"P123" = "publisher";
"P136" = "genre";
"P1412" = "language of expression";
"P407" = "language";
"P577" = "date of publication";
"P629" = "edition of";
"P921" = "main subject";
"accepted_timeline_action" = "%{username} accepted your request";
"active_transactions_count" = "you have **%{smart_count}** [ongoing transaction](%{href}) |||| you have **%{smart_count}** [ongoing transactions](%{href})";
"activity summary" = "activity summary";
"activity_summary_meta" = "Your activity summaries are sent every %{periodicity} days. You can change this periodicity or even disable those emails in your [email notifications settings](%{settingsHref}). If there is anything you would like to see appear in those activity summaries, you can send your suggestions by replying to this email";
"activity_summary_title" = "Your activity summary";
"and_x_more_books_to_inventory" = "and [%{itemsLength} more](%{link})";
"author_has_new_work" = "A new work has been attributed: [%{subjectLabel}](%{subjectUrl})";
"cancelled_timeline_action" = "%{username} cancelled the transaction";
"collection_has_new_edition" = "A new edition has been added: [%{subjectLabel}](%{subjectUrl})";
"confirmed_timeline_action" = "%{username} confirmed to have received the book";
"create_items_activity" = "New book";
"declined_timeline_action" = "%{username} declined your request";
"did you know?" = "did you know?";
"did_you_know_1" = "If your friends aren't on inventaire.io yet, you can [invite them by email](https://inventaire.io/network/users/invite) to start sharing your books inventories!";
"did_you_know_2" = "There are two different text fields on each of your books' page:
- in **details**, anything you write will be visible by anyone who can see the book.
- in **private notes**, everything you write will be visible just by you, whatever the book's visibility settings are";
"did_you_know_4" = "Using a pseudo is perfectly fine on inventaire.io, but if you want people to find you or if you want to invite other users to connect as friends, [make sure you have a profile picture or some presentation text](https://inventaire.io/me) that they can recognize";
"did_you_know_5" = "You can [search Inventaire from your browser search bar](https://wiki.inventaire.io/wiki/Add-Inventaire-to-your-browser-search-engines)";
"email_confirmation_button" = "Confirm your email address";
"email_confirmation_paragraph" = "Please, visit this link so that we can use your email address in the future, knowing it's really yours (to help you reset your password for instance).";
"email_confirmation_subject" = "Welcome on Inventaire.io! Here is the link to confirm your email address";
"email_confirmation_title" = "Thank you %{username} for joining Inventaire!";
"email_invitation_button" = "Sign up and start sharing books with %{username}";
"email_invitation_intro" = "Inventaire is a web application that lets you share the inventory of your books with your friends and communities";
"email_invitation_learn_more" = "Inventaire is a project standing up for better information on resources, which for us means powered by [open knowledge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_knowledge) and [libre software](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software): [learn more on inventaire.io](https://inventaire.io/welcome)";
"email_invitation_message" = "**%{username}'s message:**";
"email_invitation_subject" = "%{username} invited you to share your books on Inventaire.io!";
"email_invitation_user_inventory" = "You can already see %{username}'s public books [here](%{pathname}) but you need an account to have access to all the books %{username} wants to share with you.";
"friend_accepted_request_button" = "go to %{username}'s inventory";
"friend_accepted_request_subject" = "%{username} accepted your friendship request!";
"friendship_request_button" = "go to %{username}'s inventory to accept the invitation";
"friendship_request_subject" = "%{username} invites you to connect your inventories!";
"giving_personalized" = "%{username} is giving it";
"giving_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** is giving it";
"go_to_user_inventory" = "go to %{username}'s inventory";
"group_acceptRequest_button" = "see the books available in the group";
"group_acceptRequest_subject" = "[%{groupName}] your request to join the group has been validated!";
"group_email_invitation_button" = "Sign up and start sharing books with the members of %{groupName}";
"group_email_invitation_subject" = "%{username} invited you to join the group %{groupName} on Inventaire.io!";
