/* (7) (30) ($delay) (config('max_delay') */ "%1 days" = "%1 أيام"; // ($total) "%1 sent images on this instance from beginning." = "تم إرسال %1 صورة على مثيل الخادوم هذا منذ البداية."; "-or-" = "-أو-"; "1 year" = "سنة واحدة"; "24 hours" = "24 ساعة"; ": Error while trying to get the counter." = ": طرأ هناك خطأ أثناء محاولة إستعادة العداد."; "About" = "عن البرنامج"; "Active images" = "الصور النشطة"; "An error occured while downloading the image." = "طرأ هناك خطأ أثناء عملية تنزيل الصورة."; "Archives download" = "تنزيل الأرشيف"; "Are you sure you want to delete the image ${short}?" = "Are you sure you want to delete the image ${short}?"; "Back to homepage" = "العودة إلى الصفحة الرئيسية"; "Click to open the file browser" = "إضغط لفتح مدير الملفات"; "Close" = "إغلاق"; "Close (Esc)" = "إغلاق (Esc)"; "Contributors" = "المساهمون"; "Copied to clipboard" = "تم نسخه إلى الحافظة"; "Copy all view links to clipboard" = "أنسخ كافة روابط العرض إلى الحافظة"; "Copy to clipboard" = "أنسخ إلى الحافظة"; "Counter" = "العداد"; "Delay repartition chart for disabled images" = "Delay repartition chart for disabled images"; "Delay repartition chart for enabled images" = "المنحنى البياني للتوزيع الزمني للصور النشطة"; "Delete at first view?" = "هل تود حذف الصورة مباشرة بعد أول عرض ؟"; "Delete selected images" = "Delete selected images"; "Deleted images" = "الصور المحذوفة"; "Deleted images in 30 days" = "الصور المحذوفة منذ 30 يوما"; "Deletion link" = "رابط الحذف"; "Download all images" = "تنزيل كافة الصور"; "Download link" = "رابط التنزيل"; "Download zip link" = "رابط التنزيل كحزمة مضغوطة"; "Drag & drop images here" = "إسحب ثم القي الصور هنا"; "Drag and drop an image in the appropriate area or use the traditional way to send files and Lutim will provide you four URLs. One to view the image, an other to directly download it, one you can use on social networks and a last to delete the image when you want." = "إسحب ثم القي صورة ما على المساحة المخصصة لذلك أو قم باستخدام الأسلوب المعتاد لإرسال الملفات و سيقوم لوتان بعدها بتوفير أربع روابط. رابط لعرض الصورة و آخر لتنزيل الصورة مباشرة و آخر يمكنكم إستخدامه على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي و أخيرا رابط آخر يمكّنكم من حذف الصورة إن شئتم."; "Encrypt the image (Lutim does not keep the key)." = "قم بتعمية و تشفير الصورة (لوتان Lutim لا يحتفظ بالمفتاح)."; "Error while trying to modify the image." = "طرأ هناك خطأ أثناء عملية تعديل الصورة."; "Evolution of total files" = "تطور العدد الإجمالي للملفات"; "Expires at" = "تنتهي مدة صلاحيتها في"; "Export localStorage data" = "تصدير بيانات localStorage"; "File name" = "إسم الملف"; "For more details, see the homepage of the project." = "For more details, see the homepage of the project."; "Fork me!" = "قم بتشعيبي !"; "Gallery link" = "رابط المعرض"; "Hit Ctrl+C, then Enter to copy the short link" = "إضغط على CTRL+C ثم على مفتاح الإدخال للقيام بنسخ الرابط القصير"; "Homepage" = "الصفحة الرئيسية"; "How do you pronounce Lutim?" = "كيف يُنطق Lutim ؟"; "How does it work?" = "كيف يشتغل ؟"; "How to report an image?" = "كيف يتم الإبلاغ عن صورة ما ؟"; "If the files are deleted if you ask it while posting it, their SHA512 footprint are retained." = "إذا تم حذف الملفات و إن قمت بطلب ذلك أثناء الإرسال سوف نقوم بالإحتفاظ ببصمات SHA512 الخاصة بالصور."; "Image URL" = "رابط الصورة"; "Image delay" = "تأجيل الصورة"; "Image deleted" = "تم حذف الصورة"; "Image not found." = "الصورة غير موجودة."; "Import localStorage data" = "استيراد بيانات localStorage"; "Informations" = "معلومات"; "Install webapp" = "نتصيب برنامج الويب"; "Instance's statistics" = "إحصائيات مثيل الخادوم"; "Is it really anonymous?" = "هل يدعم حقا التخفي ؟"; "Is it really free (as in free beer)?" = "هل هو مجاني (كما في عبارة مشروب مجاني) ؟"