"Please do not use it in any real way." = "Älä käytä todellisiin tarkoituksiin.";
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising." = "Käyttäjäystävällinen, osallistava ja eettinen työkalu tapahtumien järjestämiseen, organisointiin ja mobilisointiin.";
"A validation email was sent to {email}" = "Vahvistussähköposti lähetettiin osoitteeseen {email}";
"Abandon editing" = "Hylkää muutokset";
"About Mobilizon" = "Tietoa Mobilizonista";
"About this event" = "Tietoa tapahtumasta";
"About this instance" = "Tietoa tästä instanssista";
"About" = "Tietoja";
"Accepted" = "Hyväksytty";
"Account" = "Tili";
"Add a note" = "Lisää merkintä";
"Add an address" = "Lisää osoite";
"Add an instance" = "Lisää instanssi";
"Add some tags" = "Lisää tunnisteita";
"Add to my calendar" = "Lisää kalenteriini";
"Add" = "Lisää";
"Additional comments" = "Lisäkommentit";
"Admin settings successfully saved." = "Ylläpitoasetukset tallennettu.";
"Admin" = "Ylläpitäjä";
"Administration" = "Ylläpito";
"All the places have already been taken" = "Kaikki paikat on jo varattu";
"Allow registrations" = "Salli rekisteröityminen";
"Anonymous participant" = "Nimetön osallistuja";
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail." = "Nimettömiä osallistujia pyydetään vahvistamaan osallistumisensa sähköpostitse.";
"Anonymous participations" = "Nimettömät osallistujat";
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever." = "Haluatko varmasti poistaa koko tilisi? Tällöin kaikki poistetaan. Identiteetit, asetukset, luodut tapahtumat, viestit ja osallistumiset poistetaan pysyvästi.";
"Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän kommentin? Toimintoa ei voi perua.";
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead." = "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tapahtuman? Toimintoa ei voi perua. Poistamisen sijaan voisit ehkä keskustella tapahtuman luojan kanssa tai muokata tapahtumaa.";
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications." = "Haluatko varmasti keskeyttää tapahtuman luomisen? Kaikki muutokset menetetään.";
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications." = "Haluatko varmasti keskeyttää tapahtuman muokkaamisen? Kaikki muutokset menetetään.";
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?" = "Haluatko varmasti perua osallistumisesi tapahtumaan {title}?";
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted." = "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän tapahtuman? Toimintoa ei voi perua.";
"Avatar" = "Avatar";
"Back to previous page" = "Palaa edelliselle sivulle";
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account." = "Sinun on ennen sisäänkirjautumista vahvistettava tilisi napsauttamalla siinä olevaa linkkiä.";
"By {username}" = "Tehnyt {username}";
"Calendar" = "Calendar";
"Cancel anonymous participation" = "Peruuta nimetön osallistuminen";
"Cancel creation" = "Peruuta luonti";
"Cancel edition" = "Peruuta muokkaus";
"Cancel my participation request…" = "Peru osallistumispyyntöni…";
"Cancel my participation…" = "Peru osallistumiseni…";
"Cancel" = "Peruuta";
"Cancelled: Won't happen" = "Peruutettu: Ei onnistu";
"Change my email" = "Vaihda sähköpostiosoitteeni";
"Change my identity…" = "Vaihda identiteettiä…";
"Change my password" = "Vaihda salasana";
"Change" = "Muuta";
"Clear" = "Tyhjennä";
"Click to upload" = "Lähetä napsauttamalla";
"Close comments for all (except for admins)" = "Sulje kommentit kaikilta (paitsi ylläpitäjiltä)";
"Close" = "Sulje";
"Closed" = "Suljettu";
"Comment deleted" = "Kommentti poistettu";
"Comment from {'@'}{username} reported" = "Comment from {'@'}{username} reported";
"Comments" = "Kommentit";
"Confirm my participation" = "Vahvista osallistumiseni";
"Confirm my particpation" = "Vahvista osallistumiseni";
"Confirmed: Will happen" = "Vahvistettu: Tapahtuu";
"Continue editing" = "Jatka muokkausta";
"Country" = "Maa";
"Create a new event" = "Luo uusi tapahtuma";
"Create a new group" = "Luo uusi ryhmä";
"Create a new identity" = "Luo uusi identiteetti";
"Create group" = "Luo ryhmä";
"Create my event" = "Luo oma tapahtuma";
"Create my group" = "Luo oma ryhmä";
"Create my profile" = "Luo oma profiili";
"Create token" = "Luo merkki";
"Create" = "Luo";
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event." = "Nykyiseksi identiteetiksi on vaihdettu {identityName} tämän tapahtuman hallinnointia varten.";
"Current page" = "Nykyinen sivu";
"Custom URL" = "Vapaavalintainen URL";
"Custom text" = "Vapaavalintainen teksti";
"Custom" = "Mukautettu";
"Dashboard" = "Kojelauta";
"Date and time settings" = "Aika- ja päivämääräasetukset";
"Date parameters" = "Päivämäärävalinnat";
"Date" = "Päivämäärä";
"Default" = "Oletus";
"Delete account" = "Poista tili";
"Delete event" = "Poista tapahtuma";
"Delete everything" = "Poista kaikki";
"Delete my account" = "Poista tilini";
"Delete this identity" = "Poista tämä identiteetti";
"Delete your identity" = "Poista oma identiteetti";
"Delete {eventTitle}" = "Poista {eventTitle}";
"Delete {preferredUsername}" = "Poista {preferredUsername}";
"Delete" = "Poista";
"Deleting comment" = "Poistetaan kommentti";
"Deleting event" = "Poistetaan tapahtuma";
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities." = "Oman tilin poistaminen poistaa kaikki identiteettini.";
"Deleting your Mobilizon account" = "Poistetaan Mobilizon-tiliäsi";
"Description" = "Kuvaus";
"Display name" = "Näytä nimi";
"Display participation price" = "Näytä osallistumisen hinta";
"Domain" = "Verkkotunnus";
"Draft" = "Luonnos";
"Drafts" = "Luonnokset";
"Edit" = "Muokkaa";
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…" = "Esim. Helsinki, tanssi, shakki, …";
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance." = "Joko instanssilla {instance} tai toisella instanssilla.";
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Joko tili on jo vahvistettu tai vahvistusmerkki on virheellinen.";
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Joko sähköpostiosoite on jo vaihdettu tai vahvistusmerkki on virheellinen.";
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Osallistumispyyntö on jo vahvistettu tai vahvistustunnus on virheellinen.";
"Email" = "Sähköposti";
"Ends on…" = "Päättyy…";
"Enter the link URL" = "Syötä linkin URL";
"Error while changing email" = "Virhe sähköpostiosoitetta vaihdettaessa";
"Error while validating account" = "Virhe tilin vahvistamisessa";
"Error while validating participation request" = "Virhe osallistumispyyntöä vahvistettaessa";
"Event already passed" = "Tapahtuma on jo mennyt";
"Event cancelled" = "Tapahtuma peruttu";
"Event creation" = "Tapahtuman luonti";
"Event edition" = "Tapahtuman muokkaus";
"Event list" = "Tapahtumaluettelo";
"Event page settings" = "Tapahtumasivun asetukset";
"Event to be confirmed" = "Tapahtuma odottaa vahvistamista";
"Event {eventTitle} deleted" = "Tapahtuma {eventTitle} poistettu";
"Event {eventTitle} reported" = "Tapahtuma (eventTitle} raportoitu";
"Event" = "Tapahtuma";
"Events" = "Tapahtumat";
"Ex: mobilizon.fr" = "Esim. mobilizon.fr";
"Explore" = "Tutustu";
"Failed to save admin settings" = "Ylläpitoasetusten tallennus epäonnistui";
"Featured events" = "Ehdotetut tapahtumat";
"Federation" = "Federaatio";
"Find an address" = "Etsi osoitetta";
"Find an instance" = "Etsi instanssia";
"Followers" = "Seuraajat";
"Followings" = "Seurattavat";
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…" = "Esimerkiksi: Tampere, taekwondo, arkkitehtuuri, …";
"Forgot your password ?" = "Unohditko salasanasi?";
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}" = "Alkaa {startDate} klo {startTime} ja päättyy {endDate} klo {endTime}";
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}" = "Alkaa {startDate} klo {startTime} ja päättyy {endDate}";
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}" = "Alkaa {startDate} ja päättyy {endDate}";
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize" = "Kokoonnu ⋅ Järjestä ⋅ Mobilisoi";
"General information" = "Yleiset tiedot";
"General" = "Yleinen";
"Getting location" = "Haetaan sijaintia";
"Go" = "Siirry";
"Group name" = "Ryhmän nimi";
"Group {displayName} created" = "Ryhmä {displayName} luotu";
"Groups" = "Ryhmät";
"Headline picture" = "Otsikkokuva";
"Hide replies" = "Piilota vastaukset";
// this is used as the header of the settings section to create a new identity
"I create an identity" = "Luon indentiteetin";
"I don't have a Mobilizon account" = "Minulla ei ole Mobilizon-tiliä";
"I have a Mobilizon account" = "Minulla on Mobilizon-tili";
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance." = "Minulla on tili toisella Mobilizon- instanssilla.";
"I participate" = "Osallistun";
"I want to allow people to participate without an account." = "Osallistuminen ilman käyttäjätiliä sallittu.";
"I want to approve every participation request" = "Haluan hyväksyä kaikki osallistumispyynnöt";
"Identity {displayName} created" = "Identiteetti {displayName} luotu";
"Identity {displayName} deleted" = "Identiteetti {displayName} poistettu";
"Identity {displayName} updated" = "Identiteetti {displayName} päivitetty";
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}" = "Jos osoitteeseen {email} liittyvä tili on jo olemassa, lähetämme vain uuden vahvistusviestin";
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity." = "Jos tämä identiteetti on joidenkin ryhmien ainoa ylläpitäjä, ryhmät on poistettava ennen kuin identiteetin voi poistaa.";
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here." = "Tästä voit halutessasi lähettää tapahtuman järjestäjälle viestin.";
"Instance Name" = "Instanssin nimi";
"Instance Terms Source" = "Instanssin käyttöehtojen lähde";
"Instance Terms URL" = "Pälvelimen käyttöehtojen URL";
"Instance Terms" = "Instanssin käyttöehdot";
"Instance settings" = "Instanssin asetukset";
"Instances" = "Instanssit";
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Liity Mobilizon- instanssille {instance}";
"Last published event" = "Viimeisin julkaistu tapahtuma";
"Last week" = "Viime viikko";
"Learn more about Mobilizon" = "Lue lisää Mobilizonista";
"Learn more" = "Lue lisää";
"Leave event" = "Poistu tapahtumasta";
"Leaving event \"{title}\"" = "Poistutaan tapahtumasta {title}";
"License" = "Käyttöoikeussopimus";
"Limited number of places" = "Paikkoja rajoitettu määrä";
"Load more" = "Lataa lisää";
"Locality" = "Sijainti";
"Log in" = "Kirjaudu sisään";
"Log out" = "Kirjaudu ulos";
"Login on Mobilizon!" = "Kirjaudu sisään Mobilizoniin!";
"Login on {instance}" = "Kirjaudu instanssille {instance}";
"Login" = "Kirjaudu sisään";
"Manage participations" = "Hallinnoi osallistumisia";
"Mark as resolved" = "Merkitse ratkaistuksi";
"Members" = "Jäsenet";
"Message" = "Viesti";
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server." = "Mobilizon on federoituva verkosto. Tätä tapahtumasivua voi käyttää myös toiselta instanssilta.";
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)" = "Moderoidut kommentit (näytetään hyväksymisen jälkeen)";
"Moderation log" = "Moderointiloki";
"Moderation" = "Moderointi";
"My account" = "Oma tili";
"My events" = "Omat tapahtumat";
"My identities" = "Omat identiteetit";
"Name" = "Nimi";
"New email" = "Uusi sähköpostiosoite";
"New note" = "Uusi merkintä";
"New password" = "Uusi salasana";
"New profile" = "Uusi profiili";
"Next page" = "Seuraava sivu";
"No address defined" = "Ei määritettyä osoitetta";
"No closed reports yet" = "Suljettuja raportteja ei vielä ole";
"No comment" = "Ei kommenttia";
"No comments yet" = "Kommentteja ei vielä ole";
"No end date" = "Ei päättymispäivää";
"No events found" = "Tapahtumia ei löytynyt";
"No group found" = "Ryhmää ei löytynyt";
"No groups found" = "Ryhmiä ei löytynyt";
"No activities found" = "No activities found";
"No instance follows your instance yet." = "Mikään instanssi ei vielä seuraa tätä instanssia.";
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances" = "Ei hyväksyttäviä instansseja|Hyväksy instanssi|Hyväksy {number} instanssia";
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances" = "Ei hylättäviä instansseja|Hylkää instanssi|Hylkää {number} instanssia";
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances" = "Ei poistettavia instansseja|Poista instanssi|Poista {number} instanssia";
"No message" = "Ei viestiä";
"No open reports yet" = "Avoimia raportteja ei vielä ole";
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants" = "Ei osallistujia hyväksyttäväksi|Hyväksy osallistuja|Hyväksy {number} osallistujaa";
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants" = "Ei osallistujia hylättäväksi|Hylkää osallistuja|Hylkää {number} osallistujaa";
"No resolved reports yet" = "Ratkaistuja raportteja ei vielä ole";
"No results for \"{queryText}\"" = "Ei tuloksia haulle ”{queryText}”";
"Notes" = "Merkinnät";
"Number of places" = "Paikkojen määrä";
"OK" = "OK";
"Old password" = "Vanha salasana";
"On {date} ending at {endTime}" = "{date}, päättyy {endTime}";
"On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}" = "{date} klo {startTime}–{endTime}";
"On {date} starting at {startTime}" = "{date} klo {startTime}";
"On {date}" = "{date}";
"Only accessible through link (private)" = "Pääsy vain linkin kautta (yksityinen)";
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported." = "Vain pieniä kirjaimia (a-z), numeroita ja alaviivaa voi käyttää.";
"Open" = "Avoin";
"Opened reports" = "Avatut raportit";
"Or" = "Tai";
"Organized by {name}" = "Järjestää {name}";
"Organized" = "Järjestetty";
"Organizer" = "Järjestäjä";
"Other software may also support this." = "Myös muut ohjelmat voivat tukea tätä.";
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators." = "Muussa tapauksessa tämä identiteetti vain poistetaan ryhmän ylläpitäjistä.";
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)" = "Sivu rajattu omalle ryhmälle (vaatii tunnistautumista)";
"Page" = "Sivu";
"Participant" = "Osallistuja";
"Participants" = "Osallistujat";
