"Please do not use it in any real way." = "Пожалуйста, используйте это только для тестовых целей."; "A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising." = "Удобный, свободный и этичный инструмент для объединения, организации и мобилизации."; "A validation email was sent to {email}" = "Письмо с подтверждением было отправлено на адрес {email}"; "Abandon editing" = "Отменить изменения"; "About Mobilizon" = "О Mobilizon"; "About this event" = "Об этом мероприятии"; "About this instance" = "Об этом узле"; "About" = "О нас"; "Accepted" = "Принято"; "Account" = "Учётная запись"; "Add a note" = "Добавить заметку"; "Add an address" = "Добавить адрес"; "Add an instance" = "Добавить узел"; "Add some tags" = "Добавить теги"; "Add to my calendar" = "Добавить в мой календарь"; "Add" = "Добавить"; "Additional comments" = "Дополнительные комментарии"; "Admin settings successfully saved." = "Настройки администратора успешно сохранены."; "Admin" = "Админ"; "Administration" = "Администрирование"; "All the places have already been taken" = "Все места уже заняты"; "Allow registrations" = "Разрешить регистрацию"; "Anonymous participant" = "Анонимный участник"; "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail." = "Анонимные участники получат запрос на подтверждение своего участия по электронной почте."; "Anonymous participations" = "Анонимное участие"; "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever." = "Вы действительно уверены, что хотите удалить свою учетную запись? Вы потеряете всё. Идентификаторы, настройки, созданные мероприятия, сообщения и история исчезнут навсегда."; "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "Вы действительно хотите удалить этот комментарий? Это действие не может быть отменено."; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead." = "Вы действительно хотите удалить это мероприятие? Это действие не может быть отменено. Вы можете обсудить мероприятие с его автором, или просто отредактировать его."; "Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications." = "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить создание мероприятия? Все изменения будут потеряны."; "Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications." = "Вы уверены, что хотите отменить редактирование мероприятия? Все изменения будут потеряны."; "Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?" = "Вы действительно хотите отказаться от участия в мероприятии \"{title}\"?"; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted." = "Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это мероприятие? Это действие нельзя отменить."; "Avatar" = "Аватар"; "Back to previous page" = "Вернуться на предыдущую страницу"; "Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account." = "Перед тем как войти в систему, вы должны перейти по указанной в письме ссылке, чтобы подтвердить свою учетную запись."; "By {username}" = "От {username}"; "Calendar" = "Calendar"; "Cancel anonymous participation" = "Отменить анонимное участие"; "Cancel creation" = "Отменить создание"; "Cancel edition" = "Отменить редактирование"; "Cancel my participation request…" = "Отменить мою заявку на участие…"; "Cancel my participation…" = "Отменить моё участие…"; "Cancel" = "Отмена"; "Cancelled: Won't happen" = "Отменено: Не состоится"; "Change my email" = "Изменить мой адрес электронной почты"; "Change my identity…" = "Изменить мой идентификатор…"; "Change my password" = "Изменить свой пароль"; "Change" = "Изменить"; "Clear" = "Очистить"; "Click to upload" = "Нажмите, чтобы загрузить"; "Close comments for all (except for admins)" = "Закрыть комментарии для всех (кроме админов)"; "Close" = "Закрыть"; "Closed" = "Закрыто"; "Comment deleted" = "Комментарий удален"; "Comment from {'@'}{username} reported" = "Comment from {'@'}{username} reported"; "Comments" = "Комментарии"; "Confirm my participation" = "Подтвердите мое участие"; "Confirm my particpation" = "Подтвердите мое участие"; "Confirmed: Will happen" = "Подтверждено: Состоится"; "Continue editing" = "Продолжить редактирование"; "Country" = "Страна"; "Create a new event" = "Создать новое мероприятие"; "Create a new group" = "Создать новую группу"; "Create a new identity" = "Создать новый идентификатор"; "Create group" = "Создать группу"; "Create my event" = "Создать мое мероприятие"; "Create my group" = "Создать мою группу"; "Create my profile" = "Создать мой профиль"; "Create token" = "Создать токен"; "Create" = "Создать"; "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event." = "Текущий идентификатор был изменен на {identityName}, чтобы иметь возможность управлять этим событием."; "Current page" = "Текущая страница"; "Custom URL" = "Пользовательский URL"; "Custom text" = "Пользовательский текст"; "Custom" = "Пользовательский"; "Dashboard" = "Панель"; "Date and time settings" = "Настройки даты и времени"; "Date parameters" = "Параметры даты"; "Date" = "Дата"; "Default" = "По умолчанию"; "Delete account" = "Удалить учётную запись"; "Delete event" = "Удалить мероприятие"; "Delete everything" = "Удалить всё"; "Delete my account" = "Удалить мою учётную запись"; "Delete this identity" = "Удалить этот идентификатор"; "Delete your identity" = "Удалить ваш идентификатор"; "Delete {eventTitle}" = "Удалить {eventTitle}"; "Delete {preferredUsername}" = "Удалить {preferredUsername}"; "Delete" = "Удалить"; "Deleting comment" = "Удаление комментария"; "Deleting event" = "Удаление мероприятия"; "Deleting my account will delete all of my identities." = "Удаление моей учетной записи приведет к удалению всех моих личных данных."; "Deleting your Mobilizon account" = "Удаление моей учётной записи Mobilizon"; "Description" = "Описание"; "Display name" = "Отображаемое имя"; "Display participation price" = "Показать стоимость участия"; "Domain" = "Домен"; "Draft" = "Черновик"; "Drafts" = "Черновики"; "Edit" = "Редактировать"; "Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…" = "Например: Москва, танцы, шахматы…"; "Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance." = "На узле {instance}, либо на другом."; "Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Учетная запись уже активирована или проверочный токен недействителен."; "Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Адрес электронной почты уже был изменён или проверочный токен недействителен."; "Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Заявка на участие уже подтверждена или проверочный токен недействителен."; "Email" = "Электронная почта"; "Ends on…" = "Заканчивается в…"; "Enter the link URL" = "Введите URL ссылки"; "Error while changing email" = "Произошла ошибка при изменении адреса электронной почты"; "Error while validating account" = "Ошибка подтверждения учётной записи"; "Error while validating participation request" = "Произошла ошибка при проверке заявки на участие"; "Event already passed" = "Мероприятие уже прошло"; "Event cancelled" = "Мероприятие отменено"; "Event creation" = "Создание мероприятия"; "Event edition" = "Редактирования мероприятия"; "Event list" = "Список мероприятий"; "Event page settings" = "Настройки страницы мероприятия"; "Event to be confirmed" = "Мероприятие должно быть подтверждено"; "Event {eventTitle} deleted" = "Мероприятие {eventTitle} удалено"; "Event {eventTitle} reported" = "Жалоба на мероприятие {eventTitle} отправлена"; "Event" = "Мероприятие"; "Events" = "Мероприятия"; "Ex: mobilizon.fr" = "Например: mobilizon.fr"; "Explore" = "Обзор"; "Failed to save admin settings" = "Не удалось сохранить настройки администратора"; "Featured events" = "Избранные мероприятия"; "Federation" = "Федерализация"; "Find an address" = "Найти адрес"; "Find an instance" = "Найти узел"; "Followers" = "Подписчики"; "Followings" = "Подписки"; "For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…" = "Например: Москва, йога, архитектура…"; "Forgot your password ?" = "Забыли свой пароль?"; "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}" = "От {startDate}, {startTime} до {endDate}, {endTime}"; "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}" = "От {startDate}, {startTime} до {endDate}"; "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}" = "От {startDate} до {endDate}"; "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize" = "Объединять ⋅ Организовывать ⋅ Мобилизовывать"; "General information" = "Общая информация"; "General" = "Общая"; "Getting location" = "Получить местоположение"; "Go" = "Идти"; "Group name" = "Название группы"; "Group {displayName} created" = "Группа {displayName} создана"; "Groups" = "Группы"; "Headline picture" = "Заглавное изображение"; "Hide replies" = "Скрыть ответы"; // this is used as the header of the settings section to create a new identity "I create an identity" = "Я создаю идентификатор"; "I don't have a Mobilizon account" = "У меня нет учётной записи Mobilizon"; "I have a Mobilizon account" = "У меня есть учётная запись Mobilizon"; "I have an account on another Mobilizon instance." = "У меня есть учётная запись на другом узле Mobilizon."; "I participate" = "Я участвую"; "I want to allow people to participate without an account." = "Я хочу разрешить участие людям без учетной записи."; "I want to approve every participation request" = "Я хочу одобрять каждую заявку на участие"; "Identity {displayName} created" = "Идентификатор {displayName} создан"; "Identity {displayName} deleted" = "Идентификатор {displayName} удалён"; "Identity {displayName} updated" = "Идентификатор {displayName} обновлён"; "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}" = "Если учетная запись с этим адресом электронной почты существует, мы отправим еще одно письмо с подтверждением на адрес {email}"; "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity." = "Если этот идентификатор является единственным администратором некоторых групп, то сперва нужно удалить эти группы, прежде чем вы сможете удалить этот идентификатор."; "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here." = "Здесь вы можете отправить сообщение организатору мероприятия."; "Instance Name" = "Имя узла"; "Instance Terms Source" = "Условия использования этого узла"; "Instance Terms URL" = "URL условий использования узла"; "Instance Terms" = "Условия использования узла"; "Instance settings" = "Настройки узла"; "Instances" = "Узлы"; "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Присоединиться к {instance}, узлу Mobilizon"; "Last published event" = "Последнее опубликованное мероприятие"; "Last week" = "На прошлой неделе"; "Learn more about Mobilizon" = "Узнать больше о Mobilizon"; "Learn more" = "Узнать больше"; "Leave event" = "Покинуть мероприятие"; "Leaving event \"{title}\"" = "Покинуть мероприятие \"{title}\""; "License" = "Лицензия"; "Limited number of places" = "Ограниченное количество мест"; "Load more" = "Загрузить больше"; "Locality" = "Местонахождение"; "Log in" = "Вход в систему"; "Log out" = "Выйти"; "Login on Mobilizon!" = "Авторизуйтесь на Mobilizon!"; "Login on {instance}" = "Войдите на узел {instance}"; "Login" = "Войти"; "Manage participations" = "Управление участниками"; "Mark as resolved" = "Отметить как решённое"; "Members" = "Участники"; "Message" = "Сообщение"; "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server." = "Mobilizon - это федеративная сеть. Вы можете взаимодействовать с этим мероприятием с другого сервера."; "Moderated comments (shown after approval)" = "Модерируемые комментарии (будут видны после одобрения)"; "Moderation log" = "Журнал модерирования"; "Moderation" = "Модерирование"; "My account" = "Моя учётная запись"; "My events" = "Мои мероприятия"; "My identities" = "Мои идентификаторы"; "Name" = "Имя"; "New email" = "Новый адрес электронной почты"; "New note" = "Новая заметка"; "New password" = "Новый пароль"; "New profile" = "Новый профиль"; "Next page" = "Следующая страница"; "No address defined" = "Адрес не указан"; "No closed reports yet" = "Пока нет закрытых отчётов"; "No comment" = "Нет комментариев"; "No comments yet" = "Пока нет комментариев"; "No end date" = "Без даты окончания"; "No events found" = "Мероприятий не найдено"; "No group found" = "Группа не найдена"; "No groups found" = "Группы не найдены"; "No activities found" = "No activities found"; "No instance follows your instance yet." = "Ни один узел еще не подписан на ваш узел."; "No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances" = "Нет узлов для одобрения | Одобрить узел | Одобрить {number} узлов"; "No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances" = "Нет узлов для отклонения | Отклонить узел | Отклонить {number} узлов"; "No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances" = "Нет узлов для удаления | Удалить узел | Удалить {number} узлов"; "No message" = "Нет сообщений"; "No open reports yet" = "Пока нет открытых отчётов"; "No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants" = "Нет участников для одобрения | Принять участника | Принять {number} участников"; "No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants" = "Нет участников для отклонения | Отклонить участника | Отклонить {number} участников"; "No resolved reports yet" = "Решённых отчётов пока нет"; "No results for \"{queryText}\"" = "Нет результатов по запросу \"{queryText}\""; "Notes" = "Примечания"; "Number of places" = "Количество мест"; "OK" = "OK"; "Old password" = "Прежний пароль"; "On {date} ending at {endTime}" = "{date}, заканчивается в {endTime}"; "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}" = "{date} c {startTime} до {endTime}"; "On {date} starting at {startTime}" = "{date}, начало в {startTime}"; "On {date}" = "{date}"; "Only accessible through link (private)" = "Доступно только по ссылке (приватно)"; "Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported." = "Допустимы только буквенно-цифровые символы нижнего регистра и подчеркивания."; "Open" = "Открыто"; "Opened reports" = "Открытые отчёты"; "Or" = "Или"; "Organized by {name}" = "Организатор: {name}"; "Organized" = "Организованно"; "Organizer" = "Организатор"; "Other software may also support this." = "Другое программное обеспечение также может поддерживать это."; "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators." = "В противном случае этот идентификатор будет удалён у администраторов группы."; "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)" = "Страница предназначена только для моей группы (требуется авторизация)"; "Page" = "Страница"; "Participant" = "Участник"; "Participants" = "Участники"; "Participate using your email address" = "Участвуйте, используя свой адрес электронной почты"; "Participate" = "Принять участие"; "Participation approval" = "Разрешение на участие"; "Participation confirmation" = "Подтверждение участия"; "Participation requested!" = "Вы попросили присоединиться!"; "Password (confirmation)" = "Пароль (подтверждение)"; "Password reset" = "Сброс пароля"; "Password" = "Пароль"; "Past events" = "Прошедшие мероприятия"; "Pending" = "В ожидании"; "Pick an identity" = "Выберите идентификатор"; "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email." = "Если вы не получили письмо, проверьте папку со