"Please do not use it in any real way." = "Por favor, no lo use de ninguna manera real."; "A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising." = "Una herramienta fácil de usar, emancipadora y ética, para reunir, organizar y movilizar."; "A validation email was sent to {email}" = "Un correo electrónico de confirmación fue enviado a {email}"; "Abandon editing" = "Abandonar la edición"; "About Mobilizon" = "Acerca de Mobilizon"; "About this event" = "Acerca este evento"; "About this instance" = "Acerca de esta instancia"; "About" = "Acerca de"; "Accepted" = "Aceptado"; "Account" = "Cuenta"; "Add a note" = "Añade una nota"; "Add an address" = "Añade una dirección"; "Add an instance" = "Añade una instancia"; "Add some tags" = "Añade algunas etiquetas"; "Add to my calendar" = "Añadir a mi calendario"; "Add" = "Añadir"; "Additional comments" = "Comentarios adicionales"; "Admin settings successfully saved." = "Ajustes de administración guardados correctamente."; "Admin" = "Administrador"; "Administration" = "Administración"; "All the places have already been taken" = "Todos los lugares ya han sido ocupados"; "Allow registrations" = "Permitir registros"; "Anonymous participant" = "Participante anónimo"; "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail." = "Los participantes anónimos deberán confirmar su participación por correo electrónico."; "Anonymous participations" = "Participaciones anónimas"; "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever." = "¿Estás realmente seguro de que deseas eliminar toda tu cuenta? Lo perderás todo. Las identidades, la configuración, los eventos creados, los mensajes y las participaciones desaparecerán para siempre."; "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este comentario? Esta acción no se puede deshacer."; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead." = "¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este evento? Esta acción no se puede deshacer. Es posible que desee entablar una conversación con el creador del evento o editar el evento en su lugar."; "Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications." = "¿Seguro que quieres cancelar la creación del evento? Perderás todas las modificaciones."; "Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications." = "¿Seguro que quieres cancelar la edición del evento? Perderás todas las modificaciones."; "Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea cancelar su participación en el evento \"{title}\"?"; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted." = "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar este evento? Esta acción no se puede revertir."; "Avatar" = "Avatar"; "Back to previous page" = "Volver a la página anterior"; "Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account." = "Antes de iniciar sesión, debe hacer clic en el enlace que se encuentra dentro para validar su cuenta."; "By {username}" = "Por {username}"; "Calendar" = "Calendario"; "Cancel anonymous participation" = "Cancelar participación anónima"; "Cancel creation" = "Cancelar creación"; "Cancel edition" = "Cancelar edición"; "Cancel my participation request…" = "Cancelar mi solicitud de participación …"; "Cancel my participation…" = "Cancelar mi participación …"; "Cancel" = "Cancelar"; "Cancelled: Won't happen" = "Cancelado: no sucederá"; "Change my email" = "Cambiar mi correo electrónico"; "Change my identity…" = "Cambiar mi identidad …"; "Change my password" = "Cambiar mi contraseña"; "Change" = "Cambiar"; "Clear" = "Limpiar"; "Click to upload" = "Haz clic para subir (upload)"; "Close comments for all (except for admins)" = "Cerrar comentarios para todos (excepto para administradores)"; "Close" = "Cerrar"; "Closed" = "Cerrado"; "Comment deleted" = "Comentario borrado"; "Comment from {'@'}{username} reported" = "Denunciado un comentario de {'@'}{username}"; "Comments" = "Comentarios"; "Confirm my participation" = "Confirma mi participación"; "Confirm my particpation" = "Confirmar mi participación"; "Confirmed: Will happen" = "Confirmado: sucederá"; "Continue editing" = "Continua editando"; "Country" = "País"; "Create a new event" = "Crear un nuevo evento"; "Create a new group" = "Crear un nuevo grupo"; "Create a new identity" = "Crear una nueva identidad"; "Create group" = "Crear un grupo"; "Create my event" = "Crear mi evento"; "Create my group" = "Crear mi grupo"; "Create my profile" = "Crear mi perfil"; "Create token" = "Crear token"; "Create" = "Crear"; "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event." = "La identidad actual se ha cambiado a {identityName} para gestionar este evento."; "Current page" = "Página actual"; "Custom URL" = "URL personalizada"; "Custom text" = "Texto personalizado"; "Custom" = "Personalizado"; "Dashboard" = "Panel de control"; "Date and time settings" = "Configuración de fecha y hora"; "Date parameters" = "Parámetros de fecha"; "Date" = "Fecha"; "Default" = "Valor predeterminados"; "Delete account" = "Eliminar cuenta"; "Delete event" = "Eliminar evento"; "Delete everything" = "Eliminar todo"; "Delete my account" = "Eliminar mi cuenta"; "Delete this identity" = "Eliminar esta identidad"; "Delete your identity" = "Eliminar tu identidad"; "Delete {eventTitle}" = "Eliminar {eventTitle}"; "Delete {preferredUsername}" = "Eliminar {preferredUsername}"; "Delete" = "Eliminar"; "Deleting comment" = "Eliminando comentario"; "Deleting event" = "Eliminando evento"; "Deleting my account will delete all of my identities." = "Eliminar mi cuenta eliminará todas mis identidades."; "Deleting your Mobilizon account" = "Eliminando tu cuenta de Mobilizon"; "Description" = "Descripción"; "Display name" = "Mostrar nombre"; "Display participation price" = "Mostrar precio de participación"; "Domain" = "Dominio"; "Draft" = "Borrador"; "Drafts" = "Borradores"; "Edit" = "Editar"; "Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…" = "Ej .: Estocolmo, Danza, Ajedrez …"; "Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance." = "Ya sea en la instancia {instancia} o en otra instancia."; "Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "O la cuenta ya está validada, o bien el testigo de validación es incorrecto."; "Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect." = "O el correo electrónico ya se ha cambiado, o bien el token de validación es incorrecto."; "Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect." = "O la solicitud de participación ya se ha validado o el token de validación es incorrecto."; "Email" = "Correo electrónico"; "Ends on…" = "Termina en …"; "Enter the link URL" = "Introduzca la URL del enlace"; "Error while changing email" = "Error al cambiar el correo electrónico"; "Error while validating account" = "Error al validar la cuenta"; "Error while validating participation request" = "Error al validar la solicitud de participación"; "Event already passed" = "Evento ya pasado"; "Event cancelled" = "Evento cancelado"; "Event creation" = "Creación de evento"; "Event edition" = "Edición del evento"; "Event list" = "Lista de eventos"; "Event page settings" = "Configuración de la página del evento"; "Event to be confirmed" = "Evento por confirmar"; "Event {eventTitle} deleted" = "Evento {eventTitle} eliminado"; "Event {eventTitle} reported" = "Evento {eventTitle} declarado"; "Event" = "Evento"; "Events" = "Eventos"; "Ex: mobilizon.fr" = "Ej: mobilizon.fr"; "Explore" = "Explorar"; "Failed to save admin settings" = "Error al guardar la configuración de administrador"; "Featured events" = "Eventos particulares"; "Federation" = "Federación"; "Find an address" = "Buscar una dirección"; "Find an instance" = "Buscar una instancia"; "Followers" = "Seguidores"; "Followings" = "Seguimientos"; "For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…" = "Por ejemplo: Londres, Taekwondo, Arquitectura …"; "Forgot your password ?" = "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña ?"; "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}" = "Desde el {startDate} en {startTime} hasta el {endDate} en {endTime}"; "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}" = "Desde {startDate} en {startTime} hasta {endDate}"; "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}" = "Desde el {startDate} hasta el {endDate}"; "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize" = "Reúna ⋅ Organice ⋅ Movilice"; "General information" = "Información general"; "General" = "General"; "Getting location" = "Obtener ubicación"; "Go" = "Ir"; "Group name" = "Nombre del grupo"; "Group {displayName} created" = "Grupo {displayName} creado"; "Groups" = "Grupos"; "Headline picture" = "Imagen del titular"; "Hide replies" = "Ocultar respuestas"; // this is used as the header of the settings section to create a new identity "I create an identity" = "Creo una identidad"; "I don't have a Mobilizon account" = "No tengo una cuenta de Mobilizon"; "I have a Mobilizon account" = "Tengo una cuenta de Mobilizon"; "I have an account on another Mobilizon instance." = "Tengo una cuenta en otra instancia de Mobilizon."; "I participate" = "Yo participo"; "I want to allow people to participate without an account." = "Quiero permitir que las personas participen sin una cuenta."; "I want to approve every participation request" = "Quiero aprobar cada solicitud de participación"; "Identity {displayName} created" = "Identidad {displayName} creada"; "Identity {displayName} deleted" = "Identidad {displayName} eliminada"; "Identity {displayName} updated" = "Identidad {displayName} actualizada"; "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}" = "Si existe una cuenta con este correo electrónico, acabamos de enviar otro correo electrónico de confirmación a {email}"; "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity." = "Si esta identidad es el único administrador de algún grupo, debe eliminarlo antes de poder eliminar esta identidad."; "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here." = "Si lo desea, puede enviar un mensaje al organizador del evento aquí."; "Instance Name" = "Nombre de instancia"; "Instance Terms Source" = "Fuente de Términos de Instancia"; "Instance Terms URL" = "URL de Términos de Instancia"; "Instance Terms" = "Términos de Instancia"; "Instance settings" = "Configuraciones de instancia"; "Instances" = "Instancias"; "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Únase a {instance} , una instancia de Mobilizon"; "Last published event" = "Último evento publicado"; "Last week" = "La semana pasada"; "Learn more about Mobilizon" = "Conoce más sobre Mobilizon"; "Learn more" = "Aprende más"; "Leave event" = "Dejar evento"; "Leaving event \"{title}\"" = "Saliendo del evento \"{title}\""; "License" = "Licencia"; "Limited number of places" = "Número limitado de plazas"; "Load more" = "Carga más"; "Locality" = "Localidad"; "Log in" = "Iniciar sesión"; "Log out" = "Cerrar sesión"; "Login on Mobilizon!" = "¡Inicia sesión en Mobilizon!"; "Login on {instance}" = "Inicia sesión en {instancia}"; "Login" = "Iniciar sesión"; "Manage participations" = "Administrar participaciones"; "Mark as resolved" = "Marca como resuelto"; "Members" = "Miembros"; "Message" = "Mensaje"; "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server." = "Mobilizon es una red federada. Puede interactuar con este evento desde un servidor diferente."; "Moderated comments (shown after approval)" = "Comentarios moderados (mostrados después de la aprobación)"; "Moderation log" = "Registro de moderación"; "Moderation" = "Moderación"; "My account" = "Mi cuenta"; "My events" = "Mis eventos"; "My identities" = "Mis identidades"; "Name" = "Nombre"; "New email" = "Nuevo correo electrónico"; "New note" = "Nueva nota"; "New password" = "Nueva contraseña"; "New profile" = "Nuevo perfil"; "Next page" = "Siguiente página"; "No address defined" = "Ninguna dirección definida"; "No closed reports yet" = "Aún no hay informes cerrados"; "No comment" = "Sin comentarios"; "No comments yet" = "Sin comentarios aún"; "No end date" = "Sin fecha de finalización"; "No events found" = "No se encontraron eventos"; "No group found" = "Ningún grupo encontrado"; "No groups found" = "No se encontraron grupos"; "No activities found" = "Ninguna actividad encontrada"; "No instance follows your instance yet." = "Ninguna instancia sigue a tu instancia todavía."; "No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances" = "No hay instancia para aprobar|Aprobar instancia|Aprobar {número} instancias"; "No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances" = "Ninguna instancia para rechazar | Rechazar instancia | Rechazar {número} instancias"; "No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances" = "No hay instancias para eliminar|Eliminar instancias|Eliminar {número} instancias"; "No message" = "Sin mensaje"; "No open reports yet" = "Aún no hay informes abiertos"; "No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants" = "Ningún participante debe aprobar|Aprobar participante|Aprobar {number} participantes"; "No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants" = "Ningún participante que rechazar|Rechazar participante|Rechazar {number} participantes"; "No resolved reports yet" = "Aún no hay informes resueltos"; "No results for \"{queryText}\"" = "No hay resultados para \"{queryText}\""; "Notes" = "Notas"; "Number of places" = "Numero de plazas"; "OK" = "OK"; "Old password" = "Contraseña anterior"; "On {date} ending at {endTime}" = "El {fecha} que termina en {endTime}"; "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}" = "El {fecha} de {startTime} a {endTime}"; "On {date} starting at {startTime}" = "El {fecha} a partir de {startTime}"; "On {date}" = "el {date}"; "Only accessible through link (private)" = "Solo accesible a través del enlace (privado)"; "Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported." = "Solo se admiten caracteres alfanuméricos en minúscula y guiones bajos."; "Open" = "Abrir"; "Opened reports" = "Informes abiertos"; "Or" = "O"; "Organized by {name}" = "Organizado por {name}"; "Organized" = "Organizado"; "Organizer" = "Organizador"; "Other software may also support this." = "Otro software también puede soportar esto."; "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators." = "De lo contrario, esta identidad solo se eliminará de los administradores del grupo."; "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)" = "Página limitada a mi grupo (solicita autenticación)"; "Page" = "Página"; "Participant" = "Participante"; "Participants" = "Participantes"; "Participate using your email address" = "Participa usando tu dirección de correo electrónico"; "Participate" = "Participar"; "Participation approval" = "Aprobación de la participación"; "Participation confirmation" = "Confirmación de participación"; "Participation requested!" = "¡Participación solicitada!"; "Password (confirmation)" = "Contraseña (confirmación)"; "Password reset" = "Restablecer la contraseña"; "Password" = "Contraseña"; "Past events" = "Eventos pasados"; "Pending" = "Pendiente"; "Pick an identity" = "Elige una identidad"; "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email." = "Verifique su carpeta de correo no deseado (spam) si no recibió el correo electrónico."; "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake." = "Póngase en contacto con el administrador de Mobilizon de esta instancia si cree que esto es un error."; "Please enter your password to confirm this action." = "Introduzca su contraseña para confirmar esta acción."; "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved." = "Asegúrese de que la dirección sea correcta y que la página no se haya movido."; "Post a comment" = "Publicar un comentario"; "Post a reply" = "Publica una respuesta"; "Postal Code" = "Código postal"; "Preferences" = "Preferencias"; "Previous page" = "Pagina anterior"; "Privacy Policy" = "Política de privacidad"; "Private event" = "Evento