"Participate using your email address" = "Osallistu sähköpostiosoitteella";
"Participate" = "Osallistu";
"Participation approval" = "Osallistumisen hyväksyntä";
"Participation confirmation" = "Osallistumisvahvistus";
"Participation requested!" = "Osallistumista pyydetty!";
"Password (confirmation)" = "Salasana (varmistus)";
"Password reset" = "Salasanan palautus";
"Password" = "Salasana";
"Past events" = "Menneet tapahtumat";
"Pending" = "Odottaa";
"Pick an identity" = "Valitse identiteetti";
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email." = "Jos et saanut sähköpostia, tarkista roskapostikansio.";
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake." = "Jos epäilet tätä virheeksi, ota yhteyttä tämän instanssin Mobilizon-ylläpitäjään.";
"Please enter your password to confirm this action." = "Vahvista toimenpide syöttämällä salasanasi.";
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved." = "Varmista, että osoite on oikein eikä sivua ole siirretty.";
"Post a comment" = "Lähetä kommentti";
"Post a reply" = "Lähetä vastaus";
"Postal Code" = "Postinumero";
"Preferences" = "Valinnat";
"Previous page" = "Edellinen sivu";
"Privacy Policy" = "Tietosuojakäytäntö";
"Private event" = "Yksityistapahtuma";
"Private feeds" = "Yksityissyötteet";
"Profiles" = "Profiilit";
"Public RSS/Atom Feed" = "Julkinen RSS/Atom-syöte";
"Public comment moderation" = "Julkisten kommenttien moderointi";
"Public event" = "Julkinen tapahtuma";
"Public feeds" = "Julkiset syötteet";
"Public iCal Feed" = "Julkinen iCal-syöte";
"Publish" = "Julkaise";
"Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Julkaistuissa tapahtumissa {comments} kommenttia ja {participations} vahvistettua osallistumista";
"RSS/Atom Feed" = "RSS/Atom-syöte";
"Region" = "Alue";
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register." = "Rekisteröityminen on sallittu, kuka tahansa voi rekisteröityä.";
"Registration is closed." = "Rekisteröityminen on pois käytöstä.";
"Registration is currently closed." = "Rekisteröityminen on tällä hetkellä pois käytöstä.";
"Rejected" = "Hylätty";
"Reopen" = "Avaa uudelleen";
"Reply" = "Vastaa";
"Report this comment" = "Raportoi kommentti";
"Report this event" = "Raportoi tapahtuma";
"Report" = "Raportoi";
"Reported by someone on {domain}" = "Raportoitu instanssilta {domain}";
"Reported by {reporter}" = "Raportoinut {reporter}";
"Reported by" = "Raportoinut";
"Reported identity" = "Raportoitu identiteetti";
"Reported" = "Raportoitu";
"Reports" = "Raportit";
"Reset my password" = "Palauta salasana";
"Resolved" = "Ratkaistu";
"Resource provided is not an URL" = "Ilmoitettu resurssi ei ole URL";
"Role" = "Rooli";
"Save draft" = "Tallenna luonnos";
"Save" = "Tallenna";
"Search events, groups, etc." = "Etsi tapahtumia, ryhmiä jne.";
"Search" = "Hae";
"Searching…" = "Haetaan…";
"Send email" = "Lähetä sähköposti";
"Send the report" = "Lähetä raportti";
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms." = "Aseta instanssin käyttöehdot sisältävän sivun URL.";
"Settings" = "Asetukset";
"Share this event" = "Jaa tapahtuma";
"Show map" = "Näytä kartta";
"Show remaining number of places" = "Näytä vapaana olevien paikkojen määrä";
"Show the time when the event begins" = "Näytä tapahtuman alkamisaika";
"Show the time when the event ends" = "Näytä tapahtuman päättymisaika";
"Sign up" = "Luo tili";
"Starts on…" = "Alkaa…";
"Status" = "Tila";
"Street" = "Katuosoite";
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later" = "Alustava: vahvistetaan myöhemmin";
"Terms" = "Käyttöehdot";
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it." = "Tilin sähköpostiosoite vaihdettiin. Katso vahvistusviesti sähköpostistasi.";
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance." = "Koska tapahtumasivu sijaitsee toisella instanssilla, osallistujien todellinen määrä voi poiketa tästä.";
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?" = "Sisältö on peräisin toiselta instanssilta. Lähetetäänkö raportista sinne nimetön kopio?";
"The draft event has been updated" = "Tapahtumaluonnosta on päivitetty";
"The event has been created as a draft" = "Tapahtuma on luotu luonnoksena";
"The event has been published" = "Tapahtuma on julkaistu";
"The event has been updated and published" = "Tapahtuma on päivitetty ja julkaistu";
"The event has been updated" = "Tapahtuma on päivitetty";
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?" = "Tapahtuman järjestäjä haluaa hyväksyä osallistujat käsin. Haluatko lisätä maininnan, jossa kerrot, miksi haluat osallistua tapahtumaan?";
"The event organizer didn't add any description." = "Tapahtuman järjestäjä ei ole lisännyt kuvausta.";
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event." = "Tapahtuman järjestäjä hyväksyy osallistujat käsin. Koska olet päättänyt osallistua ilman tiliä, kerro, miksi haluat osallistua tapahtumaan.";
"The event title will be ellipsed." = "Tapahtuman otsikkoa lyhennetään.";
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist." = "Etsimääsi sivua ei ole olemassa.";
"The password was successfully changed" = "Salasanan vaihto onnistui";
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below." = "Raportti lähetetään oman instanssisi moderaattoreille. Alla voit kertoa, miksi raportoit sisällöstä.";
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "{default_terms} ovat käytössä. Ne käännetään käyttäjän kielelle.";
"There are {participants} participants." = "Osallistujia on {participants}.";
"There will be no way to recover your data." = "Tietoja ei voi palauttaa millään tavalla.";
"These events may interest you" = "Nämä tapahtumat saattavat kiinnostaa sinua";
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation." = "Nimetön osallistuminen on sallittua tällä Mobilizon-instanssilla ja tähän tapahtumaan, mutta osallistuminen on vahvistettava sähköpostitse.";
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details" = "Nämä tiedot tallennetaan vain omalle tietokoneellesi. Katso lisätietoja napsauttamalla";
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances." = "Tälle instanssille ei voi rekisteröityä, mutta voit rekisteröityä muille instansseille.";
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon." = "Tämä on koekäyttöön tarkoitettu Mobilizonin esittelysivu.";
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity." = "Tämä poistaa tai anonymisoi kaiken tällä identiteetillä luodun sisällön (tapahtumat, kommentit, viestit, osallistumiset jne.).";
"Title" = "Otsikko";
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"" = "Vahvista syöttämällä tapahtuman otsikko ”{eventTitle}”";
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"" = "Vahvista syöttämällä identiteettisi käyttäjänimi ”{preferredUsername}”";
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}" = "Siirry osoitteeseen {outsideDomain}";
"Type" = "Tyyppi";
"URL" = "URL";
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers." = "Ikävä kyllä järjestäjät hylkäsivät osallistumispyyntösi.";
"Unknown actor" = "Tuntematon tekijä";
"Unknown error." = "Tuntematon virhe.";
"Unknown" = "Tuntematon";
"Unsaved changes" = "Tallentamattomia muutoksia";
"Upcoming" = "Tulossa";
"Update event {name}" = "Päivitä tapahtumaa {name}";
"Update my event" = "Päivitä omaa tapahtumaa";
"Updated" = "Päivitetty";
"Use my location" = "Käytä sijaintiani";
"Username" = "Käyttäjänimi";
"Users" = "Käyttäjät";
"View a reply" = "|Näytä vastaus|Näytä {totalReplies} vastausta";
"View event page" = "Näytä tapahtumasivu";
"View everything" = "Näytä kaikki";
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Näytä sivu instanssilla {hostname} (uudessa ikkunassa)";
"Visible everywhere on the web (public)" = "Näkyy kaikkialla verkossa (julkinen)";
"Waiting for organization team approval." = "Odottaa järjestäjien hyväksyntää.";
"Warning" = "Varoitus";
"We just sent an email to {email}" = "Lähetimme juuri sähköpostia osoitteeseen {email}";
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event" = "Ohjaamme sinut omalle instanssillesi, jotta voit osallistua tapahtumaan";
"Website / URL" = "Verkkosivu/URL";
"Welcome back {username}!" = "Tervetuloa takaisin, {username}!";
"Welcome back!" = "Tervetuloa takaisin!";
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!" = "Tervetuloa Mobilizoniin, {username}!";
"Who can view this event and participate" = "Kuka voi nähdä tapahtuman ja osallistua siihen";
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation" = "Osallistut tapahtumaan nimettömänä, mutta et ole vahvistanut osallistumistasi";
"You are participating in this event anonymously" = "Osallistut tapahtumaan nimettömänä";
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma" = "Voit lisätä tunnisteita painamalla enteriä tai lisäämällä pilkun";
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map" = "Voit kokeilla toista hakuehtoa tai vetää merkin kartalle";
"You don't follow any instances yet." = "Et seuraa vielä yhtäkään instanssia.";
"You have cancelled your participation" = "Olet perunut osallistumisesi";
"You have one event in {days} days." = "Sinulla ei ole tapahtumia seuraavien {days} päivän aikana | Sinulla on yksi tapahtuma seuraavien {days} päivän aikana | Sinulla on {count} tapahtumaa seuraavien {days} päivän aikana";
"You have one event today." = "Sinulla ei ole tapahtumia tänään | Sinulla on yksi tapahtuma tänään | Sinulla on {count} tapahtumaa tänään";
"You have one event tomorrow." = "Sinulla ei ole tapahtumia huomenna | Sinulla on yksi tapahtuma huomenna | Sinulla on {count} tapahtumaa huomenna";
"You need to login." = "Kirjaudu sisään.";
"You will be redirected to the original instance" = "Sinut ohjataan alkuperäiselle instanssille";
"You wish to participate to the following event" = "Haluat osallistua seuraavaan tapahtumaan";
"You'll receive a confirmation email." = "Saat sähköpostiin vahvistuksen.";
"Your account has been successfully deleted" = "Tilin poistaminen onnistui";
"Your account has been validated" = "Tilisi on vahvistettu";
"Your account is being validated" = "Tiliäsi vahvistetaan";
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}" = "Tilisi on melkein valmis, {username}";
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in." = "Nykyinen sähköpostiosoitteesi on {email}. Kirjaudu sisään sillä.";
"Your email has been changed" = "Sähköpostiosoitteesi on vaihdettu";
"Your email is being changed" = "Sähköpostiosoitetta vaihdetaan";
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer." = "Sähköpostiosoitettasi käytetään vain vahvistamaan se, että olet todellinen ihminen, sekä lähettämään mahdollisia päivityksiä tapahtuman tietoihin. Osoitetta EI luovuteta muille instansseille tai tapahtuman järjestäjälle.";
"Your federated identity" = "Identiteettisi fediversumissa";
"Your participation has been confirmed" = "Osallistumisesi on vahvistettu";
"Your participation has been rejected" = "Osallistumisesi on hylätty";
"Your participation has been requested" = "Osallistumispyyntösi on tehty";
"Your participation request has been validated" = "Osallistumisesi on vahvistettu";
"Your participation request is being validated" = "Osallistumistasi vahvistetaan";
"Your participation status has been changed" = "Osallistumisesi tilaa on muutettu";
"[This comment has been deleted]" = "[Kommentti on poistettu]";
"[deleted]" = "[poistettu]";
"as {identity}" = "identiteetillä {identity}";
"default Mobilizon terms" = "Mobilizonin oletuskäyttöehdot";
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot" = "esim. Hämeenkatu 10";
"iCal Feed" = "iCal-syöte";
"profile@instance" = "profiili@instanssi";
"with another identity…" = "toisella identiteetillä…";
"{approved} / {total} seats" = "{approved} / {total} paikkaa";
"{count} participants" = "Ei osallistujia vielä | Yksi osallistuja | {count} osallistujaa";
"{count} requests waiting" = "{count} pyyntöä odottamassa";
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors" = "© OpenStreetMap-tekijät";
"@{username} ({role})" = "@{username} ({role)}";
"@{group}" = "@{group}";
"{title} ({count} todos)" = "{title} ({count} tehtävää)";
"My groups" = "Omat ryhmät";
"Assigned to" = "Yhdistetty";
"Due on" = "Aikaa jäljellä";
"Organizers" = "Järjestäjät";
"(Masked)" = "(Peitetty)";
"{available}/{capacity} available places" = "Ei paikkoja jäljellä|{available}/{capacity} paikkaa jäljellä";
"No one is participating|One person participating|{going} people participating" = "Ei osallistujia|Yksi osallistuja|{going} osallistujaa";
"Date and time" = "Aika";
"Location" = "Paikka";
"Logo" = "Logo";
"Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo." = "Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo.";
"Favicon" = "Favicon";
"Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon." = "Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon.";
"Default Picture" = "Default Picture";
"Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one." = "Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one.";
"Primary Color" = "Primary Color";
"Secondary Color" = "Secondary Color";
"No resources selected" = "Ei valittuja resursseja|Yksi resurssi valittu|{count} resurssia valittu";
"You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:" = "{invitedBy} on kutsunut sinut seuraaviin ryhmiin:";
"Accept" = "Hyväksy";
"Decline" = "Hylkää";
"Rename" = "Nimeä uudelleen";
"Move" = "Siirrä";
"Contact" = "Yhteystieto";
"Website" = "Verkkosivu";
"Actor" = "Toimija";
"Text" = "Teksti";
"Upcoming events" = "Tulevat tapahtumat";
"Resources" = "Resurssit";
"Discussions" = "Keskustelut";
"No public upcoming events" = "Ei julkisia tulevia tapahtumia";
"Latest posts" = "Viimeiset julkaisut";
"Invite a new member" = "Kutsu uusi jäsen";
"Ex: someone@mobilizon.org" = "Esim. joku@mobilizon.org";
"Invite member" = "Kutsu jäsen";
"Group Members" = "Ryhmän jäsenet";
"Public" = "Julkinen";
"New folder" = "Uusi kansio";
"New link" = "Uusi linkki";
"Rename resource" = "Nimeä resurssi uudelleen";
"Create resource" = "Luo resurssi";
