/* ($delay) (max_delay) */ "%1 days" = "%1 天"; // (stash('auth_user') "%1 invites you to send him/her files" = "%1 邀请您给他发送文件"; // (stash('auth_user') "%1 invites you to send him/her files through Lufi." = "%1 邀请您通过 Lufi 给他发送文件。"; // (stash('invitation') "%1 sent you files" = "%1 向您发送了一个文件"; // (stash('invitation') "%1 used your invitation to send you files:" = "%1 通过邀请向您发送了文件:"; "%A %d %B %Y at %T" = "%A %d %B %Y %T"; "(max size: XXX)" = "(大小上限:XXX)"; "1 year" = "1 年"; "24 hours" = "24 小时"; ":" = ":"; "Abort" = "中止"; "About" = "关于"; "Add a password to file(s)" = "为文件设置密码"; "Adding URLs not related to this Lufi instance to the mail body or subject is prohibited." = "严禁将与此 Lufi 实例无关的网址加入到邮件正文或主题中。"; "Are you sure you want to delete the selected invitations?" = "您确定要删除选中的邀请吗?"; "Are you sure you want to resend the invitation mail for the selected invitations?" = "您确定要为选中的邀请重新发送邮件吗?"; "As Lufi is a free software licensed under of the terms of the AGPLv3, you can install it on you own server. Have a look on the Wiki for the procedure." = "Lufi 是基于 AGPLv3 协议的自由软件,您可以将其安装在自己的服务器上。请查看 Wiki 以了解详细信息。"; // (stash('nbslices') "Asking for file part XX1 of %1" = "正在请求文件第 XX1 / %1 部分"; "Back to homepage" = "回到主页"; "Bad CSRF token!" = "损坏的 CSRF 令牌!"; "Bad CSRF token." = "错误的 CSRF 令牌。"; "Click here to refresh the page and restart the download." = "点击这里刷新页面并重新下载。"; "Click on the following URL to upload files on Lufi:" = "点击此链接上传文件到 Lufi:"; "Click to open the file browser" = "点击打开文件浏览器"; "Close" = "关闭"; "Comma-separated email addresses" = "电子邮件地址,以逗号分隔"; "Compressing zip file…" = "正在压缩为 zip 文件…"; "Copy all links to clipboard" = "复制所有链接到剪贴板"; "Copy to clipboard" = "复制到剪贴板"; "Could not delete the file. You are not authenticated." = "无法删除文件。您尚未认证。"; "Could not find the file. Are you sure of the URL and the token?" = "找不到文件。您确定网址及令牌无误吗?"; "Could not find the file. Are you sure of the URL?" = "找不到文件。您确定网址无误吗?"; "Counter" = "下载次数"; "Create a zip archive with the files before uploading?" = "在上传前先将文件压缩成 zip 格式?"; "Created at" = "创建时间"; "Delete" = "删除"; "Delete at first download?" = "第一次下载后删除?"; "Delete selected files" = "删除选中文件"; "Deletion link" = "删除链接"; "Don't worry: if a user begins to download the file before the expiration and the download ends after the expiration, he will be able to get the file." = "无需担心:如果用户在失效前开始下载,并在失效后才下载完毕,他仍然能取得该文件。"; // [to download], it's on a button "Download" = "下载"; "Download aborted." = "下载已中止。"; "Download link" = "下载链接"; "Drag and drop files in the appropriate area or use the traditional way to send files and the files will be chunked, encrypted and sent to the server. You will get two links per file: a download link, that you give to the people you want to share the file with and a deletion link, allowing you to delete the file whenever you want." = "拖动文件到指定区域或通过传统方式发送文件,文件会被分块、加密然后发送到服务器。每一个文件都会产生一条下载链接,用于分享给其他人下载文件,和一条删除链接,用于随时删除该文件。"; "Drop files here" = "拖动文件到这里"; "Email address of your guest" = "邀请对象的电子邮件地址"; "Email body" = "邮件正文"; "Email subject" = "邮件主题"; "Emails" = "电子邮件"; "Encrypting part XX1 of XX2" = "正在加密第 XX1 / XX2 部分"; "Error: the file existed but was deleted." = "错误:文件存在但已被删除。"; "Error: the file has not been sent entirely." = "错误:文件尚未完整发送。"