privado"; "Private feeds" = "Feeds privados"; "Profiles" = "Perfiles"; "Public RSS/Atom Feed" = "RSS/Atom Feed público"; "Public comment moderation" = "Moderación de comentarios públicos"; "Public event" = "Evento público"; "Public feeds" = "Feeds públicos"; "Public iCal Feed" = "Feed público de iCal"; "Publish" = "Publicar"; "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Eventos publicados con {comments} comentarios y {participations} participaciones confirmadas"; "RSS/Atom Feed" = "RSS/Suministro Atom"; "Region" = "Región"; "Registration is allowed, anyone can register." = "El registro está permitido, cualquiera puede registrarse."; "Registration is closed." = "El registro está cerrado."; "Registration is currently closed." = "El registro está actualmente cerrado."; "Rejected" = "Rechazado"; "Reopen" = "Reabrir"; "Reply" = "Respuesta"; "Report this comment" = "Informar de este comentario"; "Report this event" = "Informa de este evento"; "Report" = "Declarar"; "Reported by someone on {domain}" = "Declarado por alguien en {dominio}"; "Reported by {reporter}" = "Declarado por {reporter}"; "Reported by" = "Declarado por"; "Reported identity" = "Identidad declarada"; "Reported" = "Declarado"; "Reports" = "Declaraciones"; "Reset my password" = "Restablecer mi contraseña"; "Resolved" = "Resuelto"; "Resource provided is not an URL" = "El recurso proporcionado no es una URL"; "Role" = "Rol"; "Save draft" = "Guardar borrador"; "Save" = "Guardar"; "Search events, groups, etc." = "Buscar eventos, grupos, etc."; "Search" = "Buscar"; "Searching…" = "Buscando…"; "Send email" = "Enviar correo electrónico"; "Send the report" = "Enviar el informe"; "Set an URL to a page with your own terms." = "Establezca una URL a una página con sus propios términos."; "Settings" = "Configuraciones"; "Share this event" = "Comparte este event"; "Show map" = "Mostrar mapa"; "Show remaining number of places" = "Muestra el número restante de plazas"; "Show the time when the event begins" = "Muestra la hora en que comienza el evento"; "Show the time when the event ends" = "Muestra la hora en que finaliza el evento"; "Sign up" = "Regístrate"; "Starts on…" = "Comienza en …"; "Status" = "Estado"; "Street" = "Calle"; "Tentative: Will be confirmed later" = "Intento: se confirmará más tarde"; "Terms" = "Condiciones"; "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it." = "Se cambió la dirección de correo electrónico de la cuenta. Revise sus correos electrónicos para verificarlo."; "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance." = "El número real de participantes puede diferir ya que este evento se aloja en otra instancia."; "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?" = "El contenido vino de otro servidor. ¿Transferir una copia anónima del informe?"; "The draft event has been updated" = "El borrador del evento ha sido actualizado"; "The event has been created as a draft" = "El evento ha sido creado como borrador"; "The event has been published" = "El evento ha sido publicado"; "The event has been updated and published" = "El evento ha sido actualizado y publicado"; "The event has been updated" = "El evento ha sido actualizado"; "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?" = "El organizador del evento ha elegido validar las participaciones manualmente. ¿Desea agregar una pequeña nota para explicar por qué desea participar en este evento?"; "The event organizer didn't add any description." = "El organizador del evento no agregó ninguna descripción."; "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event." = "El organizador del evento aprueba manualmente las participaciones. Dado que ha elegido participar sin una cuenta, explique por qué desea participar en este evento."; "The event title will be ellipsed." = "El título del evento será elipsado."; "The page you're looking for doesn't exist." = "La página que estás buscando no existe."; "The password was successfully changed" = "La contraseña fue cambiada con éxito"; "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below." = "El informe se enviará a los moderadores de su instancia. Puede explicar por qué declara este contenido a continuación."; "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "Se utilizarán los {default_terms}. Se traducirán en el idioma del usuario."; "There are {participants} participants." = "Hay {participantes} participantes."; "There will be no way to recover your data." = "No habrá forma de recuperar sus datos."; "These events may interest you" = "Estos eventos pueden interesarte"; "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation." = "Esta instancia de Mobilizon y este organizador de eventos permiten participaciones anónimas pero requieren validación mediante confirmación por correo electrónico."; "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details" = "Esta información se guarda solo en su computadora. Haga clic para más detalles"; "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances." = "Esta instancia no está abierta a registros pero puede registrarse en otras instancias."; "This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon." = "Este es un sitio de demostración para probar Mobilizon."; "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity." = "Esto eliminará/anonimizará todo el contenido (eventos, comentarios, mensajes, participaciones ...) creado con esta identidad."; "Title" = "Título"; "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"" = "Para confirmar, escriba el título de su evento \"{eventTitle}\""; "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"" = "Para confirmar, escriba su nombre de usuario de identidad \"{preferredUsername}\""; "Transfer to {outsideDomain}" = "Transferir a {outsideDomain}"; "Type" = "Tipo"; "URL" = "URL"; "Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers." = "Lamentablemente, su solicitud de participación fue rechazada por los organizadores."; "Unknown actor" = "Actor desconocido"; "Unknown error." = "Error desconocido."; "Unknown" = "Desconocido"; "Unsaved changes" = "Cambios no guardados"; "Upcoming" = "Próximo"; "Update event {name}" = "Actualizar evento {name}"; "Update my event" = "Actualizar mi evento"; "Updated" = "Actualizado"; "Use my location" = "Usa mi ubicación"; "Username" = "Nombre de usuario"; "Users" = "Los usuarios"; "View a reply" = "Ver carentes de respuestas|Ver una respuesta|Ver {totalReplies} respuestas"; "View event page" = "Ver página del evento"; "View everything" = "Ver todo"; "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Ver página en {hostname} (en una nueva ventana)"; "Visible everywhere on the web (public)" = "Visible en todas partes de la web (público)"; "Waiting for organization team approval." = "Esperando la aprobación del equipo de la organización."; "Warning" = "Advertencia"; "We just sent an email to {email}" = "Acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico a {email}"; "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event" = "Lo redirigiremos a su instancia para interactuar con este evento"; "Website / URL" = "Sitio web / URL"; "Welcome back {username}!" = "¡Bienvenido de nuevo {username}!"; "Welcome back!" = "¡Bienvenido de nuevo!"; "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!" = "¡Bienvenido a Mobilizon, {username}!"; "Who can view this event and participate" = "Quién puede ver este evento y participar"; "You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation" = "Participas en este evento de forma anónima pero no has confirmado la participación"; "You are participating in this event anonymously" = "Estás participando en este evento de forma anónima"; "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma" = "Puede agregar etiquetas presionando la tecla Intro o agregando una coma"; "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map" = "Puedes probar con otro término de búsqueda o arrastrar y soltar el marcador en el mapa"; "You don't follow any instances yet." = "Todavía no sigues ninguna instancia."; "You have cancelled your participation" = "Has cancelado tu participación"; "You have one event in {days} days." = "No tienes eventos en {days} días|Tienes un evento en {days} días. |Tienes {count} eventos en {days} días"; "You have one event today." = "No tienes eventos hoy|Tienes un evento hoy.|Tienes {count} eventos hoy"; "You have one event tomorrow." = "No tienes eventos mañana|Tienes un evento mañana.|Tienes {count} eventos mañana"; "You need to login." = "Necesitas iniciar sesión."; "You will be redirected to the original instance" = "Serás redirigido a la instancia original"; "You wish to participate to the following event" = "Desea participar en el siguiente evento"; "You'll receive a confirmation email." = "Recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación."; "Your account has been successfully deleted" = "Su cuenta ha sido eliminada exitosamente"; "Your account has been validated" = "Su cuenta ha sido validada"; "Your account is being validated" = "Su cuenta esta siendo validada"; "Your account is nearly ready, {username}" = "Su cuenta está casi lista, {username}"; "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in." = "Su correo electrónico actual es {correo electrónico}. Lo usas para iniciar sesión."; "Your email has been changed" = "Su correo ha sido cambiado"; "Your email is being changed" = "Su correo electrónico está siendo cambiado"; "Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer." = "Su correo electrónico solo se utilizará para confirmar que es una persona real y enviarle actualizaciones eventuales para este evento. NO se transmitirá a otras instancias ni al organizador del evento."; "Your federated identity" = "Su identidad federada"; "Your participation has been confirmed" = "Su participación ha sido confirmada"; "Your participation has been rejected" = "Su participación ha sido rechazada"; "Your participation has been requested" = "Su participación ha sido solicitada"; "Your participation request has been validated" = "Tu participación ha sido validada"; "Your participation request is being validated" = "Tu participación esta siendo validada"; "Your participation status has been changed" = "Su estado de participación ha cambiado"; "[This comment has been deleted]" = "[Este comentario ha sido eliminado]"; "[deleted]" = "[eliminado]"; "as {identity}" = "como {identity}"; "default Mobilizon terms" = "términos predeterminados de Mobilizon"; "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot" = "e.j. 10 Rue Jangot"; "iCal Feed" = "Suministro iCal"; "profile@instance" = "perfil@instancia"; "with another identity…" = "con otra identidad …"; "{approved} / {total} seats" = "Asientos {approved}/{total}"; "{count} participants" = "Aún no hay participantes|Un participante|{count} participantes"; "{count} requests waiting" = "{count} solicitudes en espera"; "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors" = "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors"; "@{username} ({role})" = "@{username} ({role})"; "@{group}" = "@{group}"; "{title} ({count} todos)" = "{title} ({count} trabajos pendientes)"; "My groups" = "Mis grupos"; "Assigned to" = "Asignado a"; "Due on" = "Debido a"; "Organizers" = "Organizadores"; "(Masked)" = "(Oculto)"; "{available}/{capacity} available places" = "No quedan plazas|{available}/{capacity} plazas disponibles"; "No one is participating|One person participating|{going} people participating" = "Nadie está participando|Una persona participando|{van} personas participando"; "Date and time" = "Fecha y hora"; "Location" = "Ubicación"; "Logo" = "Logo"; "Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo." = "Logo of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon logo."; "Favicon" = "Favicon"; "Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon." = "Browser tab icon and PWA icon of the instance. Defaults to the upstream Mobilizon icon."; "Default Picture" = "Default Picture"; "Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one." = "Default picture when an event or group doesn't have one."; "Primary Color" = "Primary Color"; "Secondary Color" = "Secondary Color"; "No resources selected" = "Ningún recurso seleccionado|Un recurso seleccionado|{count} recursos seleccionados"; "You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:" = "Usted ha sido invitado por {invitedBy} al siguiente grupo:"; "Accept" = "Aceptar"; "Decline" = "Rechazar"; "Rename" = "Renombrar"; "Move" = "Mover"; "Contact" = "Contacto"; "Website" = "Sitio web"; "Actor" = "Participante"; "Text" = "Texto"; "Upcoming events" = "Próximos Eventos"; "Resources" = "Recursos"; "Discussions" = "Discusiones"; "No public upcoming events" = "No hay eventos públicos próximos"; "Latest posts" = "Últimas publicaciones"; "Invite a new member" = "Invita a un nuevo miembro"; "Ex: someone@mobilizon.org" = "Ejemplo: alguien@mobilizon.org"; "Invite member" = "Miembro invitado"; "Group Members" = "Miembros del grupo"; "Public" = "Público"; "New folder" = "Nueva carpeta"; "New link" = "Nuevo enlace"; "Rename resource" = "Renombrar recurso"; "Create resource" = "Crear recurso"; "Create a pad" = "Crear un pad"; "Create a calc" = "Crear un calco"; "Create a videoconference" = "Crea una videoconferencia"; "Task lists" = "Listas de tareas"; "Add a todo" = "Agrega una tarea pendiente"; "List title" = "Título de la lista"; "Create a new list" = "Crear una nueva lista"; "Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}." = "Tu zona horaria está configurada actualmente en {timezone}."; "Timezone detected as {timezone}." = "Zona horaria borrada como {timezone}."; "Bold" = "Negrita"; "Italic" = "Cursiva"; "Duplicate" = "Duplicar"; "Home" = "Inicio"; "Notification on the day of the event" = "Notificación el día del evento"; "We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event." = "Usaremos la configuración de su zona horaria para enviarle un recordatorio la mañana del día evento."; "You can pick your timezone into your preferences." = "Puedes elegir tu zona horaria según tus preferencias."; "Recap every week" = "Recordatorio semanal"; "You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any." = "Obtendrás un recordatorio semanal todos los lunes para los próximos eventos, si tiene alguno."; "Notification before the event" = "Notificación antes del evento"; "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it." = "Le enviaremos un correo electrónico una hora antes de que comience el evento, para asegurarnos de que no lo olvide."; "Timezone" = "Zona horaria"; "Select a timezone" = "Selecciona una zona horaria"; "Other" = "Otro"; "No moderation logs yet" = "Aún no hay registros de moderación"; "Participation notifications" = "Notificaciones de participación"; "Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc." = "Mobilizon te enviará un correo electrónico cuando los eventos a los que asistas tengan cambios importantes: fecha y hora, dirección, confirmación o cancelación, etc."; "Other notification options:" = "Otras opciones de notificación:"; "Organizer notifications" = "Notificaciones del organizador"; "Notifications for manually approved participations to an event" = "Notificaciones para participaciones aprobadas manualmente a un evento"; "Do not receive any mail" = "No recibir ningún correo"; "Receive one email per request" = "Recibir un correo electrónico por solicitud"; "Hourly email summary" = "Resumen horarios por correo electrónico"; "Daily email summary" = "Resumen diario por correo electrónico"; "report #{report_number}" = "informe #{report_number}"; "{moderator} closed {report}" = "{moderator} cerrado {report}"; "a non-existent report" = "un informe inexistente"; "{moderator} reopened {report}" = "{moderator} reabierto {report}"; "{moderator} marked {report} as resolved" = "{moderator} marcado {report} como resuelto"; "{moderator} added a note on {report}" = "{moderator} agregó una nota en{report}"; "{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"" = "{moderator} eliminó un evento llamado \"{title}\""; "Register on this instance" = "Registrarse en esta instancia"; "To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings." = "Para activar más notificaciones, dirígete a la configuración de notificaciones."; "We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time." = "Usamos su zona horaria para asegurarnos de que reciba notificaciones de un evento en el momento correcto."; "Your timezone was detected as {timezone}." = "Su zona horaria se detectó como {timezone}."; "Let's define a few settings" = "Definamos algunas configuraciones"; "All good, let's continue!" = "Todo bien ¡continuemos!"; "Login status" = "Estado de inicio de sesión"; "Suspended" = "Suspendido"; "Active" = "Activo"; "Local" = "Local"; "User" = "Usuario"; "Confirmed" = "Confirmado"; "Confirmed at" = "Confirmado en"; "Language" = "Idioma"; "Administrator" = "Administrador"; "Moderator" = "Moderador"; "{number} organized events" = "No hay eventos organizados|Un evento organizad|{number} eventos organizados"; "Begins on" = "Comienza en"; "{number} participations" = "Sin participaciones|Una participación|{number} participaciones"; "{profile} (by default)" = "{profile} (por defecto)"; "Participations" = "Participaciones"; "Not confirmed" = "Sin confirmar"; "{moderator} suspended profile {profile}" = "{moderator} perfil suspendido {profile}"; "Suspend" = "Suspender"; "Unsuspend" = "Aprobar"; "None" = "Ninguno"; "Disabled" = "Deshabilitado"; "Activated" = "Activado"; "No profile matches the filters" = "Ningún perfil coincide con los filtros"; "Mobilizon" = "Mobilizon"; "{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software." = "{instanceName} es una instancia de lsoftware {mobilizon ."; "Instance Rules" = "Reglas de instancia"; "Rules" = "Reglas"; "No rules defined yet." = "No hay reglas definidas todavía."; "full rules" = "reglas completas"; "instance rules" = "reglas de instancia"; "terms of service" = "términos de servicio"; "I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}" = "Acepto las {instanceRules} y {termsOfService}"; "Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}." = "Desarrollado por {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Hecho con el apoyo financiero de {contributors}."; "more than 1360 contributors" = "más de 1360 contribuyentes"; "{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}" = "{moderator} ha rehabilitado el perfil {profile}"; "{moderator} has deleted user {user}" = "{moderator} ha eliminado el usuario {user}"; "Change timezone" = "Cambiar zona horaria"; "Select a language" = "Selecciona un idioma"; "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Este evento es accesible solo a través de su enlace. Tenga cuidado donde publica este enlace."; "This event has been cancelled." = "Este evento ha sido cancelado."; "Actions" = "Acciones"; "Everything" = "Todo"; "Not approved" = "Sin aprovar"; "No participant matches the filters" = "Ningún participante coincide con los filtros"; "Send the confirmation email again" = "Enviar el correo electrónico de confirmación nuevamente"; "Forgot your password?" = "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?"; "Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password." = "Introduce tu dirección de correo electrónico a continuación, y te enviaremos instrucciones sobre cómo cambiar tu contraseña."; "Submit" = "Enviar"; "Email address" = "Dirección de correo electrónico"; "Legal" = "Legal"; "Terms of service" = "Términos de servicio"; "Privacy policy" = "Política de privacidad"; "Instance rules" = "Reglas de instancia"; "Glossary" = "Glosario"; "Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:" = "Algunos términos, técnicos o de otro tipo, utilizados en el texto a continuación pueden abarcar conceptos que son difíciles de comprender. Hemos proporcionado un glosario aquí para ayudarlo a comprenderlos mejor:"; "Instance" = "Instancia"; "Mobilizon software" = "Software Mobilizon"; "Instance administrator" = "Administrador de instancia"; "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance." = "El administrador de la instancia es la persona o entidad que ejecuta esta instancia de Mobilizon."; "Application" = "Applicación"; "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance." = "En el siguiente contexto, una aplicación es un software, ya sea proporcionado por el equipo de Mobilizon o por un tercero, utilizado para interactuar con su instancia."; "API" = "API"; "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events, automatically and remotely."; "SSL/TLS" = "SSL/TLS"; "Cookies and Local storage" = "Cookies y almacenamiento local"; "An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance." = "Una instancia es una versión instalada del software Mobilizon que se ejecuta en un servidor. Cualquier persona que utilice {mobilizon_software} u otras aplicaciones federadas, también conocido como \"fediverse\", puede ejecutar una instancia. El nombre de esta instancia es {nombre_instancia}. Mobilizon es una red federada de múltiples instancias (al igual que los servidores de correo electrónico), los usuarios registrados en diferentes instancias pueden comunicarse aunque no se hayan registrado en la misma instancia."; "SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar." = "SSL y su sucesor TLS son tecnologías de cifrado para asegurar las comunicaciones de datos cuando se utiliza el servicio. Puede reconocer una conexión encriptada en la línea de dirección de su navegador cuando la URL comienza con {https} y el icono de candado se muestra en la barra de direcciones de su navegador."; "Home to {number} users" = "Inicio de {number} usuarios"; "Who published {number} events" = "Quién publicó {número} eventos"; "And {number} comments" = "Y {number} comentarios"; "Instance configuration" = "Configuración de instancia"; "Mobilizon version" = "Versión Mobilizon"; "Registrations" = "Registros"; "Restricted" = "Restringido"; "Enabled" = "Habilitado"; "If allowed by organizer" = "Si lo permite el organizador"; "Instance Privacy Policy Source" = "Fuente de la política de privacidad de la instancia"; "default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "política de privacidad predeterminada de Mobilizon"; "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy." = "Establezca una URL a una página con su propia política de privacidad."; "Instance Privacy Policy URL" = "URL de política de privacidad de instancia"; "Instance Privacy Policy" = "Política de privacidad de instancias"; "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language." = "Se utilizará {default_privacy_policy}. Se traducirán en el idioma del usuario."; "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template." = "Ingrese sus propios términos. Etiquetas HTML permitidas. Los {mobilizon_terms} se proporcionan como plantilla."; "Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template." = "Ingrese su propia política de privacidad. Etiquetas HTML permitidas. La {mobilizon_privacy_policy} se proporciona como plantilla."; "Default Mobilizon terms" = "Términos predeterminados de Mobilizon"; "Default Mobilizon privacy policy" = "Política de privacidad predeterminada de Mobilizon"; "NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer." = "¡NOTA! Los términos predeterminados no han sido revisados por un abogado y, por lo tanto, es poco probable que brinden protección legal completa para todas las situaciones para un administrador de instancia que los use. Tampoco son específicos de todos los países y jurisdicciones. Si no está seguro, consulte con un abogado."; "Instance Short Description" = "Descripción breve de instancia"; "Instance Long Description" = "Descripción larga de la instancia"; "Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph." = "Se muestra en la página de inicio y metaetiquetas. Describa qué es Mobilizon y qué hace que esta instancia sea especial en un solo párrafo."; "A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags." = "Un lugar para explicar quién es usted y las cosas que diferencian su instancia. Puedes usar etiquetas HTML."; "A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags." = "Un lugar para su código de conducta, reglas o pautas. Puedes usar etiquetas HTML."; "contact uninformed" = "contacto desinformado"; "Can be an email or a link, or just plain text." = "Puede ser un correo electrónico o un enlace, o simplemente texto sin formato."; "URL copied to clipboard" = "URL copiada al portapapeles"; "Report #{reportNumber}" = "Informe #{reportNumber}"; "Move \"{resourceName}\"" = "Mover \"{resourceName}\""; "Parent folder" = "Carpeta superior"; "(this folder)" = "(esta carpeta)"; "(this link)" = "(este enlace)"; "Move resource to {folder}" = "Mover recurso a {folder}"; "Create a folder" = "Crear una carpeta"; "No resources in this folder" = "No hay recursos en esta carpeta"; "New discussion" = "Nueva discusión"; "Create a discussion" = "Crear una discusión"; "Create the discussion" = "Crear la discusión"; "Sign in with" = "Inicia sesión con"; "Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account." = "Su dirección de correo electrónico se configuró automáticamente en función de su cuenta de {provider}."; "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}." = "No puede cambiar su contraseña porque está registrado a través de {provider}."; "Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way." = "Error al iniciar sesión con {provider}. Vuelva a intentarlo o inicie sesión de otra manera."; "Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist." = "Error al iniciar sesión con {provider}. Este proveedor de inicio de sesión no existe."; "Post" = "Publicación"; "Right now" = "Ahora mismo"; "Delete conversation" = "Borrar la conversación"; "Fetch more" = "Buscar más"; "Group settings" = "Configuraciones de grupo"; "Member" = "Miembro"; "Invited" = "Invitado"; "No member matches the filters" = "Ningún miembro coincide con los filtros"; "Group short description" = "Descripción breve del grupo"; "Update group" = "Actualizar grupo"; "Edit post" = "Editar publicación"; "Add a new post" = "Agregar una nueva publicación"; "Who can view this post" = "Quién puede ver esta publicación"; "Visible everywhere on the web" = "Visible por todas partes en la web"; "Only accessible through link" = "Solo accesible a través del enlace"; "Only accessible to members of the group" = "Solo accesible para los miembros del grupo"; "Delete post" = "Eliminar Publicación"; "Update post" = "Actualizar publicación"; "Posts" = "Publicaciones"; "Register an account on {instanceName}!" = "¡Registre una cuenta en {instanceName}!"; "Key words" = "Palabras clave"; "For instance: London" = "Por ejemplo: Londres"; "Radius" = "Radio"; "Today" = "Hoy"; "Tomorrow" = "Mañana"; "This weekend" = "Este fin de semana"; "This week" = "Esta semana"; "Next week" = "La próxima semana"; "This month" = "Este mes"; "Next month" = "Próximo mes"; "Any day" = "Cualquier día"; "{nb} km" = "{nb} km"; "any distance" = "cualquier distancia"; "Group visibility" = "Visibilidad del grupo"; "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page." = "El grupo se incluirá públicamente en los resultados de búsqueda y se puede sugerir en la sección de exploración. En su página solo se mostrará información pública."; "Group address" = "Dirección del grupo"; "Events tagged with {tag}" = "Eventos etiquetados con {tag}"; "Explore events" = "Explorar eventos"; "#{tag}" = "#{tag}"; "No resources yet" = "Aún no hay recursos"; "No posts yet" = "Aún no hay publicaciones"; "No discussions yet" = "Aún no hay discusiones"; "Add / Remove…" = "Añadir / eliminar…"; "You have been removed from this group's members." = "Ha sido eliminado de los miembros de este grupo."; "Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear." = "Dado que es un miembro nuevo, el contenido privado puede tardar unos minutos en aparecer."; "Remove" = "Eliminar"; "Update" = "Actualizar"; "Edited {ago}" = "Editado {ago}"; "[This comment has been deleted by it's author]" = "[Este comentario ha sido borrado por su autor]"; "Promote" = "Promover"; "Demote" = "Degradar"; "{number} members" = "{number} miembros"; "{number} posts" = "No hay publicaciones|Una publicación|{number} publicaciones"; "Publication date" = "Fecha de publicación"; "Refresh profile" = "Actualizar perfil"; "Suspend group" = "Suspender grupo"; "Are you sure you want to suspend this group? As this group originates from instance {instance}, this will only remove local members and delete the local data, as well as rejecting all the future data." = "¿Está seguro de que desea suspender este grupo? Como este grupo se origina en la instancia {instance}, esto solo eliminará los miembros locales y eliminará los datos locales, además de rechazar todos los datos futuros."; "Are you sure you want to suspend this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "¿Está seguro de que desea suspender este grupo? Todos los miembros, incluidos los remotos, serán notificados y eliminados del grupo, y todos los datos del grupo (eventos, publicaciones, discusiones, todos…) serán irremediablemente destruidos."; "Delete group" = "Eliminar grupo"; "Are you sure you want to completely delete this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed." = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar completamente este grupo? Todos los miembros, incluidos los remotos, serán notificados y eliminados del grupo, y todos los datos del grupo (eventos, publicaciones, discusiones, todos…) serán irremediablemente destruidos."; "Group display name" = "Nombre para mostrar del grupo"; "Federated Group Name" = "Nombre del grupo federado"; "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "Esto es como su nombre de usuario federado ({username}) para grupos. Permitirá que el grupo se encuentre en la federación y se garantiza que será único."; "Banner" = "Pancarta"; "Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community." = "Los grupos son espacios de coordinación y preparación para organizar mejor los eventos y administrar su comunidad."; "Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page." = "Mantenga toda la conversación sobre un tema específico en una sola página."; "Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates." = "Cree listas de tareas pendientes para todas las tareas que necesita hacer, asígnelas y establezca fechas de vencimiento."; "A place to store links to documents or resources of any type." = "Un lugar para almacenar enlaces a documentos o recursos de cualquier tipo."; "{group}'s events" = "Eventos de {group}"; "View all" = "Ver todo"; "+ Start a discussion" = "+ Iniciar una discusión"; "+ Add a resource" = "+ Agregar un recurso"; "+ Create an event" = "+ Crear un evento"; "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data." = "Una cookie es un pequeño archivo que contiene información que se envía a su computadora cuando visita un sitio web. Cuando vuelve a visitar el sitio, la cookie permite que ese sitio reconozca su navegador. Las cookies pueden almacenar preferencias del usuario y otra información. Puede configurar su navegador para rechazar todas las cookies. Sin embargo, esto puede provocar que algunas funciones o servicios del sitio web funcionen parcialmente. El almacenamiento local funciona de la misma manera, pero le permite almacenar más datos."; "A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members." = "Un lugar para publicar algo para todo el mundo, su comunidad o solo los miembros de su grupo."; "No posts found" = "No se han encontrado publicaciones"; "Last sign-in" = "Último inicio de sesión"; "Last IP adress" = "Última dirección IP"; "You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines." = "Deberá