"Create a pad" = "Luo tekstiasiakirja";
"Create a calc" = "Luo taulukko";
"Create a videoconference" = "Luo videokokous";
"Task lists" = "Tehtäväluettelot";
"Add a todo" = "Lisää tehtävä";
"List title" = "Luettelon otsikko";
"Create a new list" = "Luo uusi luettelo";
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}." = "Nykyinen aikavyöhykkeesi on {timezone}.";
"Timezone detected as {timezone}." = "Aikavyöhykkeeksi tunnistettu {timezone}.";
"Bold" = "Lihavoitu";
"Italic" = "Kursivoitu";
"Duplicate" = "Monista";
"Home" = "Alkuun";
"Notification on the day of the event" = "Ilmoitus tapahtumapäivänä";
"We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event." = "Tapahtumapäivän aamuna lähetetään muistutus, ja siihen hyödynnetään aikavyöhykeasetusta.";
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences." = "Voit valita aikavyöhykkeen asetuksistasi.";
"Recap every week" = "Muistutus joka viikko";
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any." = "Saat joka maanantai muistutuksen viikon mahdollisista tulevista tapahtumista.";
"Notification before the event" = "Ilmoitus ennen tapahtumaa";
"We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it." = "Saat sähköpostimuistutuksen tapahtumasta tuntia ennen sen alkua.";
"Timezone" = "Aikavyöhyke";
"Select a timezone" = "Valitse aikavyöhyke";
"Other" = "Muu";
"No moderation logs yet" = "Moderointilokia ei vielä ole";
"Participation notifications" = "Osallistumisilmoitukset";
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc." = "Mobilizon lähettää sähköpostia, jos tapahtumissa, joihin olet osallistumassa, tapahtuu olennaisia muutoksia: aika, osoite, vahvistus tai peruutus jne.";
"Other notification options:" = "Muut ilmoitusvalinnat:";
"Organizer notifications" = "Järjestäjän ilmoitukset";
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event" = "Ilmoitukset tapahtuman käsin hyväksytyistä osallistumisista";
"Do not receive any mail" = "Älä vastaanota mitään sähköpostia";
"Receive one email per request" = "Vastaanota sähköposti jokaisesta pyynnöstä";
"Hourly email summary" = "Yhteenvetosähköposti tunneittain";
"Daily email summary" = "Yhteenvetosähköposti päivittäin";
"report #{report_number}" = "raportti #{report_number}";
"{moderator} closed {report}" = "{moderator} sulki: {report}";
"a non-existent report" = "raporttia ei ole";
"{moderator} reopened {report}" = "{moderator} avasi uudelleen: {report}";
"{moderator} marked {report} as resolved" = "{moderator} merkitsi ratkaistuksi: {report}";
"{moderator} added a note on {report}" = "{moderator} lisäsi huomautuksen: {report}";
"{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"" = "{moderator} poisti tapahtuman ”{title)”";
"Register on this instance" = "Rekisteröidy tälle instanssille";
"To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings." = "Aktivoi lisäilmoitukset ilmoitusasetuksista.";
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time." = "Aikavyöhyketiedon avulla saat tapahtumailmoitukset oikeaan aikaan.";
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}." = "Aikavyöhykkeeksesi tunnistettiin {timezone}.";
"Let's define a few settings" = "Määritellään joitakin asetuksia";
"All good, let's continue!" = "Kaikki kunnossa, eteenpäin!";
"Login status" = "Kirjautumisen tila";
"Suspended" = "Estetty";
"Active" = "Aktiivinen";
"Local" = "Paikallinen";
"User" = "Käyttäjä";
"Confirmed" = "Vahvistettu";
"Confirmed at" = "Vahvistettu";
"Language" = "Kieli";
"Administrator" = "Ylläpitäjä";
"Moderator" = "Moderaattori";
"{number} organized events" = "Ei järjestettyjä tapahtumia|Yksi järjestetty tapahtuma|{number} järjestettyä tapahtumaa";
"Begins on" = "Alkaa";
"{number} participations" = "Ei osallistumisia|Yksi osallistuminen|{number} osallistumista";
"{profile} (by default)" = "{profile} (oletuksena)";
"Participations" = "Osallistumiset";
"Not confirmed" = "Vahvistamaton";
"{moderator} suspended profile {profile}" = "{moderator} esti profiilin {profile}";
"Suspend" = "Estä";
"Unsuspend" = "Poista esto";
"None" = "Ei mitään";
"Disabled" = "Pois käytöstä";
"Activated" = "Käytössä";
"No profile matches the filters" = "Ei suodattimia vastaavia profiileja";
"Mobilizon" = "Mobilizon";
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software." = "{instanceName} on {mobilizon}-ohjelmaa käyttävä instanssi.";
"Instance Rules" = "Instanssin säännöt";
"Rules" = "Säännöt";
"No rules defined yet." = "Sääntöjä ei ole vielä määritelty.";
"full rules" = "säännöt kokonaan";
"instance rules" = "Instanssin säännöt";
"terms of service" = "käyttöehdot";
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}" = "Hyväksyn {instanceRules} ja {termsOfService}";
"Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}." = "Voimanlähteenä {mobilizon}. © 2018–{date} Mobilizon-kehittäjät – Taloudellista tukea on antanut {contributors}.";
"more than 1360 contributors" = "yli 1360 tukijaa";
"{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}" = "{moderator} on poistanut profiilin {profile} eston";
"{moderator} has deleted user {user}" = "{moderator} on poistanut käyttäjän {user}";
"Change timezone" = "Vaihda aikavyöhykettä";
"Select a language" = "Valitse kieli";
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Tapahtumasivulle on pääsy vain linkin kautta. Ole tarkkana, missä julkaiset linkin.";
"This event has been cancelled." = "Tapahtuma on peruttu.";
"Actions" = "Toimenpiteet";
"Everything" = "Kaikki";
"Not approved" = "Ei hyväksytty";
"No participant matches the filters" = "Ei suodattimia vastaavia osallistujia";
"Send the confirmation email again" = "Lähetä vahvistussähköposti uudelleen";
"Forgot your password?" = "Unohditko salasanan?";
"Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password." = "Syötä sähköpostiosoitteesi, niin saat sähköpostitse ohjeet salasanan vaihtamiseen.";
"Submit" = "Lähetä";
"Email address" = "Sähköpostiosoite";
"Legal" = "Lait";
"Terms of service" = "Käyttöehdot";
"Privacy policy" = "Tietosuojakäytäntö";
"Instance rules" = "Instanssin säännöt";
"Glossary" = "Sanasto";
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:" = "Joidenkin seuraavassa tekstissä käytettyjen teknisten ja muiden termien tarkoittamat käsitteet voivat olla mutkikkaita. Tämä sanasto auttaa niiden ymmärtämisessä:";
"Instance" = "Instanssi";
"Mobilizon software" = "Mobilizon-ohjelma";
"Instance administrator" = "Instanssin ylläpitäjä";
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance." = "Instanssin ylläpitäjä on tämän Mobilizon-instanssin toiminnasta vastaava henkilö tai taho.";
"Application" = "Sovellus";
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance." = "Seuraavassa sovellus tarkoittaa Mobilizon-tiimin tai kolmannen osapuolen toimittamaa ohjelmaa, jonka kautta instanssia käytetään.";
"API" = "API";
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely.";
"Cookies and Local storage" = "Evästeet ja paikallisesti tallennettavat tiedot";
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance." = "Instanssi tarkoittaa palvelintietokoneelle asennettua Mobilizon-ohjelmaa. Instanssi voi käyttää kuka tahansa, jolla on käytössään {mobilizon_software} tai jokin muu federoituva sovellus, eli se on osa niin kutsuttua fediversumia. Tämän instanssin nimi on {instance_name}. Mobilizon on useiden palvelinten muodostama federoituva verkosto (sähköpostipalvelinten tavaan), eli eri instansseille rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat olla yhteydessä toisiinsa vaikka eivät olisi rekisteröityneet samalle instanssille.";
"SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar." = "SSL ja sitä edeltänyt TLS ovat salausteknologioita, joilla suojataan palvelun käyttöön liittyvää tietoliikennettä. Salatun yhteyden tunnistaa selaimen osoiteriviltä siitä, että osoitteen alussa on näkyvissä {https} ja siihen liittyvä lukkokuvake.";
"Home to {number} users" = "{numbers} käyttäjän koti";
"Who published {number} events" = "{number} julkaistua tapahtumaa";
"And {number} comments" = "{number} kommenttia";
"Instance configuration" = "Instanssin asetukset";
"Mobilizon version" = "Mobilizon-versio";
"Registrations" = "Rekisteröitymiset";
"Restricted" = "Rajoitettu";
"Enabled" = "Käytössä";
"If allowed by organizer" = "Järjestäjän salliessa";
"Instance Privacy Policy Source" = "Instanssin tietosuojakäytännön lähde";
"default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "Mobilizonin oletustietosuojakäytäntö";
"Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy." = "Aseta osoitteeksi oman tietosuojakäytäntösivun osoite.";
"Instance Privacy Policy URL" = "Instanssin tietosuojakäytännön osoite";
"Instance Privacy Policy" = "Instanssin tietosuojakäytäntö";
"The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "Käytössä on {default_privacy_policy}. Ne käännetään käyttäjän valitsemalle kielelle.";
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template." = "Kirjoita omat ehdot. HTML-tunnisteet sallittuja. {mobilizon_terms} toimivat mallina.";
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template." = "Kirjoita oma tietosuojakäytäntö. HTML-tunnisteet sallittuja. {mobilizon_privacy_policy} toimii mallina.";
"Default Mobilizon terms" = "Mobilizonin oletusehdot";
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "Mobilizonin oletustietosuojakäytäntö";
"NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer." = "HUOM! Oletusehdot eivät ole juristin tarkistamia, joten instanssin ylläpitäjän ei ole syytä luottaa niiden tarjoamaan juridiseen suojaan. Niitä ei ole myöskään sovitettu eri maiden ja lainkäyttöalueiden olosuhteisiin. Epävarmoissa tilanteissa suosittelemme tarkistuttamaan ehdot lakiasiantuntijalla.";
"Instance Short Description" = "Instanssin lyhyt kuvaus";
"Instance Long Description" = "Instanssin pitkä kuvaus";
"Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph." = "Näytetään aloitussivulla ja metatunnisteissa. Kerro yhdessä kappaleessa, mikä on Mobilizon ja mikä tässä instanssissa on erityistä.";
"A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags." = "Tässä voi esitellä ylläpitäjätahoa ja tämän instanssin erityispiirteitä. HTML-tunnisteita voi käyttää.";
"A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags." = "Käytössäännöille, säännöille ja ohjeille varattu tila. HTML-tunnisteita voi käyttää.";
"contact uninformed" = "yhteyshenkilölle ei ilmoitettu";
"Can be an email or a link, or just plain text." = "Voi olla sähköpostiosoite, linkki tai pelkkää tekstiä.";
"URL copied to clipboard" = "Osoite kopioitu leikepöydälle";
"Report #{reportNumber}" = "Raportti nro {reportNumber}";
"Move \"{resourceName}\"" = "Siirrä ”{resourceName}”";
"Parent folder" = "Yläkansio";
"(this folder)" = "(tämä kansio)";
"(this link)" = "(tämä linkki)";
"Move resource to {folder}" = "Siirrä resurssi kansioon {folder}";
"Create a folder" = "Luo kansio";
"No resources in this folder" = "Tässä kansiossa ei ole resursseja";
"New discussion" = "Uusi keskustelu";
"Create a discussion" = "Luo keskustelu";
"Create the discussion" = "Luo keskustelu";
"Sign in with" = "Kirjaudu käyttäen";
"Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account." = "Sähköpostiosoitteesi asetettiin automaattisesti {provider}-tilisi perusteella.";
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}." = "Et voi vaihtaa salasanaa, koska olet rekisteröitynyt palvelussa {provider}.";
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way." = "Virhe kirjauduttaessa {provider}-tilillä. Yritä uudelleen tai kirjaudu toista kautta.";
"Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist." = "Virhe kirjauduttaessa {provider}-tilillä. Tätä sisäänkirjautumispalvelua ei ole olemassa.";
"Post" = "Julkaisu";
"Right now" = "Juuri nyt";
"Delete conversation" = "Poista keskustelu";
"Fetch more" = "Hae lisää";
"Group settings" = "Ryhmäasetukset";
"Member" = "Jäsen";
"Invited" = "Kutsuttu";
"No member matches the filters" = "Ei suodattimia vastaavia jäseniä";
"Group short description" = "Ryhmän lyhyt kuvaus";
"Update group" = "Päivitä ryhmä";
"Edit post" = "Muokkaa julkaisua";
"Add a new post" = "Lisää uusi julkaisu";
"Who can view this post" = "Kuka voi nähdä tämän julkaisun";
"Visible everywhere on the web" = "Näkyy kaikkialle verkossa";
"Only accessible through link" = "Pääsy vain linkistä";
"Only accessible to members of the group" = "Pääsy vain ryhmän jäsenillä";
"Delete post" = "Poista julkaisu";
"Update post" = "Päivitä julkaisua";
"Posts" = "Julkaisut";
"Register an account on {instanceName}!" = "Rekisteröi tili instanssille {instanceName}!";
"Key words" = "Avainsanat";
"For instance: London" = "Esimerkiksi: Lahti";
"Radius" = "Säde";
"Today" = "Tänään";
"Tomorrow" = "Huomenna";
"This weekend" = "Tänä viikonloppuna";
"This week" = "Tällä viikolla";
"Next week" = "Ensi viikolla";
"This month" = "Tässä kuussa";
"Next month" = "Ensi kuussa";
"Any day" = "Milloin vain";
"{nb} km" = "{nb} km";
"any distance" = "miten kaukana tahansa";
"Group visibility" = "Ryhmän näkyvyys";
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page." = "Ryhmä näkyy julkisissa hakutuloksissa, ja sitä voidaan esitellä esittelyosiossa. Esittelysivulla näytetään vain julkisia tietoja.";
"Group address" = "Ryhmän osoite";
"Events tagged with {tag}" = "Tapahtumat tunnisteella {tag}";
"Explore events" = "Tutustu tapahtumiin";
"#{tag}" = "#{tag}";
"No resources yet" = "Ei resursseja vielä";
"No posts yet" = "Ei julkaisuja vielä";
"No discussions yet" = "Ei keskusteluja vielä";
"Add / Remove…" = "Lisää/poista…";
"You have been removed from this group's members." = "Sinut on poistettu ryhmän jäsenistä.";
"Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear." = "Koska olet uusi jäsen, yksityisen sisällön näkymisessä voi kestää joitakin minuutteja.";
"Remove" = "Poista";
"Update" = "Päivitä";
"Edited {ago}" = "Muokattu {ago}";
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]" = "[Kommentin kirjoittaja on poistanut kommentin]";
"Promote" = "Nosta";
"Demote" = "Häivytä";