спамом."; "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake." = "Если вы считаете, что произошла ошибка, обратитесь к администратору этого узла."; "Please enter your password to confirm this action." = "Введите свой пароль, чтобы подтвердить это действие."; "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved." = "Убедитесь, что адрес правильный и страница не была перемещена."; "Post a comment" = "Оставить комментарий"; "Post a reply" = "Ответить"; "Postal Code" = "Почтовый индекс"; "Preferences" = "Персональные настройки"; "Previous page" = "Предыдущая страница"; "Privacy Policy" = "Политика конфиденциальности"; "Private event" = "Приватное мероприятие"; "Private feeds" = "Приватная лента"; "Profiles" = "Профили"; "Public RSS/Atom Feed" = "Публичная RSS/Atom новостная лента"; "Public comment moderation" = "Модерация публичных комментариев"; "Public event" = "Публичное мероприятие"; "Public feeds" = "Публичные ленты"; "Public iCal Feed" = "Публичная iCal-лента"; "Publish" = "Опубликовать"; "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Опубликованные мероприятия с {comments} комментариями и {participations} подтвержденными участниками"; "RSS/Atom Feed" = "RSS/Atom новостная лента"; "Region" = "Область"; "Registration is allowed, anyone can register." = "Регистрация разрешена, зарегистрироваться может любой желающий."; "Registration is closed." = "Регистрация закрыта."; "Registration is currently closed." = "Регистрация на данный момент закрыта."; "Rejected" = "Отклонено"; "Reopen" = "Открыть заново"; "Reply" = "Ответ"; "Report this comment" = "Пожаловаться на этот комментарий"; "Report this event" = "Пожаловаться на это мероприятие"; "Report" = "Жалоба"; "Reported by someone on {domain}" = "Об этом сообщил пользователь из {domain}"; "Reported by {reporter}" = "Сообщил {reporter}"; "Reported by" = "Сообщил"; "Reported identity" = "Идентификатор сообщившего"; "Reported" = "Уведомлено"; "Reports" = "Отчеты"; "Reset my password" = "Сбросить пароль"; "Resolved" = "Решено"; "Resource provided is not an URL" = "Указанный ресурс не является URL-адресом"; "Role" = "Роль"; "Save draft" = "Сохранить черновик"; "Save" = "Сохранить"; "Search events, groups, etc." = "Искать мероприятия, группы и т. п."; "Search" = "Поиск"; "Searching…" = "Поиск…"; "Send email" = "Отправить электронное письмо"; "Send the report" = "Отправить отчёт"; "Set an URL to a page with your own terms." = "Установите URL-адрес на страницу с вашими собственными условиями."; "Settings" = "Настройки"; "Share this event" = "Поделиться этим мероприятием"; "Show map" = "Показать карту"; "Show remaining number of places" = "Показать оставшееся количество мест"; "Show the time when the event begins" = "Показать время начала мероприятия"; "Show the time when the event ends" = "Показать время окончания мероприятия"; "Sign up" = "Зарегистрироваться"; "Starts on…" = "Начало…"; "Status" = "Статус"; "Street" = "Улица"; "Tentative: Will be confirmed later" = "Предварительно: будет подтверждено позже"; "Terms" = "Условия"; "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it." = "Почтовый адрес аккаунта был изменён. Проверьте свою электронную почту, чтобы убедиться в этом."; "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance." = "Фактическое количество участников может отличаться, так как это мероприятие проводится на другом узле."; "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?" = "Контент пришел с другого сервера. Переслать анонимную копию отчета?"; "The draft event has been updated" = "Черновик мероприятия обновлён"; "The event has been created as a draft" = "Мероприятие было создано в виде черновика"; "The event has been published" = "Мероприятие опубликовано"; "The event has been updated and published" = "Мероприятие обновлено и опубликовано"; "The event has been updated" = "Мероприятие обновлено"; "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?" = "Организатор мероприятия решил подтверждать участие вручную. Хотели бы вы добавить короткую заметку, объясняющую, почему вы хотите участвовать в этом мероприятии?"; "The event organizer didn't add any description." = "Организатор мероприятия не добавил описания."; "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event." = "Организатор мероприятия утверждает участие вручную. Поскольку вы выбрали участие без учётной записи, объясните, почему вы хотите участвовать в этом мероприятии."; "The event title will be ellipsed." = "Название этого мероприятие сокращено троеточием."; "The page you're looking for doesn't exist." = "Страницы, которую вы ищете, не существует."; "The password was successfully changed" = "Пароль был успешно изменен"; "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below." = "Отчёт будет отправлен модераторам вашего узла. Вы можете объяснить причину своей жалобы ниже."; "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "Будут использоваться {default_terms}. Они будут переведены на язык пользователя."; "There are {participants} participants." = "Имеется {participants} участников."; "There will be no way to recover your data." = "Восстановить ваши данные будет невозможно."; "These events may interest you" = "Эти мероприятия могут вас заинтересовать"; "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation." = "Этот узел Mobilizon и этот организатор мероприятия допускают анонимное участие, но требуют подтверждения по электронной почте."; "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details" = "Эта информация сохраняется только на вашем компьютере. Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности"; "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances." = "Этот узел не позволяет регистрироваться, но вы можете зарегистрироваться на других."; "This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon." = "Это демонстрационная площадка для тестирования Mobilizon."; "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity." = "Это приведет к удалению / анонимизации всего контента (событий, комментариев, сообщений, участия…), созданного с помощью этого идентификатора."; "Title" = "Заголовок"; "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"" = "Для подтверждения введите название мероприятия \"{eventTitle}\""; "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"" = "Для подтверждения введите имя пользователя \"{preferredUsername}\" идентификатора"; "Transfer to {outsideDomain}" = "Перенос в {outsideDomain}"; "Type" = "Тип"; "URL" = "URL-адрес"; "Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers." = "К сожалению, ваша заявка на участие была отклонена организаторами."; "Unknown actor" = "Неизвестный агент"; "Unknown error." = "Неизвестная ошибка."; "Unknown" = "Неизвестный"; "Unsaved changes" = "Несохранённые изменения"; "Upcoming" = "Предстоящие"; "Update event {name}" = "Обновить мероприятие {name}"; "Update my event" = "Обновить моё мероприятие"; "Updated" = "Обновлено"; "Use my location" = "Использовать моё местоположение"; "Username" = "Имя пользователя"; "Users" = "Пользователи"; "View a reply" = "|Посмотреть один ответ|Посмотреть {totalReplies} ответов"; "View event page" = "Просмотреть страницу мероприятия"; "View everything" = "Посмотреть всё"; "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Просмотреть страницу на {hostname} (в новом окне)"; "Visible everywhere on the web (public)" = "Видно во всем Интернете (публично)"; "Waiting for organization team approval." = "Ожидает одобрения организаторами."; "Warning" = "Предупреждение"; "We just sent an email to {email}" = "Мы отправили электронное письмо на адрес {email}"; "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event" = "Вы будете перенаправлены на свой узел, чтобы иметь возможность взаимодействовать с этим событием"; "Website / URL" = "Веб-сайт / URL"; "Welcome back {username}!" = "С возвращением, {username}!"; "Welcome back!" = "С возвращением!"; "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!" = "Добро пожаловать в Mobilizon, {username}!"; "Who can view this event and participate" = "Кто может просматривать и участвовать в мероприятии"; "You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation" = "Вы участвуете в этом мероприятии анонимно, но не подтвердили свое участие"; "You are participating in this event anonymously" = "Вы участвуете в этом мероприятии анонимно"; "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma" = "Вы можете добавлять тэги, нажимая клавишу Enter или разделяя слова запятой"; "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map" = "Вы можете попробовать другие критерии поиска или перетащить маркер на карту"; "You don't follow any instances yet." = "Вы пока не подписаны ни на один узел."; "You have cancelled your participation" = "Вы отказались от участия"; "You have one event in {days} days." = "У вас нет мероприятий в течение {days} дней | У вас одно мероприятие в течении {days} дней | У вас {count} мероприятий в течении {days} дней"; "You have one event today." = "У вас сегодня нет мероприятий | У вас сегодня одно мероприятие. | У вас сегодня {count} мероприятий"; "You have one event tomorrow." = "Завтра у вас нет мероприятий | Завтра у вас одно мероприятие. | Завтра у вас {count} мероприятий"; "You need to login." = "Вы должны авторизоваться."; "You will be redirected to the original instance" = "Вы будете перенаправлены на исходный узел"; "You wish to participate to the following event" = "Вы хотите принять участие в следующем мероприятии"; "You'll receive a confirmation email." = "Вы получите электронное письмо с подтверждением."; "Your account has been successfully deleted" = "Ваша учетная запись была успешно удалена"; "Your account has been validated" = "Ваша учетная запись была подтверждена"; "Your account is being validated" = "Ваша учетная запись проверяется"; "Your account is nearly ready, {username}" = "Ваш аккаунт почти готов, {username}"; "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in." = "Ваш адрес электронной почты {email}. Вы используете его для входа в систему."; "Your email has been changed" = "Ваш адрес электронной почты был изменен"; "Your email is being changed" = "Ваш адрес электронной почты меняется"; "Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer." = "Ваш адрес электронной почты будет использоваться только для подтверждения того, что вы настоящий человек, и для отправки вам возможных новостей об этом мероприятии. Он НЕ будет передан другим узлам или организатору мероприятия."; "Your federated identity" = "Ваш федеративный идентификатор"; "Your participation has been confirmed" = "Ваше участие подтверждено"; "Your participation has been rejected" = "Ваше участие было отклонено"; "Your participation has been requested" = "Вы попросили принять участие"; "Your participation request has been validated" = "Ваше участие подтверждено"; "Your participation request is being validated" = "Ваше участие проверяется"; "Your participation status has been changed" = "Ваш статус участия был изменен"; "[This comment has been deleted]" = "[Этот комментарий был удалён]"; "[deleted]" = "[удалено]"; "as {identity}" = "как {identity}"; "default Mobilizon terms" = "условия использования Mobilizon по умолчанию"; "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot" = "например: Садовая 10"; "iCal Feed" = "iCal лента"; "profile@instance" = "профиль@узел"; "with another identity…" = "с другим идентификатором…"; "{approved} / {total} seats" = "{approved} / {total} мест"; "{count} participants" = "Нет участников | Один участник | {count} участников"; "{count} requests waiting" = "{count} ожидающих рассмотрения заявок"; "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors" = "© Авторы OpenStreetMap"; "@{username} ({role})" = "@{username} ({role})"; "@{group}" = "@{group}"; "{title} ({count} todos)" = "{title} ({count} незавершенных задач)"; "My groups" = "Мои группы"; "Assigned to" = "Присвоен"; "Due on" = "Выполнить к"; "Organizers" = "Организаторы"; "(Masked)" = "(Скрыто)"; "{available}/{capacity} available places" = "Мест нет|{available}/{capacity} свободных мест"; "No one is participating|One person participating|{going} people participating" = "Никто не участвует|Один человек участвует|{going} человек участвуют"; "Date and time" = "Дата и время"; "Location" = "Местонахождение"; "Logo" = "Logo"; "Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo." = "Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo."; "Favicon" = "Favicon"; "Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon." = "Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon."; "Default Picture" = "Default Picture"; "Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one." = "Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one."; "Primary Color" = "Primary Color"; "Secondary Color" = "Secondary Color"; "No resources selected" = "Ресурсы не выбраны|Выбран один ресурс|Выбрано {count} ресурсов"; "You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:" = "Вы были приглашены пользователем {invitedBy} в следующую группу:"; "Accept" = "Принять"; "Decline" = "Отклонить"; "Rename" = "Переименовать"; "Move" = "Переместить"; "Contact" = "Контакт"; "Website" = "Веб-сайт"; "Actor" = "Агент"; "Text" = "Текст"; "Upcoming events" = "Предстоящие мероприятия"; "Resources" = "Ресурсы"; "Discussions" = "Обсуждения"; "No public upcoming events" = "Нет предстоящих публичных мероприятий"; "Latest posts" = "Последние записи"; "Invite a new member" = "Пригласить нового участника"; "Ex: someone@mobilizon.org" = "Например: user@mobilizon.org"; "Invite member" = "Пригласить участника"; "Group Members" = "Участники группы"; "Public" = "Публичный"; "New folder" = "Новая папка"; "New link" = "Новая ссылка"; "Rename resource" = "Переименовать ресурс"; "Create resource" = "Создать ресурс"; "Create a pad" = "Создать документ"; "Create a calc" = "Создать таблицу"; "Create a videoconference" = "Создать видеоконференцию"; "Task lists" = "Списки задач"; "Add a todo" = "Добавить в список задач"; "List title" = "Заголовок списка"; "Create a new list" = "Создать новый список"; "Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}." = "Ваш часовой пояс в настоящее время установлен на {timezone}."; "Timezone detected as {timezone}." = "Часовой пояс определен как {timezone}."; "Bold" = "Жирный"; "Italic" = "Курсив"; "Duplicate" = "Копировать"; "Home" = "Домашняя страница"; "Notification on the day of the event" = "Уведомление в день мероприятия"; "We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event." = "Мы используем настройки вашего часового пояса, чтобы утром отправить вам напоминание о мероприятии."; "You can pick your timezone into your preferences." = "Вы можете изменить часовой пояс по своему усмотрению."; "Recap every week" = "Подводить итоги каждую неделю"; "You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any." = "Каждый понедельник вы будете получать сводку о предстоящих мероприятиях, в которых вы принимаете участие."; "Notification before the event" = "Уведомление перед мероприятием"; "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it." = "Мы отправим вам электронное письмо за час до начала мероприятия, чтобы вы не забыли про него."; "Timezone" = "Часовой пояс"; "Select a timezone" = "Выберите часовой пояс"; "Other" = "Другой"; "No moderation logs yet" = "Журналов модерования пока нет"; "Participation notifications" = "Уведомления об участии"; "Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc." = "Mobilizon отправит вам электронное письмо, если в мероприятиях, в которых вы участвуете, произошли важные изменения: дата и время, адрес, подтверждение или отмена и т.