"Abuse reports" = "Abuse reports"; "Added to the list" = "Added to the list"; "Comment by %{username}" = "Comment by %{username}"; "Copy URI to clipboard" = "Copy URI to clipboard"; "Display only users with abuse reports" = "Display only users with abuse reports"; "Enlarge image" = "Enlarge image"; "Latest users" = "Latest users"; "Move down" = "Move down"; "Move up" = "Move up"; "Only the entity history for claims stored directly in Inventaire database can be found here. For the rest:" = "Only the entity history for claims stored directly in Inventaire database can be found here. For the rest:"; "P98" = "Editor"; "References" = "References"; "This looks like spam" = "This looks like spam"; "This work is already in the list" = "This work is already in the list"; "Unselect all filters" = "Deselectează toate filtrele"; "cleanup" = "cleanup"; "display_x_links" = "Afișează %{smart_count} link |||| Afișează %{smart_count} link-uri"; "editorial director" = "editorial director"; "invite user to join the group" = "invite user to join the group"; "less details" = "less details"; "parts with ordinal" = "parts with ordinal"; "parts with ordinal conflicts" = "parts with ordinal conflicts"; "parts without ordinal" = "parts without ordinal"; "remove element" = "remove element"; "works_in_this_form" = "works_in_this_form";