"{number} members" = "{number} jäsentä";
"{number} posts" = "Ei julkaisuja|Yksi julkaisu|{number} julkaisua";
"Publication date" = "Julkaisupäivä";
"Refresh profile" = "Päivitä profiili";
"Suspend group" = "Estä ryhmä";
"Are you sure you want to suspend this group? As this group originates from instance {instance}, this will only remove local members and delete the local data, as well as rejecting all the future data." = "Haluatko varmasti estää tämän ryhmän? Koska ryhmä toimii instanssilta {instance} käsin, estäminen poistaa siitä paikalliset jäsenet ja paikalliset tiedot sekä estää kaikki ryhmään liittyvät myöhemmät tiedot.";
"Are you sure you want to suspend this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "Haluatko varmasti estää tämän ryhmän? Kaikille jäsenille (myös muilla instanssilla oleville) ilmoitetaan asiasta ja heidät poistetaan ryhmästä, ja kaikki ryhmän tiedot (tapahtumat, julkaisut, keskustelut, tehtävät jne.) poistetaan pysyvästi.";
"Delete group" = "Poista ryhmä";
"Are you sure you want to completely delete this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "Haluatko varmasti poistaa ryhmän kokonaan? Kaikille jäsenille (myös muilla instanssilla oleville) ilmoitetaan asiasta ja heidät poistetaan ryhmästä, ja kaikki ryhmän tiedot (tapahtumat, julkaisut, keskustelut, tehtävät jne.) poistetaan pysyvästi.";
"Group display name" = "Ryhmän näyttönimi";
"Federated Group Name" = "Ryhmän federaationimi";
"This is like your federated username ({username}
) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "Tämä on ryhmän käyttäjätunnus ({username}
) fediversumissa. Sen avulla ryhmä voidaan yksilöidysti löytää muiden instanssien kautta.";
"Banner" = "Banneri";
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community." = "Ryhmät ovat tapahtumien järjestämiseen, koordinointiin ja valmisteluun sekä yhteisön hallinnointiin tarkoitettuja tiloja.";
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page." = "Pidä kaikki aiheeseen liittyvä keskustelu samassa paikassa.";
"Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates." = "Luo tehtävälistoja, jaa tehtäviä ja aseta niille määräaikoja.";
"A place to store links to documents or resources of any type." = "Paikka, johon voit tallentaa linkkejä dokumentteihin tai muihin resursseihin.";
"{group}'s events" = "Ryhmän {group} tapahtumat";
"View all" = "Näytä kaikki";
"+ Start a discussion" = "+ Aloita keskustelu";
"+ Add a resource" = "+ Lisää resurssi";
"+ Create an event" = "+ Luo tapahtuma";
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data." = "Evästeellä tarkoitetaan sellaista tietoa, jonka palvelun tarjoajan palvelin lähettää käyttäjän selainohjelmalle pyytäen selainta tallentamaan tiedon käyttäjän päätelaitteelle ja jota kyseinen palvelun tarjoajan palvelin voi myöhemmin pyytää takaisin. Kyse on käytännössä pienestä tietomäärästä, tyypillisesti lyhyestä tekstistä. Voit asettaa selaimen kieltäytymään kaikista evästeistä, mutta tämä saattaa rikkoa joitakin toiminnallisuuksia.";
"A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members." = "Paikka, jossa voit julkaista asioita koko maailmalle, yhteisöllesi tai pelkästään ryhmäsi jäsenille.";
"No posts found" = "Viestejä ei löytynyt";
"Last sign-in" = "Edellinen sisäänkirjautuminen";
"Last IP adress" = "Edellinen IP-osoite";
"You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines." = "Sinun täytyy jakaa linkki ryhmään, jotta käyttäjät voivat päästä ryhmän profiilisivulle. Ryhmä ei näy Mobilizonin haussa tai tavallisilla hakukoneilla.";
"Leave" = "Poistu";
"Group settings saved" = "Ryhmän asetukset tallennettu";
"Error" = "Virhe";
"Registrations are restricted by allowlisting." = "Rekisteröinnit sallittu vain listatuille käyttäjille.";
"Resend confirmation email" = "Lähetä vahvistussähköposti uudelleen";
"By {group}" = "Tekijä {group}";
"Pick a profile or a group" = "Valitse profiili tai ryhmä";
"Add a contact" = "Lisää kontakti";
"Your profile will be shown as contact." = "Profiilisi näytetään kontaktina.";
"Pick" = "Valitse";
"The event will show as attributed to your personal profile." = "Tapahtuma näytetään liitettynä henkilökohtaiseen profiiliisi.";
"The event will show as attributed to this group." = "Tapahtuma näytetään liitettynä tähän ryhmään.";
"{contact} will be displayed as contact." = "{contact} näytetään kontaktina.|{contact} näytetään kontakteina.";
"and {number} groups" = "ja {number} ryhmää";
"Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device." = "Sallimme osallistumisesi näyttämisen ja hallinnoinnin tapahtumasivulla tällä laitteella. Älä valitse, jos käytät julkista laitetta.";
"Remember my participation in this browser" = "Muista osallistumiseni tässä selaimessa";
"Organized by" = "Järjestäjä";
"Report this group" = "Raportoi tämä ryhmä ylläpidolle";
"Group {groupTitle} reported" = "Ryhmä {groupTitle} raportoitu";
"Error while reporting group {groupTitle}" = "Tapahtui virhe raportoidessa ryhmää {groupTitle}";
"Reported group" = "Ryhmä raportoitu";
"Join group" = "Liity ryhmään";
"Created by {username}" = "Luonut {username}";
"Accessible through link" = "Pääsy linkin kautta";
"Accessible only to members" = "Pääsy vain jäsenille";
"Created by {name}" = "Luonut {name}";
"View all posts" = "Näytä kaikki viestit";
"Didn't receive the instructions?" = "Etkö saanut ohjeita?";
"Allow all comments from users with accounts" = "Salli kommentit kirjautuneilta käyttäjiltä";
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you." = "Tämä on yksilöllinen tunniste profiiliisi. Sen avulla muut voivat löytää sinut.";
"Displayed nickname" = "Näytettävä nimimerkki";
"Short bio" = "Lyhyt kuvaus";
"Congratulations, your account is now created!" = "Onneksi olkoon, tunnuksesi on luotu!";
"Now, create your first profile:" = "Luo seuraavaksi ensimmäinen profiilisi:";
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below." = "Jos olet valinnut osallistujien manuaalisen vahvistuksen, Mobilizon lähettää sinulle viestin uusista osallistujista jotka voit vahvistaa. Voit alla valita näiden viestien tiheyden.";
"You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings." = "Voit lisätä profiilikuvan ja antaa muita tietoja tunnuksen asetuksissasi.";
"Instance languages" = "Instanssin kielet";
"Main languages you/your moderators speak" = "Pääkieli, jota sinä ja moderaattorisi puhuvat";
"Select languages" = "Valitse kielet";
"No languages found" = "Kieliä ei löytynyt";
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers." = "Järjestäjien pitää vielä hyväksyä osallistumisesi.";
"Your email" = "Sähköpostiosoitteesi";
"Go to the event page" = "Siirry tapahtumasivulle";
"Request for participation confirmation sent" = "Pyyntö osallistumisen vahvistukseen lähetetty";
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder)." = "Tarkista sähköpostisi (myös roskapostikansio).";
"You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}." = "Voit sulkea ikkunan tai {return_to_event}.";
"Create an account" = "Luo käyttäjätunnus";
"You are not an administrator for this group." = "Et ole ryhmän ylläpitäjä.";
"Why create an account?" = "Miksi kannattaa tehdä tunnus?";
"To create and manage your events" = "Jotta voit luoda ja hallinnoida tapahtumia";
"To create and manage multiples identities from a same account" = "Luodaksesi useampia identiteettejä samalle tunnukselle";
"To register for an event by choosing one of your identities" = "Ilmoittautuaksesi tapahtumiin valitsemalla jokin identiteeteistäsi";
"To create or join an group and start organizing with other people" = "Luodaksesi ryhmiä ja liittyäksesi ryhmiin alkaaksesi järjestämään tapahtumia muiden seurassa";
"About {instance}" = "Tietoja {instance}:sta";
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators." = "Ole hyvä ja lue {fullRules} jotka {instance}:n ylläpito on kirjoittanut.";
"Instances following you" = "Instanssit, jotka seuraavat sinua";
"Instances you follow" = "Instanssit, joita seuraat";
"Last group created" = "Viimeisin luotu ryhmä";
"{username} was invited to {group}" = "{username} kutsuttiin ryhmään {group}";
"The member was removed from the group {group}" = "Jäsen poistettiin ryhmästä {group}";
"The organiser has chosen to close comments." = "Tapahtuman järjestäjä on sulkenut kommentoinnin.";
"Comments are closed for everybody else." = "Kommentit on suljettu muilta.";
"Instance Slogan" = "Instanssin iskulause";
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"" = "Lyhyt teksti instanssisi kotisivulle. Oletuksena \"Kokoonnu ⋅ Järjestä ⋅ Mobilizoi\"";
"Learn more about {instance}" = "Lisätietoa {instance}:sta";
"Unable to detect timezone." = "Aikavyöhykettä ei pystytty tunnistamaan.";
"A practical tool" = "Kätevä työkalu";
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you find, create and organise events." = "Mobilizon on työkalu, jolla pystyt hakemaan, luomaan ja järjestämään tapahtumia.";
"An ethical alternative" = "Eettinen vaihtoehto";
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a tool designed to serve you. Period." = "Eettinen vaihtoehto Facebookin tapahtumille, ryhmille ja sivuille. Mobilizon on työkalu, joka on suunniteltu palvelemaan sinua. Piste.";
"A federated software" = "Federoitu ohjelmisto";
"Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites." = "Mobilizon ei ole jättiläismäinen keskitetty alusta vaan suuri joukko tosiinsa yhdistyneitä Mobilizon-instansseja.";
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here." = "Tässä näkyy tapahtumat, jotka moderaattori on luonut ja liittänyt tähän ryhmään.";
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts." = "Vain ryhmän moderaattorit voivat luode, muokata ja poistaa viestejä.";
"This group doesn't have a description yet." = "Ryhmällä ei ole vielä kuvausta.";
"Find another instance" = "Etsi toinen instanssi";
"Pick an instance" = "Valitse instanssi";
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone)." = "Tätä sivustoa ei moderoida ja kaikki tiedot mitä syötetään tuhotaan automaattisesti joka päivä kello 00:01 (Pariisin aikavyöhyke).";
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this group" = "Ohjaamme sinut omalle instanssillesi voidaksesi toimia tässä ryhmässä";
"New members" = "Uudet jäsenet";
"Anyone can join freely" = "Kaikki voivat liittyä";
"Anyone wanting to be a member from your group will be able to from your group page." = "Kaikki ryhmäsi jäsenet voivat liittyä ryhmäsi sivuilta.";
"Manually invite new members" = "Kutsu uusia jäseniä";
"The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them." = "Ryhmääsi voidaan ottaa uusia jäseniä vain ylläpitäjän kutsumana.";
"Redirecting to content…" = "Ohjataan sisältöön…";
"This URL is not supported" = "Osoite ei ole tuettu";
"This group is invite-only" = "Tämä ryhmä on vain kutsun saaneille";
"This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language." = "Tämän asetuksen perusteella sinulle näytetään verkkosivu ja lähetetään sähköpostit oikealla kielellä.";
"Previous" = "Edellinen";
"Next" = "Seuraava";
"Your timezone {timezone} isn't supported." = "Aikavyöhykkeesi {timezone} ei ole tuettu.";
"Profiles and federation" = "Profiilit ja federointi";
"Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want." = "Mobilizon käyttää profiilijärjestelmää, jonka avulla voit esiintyä eri profiileilla eri tarkoituksiin. Voit luoda niin monta profiilia kuin haluat.";
"Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere." = "Mobilizon on federoitu palvelu, minkä ansiosta voit viestiä myös muilla instansseilla olevien käyttäjien ja ryhmien kanssa ja ilmoittautua niillä oleviin tapahtumiin.";
"This instance, {instanceName} ({domain}), hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "Tämä instanssi, {instanceName} ({domain}), sisältää profiilisi joten älä unohda sen nimeä.";
"If you are being asked for your federated indentity, it's composed of your username and your instance. For instance, the federated identity for your first profile is:" = "Jos sinulta kysytään federoitua käyttäjätunnustasi, se koostuu käyttäjätunnuksestasi ja instanssistasi. Esimerkiksi ensimmäisellä profiilillasi se on:";
"Uploaded media size" = "Lähetetyn median koko";
"Loading comments…" = "Ladataan kommentteja…";
"Tentative" = "Alustava";
"Cancelled" = "Peruttu";
"Click for more information" = "Lisätietoja napsauttamalla";
"About anonymous participation" = "Tietoa nimettömästä osallistumisesta";
"As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted." = "Tapahtuman järjestäjä vahvistaa osallistumispyynnöt käsin, joten osallistumisesi on vahvistettu vasta sitten, kun saat vahvistuksesta kertovan sähköpostin.";
"Your participation status is saved only on this device and will be deleted one month after the event's passed." = "Osallistumisesi tila tallennetaan vain tälle laitteelle, ja se poistetaan kuukauden kuluttua tapahtuman päättymisestä.";
"You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below." = "Alla olevalla painikkeella voit poistaa kaikki tällä laitteella olevat osallistumistiedot.";
"Clear participation data for this event" = "Poista tapahtuman osallistumistiedot";
"Clear participation data for all events" = "Poista kaikkien tapahtumien osallistumistiedot";
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email, and after the organizer manually validates your participation." = "Osallistumisesi vahvistetaan, kun napsautat sähköpostin vahvistuslinkkiä, minkä jälkeen järjestäjä vahvistaa osallistumisesi käsin.";
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email." = "Osallistumisesi vahvistetaan, kun napsautat sähköpostin vahvistuslinkkiä.";
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:" = "Tapahtumaa ei voi ladata osallistumista varten. Tarkemmat tiedot virheestä:";
"Unable to save your participation in this browser." = "Osallistumistasi ei voi tallentaa tässä selaimessa.";
"return to the event's page" = "palata tapahtuman sivulle";
"View all events" = "Näytä kaikki tapahtumat";