д."; "Other notification options:" = "Другие настройки уведомлений:"; "Organizer notifications" = "Уведомления организатора"; "Notifications for manually approved participations to an event" = "Уведомления об участиях в мероприятиях, одобренных вручную"; "Do not receive any mail" = "Не получать электронные письма"; "Receive one email per request" = "Получать электронное письмо на каждый запрос"; "Hourly email summary" = "Ежечасная сводка на электронную почту"; "Daily email summary" = "Ежедневная сводка на электронную почту"; "report #{report_number}" = "отчёт #{report_number}"; "{moderator} closed {report}" = "{moderator} закрыл {report}"; "a non-existent report" = "несуществующий отчет"; "{moderator} reopened {report}" = "{moderator} повторно открыл {report}"; "{moderator} marked {report} as resolved" = "{moderator} пометил {report} как решённый"; "{moderator} added a note on {report}" = "{moderator} добавил примечание к {report}"; "{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"" = "{moderator} удалил мероприятие с названием \"{title}\""; "Register on this instance" = "Зарегистрируйтесь на этом узле"; "To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings." = "Перейдите в настройки уведомлений, чтобы включить дополнительные уведомления."; "We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time." = "Мы используем настройки вашего часового пояса, чтобы вы своевременно получали уведомления о мероприятиях."; "Your timezone was detected as {timezone}." = "Ваш часовой пояс был определен как {timezone}."; "Let's define a few settings" = "Сделаем некоторые настройки"; "All good, let's continue!" = "Все хорошо, продолжим!"; "Login status" = "Статус входа"; "Suspended" = "Приостановлен"; "Active" = "Активный"; "Local" = "Местный"; "User" = "Пользователь"; "Confirmed" = "Подтверждённый"; "Confirmed at" = "Подтверждён в"; "Language" = "Язык"; "Administrator" = "Администратор"; "Moderator" = "Модератор"; "{number} organized events" = "Нет организованных мероприятий|Организованно одно мероприятие|Организованно {number} мероприятий"; "Begins on" = "Начинается"; "{number} participations" = "Нет участников|Один участник|{number} участников"; "{profile} (by default)" = "{profile} (по умолчанию)"; "Participations" = "Участие"; "Not confirmed" = "Не подтверждено"; "{moderator} suspended profile {profile}" = "{moderator} заблокировал профиль {profile}"; "Suspend" = "Заблокировать"; "Unsuspend" = "Отменить приостановку"; "None" = "Никто"; "Disabled" = "Отключено"; "Activated" = "Активирован"; "No profile matches the filters" = "Ни один профиль не соответствует критериям"; "Mobilizon" = "Mobilizon"; "{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software." = "{instanceName} - это узел использующий ПО {mobilizon}."; "Instance Rules" = "Правила узла"; "Rules" = "Правила"; "No rules defined yet." = "Правила еще не определены."; "full rules" = "полные правила"; "instance rules" = "правила узла"; "terms of service" = "условия обслуживания"; "I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}" = "Я принимаю {instanceRules} и {termsOfService}"; "Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}." = "На основе {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} Участники Mobilizon - Создан благодаря финансовой поддержке {contributors}."; "more than 1360 contributors" = "более 1360 участников"; "{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}" = "{modeator} снял блокировку профиля {profile}"; "{moderator} has deleted user {user}" = "{moderator} удалил пользователя {user}"; "Change timezone" = "Изменить часовой пояс"; "Select a language" = "Выберите язык"; "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Это мероприятие доступно только по ссылке. Будьте осторожны, когда публикуете её."; "This event has been cancelled." = "Это мероприятие было отменено."; "Actions" = "Действия"; "Everything" = "Всё"; "Not approved" = "Не одобрено"; "No participant matches the filters" = "Ни один участник не соответствует критериям"; "Send the confirmation email again" = "Отправьте письмо с подтверждением еще раз"; "Forgot your password?" = "Забыли свой пароль?"; "Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password." = "Введите ниже свой адрес электронной почты, и мы пришлём вам инструкции по изменению пароля."; "Submit" = "Отправить"; "Email address" = "Адрес электронной почты"; "Legal" = "Правовая информация"; "Terms of service" = "Условия обслуживания"; "Privacy policy" = "Политика конфиденциальности"; "Instance rules" = "Правила узла"; "Glossary" = "Глоссарий"; "Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:" = "Некоторые термины, технические или иные, используемые в приведенном ниже тексте, могут охватывать трудные для понимания концепции. Мы подготовили глоссарий чтобы помочь вам лучше их освоить:"; "Instance" = "Узел"; "Mobilizon software" = "Программное обеспечение Mobilizon"; "Instance administrator" = "Администратор узла"; "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance." = "Администратор узла - это физическое или юридическое лицо, которое управляет данным узлом Mobilizon."; "Application" = "Приложение"; "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance." = "Приложение в этом контексте - это программное обеспечение, предоставленное командой Mobilizon или третьей стороной, которое используется для взаимодействия с вашим узлом."; "API" = "API"; "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely."; "SSL/TLS" = "SSL/TLS"; "Cookies and Local storage" = "Файлы cookie и локальное хранилище"; "An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance." = "Узел - это программное обеспечение Mobilizon, установленное на сервере. Узел может быть запущен кем угодно, использующим {mobilizon_software} или другие федеративные приложения, называемые «Федиверзум». Имя этого узла - {instance_name}. Mobilizon - это федеративная сеть, состоящая из нескольких узлов (как почтовые серверы). Пользователи могут свободно общаться друг с другом, даже если они зарегистрированы на разных узлах."; "SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar." = "SSL и его преемник TLS - это технологии шифрования для защиты передачи данных при использовании сервиса. Вы можете увидеть в браузере, что соединение зашифровано, если адрес начинается с {https}, а в адресной строке есть значок замка."; "Home to {number} users" = "Дом для {number} пользователей"; "Who published {number} events" = "Которые опубликовали {number} мероприятий"; "And {number} comments" = "И {number} комментариев"; "Instance configuration" = "Настройки узла"; "Mobilizon version" = "Версия Mobilizon"; "Registrations" = "Регистрация"; "Restricted" = "Ограниченный"; "Enabled" = "Включено"; "If allowed by organizer" = "Если разрешено организатором"; "Instance Privacy Policy Source" = "Источник политики конфиденциальности узла"; "default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "Политика конфиденциальности Mobilizon по умолчанию"; "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy." = "Укажите URL-адрес страницы с вашей собственной политикой конфиденциальности."; "Instance Privacy Policy URL" = "URL-адрес политики конфиденциальности узла"; "Instance Privacy Policy" = "Политика конфиденциальности узла"; "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "Будет использоваться {default_privacy_policy}. Они будут переведены на язык пользователя."; "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template." = "Введите свои собственные условия. Вы можете использовать HTML-теги. {mobilizon_terms} используется в качестве шаблона."; "Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template." = "Введите свою политику конфиденциальности. Вы можете использовать HTML-теги. {mobilizon_privacy_policy} используется в качестве шаблона."; "Default Mobilizon terms" = "Условия использования Mobilizon по умолчанию"; "Default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "Политика конфиденциальности Mobilizon по умолчанию"; "NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer." = "ВНИМАНИЕ! Условия по умолчанию не были проверены юристом и, вероятно, не обеспечивают полную правовую защиту во всех ситуациях для администратора узла, использующего их. Они также не подходит для каждого государства и правовой системы. Если вы не уверены, проконсультируйтесь с юристом."; "Instance Short Description" = "Краткое описание узла"; "Instance Long Description" = "Подробное описание узла"; "Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph." = "Отображается на главной странице и в метатегах. Опишите в одном абзаце, что такое Mobilizon и что делает этот узел особенным."; "A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags." = "Тут можно подробно описать кто вы и что делает этот узел особенным. Вы можете использовать HTML-теги."; "A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags." = "Тут можно разместить общие правила, положения или руководства. Вы можете использовать HTML-теги."; "contact uninformed" = "контакт не уведомлен"; "Can be an email or a link, or just plain text." = "Может быть адресом электронной почты, ссылкой или простым текстом."; "URL copied to clipboard" = "URL скопирован в буфер обмена"; "Report #{reportNumber}" = "Отчёт #{reportNumber}"; "Move \"{resourceName}\"" = "Переместить \"{resourceName}\""; "Parent folder" = "Родительская папка"; "(this folder)" = "(эта папка)"; "(this link)" = "(эта ссылка)"; "Move resource to {folder}" = "Переместить ресурс в {folder}"; "Create a folder" = "Создать папку"; "No resources in this folder" = "В этой папке нет ресурсов"; "New discussion" = "Новое обсуждение"; "Create a discussion" = "Начать обсуждение"; "Create the discussion" = "Начать обсуждение"; "Sign in with" = "Войти в систему с"; "Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account." = "Ваш адрес электронной почты был автоматически установлен на основе вашей учётной записи {provider}."; "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}." = "Вы не можете изменить свой пароль, потому что вы зарегистрированы через {provider}."; "Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way." = "Не удалось войти через {provider}. Повторите попытку или войдите другим способом."; "Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist." = "Не удалось войти через {provider}. Такого провайдера аутентификации не существует."; "Post" = "Публикация"; "Right now" = "Прямо сейчас"; "Delete conversation" = "Удалить беседу"; "Fetch more" = "Загрузить больше"; "Group settings" = "Настройки группы"; "Member" = "Участник"; "Invited" = "Приглашён"; "No member matches the filters" = "Ни один участник не соответствует критериям"; "Group short description" = "Краткое описание группы"; "Update group" = "Обновить группу"; "Edit post" = "Редактировать пост"; "Add a new post" = "Добавить новый пост"; "Who can view this post" = "Кто может видеть этот пост"; "Visible everywhere on the web" = "Видно всем в Интернете"; "Only accessible through link" = "Доступно только по ссылке"; "Only accessible to members of the group" = "Доступно только участникам группы"; "Delete post" = "Удалить пост"; "Update post" = "Обновить пост"; "Posts" = "Публикации"; "Register an account on {instanceName}!" = "Зарегистрируйте аккаунт на {instanceName}!"; "Key words" = "Ключевые слова"; "For instance: London" = "Например: Москва"; "Radius" = "Радиус"; "Today" = "Сегодня"; "Tomorrow" = "Завтра"; "This weekend" = "На эти выходные"; "This week" = "На этой неделе"; "Next week" = "На следующей неделе"; "This month" = "В этом месяце"; "Next month" = "В следующем месяце"; "Any day" = "В любой день"; "{nb} km" = "{nb} км"; "any distance" = "любое расстояние"; "Group visibility" = "Видимость группы"; "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page." = "Группа будет представлена в результатах поиска и может быть предложена в разделе «Обзор». На её странице будет отображаться только общедоступная информация."; "Group address" = "Адрес группы"; "Events tagged with {tag}" = "События с тегом {tag}"; "Explore events" = "Обзор мероприятий"; "#{tag}" = "#{tag}"; "No resources yet" = "Ресурсов пока нет"; "No posts yet" = "Публикаций пока нет"; "No discussions yet" = "Пока нет обсуждений"; "Add / Remove…" = "Добавить / удалить…"; "You have been removed from this group's members." = "Вы были удалены из участников этой группы."; "Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear." = "Поскольку вы новый участник, может потребоваться несколько минут, чтобы приватный контент стал видимым."; "Remove" = "Удалить"; "Update" = "Обновить"; "Edited {ago}" = "Изменено {ago}"; "[This comment has been deleted by it's author]" = "[Этот комментарий был удален автором]"; "Promote" = "Поднять"; "Demote" = "Понизить"; "{number} members" = "{number} участников"; "{number} posts" = "Нет публикаций|Одна публикация|{number} публикаций"; "Publication date" = "Дата публикации"; "Refresh profile" = "Обновить профиль"; "Suspend group" = "Заблокировать группу"; "Are you sure you want to suspend this group? As this group originates from instance {instance}, this will only remove local members and delete the local data, as well as rejecting all the future data." = "Вы действительно хотите заблокировать эту группу? Поскольку эта группа принадлежит узлу {instance}, то будут удалены только локальные члены и локальные данные. Так же это приведёт к запрету публикации любых данных этой группой."; "Are you sure you want to suspend this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "Вы действительно хотите заблокировать эту группу? Все участники, включая участников с других узлов, будут уведомлены и удалены из группы, а все данные группы (мероприятия, сообщения, обсуждения, задачи…) будут безвозвратно уничтожены."; "Delete group" = "Удалить группу"; "Are you sure you want to completely delete this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "Вы действительно хотите полностью удалить эту группу? Все участники, включая участников с других узлов, будут уведомлены и удалены из группы, а все данные группы (мероприятия, сообщения, обсуждения, задачи…) будут безвозвратно уничтожены."; "Group display name" = "Отображаемое имя группы"; "Federated Group Name" = "Имя федеративной группы"; "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "Подобно федеративному имени пользователя ({username}) для групп. Это дает возможность найти группу во всей сети и гарантирует ее уникальность."; "Banner" = "Баннер"; "Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community." = "Группы - это места для координации и подготовки, где вы занимаетесь организацией мероприятий и управлением своим