"group_invitation_inventory" = "You can already see the books **%{groupName}** members share publicly [here](%{pathname}), but you need an account to have access to all the books the group has to share.";
"group_invite_button" = "go to the group's page to accept or decline the invitation";
"group_invite_subject" = "%{actingUserUsername} invited you to join the group %{groupName}!";
"group_join_request_button" = "Go to group settings to accept or refuse %{requesterUsername}'s request";
"group_join_request_subject" = "%{requesterUsername} requests to join the group %{groupName}";
"inventorying_personalized" = "%{username} has it";
"inventorying_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** has it";
"km_away" = "%{distance} km away";
"last_nearby_books" = "new books in nearby people inventories";
"last_nearby_books_more" = "…and [%{smart_count} more](https://inventaire.io/inventory/nearby)";
"last_network_books" = "new books in your friends' and groups' inventories";
"last_network_books_more" = "…and [%{smart_count} more](https://inventaire.io/inventory/network)";
"lending_personalized" = "%{username} can lend it";
"lending_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** can lend it";
"news" = "news";
"news_4" = "**The new Inventaire interface is here!** You can now browse [inventories](https://inventaire.io/inventory) by authors, genres, or subjects. We also introduced a new display to browse inventories in a more compact way: look for the **Display mode** button, and select **Table**. This Table mode also allows you to **change the visibility or the transaction mode of many of your books at once**, which used to be a painful operation.
More to come!";
"no_activity" = "no activity to display";
"pending_friends_requests_count" = "you have **%{smart_count}** [pending friend request](%{href}) |||| you have **%{smart_count}** [pending friend requests](%{href})";
"pending_group_invitations_count" = "you have **%{smart_count}** [pending group invitation](%{href}) |||| you have **%{smart_count}** [pending group invitations](%{href})";
"pending_group_requests_count" = "there is **%{smart_count}** [request to join a group waiting for your approval](%{href}) |||| there are **%{smart_count}** [requests to join a group waiting for your approval](%{href})";
"publisher_has_new_edition" = "New edition has been attributed: [%{subjectLabel}](%{subjectUrl})";
"requested_timeline_action" = "%{username} made a request";
"reset_password_button" = "Reset your password";
"reset_password_paragraph" = "We received a request to reset the password for your account **%{username}**.
If you made this request, click the button below. If you didn't make this request, you can ignore this email.";
"reset_password_subject" = "Reset your Inventaire password";
"reset_password_title" = "Forgot your Inventaire password?";
"returned_timeline_action" = "%{username} confirmed to have received the book back";
"selling_personalized" = "%{username} is selling it";
"selling_personalized_strong" = "**%{username}** is selling it";
"stop_email_invitations" = "If you don't want to receive emails from us, send an email at [stop-emails@inventaire.io](mailto:stop-emails@inventaire.io?subject=Please%20never%20email%20me%20again&body=I'm%20sorry%20this%20would%20never%20have%20worked%20between%20us.%20Love)";
"stop_email_notifications" = "[change emails settings](https://inventaire.io/settings/notifications). For any problem or question, send an email at: [help@inventaire.io](mailto:help@inventaire.io?subject=Help!&body=Dear%20Inventaire%2C%5Cn%20I%20need%20your%20help%3A)";
"subject_has_new_work" = "A new work has this subject: [%{subjectLabel}](%{subjectUrl})";
"unread_notifications_count" = "you have **%{smart_count}** [unread notification](%{href}) |||| you have **%{smart_count}** [unread notifications](%{href})";
"update_on_item_you_requested_button" = "answer";
"update_on_item_you_requested_subject" = "some news from %{username} about [%{title}](%{link})";
"update_on_item_you_requested_title" = "[%{title}] updates on your request to %{username}";
"update_on_your_item_button" = "answer";
"update_on_your_item_subject" = "some news from %{username} about your book [%{title}](%{link})";
"update_on_your_item_title" = "[%{title}] updates on %{username}'s request";
"user_news" = "Hello %{username}!";
"you_are_welcome_to_reply" = "**you are very welcome to reply to this email** for any question or feedback";
"your_item_was_requested_button" = "answer";
"your_item_was_requested_subject" = "%{username} requested your book [%{title}](%{link})";
"your_item_was_requested_title" = "[%{title}] %{username} requested your book";