transmitir la URL del grupo para que las personas puedan acceder al perfil del grupo. El grupo no se podrá encontrar en la búsqueda de Mobilizon ni en los motores de búsqueda habituales."; "Leave" = "Salir"; "Group settings saved" = "Configuración de grupo guardada"; "Error" = "Error"; "Registrations are restricted by allowlisting." = "Las inscripciones están restringidas por lista de permisos."; "Resend confirmation email" = "Reenviar correo electrónico de confirmación"; "By {group}" = "Por {group}"; "Pick a profile or a group" = "Elige un perfil o un grupo"; "Add a contact" = "Añade un contacto"; "Your profile will be shown as contact." = "Su perfil se mostrará como contacto."; "Pick" = "Recoger"; "The event will show as attributed to your personal profile." = "El evento se mostrará como atribuido a su perfil personal."; "The event will show as attributed to this group." = "El evento se mostrará como atribuido a este grupo."; "{contact} will be displayed as contact." = " {contact} se mostrará como contacto. |{contact}se mostrará como contactos."; "and {number} groups" = "y {number} grupos"; "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device." = "Permitirá mostrar y administrar su estado de participación en la página del evento cuando utilice este dispositivo. Desmarque si está usando un dispositivo público."; "Remember my participation in this browser" = "Recuerda mi participación en este navegador"; "Organized by" = "Organizado por"; "Report this group" = "Reportar este grupo"; "Group {groupTitle} reported" = "Se informó del grupo {groupTitle}"; "Error while reporting group {groupTitle}" = "Error al informar sobre el grupo {groupTitle}"; "Reported group" = "Grupo informado"; "Join group" = "Unirse al grupo"; "Created by {username}" = "Creado por {username}"; "Accessible through link" = "Accesible a través del enlace"; "Accessible only to members" = "Accesible solo para miembros"; "Created by {name}" = "Creado por {name}"; "View all posts" = "Ver todas las publicaciones"; "Didn't receive the instructions?" = "¿No recibiste las instrucciones?"; "Allow all comments from users with accounts" = "Permitir todos los comentarios de los usuarios registrados"; "This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you." = "Este identificador es único para su perfil. Permite que otros te encuentren."; "Displayed nickname" = "Apodo mostrado"; "Short bio" = "Breve biografía"; "Congratulations, your account is now created!" = "¡Felicitaciones, su cuenta ya está creada!"; "Now, create your first profile:" = "Ahora, crea tu primer perfil:"; "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below." = "Si ha optado por la validación manual de participantes, Mobilizon le enviará un correo electrónico para informarle de las nuevas participaciones que se procesarán. Puede elegir la frecuencia de estas notificaciones a continuación."; "You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings." = "Podrá agregar un avatar y establecer otras opciones en la configuración de su cuenta."; "Instance languages" = "Idiomas de instancia"; "Main languages you/your moderators speak" = "Idiomas principales que usted o sus moderadores hablan"; "Select languages" = "Seleccionar idiomas"; "No languages found" = "No se encontraron idiomas"; "Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers." = "Su participación aún debe ser aprobada por los organizadores."; "Your email" = "Tu correo electrónico"; "Go to the event page" = "Ir a la página del evento"; "Request for participation confirmation sent" = "Solicitud de confirmación de participación enviada"; "Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder)." = "Revise su bandeja de entrada (y su carpeta de correo basura)."; "You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}." = "Ahora puede cerrar esta ventana o {return_to_event}."; "Create an account" = "Crear una cuenta"; "You are not an administrator for this group." = "No eres administrador de este grupo."; "Why create an account?" = "¿Por qué crear una cuenta?"; "To create and manage your events" = "Para crear y gestionar sus eventos"; "To create and manage multiples identities from a same account" = "Para crear y administrar múltiples identidades desde una misma cuenta"; "To register for an event by choosing one of your identities" = "Para registrarse en un evento eligiendo una de sus identidades"; "To create or join an group and start organizing with other people" = "Para crear o unirse a un grupo y comenzar a organizarse con otras personas"; "About {instance}" = "Acerca de {instance}"; "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators." = "Lea las {fullRules} publicadas por los administradores de {instance}."; "Instances following you" = "Instancias siguiéndote"; "Instances you follow" = "Instancias que sigues"; "Last group created" = "Último grupo creado"; "{username} was invited to {group}" = "{username} fue invitado a {group}"; "The member was removed from the group {group}" = "El miembro fue eliminado del grupo {grup}"; "The organiser has chosen to close comments." = "El organizador ha optado por cerrar los comentarios."; "Comments are closed for everybody else." = "Los comentarios están cerrados para todos los demás."; "Instance Slogan" = "Eslogan de instancia"; "A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"" = "Un breve eslogan para la página de inicio de su instancia. El valor predeterminado es \"Reunir ⋅ Organizar ⋅ Movilizar\""; "Learn more about {instance}" = "Más información sobre {instance}"; "Unable to detect timezone." = "No se pudo detectar la zona horaria."; "A practical tool" = "Una herramienta práctica"; "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you find, create and organise events." = "Mobilizon es una herramienta que le ayuda a buscar, crear y organizar eventos ."; "An ethical alternative" = "Una alternativa ética"; "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a tool designed to serve you. Period." = "Alternativa ética a los eventos, grupos y páginas de Facebook, Mobilizon es una herramienta diseñada para servirle . Período."; "A federated software" = "Un software federado"; "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites." = "Mobilizon no es una plataforma gigante, sino una multitud de sitios web de Mobilizon interconectados ."; "When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here." = "Cuando un moderador del grupo crea un evento y lo atribuye al grupo, se mostrará aquí."; "Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts." = "Solo los moderadores de grupo pueden crear, editar y eliminar publicaciones."; "This group doesn't have a description yet." = "Este grupo aún no tiene una descripción."; "Find another instance" = "Encuentra otra instancia"; "Pick an instance" = "Elige una instancia"; "This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone)." = "Este sitio web no está moderado y los datos que ingrese se destruirán automáticamente todos los días a las 00:01 (zona horaria de París)."; "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this group" = "Te redireccionaremos a tu instancia para poder interactuar con este grupo"; "New members" = "Nuevos miembros"; "Anyone can join freely" = "Cualquiera puede unirse libremente"; "Anyone wanting to be a member from your group will be able to from your group page." = "Cualquiera que desee ser miembro de su grupo podrá hacerlo desde la página de su grupo."; "Manually invite new members" = "Invitar nuevos miembros manualmente"; "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them." = "La única forma de que su grupo obtenga nuevos miembros es si un administrador los invita."; "Redirecting to content…" = "Redirigiendo al contenido…"; "This URL is not supported" = "Esta URL no es compatible"; "This group is invite-only" = "Este grupo es solo por invitación"; "This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language." = "Esta configuración se utilizará para mostrar el sitio web y enviarle correos electrónicos en el idioma correcto."; "Previous" = "Anterior"; "Next" = "Próximo"; "Your timezone {timezone} isn't supported." = "Tu zona horaria {timezone} no es compatible."; "Profiles and federation" = "Perfiles y federación"; "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want." = "Mobilizon utiliza un sistema de perfiles para compartimentar sus actividades. Podrás crear tantos perfiles como quieras."; "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere." = "Mobilizon es un software federado, lo que significa que puede interactuar, según la configuración de su federación de administrador, con contenido de otras instancias, como unirse a grupos o eventos que se crearon en otro lugar."; "This instance, {instanceName} ({domain}), hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "Esta instancia,{instanceName} ({domain}), aloja su perfil, así que recuerde su nombre."; "If you are being asked for your federated indentity, it's composed of your username and your instance. For instance, the federated identity for your first profile is:" = "Si se le solicita su identidad federada, se compone de su nombre de usuario y su instancia. Por ejemplo, la identidad federada para su primer perfil es:"; "Uploaded media size" = "Tamaño de los medios cargados"; "Loading comments…" = "Cargando comentarios…"; "Tentative" = "Tentativa"; "Cancelled" = "Cancelado"; "Click for more information" = "Haga clic para obtener más información"; "About anonymous participation" = "Sobre la participación anónima"; "As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted." = "Como el organizador del evento ha optado por validar manualmente las solicitudes de participación, su participación se confirmará realmente solo una vez que reciba un correo electrónico que indique que está siendo aceptada."; "Your participation status is saved only on this device and will be deleted one month after the event's passed." = "Su estado de participación se guarda solo en este dispositivo y se eliminará un mes después de que pase el evento."; "You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below." = "Puede borrar toda la información de participación de este dispositivo con los botones a continuación."; "Clear participation data for this event" = "Datos claros de participación para este evento"; "Clear participation data for all events" = "Datos de participación claros para todos los eventos"; "Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email, and after the organizer manually validates your participation." = "Su participación será validada una vez que haga clic en el enlace de confirmación en el correo electrónico y después de que el organizador valide manualmente su participación."; "Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email." = "Su participación será validada una vez que haga clic en el enlace de confirmación en el correo electrónico."; "Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:" = "No se puede cargar el evento para participar. Los detalles del error se proporcionan a continuación:"; "Unable to save your participation in this browser." = "No se puede guardar su participación en este navegador."; "return to the event's page" = "volver a la página del evento"; "View all events" = "Ver todos los eventos"; "You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of." = "Aquí encontrará todos los eventos que ha creado o aquellos en los que es participante, además de eventos organizados por grupos a los que forma parte o sigue."; "Create event" = "Crear evento"; "You didn't create or join any event yet." = "Aún no creaste ni te uniste a ningún evento."; "create an event" = "crear un evento"; "explore the events" = "explorar los eventos"; "Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?" = "¿Deseas {create_event} o {explore_events}?"; "You are not part of any group." = "No formas parte de ningún grupo."; "create a group" = "crear un grupo"; "explore the groups" = "explorar los grupos"; "Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?" = "¿Deseas {create_group} o {explore_groups}?"; "Type or select a date…" = "Escriba o seleccione una fecha …"; // Are these instructions to the location of the event? Or does this mean "almost done"? "Getting there" = "Llegar allí"; "Groups are not enabled on this instance." = "Los grupos no están habilitados en esta instancia."; "The events you created are not shown here." = "Los eventos que creó no se muestran aquí."; "There's no discussions yet" = "Aún no hay discusiones"; "Only group members can access discussions" = "Solo los miembros del grupo pueden acceder a las discusiones"; "Return to the group page" = "Volver a la página del grupo"; "It is possible that the content is not accessible on this instance, because this instance has blocked the profiles or groups behind this content." = "Es posible que el contenido no sea accesible en esta instancia, porque esta instancia ha bloqueado los perfiles o grupos detrás de este contenido."; "Atom feed for events and posts" = "Flujo Atom para eventos y publicaciones"; "ICS feed for events" = "Flujo ICS para eventos"; "ICS/WebCal Feed" = "Flujo ICS/WebCal"; "Group Followers" = "Seguidores del grupo"; "Follower" = "Seguidor"; "Reject" = "Rechazar"; "No follower matches the filters" = "Ningún seguidor coincide con los filtros"; "@{username}'s follow request was rejected" = "Se rechazó la solicitud de seguimiento de @{username}"; "Followers will receive new public events and posts." = "Los seguidores recibirán nuevos eventos públicos y publicaciones."; "Manually approve new followers" = "Aprobar manualmente nuevos seguidores"; "An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page." = "Ha ocurrido un error. Lo siento por eso. Puede intentar volver a cargar la página."; "What can I do to help?" = "¿Que puedo hacer para ayudar?"; "We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):" = "Mejoramos este software gracias a sus comentarios. Para informarnos sobre este problema, hay dos posibilidades (ambas lamentablemente requieren la creación de una cuenta de usuario):"; "Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem." = "Agregue tantos detalles como sea posible para ayudar a identificar el problema."; "Technical details" = "Detalles técnicos"; "Error message" = "Mensaje de error"; "Error stacktrace" = "Seguimiento de errores"; "The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback." = "Los detalles técnicos del error pueden ayudar a los desarrolladores a resolver el problema más fácilmente. Agrégalos a tus comentarios."; "Error details copied!" = "¡Se copiaron los detalles del error!"; "Copy details to clipboard" = "Copiar detalles al portapapeles"; "{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community." = "{instanceName} es una instancia de {mobilizon_link}, un software gratuito creado con la comunidad."; "Open a topic on our forum" = "Abrir un tema en nuestro foro"; "Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)" = "Abrir un problema en nuestro rastreador de errores (usuarios avanzados)"; "Unable to copy to clipboard" = "No se puede copiar al portapapeles"; "{count} km" = "{count} km"; "City or region" = "Ciudad o región"; "Select a radius" = "Seleccione un radio"; "Your city or region and the radius will only be used to suggest you events nearby. The event radius will consider the administrative center of the area." = "Su ciudad o región y el radio solo se utilizarán para sugerirle eventos cercanos. El radio del evento considerará el centro administrativo del área."; "Your upcoming events" = "Tus próximos eventos"; "Last published events" = "Últimos eventos publicados"; "Events nearby" = "Eventos cercanos"; "Within {number} kilometers of {place}" = "|Dentro de un kilómetro de {place}|Dentro de {number} kilómetros de {place}"; "{'@'}{username}" = "{'@'}{username}"; "Yesterday" = "Ayer"; "You created the