"You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of." = "You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of.";
"Create event" = "Luo tapahtuma";
"You didn't create or join any event yet." = "Et ole vielä luonut tapahtumaa tai liittynyt mihinkään tapahtumaan.";
"create an event" = "luoda tapahtuman";
"explore the events" = "tutustua tapahtumiin";
"Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?" = "Haluatko {create_event} vai {explore_events}?";
"You are not part of any group." = "Et kuulu mihinkään ryhmään.";
"create a group" = "luoda ryhmän";
"explore the groups" = "tutustua ryhmiin";
"Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?" = "Haluatko {create_group} vai {explore_groups}?";
"Type or select a date…" = "Syötä tai valitse päivämäärä…";
// Are these instructions to the location of the event? Or does this mean "almost done"?
"Getting there" = "Reittiohjeet";
"Groups are not enabled on this instance." = "Ryhmät eivät ole käytössä tällä instanssilla.";
"The events you created are not shown here." = "Luomiasi tapahtumia ei näytetä tässä.";
"There's no discussions yet" = "Keskustelua ei vielä ole";
"Only group members can access discussions" = "Vain ryhmän jäsenet voivat päästä keskusteluihin";
"Return to the group page" = "Palaa ryhmän sivulle";
"It is possible that the content is not accessible on this instance, because this instance has blocked the profiles or groups behind this content." = "Sisältö ei ole käytettävissä tämän palvelimen kautta mahdollisesti siksi, että tämä instanssi on estänyt sisällön taustalla olevat profiilit tai ryhmät.";
"Atom feed for events and posts" = "Tapahtumien ja julkaisujen Atom-syöte";
"ICS feed for events" = "Tapahtumien ICS-syöte";
"ICS/WebCal Feed" = "ICS/WebCal-syöte";
"Group Followers" = "Ryhmän seuraajat";
"Follower" = "Seuraaja";
"Reject" = "Hylkää";
"No follower matches the filters" = "Ei suodatinta vastaavia seuraajia";
"@{username}'s follow request was rejected" = "Käyttäjän @{username} seuraamispyyntö hylättiin";
"Followers will receive new public events and posts." = "Seuraajat saavat tiedon uusista julkisista tapahtumista ja julkaisuista.";
"Manually approve new followers" = "Hyväksy uudet seuraajat käsin";
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page." = "Tapahtui virhe. Yritä ladata sivu uudelleen.";
"What can I do to help?" = "Kuinka voin auttaa?";
"We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):" = "Parannamme tätä ohjelmistoa palautteesi takia. Jotta saamme tietää tästä ongelmasta, kaksi mahdollisuutta (molemmat vaativat ikävä kyllä käyttäjätunnuksen luomista):";
"Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem." = "Laita niin monta yksityiskohtaa kuin mahdollista, jotta voimme tunnistaa ongelman.";
"Technical details" = "Tekniset tiedot";
"Error message" = "Virheilmoitus";
"Error stacktrace" = "Virheen jäljitys";
"The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback." = "Virheen tekniset yksityiskohdat voivat auttaa kehittäjiä ratkaisemaan ongelman helpommin. Lisää ne palautteeseesi, kiitos.";
"Error details copied!" = "Virheen yksityiskohdat kopioitu!";
"Copy details to clipboard" = "Kopioi yksityiskohdat leikepöydälle";
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community." = "{instanceName} on {mobilizon_link} -instanssi, yhteisön luoma vapaa ohjelmisto.";
"Open a topic on our forum" = "Luo uusi aihe foorumillamme";
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)" = "Avaa vikailmoitus virheenjäljittimessämme (edistyneet käyttäjät)";
"Unable to copy to clipboard" = "Ei pystytty kopioimaan leikepöydälle";
"{count} km" = "{count} km";
"City or region" = "Kaupunki tai alue";
"Select a radius" = "Valitse säde";
"Your city or region and the radius will only be used to suggest you events nearby. The event radius will consider the administrative center of the area." = "Kaupunkisi tai alueesi ja säde käytetään vain ehdottamaan sinulle tapahtumia läheltä. Tapahtuman säde ottaa huomioon alueen hallinnollisen keskustan.";
"Your upcoming events" = "Tulevat tapahtumasi";
"Last published events" = "Viimeksi julkaistut tapahtumat";
"Events nearby" = "Lähellä olevat tapahtumat";
"Within {number} kilometers of {place}" = "|Yhden kilometrin sisällä paikasta {place}|{number} kilometrin päässä paikasta {place}";
"{'@'}{username}" = "{'@'}{username}";
"Yesterday" = "Eilen";
"You created the event {event}." = "Loit tapahtuman {event}.";
"The event {event} was created by {profile}." = "Tapahtuman {event} loi {profile}.";
"You updated the event {event}." = "Päivitit tapahtumaa {event}.";
"The event {event} was updated by {profile}." = "Tapahtumaa {event} päivitti {profile}.";
"You deleted the event {event}." = "Poistit tapahtuman {event}.";
"The event {event} was deleted by {profile}." = "Tapahtuman {event} poisti {profile}.";
"You created the post {post}." = "Loit viestin {post}.";
"The post {post} was created by {profile}." = "Viestin {post} loi {profile}.";
"You updated the post {post}." = "Päivitit viestiä {post}.";
"The post {post} was updated by {profile}." = "Viestiä {post} päivitti {profile}.";
"You deleted the post {post}." = "Poistit viestin {post}.";
"The post {post} was deleted by {profile}." = "Viestin {post} poisti {profile}.";
"No more activity to display." = "Toimintaa ei ole enää näytettävänä.";
"There is no activity yet. Start doing some things to see activity appear here." = "Toimintaa ei ole vielä täällä. Ala tekemään jotain, jotta näet toimintaa tapahtuvan täällä.";
"{group} activity timeline" = "{group} toiminnan aikajana";
"You promoted {member} to moderator." = "Ylensit käyttäjän {member} moderaattoriksi.";
"You promoted {member} to administrator." = "Ylensit käyttäjän {member} ylläpitäjäksi.";
"You promoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "Ylensit käyttäjän {member} tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"You demoted {member} to moderator." = "Alensit käyttäjän {member} roolin moderaattoriksi.";
"You demoted {member} to simple member." = "Alensit käyttäjän {member} roolin yksinkertaiseksi käyttäjäksi.";
"You demoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "Alensit käyttäjän {member} tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"You updated the member {member}." = "Päivitit käyttäjää {member}.";
"{profile} updated the member {member}." = "{profile} päivitti käyttäjää {member}.";
"{profile} promoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} ylensi käyttäjän {member} moderaattoriksi.";
"{profile} promoted {member} to administrator." = "{proflle} ylensi käyttäjän {member} ylläpitäjäksi.";
"{profile} promoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{proflle} ylensi käyttäjän {member} tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"{profile} demoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} alensi käyttäjän {member} moderaattoriksi.";
"{profile} demoted {member} to simple member." = "{profile} alensi käytäjän {member} yksinkertaiseksi käyttäjäksi.";
"{profile} demoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{profile} alensi käyttäjän {member} tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"You requested to join the group." = "Pyysit liittymistäsi ryhmään.";
"{member} requested to join the group." = "{member} pyysi liittymistä ryhmään.";
"You invited {member}." = "Kutsuit käyttäjän {member}.";
"{member} was invited by {profile}." = "Käyttäjän {member} kutsui {profile}.";
"You added the member {member}." = "Lisäsit käyttäjän {member}.";
"{profile} added the member {member}." = "{profile} lisäsi käyttäjän {member}.";
"{member} joined the group." = "{member} joined the group.";
"{member} rejected the invitation to join the group." = "{member} hylkäsi kutsun ryhmään liittymiseen.";
"{member} accepted the invitation to join the group." = "{member} hyväksyi liittymiskutsun.";
"You excluded member {member}." = "Jätit pois käyttäjän {member}.";
"{profile} excluded member {member}." = "{profile} jätti pois käyttäjän {member}.";
"You accepted the invitation to join the group." = "Hyväksyit liittymiskutsun ryhmään.";
"You were promoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} ylensi sinut moderaattoriksi.";
"You were promoted to administrator by {profile}." = "{profile} ylensi sinut ylläpitäjäksi.";
"You were promoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} ylensi sinut tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"You were demoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} alensi roolisi moderaattoriksi.";
"You were demoted to simple member by {profile}." = "{profile} alensi roolisi yksinkertaiseksi käyttäjäksi.";
"You were demoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} alensi roolisi tuntemattomaan rooliin.";
"{profile} quit the group." = "{profile} jätti ryhmän.";
"You created the folder {resource}." = "Loit kansion {resource}.";
"{profile} created the folder {resource}." = "{profile} loi kansion {resource}.";
"You created the resource {resource}." = "Loit resurssin {resource}.";
"{profile} created the resource {resource}." = "{profile} loi resurssin {resource}.";
"You moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "Siirsit kansion {resource} juurikansioon.";
"{profile} moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} siirsi kansion {resource} juurikansioon.";
"You moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "Siirsit kansion {resource} polkuun {new_parh}.";
"{profile} moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} siirsi kansion {resource} polkuun {new_path}.";
"You moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "Siirsit resurssin {resource} juurikansioon.";
"{profile} moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} siirsi resurssin {resource} juurikansioon.";
"You moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "Siirsit resurssin {resource} polkuun {new_path].";
"{profile} moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} siirsi resurssin {resource} polkuun {new_path}.";
"You renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "Muutit kansion nimestä {old_resource_title} nimeksi {resource}.";
"{profile} renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} nimesi uudelleen kansion nimestä {old_resource_title} nimeksi {resource}.";
"You renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "Nimesit resurssin uudelleen nimestä {old_resource_title} nimeksi {resource}.";
"{profile} renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} nimesi resurssin nimestä {old_resource_title} nimeksi {resource}.";
"You deleted the folder {resource}." = "Poistit kansio {resource}.";
"{profile} deleted the folder {resource}." = "{profile} poisti kansion {resource}.";
"You deleted the resource {resource}." = "Poistit resurssin {resource}.";
"{profile} deleted the resource {resource}." = "{profile} poisti resurssin {resource}.";
"Activity" = "Toiminta";
"Load more activities" = "Lataa lisää toimintaa";
"You created the discussion {discussion}." = "Loit keskustelun {discussion}.";
"{profile} created the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} loi keskustelun {discussion}.";
"You replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "Vastasit keskusteluun {discussion}.";
"{profile} replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} vastasi keskusteluun {discussion}.";
"You renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "Nimesit keskustelun uudelleen nmestä {old_discussion} nimeksi {discussion}.";
"{profile} renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "{profile} nimesi keskustelun uudelleen nimestä {old_discussion} nimeksi {discussion}.";
"You archived the discussion {discussion}." = "Arkistoit keskustelun {discussion}.";
"{profile} archived the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} arkistoi keskustelun {discussion}.";
"You deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "Poistit keskustelun {discussion}.";
"{profile} deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} poisti keskustelun {discussion}.";
"You created the group {group}." = "Loit ryhmän {group}.";
"{profile} created the group {group}." = "{profile} loi ryhmän {group}.";
"You updated the group {group}." = "Päivitit ryhmän {group}.";
"{profile} updated the group {group}." = "{profile} päivitti ryhmää {group}.";
"{old_group_name} was renamed to {group}." = "{old_group_name} nimettiin uudelleen ryhmäksi {group}.";
"Visibility was set to private." = "Näkyvyys asetettiin yksityiseksi.";
"Visibility was set to public." = "Näkyvyys asetettiin julkiseksi.";
"Visibility was set to an unknown value." = "Näkyvyys asetettiin tuntemattomaan arvoon.";
"The group can now only be joined with an invite." = "Ryhmään voi nyt liittyä vain kutsusta.";
"The group can now be joined by anyone." = "Ryhmään voivat nyt liittyä kaikki.";
"Unknown value for the openness setting." = "Tuntematon arvo avoimuuden asetukselle.";
"The group's physical address was changed." = "Ryhmän osoite muutettiin.";
"The group's avatar was changed." = "Ryhmän avatar muutettiin.";
"The group's banner was changed." = "Ryhmän banneri muutettiin.";
"The group's short description was changed." = "Ryhmän lyhyt kuvaus muutettiin.";
"No information" = "Ei tietoa";
"@{username}'s follow request was accepted" = "Käyttäjän @{username} seurauspyyntö hyväksyttiin";
"Delete this discussion" = "Poista tämä keskustelu";
"Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?" = "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa koko tämän keskustelun?";
"Delete discussion" = "Poista keskustelu";
"All activities" = "Kaikki toiminta";
"From yourself" = "Sinulta";
"By others" = "Muilta";
"You posted a comment on the event {event}." = "Lähetit kommentin tapahtumaan {event}.";
"{profile} posted a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} lähetti kommentin tapahtumaan {event}.";
"You replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "Vastasit kommenttiin tapahtumassa {event}.";