сообществом."; "Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page." = "Храните всю беседу по определенной теме на одной странице."; "Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates." = "Создавайте списки дел для каждой нужной вам задачи, назначайте их другим, и устанавливайте сроки выполнения."; "A place to store links to documents or resources of any type." = "Место для хранения ссылок на документы или ресурсы любого типа."; "{group}'s events" = "Мероприятия {group}"; "View all" = "Посмотреть всё"; "+ Start a discussion" = "+ Начать обсуждение"; "+ Add a resource" = "+ Добавить ресурс"; "+ Create an event" = "+ Создать мероприятие"; "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data." = "Cookie - это небольшой файл, содержащий информацию, которая сохраняется на вашем компьютере при посещении веб-сайта. Когда вы снова посещаете эту страницу, cookie позволяет сайту распознавать ваш браузер. Cookie могут хранить настройки пользователя и другую информацию. Вы можете настроить свой браузер так, чтобы он не принимал файлы cookie. Однако это может привести к тому, что часть функционала веб-сайта не будет работать. Локальное хранилище работает так же, но позволяет хранить больше данных."; "A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members." = "Место для публикации чего-либо для всего мира, вашего сообщества или только участников вашей группы."; "No posts found" = "Публикаций не найдено"; "Last sign-in" = "Последний вход"; "Last IP adress" = "Последний IP-адрес"; "You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines." = "Вы должны предоставить URL-адрес группы, чтобы другие могли получить доступ к её профилю. Группу нельзя будет найти ни в поиске Mobilizon, ни в обычных поисковых системах."; "Leave" = "Покинуть"; "Group settings saved" = "Настройки группы сохранены"; "Error" = "Ошибка"; "Registrations are restricted by allowlisting." = "Регистрация ограничена белым списком."; "Resend confirmation email" = "Отправить письмо с подтверждением ещё раз"; "By {group}" = "Автор: {group}"; "Pick a profile or a group" = "Выберите профиль или группу"; "Add a contact" = "Добавить контакт"; "Your profile will be shown as contact." = "Ваш профиль будет отображаться как контакт."; "Pick" = "Выбрать"; "The event will show as attributed to your personal profile." = "Мероприятие будет отображаться как связанное с вашим личным профилем."; "The event will show as attributed to this group." = "Событие будет отображаться как связанное с этой группой."; "{contact} will be displayed as contact." = "{contact} будет отображаться как контакт.|{contact} будут отображаться как контакты."; "and {number} groups" = "и {number} групп"; "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device." = "Это позволит вам просматривать и управлять своим статусом участия на странице мероприятия при использовании этого устройства. Снимите флажок, если вы используете общедоступное устройство."; "Remember my participation in this browser" = "Запомнить моё участие для этого браузера"; "Organized by" = "Организатор"; "Report this group" = "Пожаловаться на эту группу"; "Group {groupTitle} reported" = "Жалоба на группу {groupTitle} отправлена"; "Error while reporting group {groupTitle}" = "Ошибка при отправке отчёта о группе {groupTitle}"; "Reported group" = "Жалоба на группу"; "Join group" = "Вступить в группу"; "Created by {username}" = "Создано {username}"; "Accessible through link" = "Доступно по ссылке"; "Accessible only to members" = "Доступно только участникам"; "Created by {name}" = "Создано {name}"; "View all posts" = "Просмотреть все публикации"; "Didn't receive the instructions?" = "Не получили инструкции?"; "Allow all comments from users with accounts" = "Разрешить все комментарии от авторизованных пользователей"; "This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you." = "Этот идентификатор уникален для вашего профиля. Он даёт возможность другим найти вас."; "Displayed nickname" = "Отображаемый ник"; "Short bio" = "Коротко о себе"; "Congratulations, your account is now created!" = "Поздравляем, ваша учетная запись создана!"; "Now, create your first profile:" = "Теперь создайте свой первый профиль:"; "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below." = "Если вы выбрали одобрение участников вручную, Mobilizon отправит вам электронное письмо о новых заявках на участие. Ниже вы можете выбрать, как часто вы желаете получать эти уведомления."; "You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings." = "Вы сможете добавить аватар и изменить другие параметры в настройках своей учётной записи."; "Instance languages" = "Языки узла"; "Main languages you/your moderators speak" = "Основные языки, на которых говорите вы/ваши модераторы"; "Select languages" = "Выберите языки"; "No languages found" = "Язык не найден"; "Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers." = "Ваша заявка всё ещё ожидает одобрения организаторов."; "Your email" = "Ваш адрес электронной почты"; "Go to the event page" = "Перейти на страницу мероприятия"; "Request for participation confirmation sent" = "Запрос на подтверждение участия отправлен"; "Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder)." = "Проверьте свою электронную почту (и папку со спамом)."; "You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}." = "Теперь вы можете закрыть это окно, или {return_to_event}."; "Create an account" = "Создать учётную запись"; "You are not an administrator for this group." = "Вы не являетесь администратором этой группы."; "Why create an account?" = "Почему стоит создать учётную запись?"; "To create and manage your events" = "Для создания и управления вашими мероприятиями"; "To create and manage multiples identities from a same account" = "Для создания и управления несколькими идентификаторами из одной учётной записи"; "To register for an event by choosing one of your identities" = "Чтобы зарегистрироваться на мероприятие, выбрав один из ваших идентификаторов"; "To create or join an group and start organizing with other people" = "Создавать группы и присоединяться к ним для объединения с другими людьми"; "About {instance}" = "О {instance}"; "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators." = "Пожалуйста, прочтите {fullRules}, опубликованные администраторами {instance}."; "Instances following you" = "Узлы, подписанные на вас"; "Instances you follow" = "Узлы, на которые вы подписаны"; "Last group created" = "Последняя созданная группа"; "{username} was invited to {group}" = "{username} был приглашён в {group}"; "The member was removed from the group {group}" = "Участник удалён из группы {group}"; "The organiser has chosen to close comments." = "Организатор решил отключить комментарии."; "Comments are closed for everybody else." = "Комментарии закрыты для всех остальных."; "Instance Slogan" = "Слоган узла"; "A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"" = "Короткий слоган для домашней страницы вашего узла. По умолчанию: \"Собирать ⋅ Организовывать ⋅ Мобилизовывать\""; "Learn more about {instance}" = "Подробнее о {instance}"; "Unable to detect timezone." = "Не удалось определить часовой пояс."; "A practical tool" = "Удобный инструмент"; "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you find, create and organise events." = "Mobilizon - это инструмент, который поможет вам находить, создавать и организовывать мероприятия."; "An ethical alternative" = "Этичная альтернатива"; "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a tool designed to serve you. Period." = "Mobilizon - это этичная альтернатива мероприятиям, группам и страницам Facebook. Это инструмент, созданный для вас. И точка."; "A federated software" = "Федеративное программное обеспечение"; "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites." = "Mobilizon - это не огромная платформа, а множество взаимосвязанных узлов Mobilizon."; "When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here." = "Когда модератор группы создаёт событие и назначает его группе, оно появляется здесь."; "Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts." = "Только модераторы группы могут создавать, редактировать и удалять публикации."; "This group doesn't have a description yet." = "У этой группы ещё нет описания."; "Find another instance" = "Найти другой узел"; "Pick an instance" = "Выберите узел"; "This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone)." = "Эта веб-сайт не модерируется, и любые введенные вами данные будут автоматически удаляться каждый день в 00:01 (время по Парижу)."; "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this group" = "Мы перенаправим вас на ваш узел, чтобы вы могли взаимодействовать с этой группой"; "New members" = "Новые участники"; "Anyone can join freely" = "Каждый может присоединиться"; "Anyone wanting to be a member from your group will be able to from your group page." = "Каждый, кто хочет стать участником вашей группы, сможет сделать это на странице этой группы."; "Manually invite new members" = "Пригласите новых участников вручную"; "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them." = "Новые участники смогут вступать в вашу группу только по приглашению администратора."; "Redirecting to content…" = "Перенаправление к содержимому…"; "This URL is not supported" = "Этот URL не поддерживается"; "This group is invite-only" = "Эта группа только для приглашённых"; "This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language." = "Этот параметр используется для отображения веб-сайта и отправки вам электронных писем на соответствующем языке."; "Previous" = "Предыдущий"; "Next" = "Следующий"; "Your timezone {timezone} isn't supported." = "Ваш часовой пояс {timezone} не поддерживается."; "Profiles and federation" = "Профили и федерализация"; "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want." = "Mobilizon использует разные профили для разных видов деятельности. Вы можете создать столько профилей, сколько захотите."; "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere." = "Mobilizon - это федеративное программное обеспечение. Это означает, что в зависимости от настроек федерализации администратором, вы можете взаимодействовать с контентом на других узлах, например присоединяться к группам или мероприятиям, созданным в другом месте."; "This instance, {instanceName} ({domain}), hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "Этот узел, {instanceName} ({domain}), содержит ваш профиль, поэтому запомните его имя."; "If you are being asked for your federated indentity, it's composed of your username and your instance. For instance, the federated identity for your first profile is:" = "Если вас спрашивают ваш федеративный идентификатор, то он состоит из вашего имени пользователя и имени вашего узла. Например, федеративный идентификатор для вашего первого профиля:"; "Uploaded media size" = "Размер загруженного медиафайла"; "Loading comments…" = "Загрузка комментариев…"; "Tentative" = "Предварительный"; "Cancelled" = "Отменено"; "Click for more information" = "Кликнете для получения дополнительной информации"; "About anonymous participation" = "Об анонимном участии"; "As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted." = "Поскольку организатор мероприятия решил вручную подтверждать запросы на участие, ваше участие будет фактически подтверждено после того, как вы получите электронное письмо о том, что оно было одобрено."; "Your participation status is saved only on this device and will be deleted one month after the event's passed." = "Ваш статус участия сохраняется только на этом устройстве и будет удалён через месяц после завершения мероприятия."; "You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below." = "Вы можете удалить всю информацию об участии для этого устройства с помощью кнопок ниже."; "Clear participation data for this event" = "Очистить данные об участии в этом мероприятии"; "Clear participation data for all events" = "Очистить данные об участии для всех мероприятий"; "Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email, and after the organizer manually validates your participation." = "Ваше участие будет подтверждено, когда вы перейдете по ссылке в электронном письме, а также после того, как организатор вручную одобрит ваше участие."; "Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email." = "Ваше участие будет подтверждено, как только вы перейдете по ссылке в электронном письме."; "Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:" = "Не удалось загрузить мероприятие для участия. Подробная информация об ошибке представлена ниже:"; "Unable to save your participation in this browser." = "Невозможно сохранить статус вашего участия в этом браузере."; "return to the event's page" = "вернуться на страницу мероприятия"; "View all events" = "Посмотреть все мероприятия"; "You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of." = "You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of."; "Create event" = "Создать мероприятие"; "You didn't create or join any event yet." = "Вы ещё не создали и не участвовали ни в одном мероприятии."; "create an event" = "создать мероприятие"; "explore the events" = "просмотреть мероприятия"; "Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?" = "Вы хотите {create_event} или {explore_events}?"; "You are not part of any group." = "Вы не состоите ни в одной группе."; "create a group" = "создать группу"; "explore the groups" = "посмотреть группы"; "Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?" = "Вы хотите {create_group} или {explore_groups}?"; "Type or select a date…" = "Введите или выберите дату…"; // Are these instructions to the location of the event? Or does this mean "almost done"? "Getting there" = "Как туда добраться"; "Groups are not enabled on this instance." = "Группы не включены на этом узле."; "The events you created are not shown here." = "Созданные вами мероприятия здесь не отображаются."; "There's no discussions yet" = "Пока нет обсуждений"; "Only group members can access discussions" = "Только участники группы имеют доступ к обсуждениям"; "Return to the group page" = "Вернуться на страницу группы"; "It is possible that the content is not accessible on this instance, because this instance has blocked the profiles or groups behind this content." = "Контент может быть недоступен на этом узле, потому что узел заблокировал профили или группы, которым этот контент принадлежит."; "Atom feed for events and posts" = "Atom лента для мероприятий и публикаций"; "ICS feed for events" = "ICS лента для мероприятий"; "ICS/WebCal Feed" = "ICS/WebCal лента"; "Group Followers" = "Группа подписчиков"; "Follower" = "Подписчик"; "Reject" = "Отклонить"; "No follower matches the filters" = "Ни один подписчик не соответствует критериям"; "@{username}'s follow request was rejected" = "Запрос на подписку от @{username} отклонён"; "Followers will receive new public events and posts." = "Подписчики будут оповещены о новых публичных мероприятиях и публикациях."; "Manually approve new followers" = "Одобрять новых подписчиков вручную"; "An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page." = "Произошла