event {event}." = "Has creado el evento {event}."; "The event {event} was created by {profile}." = "El evento {event} fue creado por {profile}."; "You updated the event {event}." = "Has actualizado el evento {event}."; "The event {event} was updated by {profile}." = "El evento {event} fue actualizado por {profile}."; "You deleted the event {event}." = "Has borrado el evento {event}."; "The event {event} was deleted by {profile}." = "El evento {event} Ha sido borrado por {profile}."; "You created the post {post}." = "Creaste la publicación {post}."; "The post {post} was created by {profile}." = "La publicación {post} fue creada por {profile}."; "You updated the post {post}." = "Ha actualizado la publicación {post}."; "The post {post} was updated by {profile}." = "La publicación {post} ha sido actualizada por {profile}."; "You deleted the post {post}." = "Has borrado la publicación {post}."; "The post {post} was deleted by {profile}." = "La publicación {post} ha sido borrada por {profile}."; "No more activity to display." = "No hay más actividad para mostrar."; "There is no activity yet. Start doing some things to see activity appear here." = "No hay actividad todavía. Comience a hacer algunas cosas para ver la actividad aparecer aquí."; "{group} activity timeline" = "Cronograma de actividad de {group}"; "You promoted {member} to moderator." = "Has ascendido a {member} a moderador."; "You promoted {member} to administrator." = "has ascendido a {menber} como administrador."; "You promoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "has ascendido al miembro {member} a un rol desconocido."; "You demoted {member} to moderator." = "Has degradado a {member} a moderador."; "You demoted {member} to simple member." = "Has degradado a {member} a miembro simple."; "You demoted the member {member} to an unknown role." = "Has degradado al miembro {member} a una función desconocida."; "You updated the member {member}." = "Ha actualizado al miembro {member}."; "{profile} updated the member {member}." = "{profile} actualizó el miembro {member}."; "{profile} promoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} ascendió a {member} a moderador."; "{profile} promoted {member} to administrator." = "{perfil} ascendió a {miembro} a administrador."; "{profile} promoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{profile} ascendió a {member} a una función desconocida."; "{profile} demoted {member} to moderator." = "{profile} degradó a {member} a moderador."; "{profile} demoted {member} to simple member." = "{profile} degradado {member} a miembro simple."; "{profile} demoted {member} to an unknown role." = "{profile} degradó a {member} a una función desconocida."; "You requested to join the group." = "Solicitaste unirte al grupo."; "{member} requested to join the group." = "{member} solicitó unirse al grupo."; "You invited {member}." = "as invitado a {member}."; "{member} was invited by {profile}." = "{member} fue invitado por {profile}."; "You added the member {member}." = "Agregaste al miembro {menber}."; "{profile} added the member {member}." = "{profile} agregó el miembro {member}."; "{member} joined the group." = "{member} se unió al grupo."; "{member} rejected the invitation to join the group." = "{member} rechazó la invitación para unirse al grupo."; "{member} accepted the invitation to join the group." = "{member} aceptó la invitación para unirse al grupo."; "You excluded member {member}." = "Ha excluido al miembro {member}."; "{profile} excluded member {member}." = "{profile} ha excluido al miembbro {member}."; "You accepted the invitation to join the group." = "Aceptaste la invitación para unirte al grupo."; "You were promoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} te ascendió a moderador."; "You were promoted to administrator by {profile}." = "{profile} te ascendió a administrador."; "You were promoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} te ascendió a un puesto desconocido."; "You were demoted to moderator by {profile}." = "{profile} te degradó a moderador."; "You were demoted to simple member by {profile}." = "{profile} te degradó a miembro simple."; "You were demoted to an unknown role by {profile}." = "{profile} te degradó a una función desconocida."; "{profile} quit the group." = "{profile} abandona el grupo."; "You created the folder {resource}." = "Creaste la carpeta {resource}."; "{profile} created the folder {resource}." = "{profile} creó la carpeta {resource}."; "You created the resource {resource}." = "Creaste el recurso {resource}."; "{profile} created the resource {resource}." = "{profile} creó el recurso {resource}."; "You moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "Moviste la carpeta {resource} a la carpeta raíz."; "{profile} moved the folder {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} movió la carpeta {resource} a la carpeta raíz."; "You moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "Moviste la carpeta {resource} a {new_path}."; "{profile} moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} moviste la carpeta {resource} a {new_path}."; "You moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "Moviste el recurso {resource} a la carpeta raíz."; "{profile} moved the resource {resource} to the root folder." = "{profile} movió el recurso {resource} a la carpeta raíz."; "You moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "Moviste el recurso {resource} a {new_path}."; "{profile} moved the resource {resource} into {new_path}." = "{profile} movió el recurso {resource} a {new_path}."; "You renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "Cambió el nombre de la carpeta de {old_resource_title} a {resource}."; "{profile} renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} cambió el nombre de la carpeta de {old_resource_title} a {resource}."; "You renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "cambiaste el nombre del recurso de {old_resource_title} a {resource}."; "{profile} renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}." = "{profile} cambió el nombre del recurso de {old_resource_title} a {resource}."; "You deleted the folder {resource}." = "Eliminaste la carpeta {recurso}."; "{profile} deleted the folder {resource}." = "{profile} eliminó la carpeta {resource}."; "You deleted the resource {resource}." = "Has borrado el recurso {resource}."; "{profile} deleted the resource {resource}." = "{profile} eliminó el recurso {resource}."; "Activity" = "Actividad"; "Load more activities" = "Cargar más actividades"; "You created the discussion {discussion}." = "Creaste la discusión {discussion}."; "{profile} created the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} creó la discusión {discussion}."; "You replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "Respondiste a la discusión {discussion}."; "{profile} replied to the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} respondió a la discusión {discussion}."; "You renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "Has cambiado el nombre de la discusión de {old_discussion} a {discussion}."; "{profile} renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}." = "{profile} cambió el nombre de la discusión de {old_discussion} a {discussion}."; "You archived the discussion {discussion}." = "Archivaste la discusión {discussion}."; "{profile} archived the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} archivó la discusión {discussion}."; "You deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "Eliminaste la discusión {discusión}."; "{profile} deleted the discussion {discussion}." = "{profile} eliminó la discusión {discussion}."; "You created the group {group}." = "Creaste el grupo {group}."; "{profile} created the group {group}." = "{profile} creó el grupo {group}."; "You updated the group {group}." = "Actualizaste el grupo {group}."; "{profile} updated the group {group}." = "{profile} actualizó el grupo {group}."; "{old_group_name} was renamed to {group}." = "Se cambió el nombre de {old_group_name} a {group}."; "Visibility was set to private." = "La visibilidad se estableció en privada."; "Visibility was set to public." = "La visibilidad se estableció en público."; "Visibility was set to an unknown value." = "La visibilidad se estableció en un valor desconocido."; "The group can now only be joined with an invite." = "Ahora solo se puede unir al grupo con una invitación."; "The group can now be joined by anyone." = "Ahora cualquiera puede unirse al grupo."; "Unknown value for the openness setting." = "Valor desconocido para la configuración de apertura."; "The group's physical address was changed." = "Se cambió la dirección física del grupo."; "The group's avatar was changed." = "Se cambió el avatar del grupo."; "The group's banner was changed." = "Se cambió el estandarte del grupo."; "The group's short description was changed." = "Se cambió la breve descripción del grupo."; "No information" = "Sin información"; "@{username}'s follow request was accepted" = "Se aceptó la solicitud de seguimiento de @{username}"; "Delete this discussion" = "Eliminar esta discusión"; "Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?" = "¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar toda esta discusión?"; "Delete discussion" = "Eliminar discusión"; "All activities" = "Todas las actividades"; "From yourself" = "De ti mismo"; "By others" = "Por otros"; "You posted a comment on the event {event}." = "Publicó un comentario sobre el evento {event}."; "{profile} posted a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} publicó un comentario sobre el evento {event}."; "You replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "Respondiste a un comentario sobre el evento {evento}."; "{profile} replied to a comment on the event {event}." = "{profile} respondió a un comentario sobre el evento {event}."; "New post" = "Nueva publicación"; "Comment text can't be empty" = "El texto del comentario no puede estar vacío"; "Notifications" = "Notificaciones"; "Profile feeds" = "Flujo de perfil"; "These feeds contain event data for the events for which this specific profile is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for all of your profiles into your notification settings." = "Estos flujos contienen datos de eventos para los eventos para los que este perfil específico es un participante o creador. Deberías mantenerlos privados. Puede encontrar flujos para todos sus perfiles en la configuración de notificaciones."; "Regenerate new links" = "Regenerar nuevos enlaces"; "Create new links" = "Crea nuevos enlaces"; "You'll need to change the URLs where there were previously entered." = "Deberá cambiar las URL donde se ingresaron anteriormente."; "Personal feeds" = "Flujos personales"; "These feeds contain event data for the events for which any of your profiles is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for specific profiles on each profile edition page." = "Estos flujos contienen datos de eventos para los eventos en los que alguno de sus perfiles es participante o creador. Deberías mantenerlos privados. Puede encontrar flujos para perfiles específicos en cada página de edición de perfil."; "The event will show as attributed to this profile." = "El evento se mostrará como atribuido a este perfil."; "You may show some members as contacts." = "Puede mostrar algunos miembros como contactos."; "The selected picture is too heavy. You need to select a file smaller than {size}." = "La imagen seleccionada es demasiado pesada. Debe seleccionar un archivo menor que {size}."; "Unable to create the group. One of the pictures may be too heavy." = "No se pudo crear el grupo. Es posible que una de las imágenes sea demasiado pesada."; "Unable to update the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "No se pudo actualizar el perfil. Es posible que la imagen del avatar sea demasiado pesada."; "Unable to create the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy." = "No se pudo crear el perfil. Es posible que la imagen del avatar sea demasiado pesada."; "Error while loading the preview" = "Error al cargar la vista previa"; "Instance feeds" = "Flujos de instancias"; "{moderator} suspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} ha suspendido el grupo {perfil}"; "{moderator} has unsuspended group {profile}" = "{moderator} ha canceladola suspension del grupo {profile}"; "{moderator} has done an unknown action" = "{moderator} ha realizado una acción desconocida"; "{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author} under the event {event}" = "{moderator} ha eliminado un comentario de {author} según el evento {event}"; "{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author}" = "{moderator} ha eliminado un comentario de {author}"; "You are offline" = "Estas desconectado"; "Create a new profile" = "Crea un nuevo perfil"; "Edit profile {profile}" = "Editar perfil {profile}"; "Identities" = "Identidades"; "Profile" = "Perfil"; "Register" = "Registrar"; "No members found" = "No se encontraron miembros"; "No organized events found" = "No se encontraron eventos organizados"; "Error while suspending group" = "Error al suspender el grupo"; "Triggered profile refreshment" = "Refresco de perfil activado"; "No organized events listed" = "No se enumeran eventos organizados"; "No participations listed" = "No se enumeran participaciones"; "{number} memberships" = "{number} miembros"; "Group" = "Grupo"; "No memberships found" = "No se encontraron miembros"; "No group matches the filters" = "Ningún grupo coincide con los filtros"; "{group} events" = "{group} eventos"; "Interact with a remote content" = "Interactuar con un contenido remoto"; "Page not found" = "Página no encontrada"; "{folder} - Resources" = "{folder} - Recursos"; "General settings" = "Configuración general"; "Notify participants" = "Notificar a los participantes"; "Browser notifications" = "Notificaciones del navegador"; "Notification settings" = "Configuración de las notificaciones"; "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification." = "Seleccione las actividades para las que desea recibir un correo electrónico o una notificación automática."; "Push" = "Empujar"; "Mentions" = "Menciones"; "I've been mentionned in a comment under an event" = "Me han mencionado en un comentario en un evento"; "I've been mentionned in a group discussion" = "Me han mencionado en una discusión grupal"; "An event I'm going to has been updated" = "Se ha actualizado un evento al que voy a asistir"; "An event I'm going to has posted an announcement" = "Un evento al que voy a asistir ha publicado un anuncio"; "An event I'm organizing has a new pending participation" = "Un evento que estoy organizando tiene una nueva participación pendiente"; "An event I'm organizing has a new participation" = "Un evento que estoy organizando tiene una nueva participación"; "An event I'm organizing has a new comment" = "Un evento que estoy organizando tiene un comentario nuevo"; "Group activity" = "Actividad de grupo"; "An event from one of my groups has been published" = "Se ha publicado un evento de uno de mis grupos"; "An event from one of my groups has been updated or deleted" = "Se actualizó o eliminó un evento de uno de mis grupos"; "A discussion has been created or updated" = "Se ha creado o actualizado una discusión"; "A post has been published" = "Se ha publicado una publicación"; "A post has been updated" = "Se ha actualizado una publicación"; "A resource has been created or updated" = "Traducción"; "A member requested to join one of my groups" = "Un miembro solicitó unirse a uno de mis grupos"; "A member has been updated" = "Un miembro ha sido actualizado"; "User settings" = "Ajustes de usuario"; "You changed your email or password" = "Cambiaste tu correo electrónico o contraseña"; "Move resource to the root folder" = "Mover recurso a la carpeta raíz"; "Share this