; "Error: unable to find the file. Are you sure of your URL?" = "错误:找不到文件。您确定网址无误吗?"; "Expiration:" = "有效期至:"; "Expire at" = "有效期至"; "Expires at" = "有效期至"; "Export localStorage data" = "导出本地存储数据"; "File deleted" = "文件已删除"; "File downloaded" = "文件已下载"; "File name" = "文件名称"; "File uploaded" = "文件已上传"; "Files" = "文件"; "Files deleted at first download" = "文件已在第一次下载后删除"; "Files sent at" = "文件发送自"; "Files sent in invitation XX1 by XX2" = "文件由 XX2 通过 XX1 邀请发送"; "Get the file" = "获取文件"; // ('https://framagit.org/fiat-tux/hat-softwares/lufi', 'https://github.com/ldidry/lufi') "Get the source code on the official repository or on its Github mirror" = "在官方仓库Github 镜像上获取源代码"; "Guest mail" = "邀请对象邮件"; // (ucfirst(stash('invitation') "Hello %1," = "您好 %1,"; "Hello," = "您好,"; "Hello,\n\nHere's some files I want to share with you:\n" = "您好,\\n\\n我希望与您分享一些文件:\\n"; "Here's some files" = "与您分享的文件"; "Hide hidden invitations" = "不显示隐藏的邀请"; "Hit Enter, then Ctrl+C to copy all the download links" = "按下回车键,然后按 Ctrl+C 复制所有下载链接"; "Hit Enter, then Ctrl+C to copy the download link" = "按下回车键,然后按 Ctrl+C 复制下载链接"; "How does it work?" = "它如何运作?"; "How many days would you like the invitation to be valid?" = "您希望邀请的有效期限为多少天?"; "How to install the software on my server?" = "怎样在我的服务器上安装此软件?"; "How to report an illegal file?" = "怎样举报非法文件?"; "If you choose a delay, the file will be deleted after that delay." = "如果您选择了有效期,则文件会在有效期限后删除。"; "If you send the mail from this server, the links will be sent to the server, which may lower your privacy protection." = "如果您从此服务器寄出邮件,那么链接将会被发送到此服务器上,这会减弱您的隐私防护。"; "Import localStorage data" = "导入本地存储数据"; "Important: more information on delays" = "重要:关于有效期的更多信息"; "Information about delays" = "有效期信息"; "Invert selection" = "反向选择"; // ($i->guest_mail, $url) "Invitation resent to %1.
URL: %2" = "重新寄给 %1 的邀请。
网址:%2"; // ($invitation->guest_mail, $url) "Invitation sent to %1.
URL: %2" = "寄给 %1 的邀请。
网址:%2"; "Invite a guest" = "邀请对象"; "It seems that the key in your URL is incorrect. Please, verify your URL." = "您网址包含的密钥似乎不正确。请检查您的网址。"; "Javascript is disabled. You won't be able to use Lufi." = "Javascript 被禁用。您无法使用 Lufi。"; "Language" = "语言"; // (sprintf('%s', stash('version') "Latest commit of this instance: %1" = "这个实例最近一次提交:%1"; // (sprintf('%s', stash('version') "Latest tag of this instance: %1" = "这个实例最近一个标签:%1"; "Login" = "登录"; "Logout" = "注销"; "Lufi is a free (as in free speech) file hosting software." = "Lufi 是一款自由的文件托管软件。"; "Lufi recently changed its way to store files information.\n\nNo files have been found in the new localStorage location but we found files in the old one.\nDo you want to import those informations?\n\nPlease note that this is the only time that we will ask you this." = "Lufi 最近变更了保存文件信息的方式。\\n\\n在新的本地存储数据中找不到文件,但在旧的数据中发现文件。\\n您是否想导入这些信息?\\n\\n请注意我们只会问您一次这个问题。"; "Mail" = "寄信"; "My files" = "我的文件"; "My invitations" = "我的邀请"; "NB: this list includes the list of files that have already been sent to you." = "注意:这份列表包含发送给您的文件。"; "Name of the zip file" = "Zip 压缩文件的名称"; // (format_bytes($json->{size}) "No enough space available on the server for this file (size: %1)." = "服务器没有足够的空间存放此文件(大小:%1)。"