ошибка. Приносим вам тысячу извинений. Вы можете попробовать перезагрузить страницу."; "What can I do to help?" = "Чем я могу помочь?"; "We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):" = "Мы улучшаем это программное обеспечение благодаря вашим отзывам. У вас есть два способа сообщить нам об этой проблеме (оба, увы, требуют создания учетной записи пользователя):"; "Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem." = "Сообщите нам как можно больше подробностей, чтобы мы смогли идентифицировать проблему."; "Technical details" = "Технические подробности"; "Error message" = "Сообщение об ошибке"; "Error stacktrace" = "Стектрейс ошибки"; "The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback." = "Технические подробности ошибки могут помочь разработчикам быстрее решить проблему. Пожалуйста, добавьте их в свой отзыв."; "Error details copied!" = "Подробности об ошибке скопированы!"; "Copy details to clipboard" = "Копировать подробности в буфер обмена"; "{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community." = "{instanceName} — это узел {mobilizon_link}, бесплатного программного обеспечения, созданного при участии сообщества."; "Open a topic on our forum" = "Откройте тему на нашем форуме"; "Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)" = "Сообщить о проблеме в нашем багтрекере (для опытных пользователей)"; "Unable to copy to clipboard" = "Невозможно скопировать в буфер обмена"; "{count} km" = "{count} км"; "City or region" = "Город, регион или область"; "Select a radius" = "Выберите радиус"; "Your city or region and the radius will only be used to suggest you events nearby. The event radius will consider the administrative center of the area." = "Ваш город, регион или область будут использоваться только для рекомендации вам ближайших мероприятий. Радиус мероприятия считается относительно административного центра области."; "Your upcoming events" = "Ваши предстоящие мероприятия"; "Last published events" = "Последние опубликованные мероприятия"; "Events nearby" = "Ближайшие мероприятия"; "Within {number} kilometers of {place}" = "|В пределах километра от {place}|В пределах {number} километров от {place}"; "{'@'}{username}" = "{'@'}{username}"; "Yesterday" = "Вчера"; "You created the event {event}." = "Вы создали мероприятие {event}."; "The event {event} was created by {profile}." = "Мероприятие {event} было создано пользователем {profile}."; "You updated the event {event}." = "Вы обновили мероприятие {event}."; "The event {event} was updated by {profile}." = "Мероприятие {event} было обновлено пользователем {profile}."; "You deleted the event {event}." = "Вы удалили мероприятие {event}."; "The event {event} was deleted by {profile}." = "Мероприятие {event} было удалено пользователем {profile}."; "You created the post {post}." = "Вы создали публикацию {post}."; "The post {post} was created by {profile}." = "Публикация {post} была создана пользователем {profile}."; "You updated the post {post}." = "Вы обновили публикацию {post}."; "The post {post} was updated by {profile}." = "Публикация {post} была обновлена пользователем {profile}."; "You deleted the post {post}." = "Вы удалили публикацию {post}."; "The post {post} was deleted by {profile}." = "Публикация {post} была удалена пользователем {profile}."; "No more activity to display." = "Больше нет действия для отображения."; "There is no activity yet. Start doing some things to see activity appear here." = "Пока нет действий. Действия появятся здесь, после того, как вы сделаете что-либо."; "{group} activity timeline" = "История активности {group}"; "You promoted {member} to moderator." = "Вы повысили статус {member} до модератора."; "You promoted {member} to administrator." = "Вы повысили статус {member} до администратора."; "You promoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "Вы повысили статус {member} до неизвестной роли."; "You demoted {member} to moderator." = "Вы понизили статус {member} до модератора."; "You demoted {member} to simple member." = "Вы понизили статус {member} до обычного участника."; "You demoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "Вы понизили статус {member} до неизвестной роли."; "You updated the member {member}." = "Вы обновили участника {member}."; "{profile} updated the member {member}." = "{profile} обновил участника {member}."; "{profile} promoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} повысил статус {member} до модератора."; "{profile} promoted {member} to administrator." = "{profile} повысил статус {member} до администратора."; "{profile} promoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{profile} повысил статус {member} до неизвестной роли."; "{profile} demoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} понизил статус {member} до модератора."; "{profile} demoted {member} to simple member." = "{profile} понизил статус {member} до обычного участника."; "{profile} demoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{profile} понизил статус {member} до неизвестной роли."; "You requested to join the group." = "Вы попросили присоединиться к группе."; "{member} requested to join the group." = "{member} попросил присоединиться к группе."; "You invited {member}." = "Вы пригласили {member}."; "{member} was invited by {profile}." = "{member} был приглашен пользователем {profile}."; "You added the member {member}." = "Вы добавили участника {member}."; "{profile} added the member {member}." = "{profile} добавил участника {member}."; "{member} joined the group." = "{member} joined the group."; "{member} rejected the invitation to join the group." = "{member} отклонил приглашение присоединиться к группе."; "{member} accepted the invitation to join the group." = "{member} принял приглашение присоединиться к группе."; "You excluded member {member}." = "Вы исключили участника {member}."; "{profile} excluded member {member}." = "{profile} исключил участника {member}."; "You accepted the invitation to join the group." = "Вы приняли приглашение присоединиться к группе."; "You were promoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} повысил ваш статус до модератора."; "You were promoted to administrator by {profile}." = "{profile} повысил ваш статус до администратора."; "You were promoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} повысил ваш статус до неизвестной роли."; "You were demoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} понизил ваш статус до модератора."; "You were demoted to simple member by {profile}." = "{profile} понизил ваш статус до обычного участника."; "You were demoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} понизил ваш статус до неизвестной роли."; "{profile} quit the group." = "{profile} покинул группу."; "You created the folder {resource}." = "Вы создали папку {resource}."; "{profile} created the folder {resource}." = "{profile} создал папку {resource}."; "You created the resource {resource}." = "Вы создали ресурс {resource}."; "{profile} created the resource {resource}." = "{profile} создал ресурс {resource}."; "You moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "Вы переместили папку {resource} в корневую папку."; "{profile} moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} переместил папку {resource} в корневую папку."; "You moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "Вы переместили папку {resource} в {new_path}."; "{profile} moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} переместил папку {resource} в {new_path}."; "You moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "Вы переместили ресурс {resource} в корневую папку."; "{profile} moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} переместил ресурс {resource} в корневую папку."; "You moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "Вы переместили ресурс {resource} в {new_path}."; "{profile} moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} переместил ресурс {resource} в {new_path}."; "You renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "Вы переименовали папку с {old_resource_title} в {resource}."; "{profile} renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} переименовал папку с {old_resource_title} в {resource}."; "You renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "Вы переименовали ресурс с {old_resource_title} в {resource}."; "{profile} renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} переименовал ресурс с {old_resource_title} в {resource}."; "You deleted the folder {resource}." = "Вы удалили папку {resource}."; "{profile} deleted the folder {resource}." = "{profile} удалил папку {resource}."; "You deleted the resource {resource}." = "Вы удалили ресурс {resource}."; "{profile} deleted the resource {resource}." = "{profile} удалил ресурс {resource}."; "Activity" = "Активность"; "Load more activities" = "Загрузить больше действий"; "You created the discussion {discussion}." = "Вы создали обсуждение {discussion}."; "{profile} created the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} создал обсуждение {discussion}."; "You replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "Вы ответили на обсуждение {discussion}."; "{profile} replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} ответил на обсуждение {обсуждение}."; "You renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "Вы переименовали обсуждение с {old_discussion} в {discussion}."; "{profile} renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "{profile} переименовал обсуждение с {old_discussion} в {discussion}."; "You archived the discussion {discussion}." = "Вы отправили {discussion} обсуждение в архив."; "{profile} archived the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} отправил обсуждение {discussion} в архив."; "You deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "Вы удалили обсуждение {discussion}."; "{profile} deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} удалил обсуждение {discussion}."; "You created the group {group}." = "Вы создали группу {group}."; "{profile} created the group {group}." = "{profile} создал группу {group}."; "You updated the group {group}." = "Вы обновили группу {group}."; "{profile} updated the group {group}." = "{profile} обновил группу {group}."; "{old_group_name} was renamed to {group}." = "{old_group_name} переименована в {group}."; "Visibility was set to private." = "Видимость изменена на приватную."; "Visibility was set to public." = "Видимость изменена на публичную."; "Visibility was set to an unknown value." = "Видимость изменена на неизвестное значение."; "The group can now only be joined with an invite." = "Теперь к группе можно присоединиться только по приглашению."; "The group can now be joined by anyone." = "Теперь каждый может присоединиться к группе."; "Unknown value for the openness setting." = "Неизвестное значение ограничений доступа."; "The group's physical address was changed." = "Физический адрес группы был изменён."; "The group's avatar was changed." = "Аватар группы был изменён."; "The group's banner was changed." = "Баннер группы был изменён."; "The group's short description was changed." = "Краткое описание группы было изменено."; "No information" = "Нет информации"; "@{username}'s follow request was accepted" = "Запрос на подписку от @{username} принят"; "Delete this discussion" = "Удалить это обсуждение"; "Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?" = "Вы уверены, что хотите полностью удалить это обсуждение?"; "Delete discussion" = "Удалить обсуждение"; "All activities" = "Все действия"; "From yourself" = "От себя"; "By others" = "Другими"; "You posted a comment on the event {event}." = "Вы оставили комментарий к мероприятию {event}."; "{profile} posted a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} оставил комментарий к мероприятию {event}."; "You replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "Вы ответили на комментарий к мероприятию {event}."; "{profile} replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} ответил на комментарий к мероприятию {event}."; "New post" = "Новая публикация"; "Comment text can't be empty" = "Комментарий не может быть пустым"; "Notifications" = "Уведомления"; "Profile feeds" = "Ленты профиля"; "These feeds contain event data for the events for which this specific profile is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for all of your profiles into your notification settings." = "Эти ленты содержат данные о мероприятиях, участником или создателем которых является данный профиль. Вы должны держать их в секрете. Вы можете найти ленты для всех ваших профилей в настройках уведомлений."; "Regenerate new links" = "Восстановить новые ссылки"; "Create new links" = "Создать новые ссылки"; "You'll need to change the URLs where there were previously entered." = "Вы должны изменить URL-адреса там, где они были введены ранее."; "Personal feeds" = "Личные ленты"; "These feeds contain event data for the events for which any of your profiles is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for specific profiles on each profile edition page." = "Эти ленты содержат данные о мероприятиях, участником или создателем которых является любой из ваших профилей. Вы должны держать их в секрете. Вы можете найти ленты для конкретного профиля на его странице с настройками."; "The event will show as attributed to this profile." = "Мероприятие будет отображаться как связанное с этим профилем."; "You may show some members as contacts." = "Вы можете просматривать некоторых участников как контакты."; "The selected picture is too heavy. You need to select a file smaller than {size}." = "Выбранное изображение слишком большое. Вы должны выбрать файл меньше, чем {size}."; "Unable to create the group. One of the pictures may be too heavy." = "Группа не может быть создана. Одно из изображений, похоже, слишком большое."; "Unable to update the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "Профиль не может быть обновлен. Аватарка, похоже, слишком большая."; "Unable to create the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "Профиль не может быть создан. Аватарка, похоже, слишком большая.."; "Error while loading the preview" = "Ошибка при загрузке превью"; "Instance feeds" = "Ленты узла"; "{moderator} suspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} заблокировал группу {profile}"; "{moderator} has unsuspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} разблокировал группу {profile}"; "{moderator} has done an unknown action" = "{moderator} совершил неизвестное действие"; "{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author} under the event {event}" = "{moderator} удалил комментарий от {author} под мероприятием {event}"; "{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author}" = "{moderator} удалил комментарий от {author}"; "You are offline" = "Вы не в сети"; "Create a new profile" = "Создать новый профиль"; "Edit profile {profile}" = "Редактировать профиль {profile}"; "Identities" = "Идентификаторы"; "Profile" = "Профиль"; "Register" = "Регистр"; "No members found" = "Участники не найдены"; "No organized