group" = "Comparte este grupo"; "This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Este grupo es accesible solo a través de su enlace. Tenga cuidado donde publica este enlace."; "{count} members" = "Sin miembros|Un miembro|{count}miembros"; "Share" = "Cuota"; "Update app" = "Actualización de la app"; "Ignore" = "Ignorar"; "A new version is available." = "Una nueva version esta disponible."; "An error has occured while refreshing the page." = "Ha ocurrido un error al actualizar la página."; "Join group {group}" = "Unirse al grupo {group}"; "Public preview" = "Vista previa pública"; "On {instance} and other federated instances" = "En {instance} y otras instancias federadas"; "Error while subscribing to push notifications" = "Error al suscribirse a notificaciones push"; "Unsubscribe to browser push notifications" = "Cancelar la suscripción a las notificaciones push del navegador"; "Activate browser push notifications" = "Activar notificaciones push del navegador"; "You can't use push notifications in this browser." = "No puede usar notificaciones push en este navegador."; "Send notification e-mails" = "Enviar correos electrónicos de notificación"; "Announcements and mentions notifications are always sent straight away." = "Las notificaciones de anuncios y menciones siempre se envían de inmediato."; "Weekly email summary" = "Resumen de correo electrónico semanal"; "Receive one email for each activity" = "Reciba un correo electrónico por cada actividad"; "Error while updating participation status inside this browser" = "Error al actualizar el estado de participación dentro de este navegador"; "We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue." = "No pudimos guardar su participación dentro de este navegador. No se preocupe, ha confirmado con éxito su participación, simplemente no pudimos guardar su estado en este navegador debido a un problema técnico."; "This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled." = "Esta instancia no tiene habilitadas las notificaciones push."; "enable the feature" = "habilitar la función"; "Ask your instance admin to {enable_feature}." = "Pídale al administrador de su instancia que {enable_feature}."; "Event URL" = "URL del evento"; "Copy URL to clipboard" = "Copiar URL al portapapeles"; "Group URL" = "URL de grupo"; "View less" = "Ver menos"; "View more" = "Ver más"; "Breadcrumbs" = "Migajas"; "Other actions" = "Otras acciones"; "Only group moderators can create, edit and delete events." = "Solo los moderadores de grupo pueden crear, editar y eliminar eventos."; "+ Create a post" = "+ Crear una publicación"; "Edited {relative_time} ago" = "Editado hace {relative_time}"; "Members-only post" = "Publicación solo para miembros"; "This post is accessible only for members. You have access to it for moderation purposes only because you are an instance moderator." = "Esta publicación es accesible solo para miembros. Tiene acceso a él con fines de moderación solo porque es un moderador de instancia."; "Find or add an element" = "Encuentra o agrega un elemento"; "e.g. Accessibility, Twitch, PeerTube" = "p.ej. Accesibilidad, Twitch, PeerTube"; "Add new…" = "Agregar nuevo…"; "No results for {search}" = "No hay resultados para {search}"; "Wheelchair accessibility" = "Accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas"; "Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair" = "Si el evento es accesible con silla de ruedas"; "Not accessible with a wheelchair" = "No accesible con silla de ruedas"; "Partially accessible with a wheelchair" = "Parcialmente accesible con silla de ruedas"; "Fully accessible with a wheelchair" = "Totalmente accesible con silla de ruedas"; "Smoke free" = "Libre de humos"; "Whether smoking is prohibited during the event" = "En caso de estar prohibido fumar durante el evento"; "Smoking allowed" = "Fumar está permitido"; "YouTube replay" = "Reproducción de YouTube"; "The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" = "La URL donde se puede volver a ver el evento en vivo una vez finalizado"; "Twitch replay" = "Repetición de Twitch"; "PeerTube replay" = "Repetición de PeerTube"; "PeerTube live" = "PeerTube en vivo"; "The URL where the event can be watched live" = "La URL donde se puede ver el evento en vivo"; "Twitch live" = "Twitch en vivo"; "YouTube live" = "YouTube en vivo"; "Event metadata" = "Metadatos de eventos"; "Framadate poll" = "Encuesta Framadate"; "The URL of a poll where the choice for the event date is happening" = "La URL de una encuesta en la que se realiza la elección de la fecha del evento"; "View account on {hostname} (in a new window)" = "Ver cuenta en {hostname} (en una nueva ventana)"; "Twitter account" = "Cuenta de Twitter"; "A twitter account handle to follow for event updates" = "Un identificador de cuenta de Twitter a seguir para actualizaciones de eventos"; "Fediverse account" = "Cuenta Fediverse"; "A fediverse account URL to follow for event updates" = "Una URL de cuenta de fediverse a seguir para actualizaciones de eventos"; "Element title" = "Título del elemento"; "Element value" = "Valor del elemento"; "Subtitles" = "Subtítulos"; "Whether the event live video is subtitled" = "Si el video en vivo del evento está subtitulado"; "The event live video contains subtitles" = "El video en vivo del evento contiene subtítulos"; "The event live video does not contain subtitles" = "El video en vivo del evento no contiene subtítulos"; "Sign Language" = "Lenguaje de señas"; "Whether the event is interpreted in sign language" = "Si el evento se interpreta en lenguaje de señas"; "The event has a sign language interpreter" = "El evento cuenta con intérprete de lengua de signos"; "The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter" = "El evento no tiene intérprete de lenguaje de señas"; "Online ticketing" = "Venta de entradas en línea"; "An URL to an external ticketing platform" = "Una URL a una plataforma de venta de entradas externa"; "Price sheet" = "Hoja de precios"; "A link to a page presenting the price options" = "Un enlace a una página que presenta las opciones de precio"; "Integrate this event with 3rd-party tools and show metadata for the event." = "Integre este evento con herramientas de terceros y muestre metadatos para el evento."; "This URL doesn't seem to be valid" = "Esta URL no parece ser válida"; "Schedule" = "Calendario"; "A link to a page presenting the event schedule" = "Un enlace a una página que presenta el calendario del evento"; "Accessibility" = "Accesibilidad"; "Live" = "En directo"; "Replay" = "Repetición"; "Tools" = "Herramientas"; "Social" = "Social"; "Details" = "Detalles"; "Booking" = "Reservacion"; "Filter by profile or group name" = "Filtrar por perfil o nombre de grupo"; "Filter by name" = "Filtrar por nombre"; "Redirecting in progress…" = "Redirección en progreso…"; "Zoom in" = "Zoom adelante"; "Zoom out" = "Zoom atras"; "Show me where I am" = "Muéstrame donde estoy"; "Video Conference" = "Video conferencia"; "Jitsi Meet" = "Jitsi Meet"; "The Jitsi Meet video teleconference URL" = "La URL de la videoconferencia de Jitsi Meet"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service https://zoom.us It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Zoom" = "Zoom"; "The Zoom video teleconference URL" = "La URL de la video teleconferencia de Zoom"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Microsoft https://teams.microsoft.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Microsoft Teams" = "Microsoft Teams"; "The Microsoft Teams video teleconference URL" = "La URL de la video teleconferencia de Microsoft Teams"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Google Meet" = "Google Meet"; /* This is the proprietary video-conference service from Google https://meet.google.com It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "The Google Meet video teleconference URL" = "La URL de la videoconferencia de Google Meet"; /* This is the open-source video-conference service https://bigbluebutton.org It shouldn't be translated unless it makes sense in your language. */ "Big Blue Button" = "Big Blue Button"; "The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL" = "La URL de la videoconferencia de Big Blue Button"; // Etherpad is an open-source service like a light Google Docs: https://etherpad.org "Etherpad notes" = "Notas de Etherpad"; "The URL of a pad where notes are being taken collaboratively" = "La URL de un bloc donde se toman notas de forma colaborativa"; /* An etherpad URL. If you know some public instances from organisations that operate in your language, please use those as a template instead of framapad.org. The last part of the URL should be modified in your language to make the user understand what changes. */ "https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/some-secret-token" = "https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/algun-signo-secreto"; "Failed to get location." = "No se pudo obtener la ubicación."; "The geolocation prompt was denied." = "Se denegó el aviso de geolocalización."; "Your position was not available." = "Tu puesto no estaba disponible."; "Geolocation was not determined in time." = "La geolocalización no se determinó a tiempo."; "Underline" = "Subrayar"; "Heading Level 1" = "Nivel de encabezado 1"; "Heading Level 2" = "Nivel de encabezado 2"; "Heading Level 3" = "Nivel de encabezado 3"; "Add link" = "Añadir enlace"; "Remove link" = "Remover enlace"; "Add picture" = "Añade una foto"; "Bullet list" = "Lista de puntos"; "Ordered list" = "Lista ordenada"; "Quote" = "Cita"; "Undo" = "Deshacer"; "Redo" = "Rehacer"; "Clear address field" = "Borrar campo de dirección"; "Filter" = "Filtrar"; "Choose the source of the instance's Terms" = "Elija la fuente de los Términos de la instancia"; "Choose the source of the instance's Privacy Policy" = "Elija la fuente de la Política de privacidad de la instancia"; "Update discussion title" = "Actualizar el título de la discusión"; "Cancel discussion title edition" = "Cancelar la edición del título de la discusión"; "Previous month" = "Mes anterior"; "When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "Cuando el evento sea privado, deberá compartir el enlace."; "Decrease" = "Disminución"; "Increase" = "Incrementar"; "Who can post a comment?" = "¿Quién puede publicar un comentario?"; "Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?" = "¿El evento necesita ser confirmado más tarde o se cancela?"; "When the post is private, you'll need to share the link around." = "Cuando la publicación sea privada, deberá compartir el enlace."; "Reset" = "Reiniciar"; "Local time ({timezone})" = "Hora local ({timezone})"; "Local times ({timezone})" = "Horas locales ({timezone})"; "Time in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Hora en tu zona horaria ({timezone})"; "Export" = "Exportar"; "Times in your timezone ({timezone})" = "Horarios en tu zona horaria ({timezone})"; "Comment body" = "Cuerpo del comentario"; "Event description body" = "Cuerpo de descripción del evento"; "Event timezone will default to the timezone of the event's address if there is one, or to your own timezone setting." = "La zona horaria del evento se establecerá de forma predeterminada en la zona horaria de la dirección del evento, si la hay, o en su propia configuración de zona horaria."; "Clear timezone field" = "Borrar campo de zona horaria"; "Group description body" = "Cuerpo de descripción de grupo"; "Moderation logs" = "Registros de moderación"; "Post body" = "Cuerpo de la publicación"; "{group} posts" = "{group} publicaciones"; "{group}'s todolists" = "Trabajos pendientes de {group}"; "Validating email" = "Validando correo electrónico"; "Redirecting to Mobilizon" = "Redirigiendo a Mobilizon"; "Reset password" = "Restablecer la contraseña"; "First steps" = "Primeros pasos"; "Validating account" = "Validando cuenta"; "Navigated to {pageTitle}" = "Navegó a {pageTitle}"; "Confirm participation" = "Confirmar participación"; "Participation with account" = "Participación con cuenta"; "Participation without account" = "Participación sin cuenta"; "Unlogged participation" = "Participación no registrada"; "Discussions list" = "Lista de discusiones"; "Create discussion" = "Crear discusión"; "Tag search" = "Búsqueda de etiquetas"; "Homepage" = "Página de inicio"; "About instance" = "Acerca de la instancia"; "Privacy" = "Vida privada"; "Interact" = "Interactuar"; "Account settings" = "Configuración de la cuenta"; "Admin dashboard" = "Panel de administración"; "Admin settings" = "Ajustes de administración"; "Group profiles" = "Perfiles de grupo"; "Reports list" = "Lista de informes"; "Create identity" = "Crear identidad"; "Resent confirmation email" = "Reenviar correo electrónico de confirmación"; "Send password reset" = "Enviar restablecimiento de contraseña"; "Email validate" = "Validar correo electrónico"; "Skip to main content" = "Saltar al contenido principal"; "{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})" = "{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})"; "Back to top" = "Volver arriba"; "Powered by Mobilizon" = "Desarrollado por Mobilizon"; "The event is fully online" = "El evento está completamente en línea"; "Follow" = "Seguir"; "Cancel follow request" = "Cancelar la solicitud de seguimiento"; "Unfollow" = "Dejar de seguir"; "your notification settings" = "tu configuración de notificaciones"; "You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}." = "Recibirás notificaciones sobre la actividad pública de este grupo según% {notification_settings}."; "Online" = "En línea"; "That you follow or of which you are a member" = "Que sigues o del que eres miembro"; "{number} seats left" = "Quedan {number} asientos"; "Published by {name}" = "Publicado por {name}"; "Share this post" = "Compartir esta publicacion"; "This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link." = "Esta publicación es accesible solo a través de su enlace. Tenga cuidado donde publica este enlace."; "Post URL" = "URL de publicación"; "Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted." = "¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta publicación? Esta acción no se puede revertir."; "Attending" = "Asistiendo"; "From my groups" = "De mis grupos"; "You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?" = "No tienes ningún evento próximo. ¿Quizás probar con otro filtro?"; "Leave group" = "Salir del grupo"; "Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone." = "¿Está seguro de que desea abandonar el grupo {groupName}? Perderás el acceso al contenido privado de este grupo. Esta acción no se puede deshacer."; "Upcoming events from your groups" = "Próximos eventos de sus grupos"; "Accessible only by link" = "Accesible solo por enlace"; "Report this post" = "Reportar esta publicación"; "Post {eventTitle} reported" = "Publicación {eventTitle} informada"; "You have attended {count} events in the past." = "No ha asistido a ningún evento en el pasado. |Ha asistido a un evento en el pasado. |Ha asistido a {count} eventos en el pasado."; "Showing events starting on" = "Mostrando eventos que comienzan el"; "Showing events before" = "Mostrando eventos antes"; "Clear date filter field" = "Borrar el campo del filtro de fecha"; "{count} members or followers" = "Sin miembros ni seguidores|Un miembro o seguidor|{count} miembros o seguidores"; "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete." = "Este perfil es de otra instancia, la información que se muestra aquí puede estar incompleta."; "View full profile" = "Ver todo el perfil"; "Any type" = "Cualquier tipo"; "In person" = "En persona"; "In the past" = "En el pasado"; "Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL." = "Solo los usuarios registrados pueden obtener eventos remotos de su URL."; "Moderate new members" = "Miembros nuevos moderados"; "Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership." = "Cualquiera