"{profile} replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} vastasi kommenttiin tapahtumassa {event}.";
"New post" = "Uusi viesti";
"Comment text can't be empty" = "Kommentin teksti ei voi olla tyhjä";
"Notifications" = "Ilmoitukset";
"Profile feeds" = "Profiilin syöte";
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which this specific profile is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for all of your profiles into your notification settings." = "Nämä syötteet sisältävät tapahtumadataa tapahtumille, joissa tämä tietty profiili on osallistuja tai luoja. Sinun pitäisi pitää nämä yksityisinä. Voit löytää kaikkien profiiliesi syötteet ilmoitusasetuksista.";
"Regenerate new links" = "Luo linkit uudelleen";
"Create new links" = "Luo uudet linkit";
"You'll need to change the URLs where there were previously entered." = "Verkko-osoitteet tulee muuttaa sieltä mistä ne oli aiemmin syötetty.";
"Personal feeds" = "Henkilökohtaiset syötteet";
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which any of your profiles is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for specific profiles on each profile edition page." = "Nämä syötteet sisältävät tapahtumadataa tapahtumille, joissa jokin profiileistasi on osallistuja tai luoja. Sinun tulisi pitää nämä yksityisinä. Voit löytää syötteet tietyille profiileille jokaisen profiilin sivuilta.";
"The event will show as attributed to this profile." = "Tapahtuma näkyy liitettynä tähän profiiliin.";
"You may show some members as contacts." = "Voit näyttää jotkut käyttäjät yhteyshenkilöinä.";
"The selected picture is too heavy. You need to select a file smaller than {size}." = "Valittu kuva on liian iso. Valitse tiedosto, joka on pienempi kuin {size}.";
"Unable to create the group. One of the pictures may be too heavy." = "Ryhmää ei pystytty luomaan. Jokin kuvista voi olla liian iso.";
"Unable to update the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "Profiilia ei voitu päivittää. Profiilikuva saattaa olla liian raskas.";
"Unable to create the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "Profiilia ei voitu luoda. Profiilikuva saataa olla liian raskas.";
"Error while loading the preview" = "Esikatselun latauksessa tapahtui virhe";
"Instance feeds" = "Instanssin syötteet";
"{moderator} suspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} jäädytti ryhmän {profile}";
"{moderator} has unsuspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} poisti ryhmän jäädytyksen {profile}";
"{moderator} has done an unknown action" = "{moderator} teki jotain tuntematonta";
"{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author} under the event {event}" = "{moderator} poisti kommentin henkilöltä {author} joka liittyi tapahtumaan {event}";
"{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author}" = "{moderator} poisti kommentin henkilöltä {author}";
"You are offline" = "Ei verkkoyhteyttä";
"Create a new profile" = "Luo uusi profiili";
"Edit profile {profile}" = "Muokkaa profiilia {profile}";
"Identities" = "Identiteetit";
"Profile" = "Profiili";
"Register" = "Rekisteröidy";
"No members found" = "Käyttäjiä ei löydy";
"No organized events found" = "Järjestettyjä tapahtumia ei löydy";
"Error while suspending group" = "Ryhmän jäädytyksessä tapahtui virhe";
"Triggered profile refreshment" = "Profiilin päivitys aloitettu";
"No organized events listed" = "Ei järjestettyjä tapahtumia listattuna";
"No participations listed" = "Ei osallistumisia listattuna";
"{number} memberships" = "{number} jäsenyyttä";
"Group" = "Ryhmä";
"No memberships found" = "Jäsenyyksiä ei löytynyt";
"No group matches the filters" = "Yksikään ryhmä ei vastaa suodattimia";
"{group} events" = "{group} tapahtumat";
"Interact with a remote content" = "Vuorovaikuta ulkoisen sisällön kanssa";
"Page not found" = "Sivua ei löydy";
"{folder} - Resources" = "{folder} - Resurssit";
"General settings" = "Yleiset asetukset";
"Notify participants" = "Ilmoita osallistujille";
"Browser notifications" = "Selaimen ilmoitukset";
"Notification settings" = "Ilmoitusasetukset";
"Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification." = "Valitse toiminnat, joista haluat saada sähköposti- tai push-ilmoitukset.";
"Push" = "Push";
"Mentions" = "Maininnat";
"I've been mentionned in a comment under an event" = "Minut on mainittu tapahtuman kommentissa";
"I've been mentionned in a group discussion" = "Minut on mainittu ryhmäkeskustelussa";
"An event I'm going to has been updated" = "Tapahtuma, jonne olen menossa, on päivitetty";
"An event I'm going to has posted an announcement" = "Tapahtuma, jonne olen menossa, teki julkaisun";
"An event I'm organizing has a new pending participation" = "Organisoimassani tapahtumassa on uusi osallistumispyyntö";
"An event I'm organizing has a new participation" = "Organisoimassani tapahtumassa on uusi osallistuja";
"An event I'm organizing has a new comment" = "Organisoimassani tapahtumassa on uusi kommentti";
"Group activity" = "Ryhmän muutokset";
"An event from one of my groups has been published" = "Tapahtuma ryhmästäni on julkaistu";
"An event from one of my groups has been updated or deleted" = "Tapahtuma ryhmistäni on päivitetty tai poistettu";
"A discussion has been created or updated" = "Keskustelu on luotu tai päivitetty";
"A post has been published" = "Viesti on julkaistu";
"A post has been updated" = "Viesti on päivitetty";
"A resource has been created or updated" = "Resurssi on luotu tai päivitetty";
"A member requested to join one of my groups" = "Käyttäjä pyysi liittyä yhteen ryhmistäni";
"A member has been updated" = "Käyttäjä on päivitetty";
"User settings" = "Käyttäjän asetukset";
"You changed your email or password" = "Muutit sähköpostisi tai salasanasi";
"Move resource to the root folder" = "Siirrä resurssi juurikansioon";
"Share this group" = "Jaa tämä ryhmä";
"This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Tähän ryhmään pääsee vain linkin kautta. Ole varovainen minne jaat tämän linkin.";
"{count} members" = "Ei jäseniä|Yksi jäsen|{count} jäsentä";
"Share" = "Jaa";
"Update app" = "Päivitä sovellus";
"Ignore" = "Sivuuta";
"A new version is available." = "Uusi versio on saatavilla.";
"An error has occured while refreshing the page." = "Sivua päivitettäessä tapahtui virhe.";
"Join group {group}" = "Liity ryhmään {group}";
"Public preview" = "Julkinen esikatselu";
"On {instance} and other federated instances" = "Instanssi {instance} ja muilla federoiduilla instansseilla";
"Error while subscribing to push notifications" = "Virhe kun tilattiin push-ilmoitukset";
"Unsubscribe to browser push notifications" = "Peruuta selaimen push-ilmoitukset";
"Activate browser push notifications" = "Ota käyttöön selaimen push-ilmoitukset";
"You can't use push notifications in this browser." = "Et voi käyttää push-ilmoituksia tässä selaimessa.";
"Send notification e-mails" = "Lähetä ilmoitusten sähköpostit";
"Announcements and mentions notifications are always sent straight away." = "Ilmoitukset julkistuksista ja maininnoista lähetetään aina heti.";
"Weekly email summary" = "Viikottainen koostesähköposti";
"Receive one email for each activity" = "Vastaanota yksi sähköposti jokaista toimintoa kohden";
"Error while updating participation status inside this browser" = "Osallistumistiedon päivittämisessä tapahtui virhe tässä selaimessa";
"We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue." = "Emme voineet tallentaa osallistumistasi tässä selaimessa. Ei syytä huoleen, olet vahvistanut osallistumisesi, mutta se ei tallentunut tähän selaimeen jostain teknisestä syystä.";
"This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled." = "Tämä instanssi ei ole ottanut käyttöön push-ilmoituksia.";
"enable the feature" = "salli ominaisuus";
"Ask your instance admin to {enable_feature}." = "Kysy instanssisi ylläpitäjältä {enable_feature}.";
"Event URL" = "Tapahtuman URL";
"Copy URL to clipboard" = "Kopioi URL leikepöydälle";
"Group URL" = "Ryhmän URL";
"View less" = "Katso vähemmän";
"View more" = "Katso enemmän";
"Breadcrumbs" = "Leivänmurut";
"Other actions" = "Muut toiminnat";
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete events." = "Vain ryhmän moderaattorit voivat luoda, muokata ja poistaa tapahtumia.";
"+ Create a post" = "+ Luo viesti";
"Edited {relative_time} ago" = "Muokattu {relative_time} sitten";
"Members-only post" = "Vain jäsenille näkyvä viesti";
"This post is accessible only for members. You have access to it for moderation purposes only because you are an instance moderator." = "Tämä viesti näkyy vain jäsenille. Näet sen vain moderointitarkoituksessa, koska olet instanssisi moderaattori.";
"Find or add an element" = "Etsi tai lisää elementti";
"e.g. Accessibility, Twitch, PeerTube" = "esim. Saavutettavuus, Twitch, PeerTube";
"Add new…" = "Lisää uusi…";
"No results for {search}" = "Ei tuloksia haulle {search}";
"Wheelchair accessibility" = "Saavutettavuus pyörätuoleille";
"Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair" = "Onko tapahtuma saavutettavissa pyörätuolilla";
"Not accessible with a wheelchair" = "Ei pääse pyörätuolilla";
"Partially accessible with a wheelchair" = "Pääsee osittain pyörätuolilla";
"Fully accessible with a wheelchair" = "Pääsee täysin pyörätuolilla";
"Smoke free" = "Smoke free";
"Whether smoking is prohibited during the event" = "Whether smoking is prohibited during the event";
"Smoking allowed" = "Smoking allowed";
"YouTube replay" = "YouTube-uudelleentoisto";
"The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" = "URL, jonka kautta tapahtuman live-esitystä voi katsoa uudestaan päättymisen jälkeen";
"Twitch replay" = "Twitch-uudelleentoisto";
"PeerTube replay" = "PeerTube-uudelleentoisto";
"PeerTube live" = "PeerTube-livelähetys";
"The URL where the event can be watched live" = "URL, jonka kautta tapahtumaa voi seurata tosiaikaisesti";
"Twitch live" = "Twitch-lähetys";
"YouTube live" = "YouTube-lähetys";
"Event metadata" = "Tapahtuman metadata";
"Framadate poll" = "Framadate-kysely";
"The URL of a poll where the choice for the event date is happening" = "Kyselyn URL, jonka kautta tapahtuu tapahtuman päivämäärän valinta";
"View account on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Katso tiliä {hostname} (avautuu uuteen ikkunaan)";
"Twitter account" = "Twitter-tili";
"A twitter account handle to follow for event updates" = "Twitter-tili, jota seurata tapahtuman päivitysten saamiseksi";
"Fediverse account" = "Fediverse-tili";
"A fediverse account URL to follow for event updates" = "Fediverse-tilin URL tapahtuman päivitysten seuraamiseksi";
"Element title" = "Elementin nimi";
"Element value" = "Elementin arvo";
"Subtitles" = "Tekstitykset";
"Whether the event live video is subtitled" = "Onko tapahtuman live-lähetys tekstitetty";
"The event live video contains subtitles" = "Tapahtuman live-lähetys sisältää tekstitykset";
"The event live video does not contain subtitles" = "Tapahtuman live-lähetys ei sisällä tekstityksiä";
"Sign Language" = "Viittomakieli";
"Whether the event is interpreted in sign language" = "Onko tapahtuma tulkattu viittomakielellä";
"The event has a sign language interpreter" = "Tapahtumalla on viittomakielen tulkki";
"The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter" = "Tapahtumalla ei ole viittomakielen tulkkia";
"Online ticketing" = "Lipunmyynti verkossa";
"An URL to an external ticketing platform" = "URL ulkoiselle lipunmyyntialustalle";
"Price sheet" = "Hintalappu";
"A link to a page presenting the price options" = "Linkki hintavaihtoehdot sisältävälle sivulle";
"Integrate this event with 3rd-party tools and show metadata for the event." = "Integroi tämä tapahtuma kolmannen osapuolen työkalujen kanssa ja näytä metadata tapahtumalle.";
"This URL doesn't seem to be valid" = "Tämä URL ei näytä olevan toimiva";
"Schedule" = "Aikataulu";
"A link to a page presenting the event schedule" = "Linkki tapahtuman aikataulun näyttävälle sivulle";
"Accessibility" = "Saavutettavuus";
"Live" = "Suora lähetys";
"Replay" = "Uudelleentoisto";
"Tools" = "Työkalut";
"Social" = "Sosiaalinen";
"Details" = "Yksityiskohdat";
"Booking" = "Varaus";
"Filter by profile or group name" = "Suodata profiilin tai ryhmän nimen mukaan";
"Filter by name" = "Suodata nimen mukaan";
"Redirecting in progress…" = "Uudelleenohjaus käynnissä…";
"Zoom in" = "Suurenna";
"Zoom out" = "Pienennä";
"Show me where I am" = "Näytä missä olen";
"Video Conference" = "Videokokous";
"Jitsi Meet" = "Jitsi-tapaaminen";
"The Jitsi Meet video teleconference URL" = "Jitsi Meet -videokokouksen URL";
/* This is the proprietary video-conference service https://zoom.us
It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */
"Zoom" = "Zoom";
"The Zoom video teleconference URL" = "Zoom-videokokouksen URL";
/* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Microsoft https://teams.microsoft.com
It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */
"Microsoft Teams" = "Microsoft Teams";
"The Microsoft Teams video teleconference URL" = "Microsoft Teams -videokokouksen URL";
/* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com
It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */
"Google Meet" = "Google Meet";
/* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com
It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */
"The Google Meet video teleconference URL" = "Google Meet -videokokouksen URL";
/* This is the open-source video-conference service https://bigbluebutton.org
It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */
"Big Blue Button" = "Big Blue Button";
"The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL" = "Big Blue Button -videokokouksen URL";
// Etherpad is an open-source service like a light Google Docs: https://etherpad.org
"Etherpad notes" = "Etherpad-muistiinpanot";
"The URL of a pad where notes are being taken collaboratively" = "Muistikirjan URL, jossa muistiinpanoja tehdään yhdessä";
/* An etherpad URL.