events found" = "Организованных мероприятий не найдено"; "Error while suspending group" = "Ошибка при блокировке группы"; "Triggered profile refreshment" = "Запуск обновления профиля"; "No organized events listed" = "В списке нет организованных мероприятий"; "No participations listed" = "Не указано ни одного участия"; "{number} memberships" = "{number} участников"; "Group" = "Группа"; "No memberships found" = "Участники не найдены"; "No group matches the filters" = "Ни одна группа не соответствует фильтрам"; "{group} events" = "{group} мероприятия"; "Interact with a remote content" = "Взаимодействовать с удаленным контентом"; "Page not found" = "Страница не найдена"; "{folder} - Resources" = "{folder} - Ресурсы"; "General settings" = "Основные настройки"; "Notify participants" = "Уведомить участников"; "Browser notifications" = "Уведомления в браузере"; "Notification settings" = "Настройки уведомлений"; "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification." = "Выберите действия, для которых вы хотите получать электронные письма или push-уведомления."; "Push" = "Push"; "Mentions" = "Упоминания"; "I've been mentionned in a comment under an event" = "Меня упомянули в комментарии под мероприятием"; "I've been mentionned in a group discussion" = "Меня упомянули в групповом обсуждении"; "An event I'm going to has been updated" = "Мероприятие, на которое я собираюсь, обновлено"; "An event I'm going to has posted an announcement" = "О мероприятии, на которое я собираюсь, было опубликовано объявление"; "An event I'm organizing has a new pending participation" = "В мероприятии, которое я организую, ожидается новый участник"; "An event I'm organizing has a new participation" = "В мероприятии, которое я организую, появился новый участник"; "An event I'm organizing has a new comment" = "У мероприятия, которое я организую, есть новый комментарий"; "Group activity" = "Групповая активность"; "An event from one of my groups has been published" = "Опубликовано мероприятие одной из моих групп"; "An event from one of my groups has been updated or deleted" = "Мероприятие одной из моих групп было обновлено или удалено"; "A discussion has been created or updated" = "Обсуждение было создано или обновлено"; "A post has been published" = "Пост был опубликован"; "A post has been updated" = "Пост был обновлён"; "A resource has been created or updated" = "Ресурс был создан или обновлён"; "A member requested to join one of my groups" = "Участник попросил присоединиться к одной из моих групп"; "A member has been updated" = "Участник обновлён"; "User settings" = "Настройки пользователя"; "You changed your email or password" = "Вы изменили свой адрес электронной почты или пароль"; "Move resource to the root folder" = "Переместить ресурс в корневую папку"; "Share this group" = "Поделиться этой группой"; "This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Эта группа доступна только по её ссылке. Будьте осторожны, когда размещаете эту ссылку."; "{count} members" = "Нет участников|Один участник|{count} участников"; "Share" = "Поделиться"; "Update app" = "Обновить приложение"; "Ignore" = "Игнорировать"; "A new version is available." = "Доступна новая версия."; "An error has occured while refreshing the page." = "Произошла ошибка при обновлении страницы."; "Join group {group}" = "Вступить в группу {group}"; "Public preview" = "Публичный предварительный просмотр"; "On {instance} and other federated instances" = "В {instance} и других федеративных узлах"; "Error while subscribing to push notifications" = "Ошибка при подписке на push-уведомления"; "Unsubscribe to browser push notifications" = "Отказаться от подписки на push-уведомления браузера"; "Activate browser push notifications" = "Активировать push-уведомления в браузере"; "You can't use push notifications in this browser." = "В этом браузере нельзя использовать push-уведомления."; "Send notification e-mails" = "Отправлять уведомления по электронной почте"; "Announcements and mentions notifications are always sent straight away." = "Уведомления об объявлениях и упоминаниях всегда отправляются незамедлительно."; "Weekly email summary" = "Еженедельная сводка по электронной почте"; "Receive one email for each activity" = "Получать одно электронное письмо для каждого действия"; "Error while updating participation status inside this browser" = "Ошибка при обновлении статуса участия в этом браузере"; "We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue." = "Нам не удалось сохранить ваше участие в этом браузере. Не волнуйтесь, вы успешно подтвердили свое участие, мы просто не смогли сохранить его статус в этом браузере из-за технической проблемы."; "This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled." = "На этом узле не включены push-уведомления."; "enable the feature" = "включить функцию"; "Ask your instance admin to {enable_feature}." = "Попросите администратора вашего узла {enable_feature}."; "Event URL" = "URL мероприятия"; "Copy URL to clipboard" = "Скопировать URL в буфер обмена"; "Group URL" = "URL группы"; "View less" = "Показать меньше"; "View more" = "Показать больше"; "Breadcrumbs" = "Хлебные крошки"; "Other actions" = "Другие действия"; "Only group moderators can create, edit and delete events." = "Только модераторы группы могут создавать, редактировать и удалять мероприятия."; "+ Create a post" = "+ Создать пост"; "Edited {relative_time} ago" = "Изменено {relative_time} назад"; "Members-only post" = "Пост только для участников"; "This post is accessible only for members. You have access to it for moderation purposes only because you are an instance moderator." = "Этот пост доступен только для участников. У вас есть доступ к нему для модерации только потому, что вы являетесь модератором узла."; "Find or add an element" = "Найти или добавить элемент"; "e.g. Accessibility, Twitch, PeerTube" = "например Доступность, Twitch, PeerTube"; "Add new…" = "Добавить новый…"; "No results for {search}" = "Нет результатов по запросу {search}"; "Wheelchair accessibility" = "Доступность для инвалидов-колясочников"; "Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair" = "Если мероприятие доступно для участников в инвалидных колясках"; "Not accessible with a wheelchair" = "Не доступно для инвалидов-колясочников"; "Partially accessible with a wheelchair" = "Частично доступно для инвалидов-колясочников"; "Fully accessible with a wheelchair" = "Полностью доступно для инвалидов-колясочников"; "Smoke free" = "Smoke free"; "Whether smoking is prohibited during the event" = "Whether smoking is prohibited during the event"; "Smoking allowed" = "Smoking allowed"; "YouTube replay" = "Воспроизведение на YouTube"; "The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" = "URL-адрес, по которому событие транслируется в прямом эфире, можно будет просмотреть снова после его завершения"; "Twitch replay" = "Воспроизведение на Twitch"; "PeerTube replay" = "Воспроизведение на PeerTube"; "PeerTube live" = "Стрим на PeerTube"; "The URL where the event can be watched live" = "URL-адрес, по которому мероприятие можно посмотреть в прямом эфире"; "Twitch live" = "Стрим на Twitch"; "YouTube live" = "Стрим на YouTube"; "Event metadata" = "Метаданные мероприятия"; "Framadate poll" = "Опрос Framadate"; "The URL of a poll where the choice for the event date is happening" = "URL-адрес опроса, в котором происходит выбор даты мероприятия"; "View account on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Просмотреть аккаунт на {hostname} (в новом окне)"; "Twitter account" = "Аккаунт Twitter"; "A twitter account handle to follow for event updates" = "Идентификатор учетной записи Twitter, для слежения за обновлениями мероприятий"; "Fediverse account" = "Аккаунт Fediverse"; "A fediverse account URL to follow for event updates" = "URL-адрес учетной записи fediverse, для отслеживания изменений в мероприятиях"; "Element title" = "Название элемента"; "Element value" = "Значение элемента"; "Subtitles" = "Субтитры"; "Whether the event live video is subtitled" = "Есть ли субтитры для прямой трансляции мероприятия"; "The event live video contains subtitles" = "Прямая трансляция мероприятия содержит субтитры"; "The event live video does not contain subtitles" = "Прямая трансляция мероприятия не содержит субтитров"; "Sign Language" = "Сурдоперевод"; "Whether the event is interpreted in sign language" = "Сопровождается ли мероприятие сурдопереводом"; "The event has a sign language interpreter" = "На мероприятии есть сурдопереводчик"; "The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter" = "На мероприятии нет сурдопреводчика"; "Online ticketing" = "Продажа билетов онлайн"; "An URL to an external ticketing platform" = "URL-адрес внешней платформы продажи билетов"; "Price sheet" = "Прайс лист"; "A link to a page presenting the price options" = "Ссылка на прайслист"; "Integrate this event with 3rd-party tools and show metadata for the event." = "Интегрировать это мероприятие со сторонними сервисами и просмотреть его метаданные."; "This URL doesn't seem to be valid" = "Этот URL-адрес кажется недействительным"; "Schedule" = "Расписание"; "A link to a page presenting the event schedule" = "Ссылка на расписание мероприятий"; "Accessibility" = "Доступность"; "Live" = "Живой"; "Replay" = "Воспроизвести"; "Tools" = "Инструменты"; "Social" = "Социальный"; "Details" = "Подробности"; "Booking" = "Бронирование"; "Filter by profile or group name" = "Фильтр по профилю или названию группы"; "Filter by name" = "Фильтр по имени"; "Redirecting in progress…" = "Выполняется перенаправление…"; "Zoom in" = "Увеличить"; "Zoom out" = "Уменьшить"; "Show me where I am" = "Показать моё местоположение"; "Video Conference" = "Видео-конференция"; "Jitsi Meet" = "Jitsi Meet"; "The Jitsi Meet video teleconference URL" = "URL-адрес видеоконференции Jitsi Meet"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service https://zoom.us It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Zoom" = "Zoom"; "The Zoom video teleconference URL" = "URL-адрес видеоконференции Zoom"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Microsoft https://teams.microsoft.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Microsoft Teams" = "Microsoft Teams"; "The Microsoft Teams video teleconference URL" = "URL-адрес видеоконференции Microsoft Teams"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Google Meet" = "Google Meet"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "The Google Meet video teleconference URL" = "URL-адрес видеоконференции Google Meet"; /* This is the open-source video-conference service https://bigbluebutton.org It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Big Blue Button" = "Big Blue Button"; "The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL" = "URL-адрес видеоконференции Big Blue Button"; // Etherpad is an open-source service like a light Google Docs: https://etherpad.org "Etherpad notes" = "Заметки Etherpad"; "The URL of a pad where notes are being taken collaboratively" = "URL-адрес блокнота с совместными заметками"; /* An etherpad URL. If you know some public instances from organisations that operate in your language, please use those as a template instead of framapad.org. The last part of the URL should be modified in your language to make the user understand what changes. */ "https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/some-secret-token" = "https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/секретный-токен"; "Failed to get location." = "Не удалось определить местоположение."; "The geolocation prompt was denied." = "Запрос на геолокацию был отклонен."; "Your position was not available." = "Ваше местоположение не доступно."; "Geolocation was not determined in time." = "Геолокация не была определена вовремя."; "Underline" = "Нижнее подчёркивание"; "Heading Level 1" = "Заголовок 1-го уровня"; "Heading Level 2" = "Заголовок 2-го уровня"; "Heading Level 3" = "Заголовок 3-го уровня"; "Add link" = "Добавить ссылку"; "Remove link" = "Удалить ссылку"; "Add picture" = "Добавить изображение"; "Bullet list" = "Маркированный список"; "Ordered list" = "Нумерованный список"; "Quote" = "Цитата"; "Undo" = "Отменить"; "Redo" = "Повторить"; "Clear address field" = "Очистить поле адреса"; "Filter" = "Фильтр"; "Choose the source of the instance's Terms" = "Выберите источник Условий использования узла"; "Choose the source of the instance's Privacy Policy" = "Выберите источник Политики конфиденциальности узла"; "Update discussion title" = "Обновить заголовок обсуждения"; "Cancel discussion title edition" = "Отменить редактирование заголовка обсуждения"; "Previous month" = "Предыдущий месяц"; "When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "Если мероприятие является частным, вам нужно будет поделиться ссылкой."; "Decrease" = "Уменьшить"; "Increase" = "Увеличить"; "Who can post a comment?" = "Кто может оставлять комментарии?"; "Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?" = "Нужно ли подтверждать мероприятие позже или оно отменяется?"; "When the post is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "Если публикация является частной, вам нужно будет поделиться ссылкой."; "Reset" = "Сбросить"; "Local time ({timezone})" = "Местное время ({timezone})"; "Local times ({timezone})" = "Local times ({timezone})"; "Time in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Время в вашем часовом поясе ({timezone})"; "Export" = "Экспорт"; "Times in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Время в вашем часовом поясе ({timezone})"; "Comment body" = "Содержимое комментария"; "Event description body" = "Содержимое описания мероприятия"; "Event timezone will default to the timezone of the event's address if there is one, or to your own timezone setting." = "Часовой пояс мероприятия по умолчанию будет соответствовать часовому поясу адреса мероприятия, если он есть, или вашей настройке часового пояса."; "Clear timezone field" = "Очистить поле часового пояса"; "Group description body" = "Содержимое описания группы"; "Moderation logs" = "Журналы модерации"; "Post body" = "Содержимое публикации"; "{group} posts" = "{group} публикации"; "{group}'s todolists" = "Список задач {group}"; "Validating email" = "Проверка электронной почты"; "Redirecting to Mobilizon" = "Перенаправление на Mobilizon"; "Reset password" = "Сброс пароля"; "First steps" = "Первые шаги"; "Validating account" = "Проверка учётной записи"; "Navigated to {pageTitle}" = "Перейти на {pageTitle}"; "Confirm participation" = "Подтвердите участие"; "Participation with account" = "Участие под учётной записью"; "Participation without account" = "Участие без учётной записи"; "Unlogged participation" = "Незарегистрированное участие"; "Discussions list" = "Список обсуждений"; "Create discussion" = "Создать обсуждение"; "Tag search" = "Поиск по тегам"; "Homepage" = "Домашняя страница"; "About instance" = "Об узле"; "Privacy" = "Конфиденциальность"; "Interact" = "Взаимодействовать"; "Account settings" = "Настройки учётной записи"; "Admin dashboard" = "Панель администратора"; "Admin settings" = "Настройки администратора"; "Group