; "Keep EXIF tags" = "الإبقاء على بيانات EXIF"; "Language" = "اللغة"; "Let's go!" = "هيا بنا !"; "License:" = "الرخصة :"; "Link for share on social networks" = "رابط للمشاركة على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي"; "Login" = "تسجيل الدخول"; "Logout" = "الخروج"; "Lutim can't zip so many images at once, so it splitted your demand in multiple URLs." = "ليس بمقدور لوتان ضغط العديد من الصور في آن واحد، لذا قام بتقطيع طلبك على شكل عدةروابط."; "Lutim is a free (as in free beer) and anonymous image hosting service. It's also the name of the free (as in free speech) software which provides this service." = "لوتيم أو Lutim خدمة مجانية ومجهولة لاستضافة الصور. ويعني كذلك اسم البرنامج الحر الموفّر لهذه الخدمة."; "Main developers" = "المطورون الرئيسيون"; "Markdown syntax" = "صيغة ماركداون"; "Modify expiration delay" = "تعديل تاريخ نهاية الصلاحية"; "My images" = "صوري"; "Next (arrow right)" = "التالي (السهم إلى اليمين)"; "No limit" = "غير محدود"; "No watermark" = "No watermark"; "Only images are allowed" = "لا يُسمح إلّا بإستضافة الصور"; "Only the images sent with this browser will be listed here. The details are stored in localStorage: if you delete your localStorage data, you'll loose these details." = "Only the images sent with this browser will be listed here. The details are stored in localStorage: if you delete your localStorage data, you'll loose these details."; "Only the uploader! (well, only if he's the only owner of the images' rights before the upload)" = "Only the uploader! (well, only if he's the only owner of the images' rights before the upload)"; "Password" = "الكلمة السرية"; "Please click on each URL to download the different zip files." = "يُرجى النقر على كل عنوان لتنزيل الملفات المضغوطة zip المختلفة."; // (config('contact') "Please contact the administrator: %1" = "يرجى الإتصال بالمدير : %1"; "Please, check your credentials: unable to authenticate." = "يرجى التحقق مِن مُعرّفاتك : تعذر الإستيثاق."; "Previous (arrow left)" = "Previous (arrow left)"; "Random image link" = "رابط إلى صورة عشوائية"; "Raw stats" = "الإحصائيات الخامة"; "Save changes" = "حفظ التعديلات"; "Send an image" = "إرسال صورة"; "Signin" = "انشاء حساب"; "Single watermark" = "Single watermark"; "Something bad happened" = "طرأ هناك خلل"; // ($c->config('contact') "Something went wrong when creating the zip file. Try again later or contact the administrator (%1)." = "Something went wrong when creating the zip file. Try again later or contact the administrator (%1)."; "Sorry, the API is disabled" = "Sorry, the API is disabled"; "The IP address of the image's sender is retained for a delay which depends of the administrator's choice (for the official instance, which is located in France, it's one year)." = "The IP address of the image's sender is retained for a delay which depends of the administrator's choice (for the official instance, which is located in France, it's one year)."; "The Lutim software is a free software, which allows you to download and install it on you own server. Have a look at the AGPL to see what you can do." = "The Lutim software is a free software, which allows you to download and install it on you own server. Have a look at the AGPL to see what you can do."; "The URL is not valid." = "الرابط غير صالح."; "The automatic download process will open a tab in your browser for each link. You need to allow popups for Lutim." = "The automatic download process will open a tab in your browser for each link. You need to allow popups for Lutim."; "The data has been successfully imported." = "تم استيراد البيانات بنجاح."; "The delete token is invalid." = "رمز الحذف غير صالح."; // ($upload->filename) "The file %1 is not an image." = "الملف %1 ليس صورة."; /* ($tx->res->max_message_size) ($c->req->max_message_size) (config('max_file_size') */ "The file exceed the size limit (%1)" = "لقد تجاوز حجم الملف حد (%1)"; "The graph's datas are not updated in real-time." = "المنحنيات البيانية للبيانات لا يتم تحديثها آنيا."; // ($image->filename) "The image %1 has already been deleted." = "لقد تم حذف الصورة %1 مِن قَبل."; // ($image->filename) "The image %1 