; "No expiration delay" = "不设有效期"; "Only the files sent with this browser will be listed here. This list is stored in localStorage: if you delete your localStorage data, you'll lose this list." = "只有经当前浏览器发送的文件会被列在这里。这份列表仅存储在本地:若您删除了本地存储数据,就会丢失此列表。"; "Password" = "密码"; // (config('contact') "Please contact the administrator: %1" = "请联系管理员:%1"; "Please wait while we are getting your file. We first need to download and decrypt all parts before you can get it." = "请耐心等候,在您收到文件之前我们先要下载并解密文件的所有部分。"; "Please, check your credentials or your right to access this service: unable to authenticate." = "请检查您的凭据或对于此服务的访问权限:无法验证身份。"; "Privacy" = "隐私"; "Purge expired files from localStorage" = "清除本地存储数据中的过期文件"; "Regards," = "祝好,"; "Regards." = "祝好。"; "Report file" = "举报文件"; "Resend invitation mail" = "重新发送邀请邮件"; "Rows in purple mean that the invitations have expired." = "紫色行表示邀请已经过期。"; "Rows in red mean that the files have expired and are no longer available." = "红色行表示文件已经过期,无法再获取。"; "Send all links by email" = "通过电子邮件发送所有链接"; "Send the invitation" = "发送邀请"; "Send with this server" = "通过此服务器发送"; "Send with your own mail software" = "通过您自己的邮件软件发送"; "Sending part XX1 of XX2. Please, be patient, the progress bar can take a while to move." = "正在发送第 XX1 / XX2 部分。请耐心等候,进度条可能需要一点时间才会变化。"; // (url_for('/') "Share your files in total privacy on %1" = "在 %1 私密地分享您的文件"; "Show hidden invitations" = "显示隐藏的邀请"; "Show zip content" = "显示 zip 文件内容"; "Signin" = "登录"; "Sorry, the invitation doesn’t exist. Are you sure you are on the right URL?" = "抱歉,邀请不存在。您确定网址无误吗?"; "Sorry, the uploading is currently disabled. Please try again later." = "抱歉,上传暂时被禁用。请稍后再试。"; "Sorry, uploading is disabled." = "抱歉,上传被禁用。"; "Sorry, your invitation has expired or has been deleted." = "抱歉,您的邀请已过期或已被删除。"; // ($invit->auth_user_mail) "Sorry, your invitation has expired or has been deleted. Please contact %1 to have another invitation." = "抱歉,您的邀请已过期或已被删除。请联系 %1 获取新邀请。"; // ($invitation->auth_user_mail) "The URLs of your files have been sent by email to %1." = "您的文件网址已通过电子邮件发送给 %1。"; "The administrator can only see the file's name, its size and its mimetype (what kind of file it is: video, text, etc.)." = "管理员只能够看到文件的名称、大小以及媒体类型(视频、文本文件等)。"; "The body of the mail must contain at least one URL pointing to a file hosted on this instance." = "邮件正文至少要包含一个网址指向托管在当前实例的文件。"; "The data has been successfully imported." = "已成功导入数据。"; "The email body can't be empty." = "邮件正文不能为空。"; "The email subject can't be empty." = "邮件主题不能为空。"; // ($expire_at, $max_expire_at) "The expiration delay (%1) is not between 1 and %2 days." = "有效期(%1)不在 1 到 %2 天之间。"; "The file has already been deleted" = "文件已经被删除"; "The files uploaded on a Lufi instance are encrypted before the upload to the server: the administrator of the server can not see the file's content." = "上传到 Lufi 实例的文件在上传之前会先加密:服务器管理员无法查看文件内容。"; // (join(', ', @bad) "The following email addresses are not valid: %1" = "下列电子邮件地址无效:%1"; // ($guest_mail) "The guest email address (%1) is unvalid." = "邀请对象的电子邮件地址(%1)无效。"; // ($i->token, $c->current_user->{username}) "The invitation %1 can’t be deleted: it wasn’t created by you (%2)." = "邀请 %1 无法被删除:它并非由您(%2)创建。"; // ($i->token, $i->guest_mail) "The invitation %1 can’t be resent: %2 has already sent files.