puede solicitar ser miembro, pero un administrador debe aprobar la adesión."; "Cancel membership request" = "Cancelar solicitud de adesión"; "group's upcoming public events" = "próximos eventos públicos del grupo"; "access to the group's private content as well" = "acceso al contenido privado del grupo también"; "Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts." = "Seguir al grupo te permitirá estar informado de los {group_upcoming_public_events}, mientras que unirte al grupo significa que {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, incluidas las discusiones grupales, los recursos del grupo y las publicaciones solo para miembros."; "The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator." = "Ahora cualquiera puede unirse al grupo, pero los nuevos miembros deben ser aprobados por un administrador."; "You approved {member}'s membership." = "Aprobó la membresía de {member}."; "Your membership was approved by {profile}." = "Su adesión fue aprobada por {profile}."; "{profile} approved {member}'s membership." = "{profile} aprobó la adesión de {member}."; "You rejected {member}'s membership request." = "Rechazaste la solicitud de adesión de {member}."; "{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request." = "{profile} rechazó la solicitud de membresía de {member}."; "Send" = "Enviar"; "Approve member" = "Aprobar miembro"; "Reject member" = "Rechazar miembro"; "The membership request from {profile} was rejected" = "Se rechazó la solicitud de adesión de {profile}"; "The member was approved" = "El miembro fue aprobado"; "Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo." = "Los correos electrónicos generalmente no contienen mayúsculas, asegúrese de no haber cometido un error tipográfico."; "To follow groups and be informed of their latest events" = "Seguir grupos y estar informado de sus últimos eventos"; "No group member found" = "No se encontró ningún miembro del grupo"; "This group was not found" = "No se encontró este grupo"; "Back to group list" = "Volver a la lista de grupos"; "This profile was not found" = "No se encontró este perfil"; "Back to profile list" = "Volver a la lista de perfiles"; "This user was not found" = "Este usuario no se encontró"; "Back to user list" = "Volver a la lista de usuarios"; "Stop following instance" = "Dejar de seguir la instancia"; "Follow instance" = "Seguir instancia"; "Accept follow" = "Aceptar seguir"; "Reject follow" = "Rechazar seguir"; "This instance doesn't follow yours." = "Esta instancia no sigue a la tuya."; "Only Mobilizon instances can be followed" = "\n \n"; "Follow a new instance" = "Seguir una nueva instancia"; "Follow status" = "Seguir estado"; "All" = "Todos"; "Following" = "Siguientes"; "Followed" = "Seguidos"; "Followed, pending response" = "Seguido, pendiente de respuesta"; "Follows us" = "nos sigue"; "Follows us, pending approval" = "Nos sigue, pendiente de aprobación"; "No instance found." = "No se encontró ninguna instancia."; "No instances match this filter. Try resetting filter fields?" = "Ninguna instancia coincide con este filtro. ¿Intentar restablecer los campos de filtro?"; "You haven't interacted with other instances yet." = "Aún no has interactuado con otras instancias."; "mobilizon-instance.tld" = "mobilizon-instance.tld"; "Report status" = "Informe de estado"; "access the corresponding account" = "acceder a la cuenta correspondiente"; "Organized events" = "Eventos organizados"; "Memberships" = "Miembros"; "This profile is located on this instance, so you need to {access_the_corresponding_account} to suspend it." = "Este perfil se encuentra en esta instancia, por lo que debe {access_the_corresponding_account} para suspenderlo."; "Total number of participations" = "Número total de participaciones"; "Uploaded media total size" = "Tamaño total de medios cargados"; "0 Bytes" = "0 Bytes"; "Change email" = "Cambiar e-mail"; "Confirm user" = "Confirmar usuario"; "Change role" = "Cambiar rol"; "The user has been disabled" = "El usuario ha sido deshabilitado"; "This user doesn't have any profiles" = "Este usuario no tiene ningún perfil"; "Edit user email" = "Editar correo electrónico de usuario"; "Change user email" = "Cambiar correo de usuario"; "Previous email" = "Email anterior"; "Notify the user of the change" = "Notificar al usuario del cambio"; "Change user role" = "Cambiar rol de usuario"; "Suspend the account?" = "¿Suspender la cuenta?"; "Do you really want to suspend this account? All of the user's profiles will be deleted." = "¿Realmente quieres suspender esta cuenta? Se eliminarán todos los perfiles de usuario."; "Suspend the account" = "Suspender la cuenta"; "No user matches the filter" = "Ningún usuario coincide con el filtro"; "new{'@'}email.com" = "nuevo{'@'}email.com"; "Other users with the same email domain" = "Otros usuarios con el mismo dominio de correo electrónico"; "Other users with the same IP address" = "Otros usuarios con la misma dirección IP"; "IP Address" = "Dirección IP"; "Last seen on" = "Visto por última vez en"; "No user matches the filters" = "Ningún usuario coincide con los filtros"; "Reset filters" = "Restablecer filtros"; "Category" = "Categoría"; "Select a category" = "Seleccione una categoría"; "Any category" = "Cualquier categoría"; "We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service." = "Recopilamos sus comentarios y la información de error para mejorar este servicio."; "What happened?" = "¿Qué pasó?"; "I've clicked on X, then on Y" = "He hecho clic en X, luego en Y"; "Send feedback" = "Enviar comentarios"; "Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway." = "Lo sentimos, no pudimos guardar sus comentarios. No se preocupe, intentaremos solucionar este problema de todos modos."; "return to the homepage" = "Vuelve a la página inicial"; "Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!" = "¡Muchas gracias, sus comentarios fueron enviados!"; "You may also:" = "También puedes:"; "You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}." = "Ahora puede cerrar esta página o {return_to_the_homepage}."; "This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations." = "Este grupo es un grupo remoto, es posible que la instancia original tenga más información."; "View the group profile on the original instance" = "Ver el perfil del grupo en la instancia original"; "View past events" = "Ver eventos pasados"; "Get informed of the upcoming public events" = "Infórmese de los próximos eventos públicos"; "Join" = "Unirse"; "Become part of the community and start organizing events" = "Forma parte de la comunidad y empieza a organizar eventos"; "Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Las solicitudes de seguimiento serán aprobadas por un moderador del grupo"; "Follow request pending approval" = "Seguir solicitud pendiente de aprobación"; "Your membership is pending approval" = "Su membresía está pendiente de aprobación"; "Activate notifications" = "Activar notificaciones"; "Deactivate notifications" = "Activar notificaciones"; "Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator" = "Las solicitudes de membresía serán aprobadas por un moderador del grupo"; "Geolocate me" = "Geolocalízame"; "Events nearby {position}" = "Eventos cercanos a {posición}"; "View more events around {position}" = "Ver más eventos alrededor {position}"; "Popular groups nearby {position}" = "Grupos populares cercanos {position}"; "View more groups around {position}" = "Ver más grupos alrededor {position}"; "Photo by {author} on {source}" = "Foto tomada por {author} en {source}"; "Online upcoming events" = "Próximos eventos en línea"; "View more online events" = "Ver más eventos en línea"; "Owncast" = "Owncast"; "{count} events" = "{count} eventos"; "Categories" = "Categorías"; "Category illustrations credits" = "Categoría ilustraciones créditos"; "Illustration picture for “{category}” by {author} on {source} ({license})" = "Imagen de ilustración para “{category}\" tomada por {author} en {source} ({license})"; "View all categories" = "Mostrar todas las categorías"; "{instanceName} ({domain})" = "{instanceName} ({domain})"; "This instance, {instanceName}, hosts your profile, so remember its name." = "Esta instancia, {instanceName}, aloja su perfil, así que recuerde su nombre."; "Keyword, event title, group name, etc." = "Palabra clave, título del evento, nombre del grupo, etc."; "Go!" = "¡Vamos!"; "Explore!" = "¡Explora!"; "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance" = "Únase a {instance}, una instancia de Mobilizon"; "Open user menu" = "Abrir menú de usuario"; "Open main menu" = "Abrir menú principal"; "{'@'}{username} ({role})" = "{'@'}{username} ({role})"; "This is like your federated username ({username}) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique." = "Este es como su nombre de usuario federado ({username}) para grupos Permitirá que el grupo se encuentre en la federación y se garantiza que sea único."; "Confirm" = "Confirmar"; "Published events with {comments} comments and {participations} confirmed participations" = "Eventos publicados con {comments} comentarios y {participations} participaciones confirmadas"; "Ex: someone{'@'}mobilizon.org" = "Ej: alguien{'@'}mobilizon.org"; "Group members" = "Miembros del grupo"; "e.g. Nantes, Berlin, Cork, …" = "p.ej. Nantes, Berlín, Cork,…"; "find, create and organise events" = "buscar, crear y organizar eventos"; "tool designed to serve you" = "herramienta diseñada para servirle"; "multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites" = "multitud de sitios web de Mobilizon interconectados"; "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you {find_create_organize_events}." = "Mobilizon es una herramienta que te ayuda {find_create_organize_events}."; "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Period." = "Alternativa ética a los eventos, grupos y páginas de Facebook, Mobilizon es una {tool_designed_to_serve_you}. Período."; "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}." = "Mobilizon no es una plataforma gigante, sino una {multitude_of_interconnected_mobilizon_websites}."; "translation" = " "; "detail" = " "; "Events close to you" = "Eventos cerca de ti"; "Popular groups close to you" = "Grupos populares cerca de ti"; "View more events" = "Ver más eventos"; "Hide filters" = "Ocultar filtros"; "Show filters" = "Aplicar filtros"; "Online events" = "Eventos en línea"; "Event date" = "Fecha del evento"; "Distance" = "Distancia"; "{numberOfCategories} selected" = "{numberOfCategories} seleccionado"; "Event status" = "Fecha del evento"; "Statuses" = "Estatutos"; "Languages" = "Idiomas"; "{numberOfLanguages} selected" = "{numberOfLanguages} seleccionados"; "Apply filters" = "Aplicar filtros"; "Any distance" = "Cualquier distancia"; "{number} kilometers" = "{número} kilómetros"; "The pad will be created on {service}" = "El pad se creará en {service}"; "The calc will be created on {service}" = "El cálculo se creará en {service}"; "The videoconference will be created on {service}" = "La videoconferencia se creará en {service}"; "Search target" = "Objetivo de búsqueda"; "In this instance's network" = "En la red de esta instancia"; "On the Fediverse" = "En la Fediversa"; "Report reason" = "Ver más eventos"; "Reported content" = "Contenido denunciado"; "No results found" = "Ningún resultado encontrado"; "{eventsCount} events found" = "No se encontraron eventos|Se encontró un evento|{eventsCount} eventos encontrados"; "{eventsCount} activities found" = "{eventsCount} activities found"; "{groupsCount} groups found" = "No se encontraron grupos|Se encontró un grupo|{groupsCount} grupos encontrados"; "{resultsCount} results found" = "No se encontraron resultados|En resultado encontrado|{resultsCount} resultados encontrados"; "Loading map" = "Cargando mapa"; "Sort by" = "Ordenar por"; "Map" = "Mapa"; "List" = "Lista"; "Best match" = "Mejor coincidencia"; "Most recently published" = "Más recientemente publicado"; "Least recently published" = "Más antiguamente publicado"; "With the most participants" = "Con la mayor cantidad de participantes"; "Number of members" = "Número de miembros"; "More options" = "Mas opciones"; "Reported by someone anonymously" = "Reportado por alguien de forma anónima"; "Back to homepage" = "Volver a la página de inicio"; "Category list" = "Lista de categoría"; "No categories with public upcoming events on this instance were found." = "No se encontraron categorías con próximos eventos públicos en esta instancia."; "Theme" = "Tema"; "Adapt to system theme" = "Adaptarse al tema del sistema"; "Light" = "Claro"; "Dark" = "Oscuro"; "Write a new comment" = "Escribe un nuevo comentario"; "Write a new reply" = "Escribe una nueva respuesta"; "Write a new message" = "Escribe un nuevo mensaje"; "Write something" = "Escribe algo"; "Message body" = "Cuerpo del mensaje"; "Describe your event" = "Describe tu evento"; "A few lines about your group" = "Unas líneas sobre tu grupo"; "Write your post" = "Escribe tu publicación"; "Suggestions:" = "Sugerencias:"; "Make sure that all words are spelled correctly." = "Asegúrese de que todas las palabras estén escritas correctamente."; "Try different keywords." = "Pruebe diferentes palabras clave."; "Try more general keywords." = "Prueba palabras clave más generales."; "Try fewer keywords." = "Pruebe con menos palabras clave."; "Change the filters." = "Cambia los filtros."; "No results found for {search}" = "No se han encontrado resultados para {buscar}"; "No events found for {search}" = "No se encontraron eventos para {buscar}"; "No groups found for {search}" = "No se encontraron grupos para {buscar}"; "No event found at this address" = "No se encontró ningún evento en esta dirección"; "I have an account on {instance}." = "Tengo una cuenta en {instancia}."; "profile{'@'}instance" = "profile{'@'}instance"; "My federated identity ends in {domain}" = "Mi identidad federada termina en {dominio}"; "Close map" = "Close map"; "On foot" = "On foot"; "By bike" = "By bike"; "By transit" = "By transit"; "By car" = "By car"; "Select all resources" = "Select all resources"; "Select this resource" = "Select this resource"; "You can add resources by using the button above." = "You can add resources by using the button above."; "{user}'s follow request was accepted" = "{user}'s follow request was accepted"; "{user}'s follow request was rejected" = "{user}'s follow request was rejected"; "Report as spam" = "Report as spam"; "Report as ham" = "Report as ham"; "Report as undetected spam" = "Report as undetected spam"; "The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet." = "The report contents (eventual comments and event) and the reported profile details will be transmitted to Akismet."; "Submit to Akismet" = "Submit to Akismet"; "Autorize this application to access your account?" = "Autorize this application to access your account?"; "This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust." = "This application will be able to access all of your informations and post content. Make sure you only approve applications you trust."; "Authorize application" = "Authorize application"; "Authorize" = "Authorize"; "You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings." = "You'll be able to revoke access for this application in your account settings."; "Read all of your account's data" = "Read all of your account's data"; "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …" = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, …"; "Modify all of your account's data" = "Modify all of your account's data"; "This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events, participate to events"; "Publish events" = "Publish events"; "This application will be allowed to publish events" = "This application will be allowed to publish events"; "Update events" = "Update events"; "This application will be allowed to update