profiles" = "Профили группы"; "Reports list" = "Список отчётов"; "Create identity" = "Создать идентификатор"; "Resent confirmation email" = "Повторно отправить письмо с подтверждением"; "Send password reset" = "Запрос на сброс пароля"; "Email validate" = "Подтверждение электронной почты"; "Skip to main content" = "Перейти к основному содержанию"; "{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})" = "{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})"; "Back to top" = "Вернуться в начало"; "Powered by Mobilizon" = "На платформе Mobilizon"; "The event is fully online" = "Мероприятие полностью в онлайне"; "Follow" = "Follow"; "Cancel follow request" = "Cancel follow request"; "Unfollow" = "Unfollow"; "your notification settings" = "your notification settings"; "You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}." = "You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}."; "Online" = "Online"; "That you follow or of which you are a member" = "That you follow or of which you are a member"; "{number} seats left" = "{number} seats left"; "Published by {name}" = "Published by {name}"; "Share this post" = "Share this post"; "This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link."; "Post URL" = "Post URL"; "Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted." = "Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted."; "Attending" = "Attending"; "From my groups" = "From my groups"; "You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?" = "You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?"; "Leave group" = "Leave group"; "Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone." = "Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone."; "Upcoming events from your groups" = "Upcoming events from your groups"; "Accessible only by link" = "Accessible only by link"; "Report this post" = "Report this post"; "Post {eventTitle} reported" = "Post {eventTitle} reported"; "You have attended {count} events in the past." = "You have attended {count} events in the past."; "Showing events starting on" = "Showing events starting on"; "Showing events before" = "Showing events before"; "Clear date filter field" = "Clear date filter field"; "{count} members or followers" = "{count} members or followers"; "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete." = "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete."; "View full profile" = "View full profile"; "Any type" = "Any type"; "In person" = "In person"; "In the past" = "In the past"; "Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL." = "Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL."; "Moderate new members" = "Moderate new members"; "Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership." = "Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership."; "Cancel membership request" = "Cancel membership request"; "group's upcoming public events" = "group's upcoming public events"; "access to the group's private content as well" = "access to the group's private content as well"; "Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts." = "Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts."; "The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator." = "The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator."; "You approved {member}'s membership." = "You approved {member}'s membership."; "Your membership was approved by {profile}." = "Your membership was approved by {profile}."; "{profile} approved {member}'s membership." = "{profile} approved {member}'s membership."; "You rejected {member}'s membership request." = "You rejected {member}'s membership request."; "{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request." = "{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request."; "Send" = "Send"; "Approve member" = "Approve member"; "Reject member" = "Reject member"; "The membership request from {profile} was rejected" = "The membership request from {profile} was rejected"; "The member was approved" = "The member was approved"; "Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo." = "Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo."; "To follow groups and be informed of their latest events" = "To follow groups and be informed of their latest events"; "No group member found" = "No group member found"; "This group was not found" = "This group was not found"; "Back to group list" = "Back to group list"; "This profile was not found" = "This profile was not found"; "Back to profile list" = "Back to profile list"; "This user was not found" = "This user was not found"; "Back to user list" = "Back to user list"; "Stop following instance" = "Stop following instance"; "Follow instance" = "Follow instance"; "Accept follow" = "Accept follow"; "Reject follow" = "Reject follow"; "This instance doesn't follow yours." = "This instance doesn't follow yours."; "Only Mobilizon instances can be followed" = "Only Mobilizon instances can be followed"; "Follow a new instance" = "Follow a new instance"; "Follow status" = "Follow status"; "All" = "All"; "Following" = "Following"; "Followed" = "Followed"; "Followed, pending response" = "Followed, pending response"; "Follows us" = "Follows us"; "Follows us, pending approval" = "Follows us, pending approval"; "No instance found." = "No instance found."; "No instances match this filter. Try resetting filter fields?" = "No instances match this filter. Try resetting filter fields?"; "You haven't interacted with other instances yet." = "You haven't interacted with other instances yet."; "mobilizon-instance.tld" = "mobilizon-instance.tld"; "Report status" = "Report status"; "access the corresponding account" = "access the corresponding account"; "Organized events" = "Organized events"; "Memberships" = "Memberships"; "This profile is located on this instance, so you need to {access_the_corresponding_account} to suspend it." = "This profile is located on this instance, so you need to {access_the_corresponding_account} to suspend it."; "Total number of participations" = "Total number of participations"; "Uploaded media total size" = "Uploaded media total size"; "0 Bytes" = "0 Bytes"; "Change email" = "Change email"; "Confirm user" = "Confirm user"; "Change role" = "Change role"; "The user has been disabled" = "The user has been disabled"; "This user doesn't have any profiles" = "This user doesn't have any profiles"; "Edit user email" = "Edit user email"; "Change user email" = "Change user email"; "Previous email" = "Previous email"; "Notify the user of the change" = "Notify the user of the change"; "Change user role" = "Change user role"; "Suspend the account?" = "Suspend the account?"; "Do you really want to suspend this account? All of the user's profiles will be deleted." = "Do you really want to suspend this account? All of the user's profiles will be deleted."; "Suspend the account" = "Suspend the account"; "No user matches the filter" = "No user matches the filter"; "new{'@'}email.com" = "new{'@'}email.com"; "Other users with the same email domain" = "Other users with the same email domain"; "Other users with the same IP address" = "Other users with the same IP address"; "IP Address" = "IP Address"; "Last seen on" = "Last seen on"; "No user matches the filters" = "No user matches the filters"; "Reset filters" = "Reset filters"; "Category" = "Category"; "Select a category" = "Select a category"; "Any category" = "Any category"; "We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service." = "We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service."; "What happened?" = "What happened?"; "I've clicked on X, then on Y" = "I've clicked on X, then on Y"; "Send feedback" = "Send feedback"; "Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway." = "Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway."; "return to the homepage" = "return to the homepage"; "Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!" = "Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!"; "You may also:" = "You may also:"; "You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}." = "You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}."; "This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations." = "This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations."; "View the group profile on the original instance" = "View the group profile on the original instance"; "View past events" = "View past events"; "Get informed of the upcoming public events" = "Get informed of the upcoming public events"; "Join" = "Join"; "Become part of the community and start organizing events" = "Become part of the community and start organizing events"; "Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator"; "Follow request pending approval" = "Follow request pending approval"; "Your membership is pending approval" = "Your membership is pending approval"; "Activate notifications" = "Activate notifications"; "Deactivate notifications" = "Deactivate notifications"; "Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator"; "Geolocate me" = "Geolocate me"; "Events nearby {position}" = "Events nearby {position}"; "View more events around {position}" = "View more events around {position}"; "Popular groups nearby {position}" = "Popular groups nearby {position}"; "View more groups around {position}" = "View more groups around {position}"; "Photo by {author} on {source}" = "Photo by {author} on {source}"; "Online upcoming events" = "Online upcoming events"; "View more online events" = "View more online events"; "Owncast" = "Owncast"; "{count} events" = "{count} events"; "Categories" = "Categories"; "Category illustrations credits" = "Category illustrations credits"; "Illustration picture for “{category}” by {author} on {source} ({license})" = "Illustration picture for “{category}” by {author} on {source} ({license})"; "View all categories" = "View all categories"; "{instanceName} ({domain})" = "{instanceName} ({domain})"; "This instance, {instanceName}, hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "This instance, {instanceName}, hosts your profile, so remember its name."; "Keyword, event title, group name, etc." = "Keyword, event title, group name, etc."; "Go!" = "Go!"; "Explore!" = "Explore!"; "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance"; "Open user menu" = "Open user menu"; "Open main menu" = "Open main menu"; "{'@'}{username} ({role})" = "{'@'}{username} ({role})"; "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique."; "Confirm" = "Confirm"; "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations"; "Ex: someone{'@'}mobilizon.org" = "Ex: someone{'@'}mobilizon.org"; "Group members" = "Group members"; "e.g. Nantes, Berlin, Cork, …" = "e.g. Nantes, Berlin, Cork, …"; "find, create and organise events" = "find, create and organise events"; "tool designed to serve you" = "tool designed to serve you"; "multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites" = "multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites"; "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you {find_create_organize_events}." = "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you {find_create_organize_events}."; "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Period." = "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Period."; "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}." = "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}."; "translation" = "translation"; "detail" = "detail"; "Events close to you" = "Events close to you"; "Popular groups close to you" = "Popular groups close to you"; "View more events" = "View more events"; "Hide filters" = "Hide filters"; "Show filters" = "Show filters"; "Online events" = "Online events"; "Event date" = "Event date"; "Distance" = "Distance"; "{numberOfCategories} selected" = "{numberOfCategories} selected"; "Event status" = "Event status"; "Statuses" = "Statuses"; "Languages" = "Languages"; "{numberOfLanguages} selected" = "{numberOfLanguages} selected"; "Apply filters" = "Apply filters"; "Any distance" = "Any distance"; "{number} kilometers" = "{number} kilometers"; "The pad will be created on {service}" = "The pad will be created on {service}"; "The calc will be created on {service}" = "The calc will be created on {service}"; "The videoconference will be created on {service}" = "The videoconference will be created on {service}"; "Search target" = "Search target"; "In this instance's network" = "In this instance's network"; "On the Fediverse" = "On the Fediverse"; "Report reason" = "Report reason"; "Reported content" = "Reported content"; "No results found" = "No results found"; "{eventsCount} events found" = "{eventsCount} events found"; "{eventsCount} activities found" = "{eventsCount} activities found"; "{groupsCount} groups found" = "{groupsCount} groups found"; "{resultsCount} results found" = "{resultsCount} results found"; "Loading map" = "Loading map"; "Sort by" = "Sort by"; "Map" = "Map"; "List" = "List"; "Best match" = "Best match"; "Most recently published" = "Most recently published"; "Least recently published" = "Least recently published"; "With the most participants" = "With the most participants"; "Number of members" = "Number of members"; "More options" = "More options"; "Reported by someone anonymously" = "Reported by someone anonymously"; "Back to homepage" = "Back to homepage"; "Category list" = "Category list"; "No categories with public upcoming events on this instance were found." = "No categories with public upcoming events on this instance were found."; "Theme" = "Theme"; "Adapt to system theme" = "Adapt to system theme"; "Light" = "Light"; "Dark" = "Dark"; "Write a new comment" = "Write a new comment"; "Write a new reply" = "Write a new reply"; "Write a new message" = "Write a new message"; "Write something" = "Write something"; "Message body" = "Message body"; "Describe your event" = "Describe your event"; "A few lines about your group" = "A few lines about your group"; "Write your post" = "Write your post"; "Suggestions:" = "Suggestions:"; "Make sure that all words are spelled correctly." = "Make sure that all words are spelled correctly."; "Try different keywords." = "Try different keywords."; "Try more general keywords." = "Try more general keywords."; "Try fewer keywords." = "Try fewer keywords."; "Change the filters." = "Change the filters."; "No results found for {search}" = "No results found for {search}"; "No events found for {search}" = "No events found for {search}"; "No groups found for {search}" = "No groups found for {search}"; "No event found at this address" = "No event found at this address"; "I have an account on {instance}." = "I have an account on {instance}."; "profile{'@'}instance" = "profile{'@'}instance"; "My federated identity ends in {domain}" = "My federated identity ends in {domain}"; "Close map" = "Close map"; "On foot" = "On foot"; "By bike" = "By bike"; "By transit" = "By transit"; "By car" = "By car"; "Select all resources" = "Select all resources"; "Select this resource" = "Select this resource"; "You can add