Please create a new invitation." = "邀请 %1 无法重新发送:%2 已经发送文件。
请创建一份新邀请。"; // ($i->token, $c->current_user->{username}) "The invitation %1 can’t be resent: it wasn’t created by you (%2)." = "邀请 %1 无法重新发送:它并非由您(%2)创建。"; // ($i->token) "The invitation %1 has been deleted." = "邀请 %1 已被删除。"; // (stash('user_mail') "The invitation mail will be send from your email address (%1)." = "邀请邮件会从您的电子邮件地址(%1)发出。"; "The link(s) has been copied to your clipboard" = "链接已经复制到您的剪贴板"; // (stash('invitation') "The link(s) of your file(s) will automatically be sent by mail to %1 (%2)" = "您的文件链接会自动通过邮件发送给 %1(%2)"; // (stash('auth_user') "The links of your file(s) will automatically be sent by mail to %1." = "您的文件的链接会自动通过邮件发送给 %1。"; "The mail has been sent." = "邮件已发送。"; "The original (and only for now) author is Luc Didry." = "最初(亦是至今唯一)的作者为 Luc Didry。"; "The server was unable to find the file record to add your file part to. Please, contact the administrator." = "服务器找不到相应的文件记录来加入您的文件块。请联系管理员。"; "This file has been deactivated by the admins. Contact them to know why." = "此文件已被管理员封禁。请联系他们了解详细信息。"; "This invitation is normally hidden" = "此邀请通常会被隐藏"; // (stash('expires') "This invitation is valid until %1." = "此邀请会一直有效直到 %1。"; "This server sets limitations according to the file size. The expiration delay of your file will be the minimum between what you choose and the following limitations:" = "此服务器根据文件大小设置了上限。文件的有效期会被设置为您所选取选项与该上限间两者的最小值:"; "Toggle visibility" = "开关隐藏邀请"; "URL" = "网址"; "Unable to copy the link(s) to your clipboard" = "无法复制链接到您的剪贴板"; "Unable to download the file: too much unsuccessful attempts to open a websocket. Please, contact the administrator." = "无法下载文件:多次尝试开启 websocket 失败。请联系管理员。"; // ($short) "Unable to get counter for %1. The file does not exists. It will be removed from your localStorage." = "无法获取 %1 的下载次数。该文件不存在。其将会从您的本地存储数据中移除。"; // ($short) "Unable to get counter for %1. The token is invalid." = "无法获取 %1 的下载次数。令牌无效。"; // ($short) "Unable to get counter for %1. You are not authenticated." = "无法获取 %1 的下载次数。您尚未验证身份。"; "Upload files" = "上传文件"; "Upload generated zip file" = "上传生成的 zip 压缩文件"; "Uploaded at" = "上传时间"; "Uploaded files" = "已上传文件"; "Version" = "版本"; "Websocket communication error" = "Websocket 通信错误"; "What is Lufi?" = "Lufi 是什么?"; "Who wrote this software?" = "谁编写了这个软件?"; "XXX file has been added to upload queue." = "XXX 文件已被加入上传队列。"; "You can invite someone to send you files through this Lufi instance even if they don’t have an account on it." = "您可以邀请其他人通过此 Lufi 实例给您发送文件,而不需要注册帐号。"; "You can see the list of your files by clicking on the \"My files\" link at the top right of this page." = "您可以点击「我的文件」选项查看您的文件列表。"; // ($orig_uri) "You can't add URLs that are not related to this instance (%1)." = "您无法添加与当前实例无关的网址(%1)。"; "You can't add URLs that are not related to this instance." = "您无法添加与当前实例无关的网址。"; "You don't need to register yourself to upload files but be aware that, for legal reasons, your IP address will be stored when you send a file. Don't panic, this is normally the case for all sites on which you send files." = "您无需注册即可上传文件,但需要注意,鉴于法律原因,在发送文件时您的 IP 地址会被记录。不必担忧,通常所有允许您发送文件的网站都会这样做。"; "You don't seem to have a key in your URL. You won't be able to decrypt the file. Download canceled." = "您的网址似乎没有包含密钥。您无法解密此文件。下载已取消。"; "You have attempted to leave this page. The download will be canceled. Are you sure?" = "您正试图离开此页面。下载将会被取消。您确定要这样做?"; "You have attempted to leave this page. The upload will be canceled. Are you sure?" = "您正试图离开此页面。上传将会被取消。您确定要这样做?"; "You have been successfully logged out." = "您已成功注销。"; "You must give email addresses." = "您必须填写电子邮件地址。"; "Your browser does not have enough entropy to generate a strong encryption key. Please wait (it's better if you do things on your computer while waiting)." = "您的浏览器没有足够的信息熵来生成高强度密钥。请耐心等候(最好在等待时用电脑做点其它事情)。"; // (format_bytes($json->{size}) "Your file is too big: %1 (maximum size allowed: %2)" = "您的文件太大:%1(大小上限:%2)"; "Your password is not valid. Please refresh the page to retry." = "您的密码无效。请刷新页面重新尝试。"; "Zip content:" = "Zip 文件内容:"; // (format_bytes($keys[$i]) "between %1 and %2, the file will be kept %3 day(s)." = "在 %1 至 %2 之间,文件会保留 %3 天。"; // (format_bytes($keys[$i]) "between %1 and %2, the file will be kept forever." = "在 %1 至 %2 之间,文件会永久保留。"; "deadline: " = "有效期至: "; "expires on XXX" = "在 XXX 到期"; // (format_bytes($keys[$i]) "for %1 and more, the file will be kept %2 day(s)" = "在 %1 及以上,文件会保留 %2 天"; // (format_bytes($keys[$i]) "for %1 and more, the file will be kept forever." = "在 %1 及以上,文件会永久保留。"; "no time limit" = "没有时间限制"; "or" = "或"; // ($e->{name}, format_bytes($e->{size}) "— %1 (%2), that will expire on %3" = "— %1(%2),会在 %3 到期";