events" = "This application will be allowed to update events"; "Delete events" = "Delete events"; "This application will be allowed to delete events" = "This application will be allowed to delete events"; "Upload media" = "Upload media"; "This application will be allowed to upload media" = "This application will be allowed to upload media"; "Remove uploaded media" = "Remove uploaded media"; "This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media" = "This application will be allowed to remove uploaded media"; "Publish group posts" = "Publish group posts"; "This application will be allowed to publish group posts" = "This application will be allowed to publish group posts"; "Update group posts" = "Update group posts"; "This application will be allowed to update group posts" = "This application will be allowed to update group posts"; "Delete group posts" = "Delete group posts"; "This application will be allowed to delete group posts" = "This application will be allowed to delete group posts"; "Access your group's resources" = "Access your group's resources"; "This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access all of the groups you're a member of"; "Create group resources" = "Create group resources"; "This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to create resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Update group resources" = "Update group resources"; "This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to update resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Delete group resources" = "Delete group resources"; "This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to delete resources in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group events" = "Access group events"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group events in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group discussions" = "Access group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group discussions in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group members" = "Access group members"; "This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group members in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group followers" = "Access group followers"; "This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list group followers in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group activities" = "Access group activities"; "This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to access group activities in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access group todo-lists" = "Access group todo-lists"; "This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and access group todo-lists in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Manage group memberships" = "Manage group memberships"; "This application will be allowed to join and leave groups" = "This application will be allowed to join and leave groups"; "Manage group members" = "Manage group members"; "This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to manage group members in all of the groups you're a member of"; "Access organized events" = "Access organized events"; "This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your organized events"; "Access participations" = "Access participations"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the events you're participating to"; "Access group memberships" = "Access group memberships"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're a member of"; "Access followed groups" = "Access followed groups"; "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following" = "This application will be allowed to list and view the groups you're following"; "Create new profiles" = "Create new profiles"; "This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account" = "This application will be allowed to create new profiles for your account"; "Update profiles" = "Update profiles"; "This application will be allowed to update your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to update your profiles"; "Delete profiles" = "Delete profiles"; "This application will be allowed to delete your profiles" = "This application will be allowed to delete your profiles"; "Post comments" = "Post comments"; "This application will be allowed to post comments" = "This application will be allowed to post comments"; "Update comments" = "Update comments"; "This application will be allowed to update comments" = "This application will be allowed to update comments"; "Delete comments" = "Delete comments"; "This application will be allowed to delete comments" = "This application will be allowed to delete comments"; "Create group discussions" = "Create group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to create group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to create group discussions"; "Update group discussions" = "Update group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to update group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to update group discussions"; "Delete group discussions" = "Delete group discussions"; "This application will be allowed to delete group discussions" = "This application will be allowed to delete group discussions"; "Create feed tokens" = "Create feed tokens"; "This application will be allowed to create feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to create feed tokens"; "Delete feed tokens" = "Delete feed tokens"; "This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens" = "This application will be allowed to delete feed tokens"; "Manage event participations" = "Manage event participations"; "This application will be allowed to manage events participations" = "This application will be allowed to manage events participations"; "Manage activity settings" = "Manage activity settings"; "This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account activity settings"; "Manage push notification settings" = "Manage push notification settings"; "This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings" = "This application will be allowed to manage your account push notification settings"; "Apps" = "Apps"; "Device activation" = "Device activation"; "Application not found" = "Application not found"; "The provided application was not found." = "The provided application was not found."; "Your application code" = "Your application code"; "You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes." = "You need to provide the following code to your application. It will only be valid for a few minutes."; "Enter the code displayed on your device" = "Enter the code displayed on your device"; "Continue" = "Continue"; "The device code is incorrect or no longer valid." = "The device code is incorrect or no longer valid."; "These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access." = "These apps can access your account through the API. If you see here apps that you don't recognize, that don't work as expected or that you don't use anymore, you can revoke their access."; "Last used on {last_used_date}" = "Last used on {last_used_date}"; "Never used" = "Never used"; "Authorized on {authorization_date}" = "Authorized on {authorization_date}"; "Revoke" = "Revoke"; "Application was revoked" = "Application was revoked"; "Create a new metadata element" = "Create a new metadata element"; "You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable." = "You can put any arbitrary content in this element. URLs will be clickable."; "You can try another search term or add the address details manually below." = "You can try another search term or add the address details manually below."; "Manually enter address" = "Manually enter address"; "You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location" = "You can drag and drop the marker below to the desired location"; "This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect." = "This application didn't ask for known permissions. It's likely the request is incorrect."; "This application asks for the following permissions:" = "This application asks for the following permissions:"; "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups." = "This application will be allowed to see all of your events organized, the events you participate to, as well as every data from your groups."; "This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings." = "This application will be allowed to publish and manage events, post and manage comments, participate to events, manage all of your groups, including group events, resources, posts and discussions. It will also be allowed to manage your account and profile settings."; "No apps authorized yet" = "No apps authorized yet"; "You have been logged-out" = "You have been logged-out"; "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely." = "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely."; "Announcements" = "Announcements"; "Application authorized" = "Application authorized"; "Check your device to continue. You may now close this window." = "Check your device to continue. You may now close this window."; "Participants to {eventTitle}" = "Participants to {eventTitle}"; "Read user media" = "Read user media"; "This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded" = "This application will be allowed to list the media you've uploaded"; "Read user settings" = "Read user settings"; "This application will be allowed to access your user settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user settings"; "Read user activity settings" = "Read user activity settings"; "This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings" = "This application will be allowed to access your user activity settings"; "Read user participations" = "Read user participations"; "Read user memberships" = "Read user memberships"; "Access drafts events" = "Access drafts events"; "This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events" = "This application will be allowed to list and view your draft events"; "Access group suggested events" = "Access group suggested events"; "This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events" = "This application will be allowed to list your suggested group events"; "{profile} joined the the event {event}." = "{profile} joined the the event {event}."; "You joined the event {event}." = "You joined the event {event}."; "An anonymous profile joined the event {event}." = "An anonymous profile joined the event {event}."; "Delete event and resolve report" = "Delete event and resolve report"; "No content found" = "No content found"; "Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator" = "Maybe the content was removed by the author or a moderator"; "This will also resolve the report." = "This will also resolve the report."; "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead." = "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator and ask them to edit their event instead."; "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone." = "Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This action cannot be undone."; "Delete comment and resolve report" = "Delete comment and resolve report"; "Delete comment" = "Delete comment"; "Event deleted and report resolved" = "Event deleted and report resolved"; "Event deleted" = "Event deleted"; "Comment deleted and report resolved" = "Comment deleted and report resolved"; "Comment under event {eventTitle}" = "Comment under event {eventTitle}"; "Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted." = "Do you really want to suspend this profile? All of the profiles content will be deleted."; "There will be no way to restore the profile's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the profile's data!"; "Suspend the profile" = "Suspend the profile"; "The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:" = "The following user's profiles will be deleted, with all their data:"; "Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?" = "Do you really want to suspend the account « {emailAccount} » ?"; "There will be no way to restore the user's data!" = "There will be no way to restore the user's data!"; "User suspended and report resolved" = "User suspended and report resolved"; "Profile suspended and report resolved" = "Profile suspended and report resolved"; "{profileName} (suspended)" = "{profileName} (suspended)"; "Reported by an unknown actor" = "Reported by an unknown actor"; "Reported at" = "Reported at"; "Updated at" = "Updated at"; "Suspend the profile?" = "Suspend the profile?"; "Go to booking" = "Go to booking"; "External registration" = "External registration"; "I want to manage the registration with an external provider" = "I want to manage the registration with an external provider"; "External provider URL" = "External provider URL"; "Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts." = "Members will also access private sections like discussions, resources and restricted posts."; "With unknown participants" = "With unknown participants"; "With {participants}" = "With {participants}"; "Conversations" = "Conversations"; "New private message" = "New private message"; "There's no conversations yet" = "There's no conversations yet"; "Open conversations" = "Open conversations"; "List of conversations" = "List of conversations"; "Conversation with {participants}" = "Conversation with {participants}"; "Delete this conversation" = "Delete this conversation"; "Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?" = "Are you sure you want to delete this entire conversation?"; "This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers." = "This is a announcement from the organizers of event {event}. You can't reply to it, but you can send a private message to event organizers."; "You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group" = "You have access to this conversation as a member of the {group} group"; "Comment from an event announcement" = "Comment from an event announcement"; "Comment from a private conversation" = "Comment from a private conversation"; "I've been mentionned in a conversation" = "I've been mentionned in a conversation"; "New announcement" = "New announcement"; "This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you." = "This announcement will be send to all participants with the statuses selected below. They will not be allowed to reply to your announcement, but they can create a new conversation with you."; "The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:" = "The following participants are groups, which means group members are able to reply to this conversation:"; "Sent to {count} participants" = "Sent to {count} participants"; "There's no announcements yet" = "There's no announcements yet"; "Your participation is being cancelled" = "Your participation is being cancelled"; "Error while cancelling your participation" = "Error while cancelling your participation"; "Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect." = "Either your participation has already been cancelled, either the validation token is incorrect."; "Your participation has been cancelled" = "Your participation has been cancelled"; "Return to the event page" = "Return to the event page"; "Cancel participation" = "Cancel participation"; "Add a recipient" = "Add a recipient"; "Announcements for {eventTitle}" = "Announcements for {eventTitle}"; "Visit {instance_domain}" = "Visit {instance_domain}"; "Software details: {software_details}" = "Software details: {software_details}"; "Only instances with an application actor can be followed" = "Only instances with an application actor can be followed"; "Domain or instance name" = "Domain or instance name"; "You need to enter a text" = "You need to enter a text"; "Error while adding tag: {error}" = "Error while adding tag: {error}"; "From this instance only" = "From this instance only";