If you know some public instances from organisations that operate in your language, please use those as a template instead of framapad.org.
The last part of the URL should be modified in your language to make the user understand what changes. */
"https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/some-secret-token" = "https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/some-secret-token";
"Failed to get location." = "Failed to get location.";
"The geolocation prompt was denied." = "The geolocation prompt was denied.";
"Your position was not available." = "Your position was not available.";
"Geolocation was not determined in time." = "Geolocation was not determined in time.";
"Underline" = "Underline";
"Heading Level 1" = "Heading Level 1";
"Heading Level 2" = "Heading Level 2";
"Heading Level 3" = "Heading Level 3";
"Add link" = "Add link";
"Remove link" = "Remove link";
"Add picture" = "Add picture";
"Bullet list" = "Bullet list";
"Ordered list" = "Ordered list";
"Quote" = "Quote";
"Undo" = "Undo";
"Redo" = "Redo";
"Clear address field" = "Clear address field";
"Filter" = "Filter";
"Choose the source of the instance's Terms" = "Choose the source of the instance's Terms";
"Choose the source of the instance's Privacy Policy" = "Choose the source of the instance's Privacy Policy";
"Update discussion title" = "Update discussion title";
"Cancel discussion title edition" = "Cancel discussion title edition";
"Previous month" = "Previous month";
"When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around.";
"Decrease" = "Decrease";
"Increase" = "Increase";
"Who can post a comment?" = "Who can post a comment?";
"Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?" = "Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?";
"When the post is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "When the post is private, you'll need to share the link around.";
"Reset" = "Reset";
"Local time ({timezone})" = "Local time ({timezone})";
"Local times ({timezone})" = "Local times ({timezone})";
"Time in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Time in your timezone ({timezone})";
"Export" = "Export";
"Times in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Times in your timezone ({timezone})";
"Comment body" = "Comment body";
"Event description body" = "Event description body";
"Event timezone will default to the timezone of the event's address if there is one, or to your own timezone setting." = "Event timezone will default to the timezone of the event's address if there is one, or to your own timezone setting.";
"Clear timezone field" = "Clear timezone field";
"Group description body" = "Group description body";
"Moderation logs" = "Moderation logs";
"Post body" = "Post body";
"{group} posts" = "{group} posts";
"{group}'s todolists" = "{group}'s todolists";
"Validating email" = "Validating email";
"Redirecting to Mobilizon" = "Redirecting to Mobilizon";
"Reset password" = "Reset password";
"First steps" = "First steps";
"Validating account" = "Validating account";
"Navigated to {pageTitle}" = "Navigated to {pageTitle}";
"Confirm participation" = "Confirm participation";
"Participation with account" = "Participation with account";
"Participation without account" = "Participation without account";
"Unlogged participation" = "Unlogged participation";
"Discussions list" = "Discussions list";
"Create discussion" = "Create discussion";
"Tag search" = "Tag search";
"Homepage" = "Homepage";
"About instance" = "About instance";
"Privacy" = "Privacy";
"Interact" = "Interact";
"Account settings" = "Account settings";
"Admin dashboard" = "Admin dashboard";
"Admin settings" = "Ylläpitoasetukset";
"Group profiles" = "Group profiles";
"Reports list" = "Reports list";
"Create identity" = "Create identity";
"Resent confirmation email" = "Resent confirmation email";
"Send password reset" = "Send password reset";
"Email validate" = "Email validate";
"Skip to main content" = "Skip to main content";
"{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})" = "{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})";
"Back to top" = "Back to top";
"Powered by Mobilizon" = "Powered by Mobilizon";
"The event is fully online" = "The event is fully online";
"Follow" = "Follow";
"Cancel follow request" = "Cancel follow request";
"Unfollow" = "Unfollow";
"your notification settings" = "your notification settings";
"You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}." = "You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}.";
"Online" = "Online";
"That you follow or of which you are a member" = "That you follow or of which you are a member";
"{number} seats left" = "{number} seats left";
"Published by {name}" = "Published by {name}";
"Share this post" = "Share this post";
"This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.";
"Post URL" = "Post URL";
"Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted." = "Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted.";
"Attending" = "Attending";
"From my groups" = "From my groups";
"You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?" = "You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?";
"Leave group" = "Poistu ryhmästä";
"Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone." = "Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone.";
"Upcoming events from your groups" = "Upcoming events from your groups";
"Accessible only by link" = "Accessible only by link";
"Report this post" = "Report this post";
"Post {eventTitle} reported" = "Post {eventTitle} reported";
"You have attended {count} events in the past." = "You have attended {count} events in the past.";
"Showing events starting on" = "Showing events starting on";
"Showing events before" = "Showing events before";
"Clear date filter field" = "Clear date filter field";
"{count} members or followers" = "{count} members or followers";
"This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete." = "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.";
"View full profile" = "View full profile";
"Any type" = "Any type";
"In person" = "In person";
"In the past" = "In the past";
"Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL." = "Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL.";
"Moderate new members" = "Moderate new members";
"Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership." = "Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership.";
"Cancel membership request" = "Cancel membership request";
"group's upcoming public events" = "group's upcoming public events";
"access to the group's private content as well" = "access to the group's private content as well";
"Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts." = "Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts.";
"The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator." = "The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator.";
"You approved {member}'s membership." = "You approved {member}'s membership.";
"Your membership was approved by {profile}." = "Your membership was approved by {profile}.";
"{profile} approved {member}'s membership." = "{profile} approved {member}'s membership.";
"You rejected {member}'s membership request." = "You rejected {member}'s membership request.";
"{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request." = "{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request.";
"Send" = "Send";
"Approve member" = "Approve member";
"Reject member" = "Reject member";
"The membership request from {profile} was rejected" = "The membership request from {profile} was rejected";
"The member was approved" = "The member was approved";
"Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo." = "Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo.";
"To follow groups and be informed of their latest events" = "To follow groups and be informed of their latest events";
"No group member found" = "No group member found";
"This group was not found" = "This group was not found";
"Back to group list" = "Back to group list";
"This profile was not found" = "This profile was not found";
"Back to profile list" = "Back to profile list";
"This user was not found" = "This user was not found";
"Back to user list" = "Back to user list";
"Stop following instance" = "Stop following instance";
"Follow instance" = "Follow instance";
"Accept follow" = "Accept follow";
"Reject follow" = "Reject follow";
"This instance doesn't follow yours." = "This instance doesn't follow yours.";
"Only Mobilizon instances can be followed" = "Only Mobilizon instances can be followed";
"Follow a new instance" = "Follow a new instance";
"Follow status" = "Follow status";
"All" = "All";
"Following" = "Following";
"Followed" = "Followed";
"Followed, pending response" = "Followed, pending response";
"Follows us" = "Follows us";
"Follows us, pending approval" = "Follows us, pending approval";
"No instance found." = "No instance found.";
"No instances match this filter. Try resetting filter fields?" = "No instances match this filter. Try resetting filter fields?";
"You haven't interacted with other instances yet." = "You haven't interacted with other instances yet.";
"mobilizon-instance.tld" = "mobilizon-instance.tld";
"Report status" = "Report status";
"access the corresponding account" = "access the corresponding account";
"Organized events" = "Organized events";
"Memberships" = "Memberships";
"This profile is located on this instance, so you need to {access_the_corresponding_account} to suspend it." = "This profile is located on this instance, so you need to {access_the_corresponding_account} to suspend it.";
"Total number of participations" = "Total number of participations";
"Uploaded media total size" = "Uploaded media total size";
"0 Bytes" = "0 Bytes";
"Change email" = "Change email";
"Confirm user" = "Confirm user";
"Change role" = "Change role";
"The user has been disabled" = "The user has been disabled";
"This user doesn't have any profiles" = "This user doesn't have any profiles";
"Edit user email" = "Edit user email";
"Change user email" = "Change user email";
"Previous email" = "Previous email";
"Notify the user of the change" = "Notify the user of the change";
"Change user role" = "Change user role";
"Suspend the account?" = "Suspend the account?";
"Do you really want to suspend this account? All of the user's profiles will be deleted." = "Do you really want to suspend this account? All of the user's profiles will be deleted.";
"Suspend the account" = "Suspend the account";
"No user matches the filter" = "No user matches the filter";
"new{'@'}email.com" = "new{'@'}email.com";
"Other users with the same email domain" = "Other users with the same email domain";
"Other users with the same IP address" = "Other users with the same IP address";
"IP Address" = "IP Address";
"Last seen on" = "Last seen on";
"No user matches the filters" = "No user matches the filters";
"Reset filters" = "Reset filters";
"Category" = "Category";
"Select a category" = "Select a category";
"Any category" = "Any category";
"We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service." = "We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service.";
"What happened?" = "What happened?";
"I've clicked on X, then on Y" = "I've clicked on X, then on Y";
"Send feedback" = "Send feedback";
"Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway." = "Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway.";
"return to the homepage" = "return to the homepage";
"Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!" = "Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!";
"You may also:" = "You may also:";
"You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}." = "You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}.";
"This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations." = "This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations.";
"View the group profile on the original instance" = "View the group profile on the original instance";
"View past events" = "View past events";
"Get informed of the upcoming public events" = "Get informed of the upcoming public events";
"Join" = "Join";
"Become part of the community and start organizing events" = "Become part of the community and start organizing events";
"Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator";
"Follow request pending approval" = "Follow request pending approval";
"Your membership is pending approval" = "Your membership is pending approval";
"Activate notifications" = "Activate notifications";
"Deactivate notifications" = "Deactivate notifications";
"Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator";
"Geolocate me" = "Geolocate me";
"Events nearby {position}" = "Events nearby {position}";
"View more events around {position}" = "View more events around {position}";
"Popular groups nearby {position}" = "Popular groups nearby {position}";
"View more groups around {position}" = "View more groups around {position}";
"Photo by {author} on {source}" = "Photo by {author} on {source}";
"Online upcoming events" = "Online upcoming events";
"View more online events" = "View more online events";
"Owncast" = "Owncast";
"{count} events" = "{count} events";
"Categories" = "Categories";
"Category illustrations credits" = "Category illustrations credits";
"Illustration picture for “{category}” by {author} on {source} ({license})" = "Illustration picture for “{category}” by {author} on {source} ({license})";
"View all categories" = "View all categories";
"{instanceName} ({domain})" = "{instanceName} ({domain})";
"This instance, {instanceName}, hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "This instance, {instanceName}, hosts your profile, so remember its name.";
"Keyword, event title, group name, etc." = "Keyword, event title, group name, etc.";
"Go!" = "Go!";
"Explore!" = "Explore!";
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance";
"Open user menu" = "Open user menu";
"Open main menu" = "Open main menu";
"{'@'}{username} ({role})" = "{'@'}{username} ({role})";
"This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.";
"Confirm" = "Confirm";
"Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations";
"Ex: someone{'@'}mobilizon.org" = "Ex: someone{'@'}mobilizon.org";
"Group members" = "Group members";
"e.g. Nantes, Berlin, Cork, …" = "e.g. Nantes, Berlin, Cork, …";
"find, create and organise events" = "find, create and organise events";
"tool designed to serve you" = "tool designed to serve you";
"multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites" = "multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites";
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you {find_create_organize_events}." = "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you {find_create_organize_events}.";
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Period." = "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Period.";
"Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}." = "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}.";
"translation" = "translation";
"detail" = "detail";
"Events close to you" = "Events close to you";
"Popular groups close to you" = "Popular groups close to you";
"View more events" = "View more events";
"Hide filters" = "Hide filters";
"Show filters" = "Show filters";
"Online events" = "Online events";
"Event date" = "Event date";
"Distance" = "Distance";
"{numberOfCategories} selected" = "{numberOfCategories} selected";
"Event status" = "Event status";
"Statuses" = "Statuses";
"Languages" = "Languages";
"{numberOfLanguages} selected" = "{numberOfLanguages} selected";
"Apply filters" = "Apply filters";
"Any distance" = "Any distance";
"{number} kilometers" = "{number} kilometers";
"The pad will be created on {service}" = "The pad will be created on {service}";
"The calc will be created on {service}" = "The calc will be created on {service}";
"The videoconference will be created on {service}" = "The videoconference will be created on {service}";
"Search target" = "Search target";
"In this instance's network" = "In this instance's network";
"On the Fediverse" = "On the Fediverse";
"Report reason" = "Report reason";
"Reported content" = "Reported content";
"No results found" = "No results found";
"{eventsCount} events found" = "{eventsCount} events found";
"{eventsCount} activities found" = "{eventsCount} activities found";
"{groupsCount} groups found" = "{groupsCount} groups found";
"{resultsCount} results found" = "{resultsCount} results found";
"Loading map" = "Loading map";
"Sort by" = "Sort by";
"Map" = "Map";
"List" = "List";
"Best match" = "Best match";
"Most recently published" = "Most recently published";
"Least recently published" = "Least recently published";
"With the most participants" = "With the most participants";
"Number of members" = "Number of members";
"More options" = "More options";
"Reported by someone anonymously" = "Reported by someone anonymously";