has been successfully deleted" = "تم حذف الصورة %1 بنجاح"; "The images are encrypted on the server (Lutim does not keep the key)." = "إنّ الصور مشفّرة ومُعمّاة على الخادم (لا يقوم Lutim بالإحتفاظ بالمفتاح)."; "The images you post on Lutim can be stored indefinitely or be deleted at first view or after a delay selected from those proposed." = "The images you post on Lutim can be stored indefinitely or be deleted at first view or after a delay selected from those proposed."; "The image’s delay has been successfully modified" = "تم تعديل مهلة الصورة بنجاح"; /* ('https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutin') */ "The way you pronounce the French word lutin (/ly.tɛ̃/)." = "يُنطق مِثل الكلمة الفرنسية lutin (/ly.tɛ̃/)."; "There is XXXX image(s) in the gallery" = "There is XXXX image(s) in the gallery"; // ($c->config->{contact}) "There is no more available URL. Retry or contact the administrator. %1" = "لم يعد هناك أي رابط متوفّر. الرجاء إعادة المحاولة أو الإتصال بالمدير. %1"; "Tiling watermark" = "Tiling watermark"; "Toggle fullscreen" = "الإنتقال إلى وضع الشاشة الكامل"; "Toggle navigation" = "توسيع شريط التصفّح"; "Total" = "العدد الإجمالي"; "Tweet it!" = "غرِّد الرابط!"; "Unable to copy to clipboard" = "لم يمكن النسخ إلى الحافطة"; // ($short) "Unable to find the image %1." = "تعذر العثور على الصورة %1."; "Unable to find the image: it has been deleted." = "تعذر العثور على الصورة : لقد تم حذفها."; "Unable to get counter" = "تعذر جلب التعداد"; "Unlike many image sharing services, you don't give us rights on uploaded images." = "Unlike many image sharing services, you don't give us rights on uploaded images."; "Upload an image with its URL" = "القيام برفع صورة بواسطة رابطها"; "Uploaded at" = "تم رفعها على"; "Uploaded files by days" = "الملفات المستضافة بحسب الأيام"; // ($c->app->config('contact') "Uploading is currently disabled, please try later or contact the administrator (%1)." = "لقد تمّ تعليق تحميل الصور حاليا ، يرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقا أو الإتصال بالمدير (%1)."; "View link" = "عرض الرابط"; "What about the software which provides the service?" = "عن البرنامج الذي يقدم هذه الخدمة؟"; "What is Lutim?" = "ماذا نقصد بـ Lutim؟"; "Who owns rights on images uploaded on Lutim?" = "من يمتلك حق ملكية الصور المستضافة على Lutim ؟"; "Yes, it is! On the other side, for legal reasons, your IP address will be stored when you send an image. Don't panic, it is normally the case of all sites on which you send files!" = "Yes, it is! On the other side, for legal reasons, your IP address will be stored when you send an image. Don't panic, it is normally the case of all sites on which you send files!"; "Yes, it is! On the other side, if you want to support the developer, you can do it via Tipeee or via Liberapay." = "Yes, it is! On the other side, if you want to support the developer, you can do it via Tipeee or via Liberapay."; "You asked to download a zip archive for too much files." = "You asked to download a zip archive for too much files."; "You can, optionally, request that the image(s) posted on Lutim to be deleted at first view (or download) or after the delay selected from those proposed." = "You can, optionally, request that the image(s) posted on Lutim to be deleted at first view (or download) or after the delay selected from those proposed."; "You have been successfully logged in." = "تم تسجيل دخولك بنجاح."; "You have been successfully logged out." = "تم تسجيل خروجك بنجاح."; "Zoom in/out" = "تكبير/تصغير"; "and on" = "وكذا على"; "arabic translation" = "الترجمة إلى العربية"; "core developer" = "المطور الرئيسي"; "no time limit" = "من دون قيد زمني"; "occitan translation" = "الترجمة إلى الأوكستانية"; "on" = "على"; "paste image to upload ability" = "إمكانية لصق الصورة قصد إرسالها"; "russian translation" = "الترجمة إلى الروسية"; "spanish translation" = "الترجمة إلى الإسبانية"; "webapp developer" = "مطور تطبيق الويب";