resources by using the button above." = "You can add resources by using the button above."; "{user}'s follow request was accepted" = "{user}'s follow request was accepted"; "{user}'s follow request was rejected" = "{user}'s follow request was rejected"; "Report as spam" = "Report as spam"; "Report as ham" = "Report as ham"; "Report as undetected spam" = "Report as undetected spam"; "The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet." = "The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet."; "Submit to Akismet" = "Submit to Akismet"; "Autorize this application to access your account?" = "Autorize this application to access your account?"; "This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust." = "This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust."; "Authorize application" = "Authorize application"; "Authorize" = "Authorize"; "You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings." = "You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings."; "Read all of your account's data" = "Read all of your account's data"; "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …" = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …"; "Modify all of your account's data" = "Modify all of your account's data"; "This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events"; "Publish events" = "Publish events"; "This application will be allowed to publish events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events"; "Update events" = "Update events"; "This application will be allowed to update events" = "This application will be allowed to update events"; "Delete events" = "Delete events"; "This application will be allowed to delete events" = "This application will be allowed to delete events"; "Upload media" = "Upload media"; "This application will be allowed to upload media" = "This application will be allowed to upload media"; "Remove uploaded media" = "Remove uploaded media"; "This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media" = "This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media"; "Publish group posts" = "Publish group posts"; "This application will be allowed to publish group posts" = "This application will be allowed to publish group posts"; "Update group posts" = "Update group posts"; "This application will be allowed to update group posts" = "This application will be allowed to update group posts"; "Delete group posts" = "Delete group posts"; "This application will be allowed to delete group posts" = "This application will be allowed to delete group posts"; "Access your group's resources" = "Access your group's resources"; "This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of"; "Create group resources" = "Create group resources"; "This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Update group resources" = "Update group resources"; "This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Delete group resources" = "Delete group resources"; "This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group events" = "Access group events"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group discussions" = "Access group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group members" = "Access group members"; "This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group followers" = "Access group followers"; "This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group activities" = "Access group activities"; "This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group todo-lists" = "Access group todo-lists"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Manage group memberships" = "Manage group memberships"; "This application will be allowed to join and leave groups" = "This application will be allowed to join and leave groups"; "Manage group members" = "Manage group members"; "This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access organized events" = "Access organized events"; "This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events"; "Access participations" = "Access participations"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to"; "Access group memberships" = "Access group memberships"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of"; "Access followed groups" = "Access followed groups"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following"; "Create new profiles" = "Create new profiles"; "This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account" = "This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account"; "Update profiles" = "Update profiles"; "This application will be allowed to update your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to update your profiles"; "Delete profiles" = "Delete profiles"; "This application will be allowed to delete your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to delete your profiles"; "Post comments" = "Post comments"; "This application will be allowed to post comments" = "This application will be allowed to post comments"; "Update comments" = "Update comments"; "This application will be allowed to update comments" = "This application will be allowed to update comments"; "Delete comments" = "Delete comments"; "This application will be allowed to delete comments" = "This application will be allowed to delete comments"; "Create group discussions" = "Create group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to create group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to create group discussions"; "Update group discussions" = "Update group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to update group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to update group discussions"; "Delete group discussions" = "Delete group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to delete group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to delete group discussions"; "Create feed tokens" = "Create feed tokens"; "This application will be allowed to create feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to create feed tokens"; "Delete feed tokens" = "Delete feed tokens"; "This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens"; "Manage event participations" = "Manage event participations"; "This application will be allowed to manage events participations" = "This application will be allowed to manage events participations"; "Manage activity settings" = "Manage activity settings"; "This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings"; "Manage push notification settings" = "Manage push notification settings"; "This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings"; "Apps" = "Apps"; "Device activation" = "Device activation"; "Application not found" = "Application not found"; "The provided application was not found." = "The provided application was not found."; "Your application code" = "Your application code"; "You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes." = "You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes."; "Enter the code displayed on your device" = "Enter the code displayed on your device"; "Continue" = "Continue"; "The device code is incorrect or no longer valid." = "The device code is incorrect or no longer valid."; "These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access." = "These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access."; "Last used on {last_used_date}" = "Last used on {last_used_date}"; "Never used" = "Never used"; "Authorized on {authorization_date}" = "Authorized on {authorization_date}"; "Revoke" = "Revoke"; "Application was revoked" = "Application was revoked"; "Create a new metadata element" = "Create a new metadata element"; "You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable." = "You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable."; "You can try another search term or add the address details manually below." = "You can try another search term or add the address details manually below."; "Manually enter address" = "Manually enter address"; "You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location" = "You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location"; "This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect." = "This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect."; "This application asks for the following permissions:" = "This application asks for the following permissions:"; "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups." = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups."; "This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings." = "This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings."; "No apps authorized yet" = "No apps authorized yet"; "You have been logged-out" = "You have been logged-out"; "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely."; "Announcements" = "Announcements"; "Application authorized" = "Application authorized"; "Check your device to continue. You may now close this window." = "Check your device to continue. You may now close this window."; "Participants to {eventTitle}" = "Participants to {eventTitle}"; "Read user media" = "Read user media"; "This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded" = "This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded"; "Read user settings" = "Read user settings"; "This application will be allowed to access your user settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user settings"; "Read user activity settings" = "Read user activity settings"; "This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings"; "Read user participations" = "Read user participations"; "Read user memberships" = "Read user memberships"; "Access drafts events" = "Access drafts events"; "This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events"; "Access group suggested events" = "Access group suggested events"; "This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events" = "This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events"; "{profile} joined the the event {event}." = "{profile} joined the the event {event}."; "You joined the event {event}." = "You joined the event {event}."; "An anonymous profile joined the event {event}." = "An anonymous profile joined the event {event}."; "Delete event and resolve report" = "Delete event and resolve report"; "No content found" = "No content found"; "Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator" = "Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator"; "This will also resolve the report." = "This will also resolve the report."; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead." = "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead."; "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone."; "Delete comment and resolve report" = "Delete comment and resolve report"; "Delete comment" = "Delete comment"; "Event deleted and report resolved" = "Event deleted and report resolved"; "Event deleted" = "Event deleted"; "Comment deleted and report resolved" = "Comment deleted and report resolved"; "Comment under event {eventTitle}" = "Comment under event {eventTitle}"; "Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted." = "Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted."; "There will be no way to restore the profile's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the profile's data!"; "Suspend the profile" = "Suspend the profile"; "The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:" = "The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:"; "Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?" = "Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?"; "There will be no way to restore the user's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the user's data!"; "User suspended and report resolved" = "User suspended and report resolved"; "Profile suspended and report resolved" = "Profile suspended and report resolved"; "{profileName} (suspended)" = "{profileName} (suspended)"; "Reported by an unknown actor" = "Reported by an unknown actor"; "Reported at" = "Reported at"; "Updated at" = "Updated at"; "Suspend the profile?" = "Suspend the profile?"; "Go to booking" = "Go to booking"; "External registration" = "External registration"; "I want to manage the registration with an external provider" = "I want to manage the registration with an external provider"; "External provider URL" = "External provider URL"; "Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts." = "Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts."; "With unknown participants" = "With unknown participants"; "With {participants}" = "With {participants}"; "Conversations" = "Conversations"; "New private message" = "New private message"; "There's no conversations yet" = "There's no conversations yet"; "Open conversations" = "Open conversations"; "List of conversations" = "List of conversations"; "Conversation with {participants}" = "Conversation with {participants}"; "Delete this conversation" = "Delete this conversation"; "Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?" = "Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?"; "This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers." = "This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers."; "You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group" = "You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group"; "Comment from an event announcement" = "Comment from an event announcement"; "Comment from a private conversation" = "Comment from a private conversation"; "I've been mentionned in a conversation" = "I've been mentionned in a conversation"; "New announcement" = "New announcement"; "This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you." = "This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you."; "The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:" = "The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:"; "Sent to {count} participants" = "Sent to {count} participants"; "There's no announcements yet" = "There's no announcements yet"; "Your participation is being cancelled" = "Your participation is being cancelled"; "Error while cancelling your participation" = "Error while cancelling your participation"; "Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect."; "Your participation has been cancelled" = "Your participation has been cancelled"; "Return to the event page" = "Return to the event page"; "Cancel participation" = "Cancel participation"; "Add a recipient" = "Add a recipient"; "Announcements for {eventTitle}" = "Announcements for {eventTitle}"; "Visit {instance_domain}" = "Visit {instance_domain}"; "Software details: {software_details}" = "Software details: {software_details}"; "Only instances with an application actor can be followed" = "Only instances with an application actor can be followed"; "Domain or instance name" = "Domain or instance name"; "You need to enter a text" = "You need to enter a text"; "Error while adding tag: {error}" = "Error while adding tag: {error}"; "From this instance only" = "From this instance only";