"Back to homepage" = "Back to homepage";
"Category list" = "Category list";
"No categories with public upcoming events on this instance were found." = "No categories with public upcoming events on this instance were found.";
"Theme" = "Theme";
"Adapt to system theme" = "Adapt to system theme";
"Light" = "Light";
"Dark" = "Dark";
"Write a new comment" = "Write a new comment";
"Write a new reply" = "Write a new reply";
"Write a new message" = "Write a new message";
"Write something" = "Write something";
"Message body" = "Message body";
"Describe your event" = "Describe your event";
"A few lines about your group" = "A few lines about your group";
"Write your post" = "Write your post";
"Suggestions:" = "Suggestions:";
"Make sure that all words are spelled correctly." = "Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.";
"Try different keywords." = "Try different keywords.";
"Try more general keywords." = "Try more general keywords.";
"Try fewer keywords." = "Try fewer keywords.";
"Change the filters." = "Change the filters.";
"No results found for {search}" = "No results found for {search}";
"No events found for {search}" = "No events found for {search}";
"No groups found for {search}" = "No groups found for {search}";
"No event found at this address" = "No event found at this address";
"I have an account on {instance}." = "I have an account on {instance}.";
"profile{'@'}instance" = "profile{'@'}instance";
"My federated identity ends in {domain}" = "My federated identity ends in {domain}";
"Close map" = "Close map";
"On foot" = "On foot";
"By bike" = "By bike";
"By transit" = "By transit";
"By car" = "By car";
"Select all resources" = "Select all resources";
"Select this resource" = "Select this resource";
"You can add resources by using the button above." = "You can add resources by using the button above.";
"{user}'s follow request was accepted" = "{user}'s follow request was accepted";
"{user}'s follow request was rejected" = "{user}'s follow request was rejected";
"Report as spam" = "Report as spam";
"Report as ham" = "Report as ham";
"Report as undetected spam" = "Report as undetected spam";
"The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet." = "The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet.";
"Submit to Akismet" = "Submit to Akismet";
"Autorize this application to access your account?" = "Autorize this application to access your account?";
"This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust." = "This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust.";
"Authorize application" = "Authorize application";
"Authorize" = "Authorize";
"You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings." = "You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings.";
"Read all of your account's data" = "Read all of your account's data";
"This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …" = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …";
"Modify all of your account's data" = "Modify all of your account's data";
"This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events";
"Publish events" = "Publish events";
"This application will be allowed to publish events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events";
"Update events" = "Update events";
"This application will be allowed to update events" = "This application will be allowed to update events";
"Delete events" = "Delete events";
"This application will be allowed to delete events" = "This application will be allowed to delete events";
"Upload media" = "Upload media";
"This application will be allowed to upload media" = "This application will be allowed to upload media";
"Remove uploaded media" = "Remove uploaded media";
"This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media" = "This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media";
"Publish group posts" = "Publish group posts";
"This application will be allowed to publish group posts" = "This application will be allowed to publish group posts";
"Update group posts" = "Update group posts";
"This application will be allowed to update group posts" = "This application will be allowed to update group posts";
"Delete group posts" = "Delete group posts";
"This application will be allowed to delete group posts" = "This application will be allowed to delete group posts";
"Access your group's resources" = "Access your group's resources";
"This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of";
"Create group resources" = "Create group resources";
"This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Update group resources" = "Update group resources";
"This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Delete group resources" = "Delete group resources";
"This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group events" = "Access group events";
"This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group discussions" = "Access group discussions";
"This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group members" = "Access group members";
"This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group followers" = "Access group followers";
"This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group activities" = "Access group activities";
"This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access group todo-lists" = "Access group todo-lists";
"This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Manage group memberships" = "Manage group memberships";
"This application will be allowed to join and leave groups" = "This application will be allowed to join and leave groups";
"Manage group members" = "Manage group members";
"This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of";
"Access organized events" = "Access organized events";
"This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events";
"Access participations" = "Access participations";
"This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to";
"Access group memberships" = "Access group memberships";
"This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of";
"Access followed groups" = "Access followed groups";
"This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following";
"Create new profiles" = "Create new profiles";
"This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account" = "This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account";
"Update profiles" = "Update profiles";
"This application will be allowed to update your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to update your profiles";
"Delete profiles" = "Delete profiles";
"This application will be allowed to delete your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to delete your profiles";
"Post comments" = "Post comments";
"This application will be allowed to post comments" = "This application will be allowed to post comments";
"Update comments" = "Update comments";
"This application will be allowed to update comments" = "This application will be allowed to update comments";
"Delete comments" = "Delete comments";
"This application will be allowed to delete comments" = "This application will be allowed to delete comments";
"Create group discussions" = "Create group discussions";
"This application will be allowed to create group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to create group discussions";
"Update group discussions" = "Update group discussions";
"This application will be allowed to update group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to update group discussions";
"Delete group discussions" = "Delete group discussions";
"This application will be allowed to delete group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to delete group discussions";
"Create feed tokens" = "Create feed tokens";
"This application will be allowed to create feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to create feed tokens";
"Delete feed tokens" = "Delete feed tokens";
"This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens";
"Manage event participations" = "Manage event participations";
"This application will be allowed to manage events participations" = "This application will be allowed to manage events participations";
"Manage activity settings" = "Manage activity settings";
"This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings";
"Manage push notification settings" = "Manage push notification settings";
"This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings";
"Apps" = "Apps";
"Device activation" = "Device activation";
"Application not found" = "Application not found";
"The provided application was not found." = "The provided application was not found.";
"Your application code" = "Your application code";
"You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes." = "You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes.";
"Enter the code displayed on your device" = "Enter the code displayed on your device";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"The device code is incorrect or no longer valid." = "The device code is incorrect or no longer valid.";
"These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access." = "These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access.";
"Last used on {last_used_date}" = "Last used on {last_used_date}";
"Never used" = "Never used";
"Authorized on {authorization_date}" = "Authorized on {authorization_date}";
"Revoke" = "Revoke";
"Application was revoked" = "Application was revoked";
"Create a new metadata element" = "Create a new metadata element";
"You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable." = "You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable.";
"You can try another search term or add the address details manually below." = "You can try another search term or add the address details manually below.";
"Manually enter address" = "Manually enter address";
"You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location" = "You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location";
"This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect." = "This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect.";
"This application asks for the following permissions:" = "This application asks for the following permissions:";
"This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups." = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups.";
"This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings." = "This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings.";
"No apps authorized yet" = "No apps authorized yet";
"You have been logged-out" = "You have been logged-out";
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.";
"Announcements" = "Announcements";
"Application authorized" = "Application authorized";
"Check your device to continue. You may now close this window." = "Check your device to continue. You may now close this window.";
"Participants to {eventTitle}" = "Participants to {eventTitle}";
"Read user media" = "Read user media";
"This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded" = "This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded";
"Read user settings" = "Read user settings";
"This application will be allowed to access your user settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user settings";
"Read user activity settings" = "Read user activity settings";
"This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings";
"Read user participations" = "Read user participations";
"Read user memberships" = "Read user memberships";
"Access drafts events" = "Access drafts events";
"This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events";
"Access group suggested events" = "Access group suggested events";
"This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events" = "This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events";
"{profile} joined the the event {event}." = "{profile} joined the the event {event}.";
"You joined the event {event}." = "You joined the event {event}.";
"An anonymous profile joined the event {event}." = "An anonymous profile joined the event {event}.";
"Delete event and resolve report" = "Delete event and resolve report";
"No content found" = "No content found";
"Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator" = "Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator";
"This will also resolve the report." = "This will also resolve the report.";
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead." = "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead.";
"Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone.";
"Delete comment and resolve report" = "Delete comment and resolve report";
"Delete comment" = "Delete comment";
"Event deleted and report resolved" = "Event deleted and report resolved";
"Event deleted" = "Event deleted";
"Comment deleted and report resolved" = "Comment deleted and report resolved";
"Comment under event {eventTitle}" = "Comment under event {eventTitle}";
"Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted." = "Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted.";
"There will be no way to restore the profile's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the profile's data!";
"Suspend the profile" = "Suspend the profile";
"The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:" = "The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:";
"Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?" = "Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?";
"There will be no way to restore the user's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the user's data!";
"User suspended and report resolved" = "User suspended and report resolved";
"Profile suspended and report resolved" = "Profile suspended and report resolved";
"{profileName} (suspended)" = "{profileName} (suspended)";
"Reported by an unknown actor" = "Reported by an unknown actor";
"Reported at" = "Reported at";
"Updated at" = "Updated at";
"Suspend the profile?" = "Suspend the profile?";
"Go to booking" = "Go to booking";
"External registration" = "External registration";
"I want to manage the registration with an external provider" = "I want to manage the registration with an external provider";
"External provider URL" = "External provider URL";
"Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts." = "Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts.";
"With unknown participants" = "With unknown participants";
"With {participants}" = "With {participants}";
"Conversations" = "Conversations";
"New private message" = "New private message";
"There's no conversations yet" = "There's no conversations yet";
"Open conversations" = "Open conversations";
"List of conversations" = "List of conversations";
"Conversation with {participants}" = "Conversation with {participants}";
"Delete this conversation" = "Delete this conversation";
"Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?" = "Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?";
"This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers." = "This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers.";
"You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group" = "You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group";
"Comment from an event announcement" = "Comment from an event announcement";
"Comment from a private conversation" = "Comment from a private conversation";
"I've been mentionned in a conversation" = "I've been mentionned in a conversation";
"New announcement" = "New announcement";
"This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you." = "This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you.";
"The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:" = "The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:";
"Sent to {count} participants" = "Sent to {count} participants";
"There's no announcements yet" = "There's no announcements yet";
"Your participation is being cancelled" = "Your participation is being cancelled";
"Error while cancelling your participation" = "Error while cancelling your participation";
"Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect.";
"Your participation has been cancelled" = "Your participation has been cancelled";
"Return to the event page" = "Return to the event page";
"Cancel participation" = "Cancel participation";
"Add a recipient" = "Add a recipient";
"Announcements for {eventTitle}" = "Announcements for {eventTitle}";
"Visit {instance_domain}" = "Visit {instance_domain}";
"Software details: {software_details}" = "Software details: {software_details}";
"Only instances with an application actor can be followed" = "Only instances with an application actor can be followed";
"Domain or instance name" = "Domain or instance name";
"You need to enter a text" = "You need to enter a text";
"Error while adding tag: {error}" = "Error while adding tag: {error}";
"From this instance only" = "From this instance only";