folder or the pad is private, you need to enter the password to be able to access to it.

If you want to show the folder and if you have the permission to, you can click on the folder name.

"; "GROUP.PAD.VISIBILITY" = "Visibility"; "GROUP.PROPERTIES" = "Properties"; "GROUP.QUIT_GROUP" = "Unsubscribe from the folder"; "GROUP.REMOVE" = "Remove"; "GROUP.REMOVE_CHAT_HISTORY" = "Remove chat history"; "GROUP.SEARCH.HELP" = "Search on common fields with at least 2 characters"; "GROUP.SEARCH.TITLE" = "Search"; "GROUP.SEARCH.TYPE" = "Type here"; "GROUP.SHARE" = "Share"; "GROUP.SHARE_ADMIN" = "Share administration"; "GROUP.SHARE_LINK" = "Please share this URL to your guests."; "GROUP.SHARE_PASSWORD" = "Please enter the password to be able to share."; "GROUP.SORT.HELP" = "By default, folders are ordered by creation date, older first. You can choose to use another orders. Click again to reverse order."; "GROUP.SORT.TITLE" = "Sort by"; "GROUP.TAGS.HELP" = "You can filter by one or more tags. Click again to deactivate if wanted."; "GROUP.TAGS.TITLE" = "Tags"; "GROUP.UNMARK" = "Unmark"; "GROUP.VIEW" = "View"; "GROUP.VIEW_HELP" = "

The details of the folder show you:

From there, you can:

"; "GROUP.VIEW_MANAGE" = "View and manage folder and its pads"; "MENU.ADMIN" = "Administration"; "MENU.BOOKMARK" = "My Bookmarks"; "MENU.CONFIG" = "Configuration"; "MENU.LOGOUT" = "Logout"; "MENU.PAD" = "My Folders & Pads"; "MENU.PROFILE" = "My Profile"; "MENU.USERLIST" = "My Userlists"; "MENU.USERS" = "Users"; "NOTIFICATION.ERROR" = "Error"; "NOTIFICATION.ERROR_UNEXPECTED" = "An unexpected error has been raised. Please contact the administrator."; "NOTIFICATION.INFO" = "Info"; "NOTIFICATION.SUCCESS" = "Success"; "NOTIFICATION.SUCCESS_GENERIC" = "Action has been successfully achieved."; "NOTIFICATION.WARNING" = "Warning"; "TAG.HELP" = "You can associate to this element as many tags as you wish"; "TAG.PLACEHOLDER" = "Enter your tag"; "TAG.TAGS" = "Tags"; "USER.AUTH.PROFILE_SUCCESS" = "Profile successfully updated."; "USER.AUTH.SUBSCRIBE_CONFIRM_SUCCESS" = "Successful subscription. An email has been sent to you in order to confirm your email address before you can login."; "USER.AUTH.SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS" = "Successful subscription ! Welcome."; "USER.AUTH.SUCCESS" = "Successful authentication ! Welcome."; "USER.AUTH.SUCCESS_OUT" = "You have been successfully disconnected."; "USER.AUTH.WELCOME" = "Welcome"; "USER.COLOR" = "Customized color for pads"; "USER.COLOR_SAMPLE" = "#00cc00"; "USER.EMAIL" = "Email"; "USER.EMAIL_SAMPLE" = "username@example.org"; "USER.ERR.COLOR" = "The hexadecimal code must be like #000000."; "USER.ERR.EMAIL" = "The email is required and should be valid."; "USER.ERR.LOGIN" = "Login is required."; "USER.ERR.LOGOUT" = "Log out error: you were not authenticated."; "USER.ERR.PASSWORD_MISMATCH" = "The entered passwords do not match."; "USER.FIRSTNAME" = "Firstname"; "USER.FORM" = "Login"; "USER.HELP.PROFILE" = "

Every change into your profile needs the current password field to be correctly filled. Please note that:

"; "USER.INFO.ACCOUNT_CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS" = "Your account has been successfully confirmed. You can now login."; "USER.INFO.CHANGEPASS_SUCCESS" = "Your password has been successfully updated."; "USER.INFO.COLOR" = "The hexademical code for color you want to be used by default in pads"; "USER.INFO.EMAIL" = "The email is required for password recovery."; "USER.INFO.LANG" = "Your default browser configuration, depending on available languages on MyPads."; "USER.INFO.LOGIN" = "The unique login you choose when you have subscribed."; "USER.INFO.OPTIONAL" = "Optional field"; "USER.INFO.PAD_NICKNAME" = "If defined, replace your login in pads if you have checked \"Use login and color in pads?\"."; "USER.INFO.PASSRECOVER_SUCCESS" = "You should have received an email to the address you have used when you subscribe. This email contains a Web address that is temporary valid. Please follow this url to change your password."; "USER.INFO.PASSWORD_BEGIN" = "Must be between "; "USER.INFO.PASSWORD_CHECK" = "For verification: must be the same as password."; "USER.INFO.PASSWORD_CURRENT" = "Security check: required for all profile changes."; "USER.INFO.PASSWORD_END" = " characters"; "USER.INFO.REMOVE_ACCOUNT" = "Remove definitively your account and all the folders and pads on which you are the unique administrator."; "USER.INFO.REMOVE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS" = "Account removed with success."; "USER.INFO.REMOVE_ACCOUNT_SURE" = "You are on the verge of removing definitively your account and all the folders and pads on which you are the unique administrator. If you are really sure about what you are doing, please enter your current password and click OK."; "USER.INFO.USECOLORINPADS" = "Use chosen color in pads by default?"; "USER.INFO.USELOGINANDCOLORINPADS" = "Use login and chosen color in pads by default?"; "USER.LANG" = "Language"; "USER.LASTNAME" = "Lastname"; "USER.LOGIN" = "Login"; "USER.MANDATORY_FIELDS" = "Mandatory fields"; "USER.MYPADS_ACCOUNT" = "MyPads account"; "USER.OK" = "Ok"; "USER.OPTIONAL_FIELDS" = "Optional fields"; "USER.ORGANIZATION" = "Organization"; "USER.ORSUB" = " (or subscribe)"; "USER.PAD_NICKNAME" = "Nickname used in pads"; "USER.PASSCHECK" = "Password Confirmation"; "USER.PASSCURRENT" = "Current password"; "USER.PASSRECOVER" = "Password recovery"; "USER.PASSWORD" = "Password"; "USER.PASSWORD_LOST" = "Lost your password?"; "USER.PLEASE_WAIT" = "Please wait, the service is currently loading."; "USER.PROFILE" = "Profile"; "USER.REGISTER" = "Register"; "USER.REMOVE_ACCOUNT" = "Remove my account"; "USER.SUBSCRIBE" = "Subscribe"; "USER.UNDEF" = "********"; "USER.USECOLORINPADS" = "Use color in pads?"; "USER.USELOGINANDCOLORINPADS" = "Use login and color in pads?"; "USER.USERNAME" = "Username"; "USERLIST.ADD" = "Create a new userlist"; "USERLIST.EDIT" = "Edit userlist "; "USERLIST.ERR.NAME" = "The name of the userlist is required."; "USERLIST.FIELD.NAME" = "Name"; "USERLIST.FIELD.USERS" = "Users"; "USERLIST.FIELD.USERSAREA_HELP" = "You can add as many emails or logins you want."; "USERLIST.FIELD.USERSAREA_PLACEHOLDER" = "One email or login per line"; "USERLIST.FIELD.USERS_HELP" = "Add as many users as you want."; "USERLIST.FORM_HELP" = "


You must give a name to the userlist, in order to be able to identify it.


You can add as many users as you want. To do it, please enter the email or login and click on the 'OK' button. Note that already known users can be selected from the input.

To remove users, click on the cross located at the right of each user.


Here you can find all your userlists, ordered by creation date. Summary information are available with the name of each userlist and the number of users linked.

Through action icons, located on top right of each userlist, you can edit or remove lists. Details are available in the form view, via edit action.

"; "USERLIST.INFO.ADD_SUCCESS" = "Userlist has been successfully created."; "USERLIST.INFO.EDIT_SUCCESS" = "Userlist has been successfully updated."; "USERLIST.INFO.NAME" = "Name of the userlist"; "USERLIST.INFO.REMOVE_SUCCESS" = "Userlist has been successfully removed."; "USERLIST.INFO.REMOVE_SURE" = "Are you sure you want to remove this userlist?"; "USERLIST.INFO.USER_FAILURE" = "You can't add users who have no account in this instance: "; "USERLIST.INFO.USER_INVITE" = "By selecting a userlist, you will invite all its users at the same time."; "USERLIST.INFO.USER_SUCCESS" = "User adding has been successfull for "; "USERLIST.USERLIST" = "Userlist";